952 research outputs found

    REE, Uranium (U) and Thorium (Th) contents in Betula pendula leaf growing around Komsomolsk gold concentration plant tailing (Kemerovo region, Western Siberia, Russia)

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    The article deals with the research findings of peculiarities of REE, Uranium and Thorium distribution in the territory surrounding the tailing of former Komsomolsk gold concentration plant according to the data from Betula pendula leaf testing. In the leaf element composition the slight deficiency of MREE and substantial excess of HREE are presented. In the nearest impacted area around the tailing, La, Yb, U and Th content, and Th/U ratio are lower than in the distant buffer area. It is shown, that value of Th/U ratio and REE can be an indicator for geochemical transformations of technogenic landscapes in mining districts. The results of the research can be used for biomonitoring of the territory around the tailing

    Possibilities of Further Expansion of EEU Through a Prism of Interaction of City Agglomerations in Modern Eurasia

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    This article considers the problems and prospects of further integration of the countries of EEU and a possibility of further expansion through a prism of interaction of city agglomerations. The authors note the increased level of the foreign economic and international relations of certain subjects of the member countries –of the union. The attention is focused on integration opportunities of transformation of agglomerations into incubators of innovations, formation of the uniform urbanized zone, transport and logistic messages and migration processes.     Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, migrations, agglomeration, foreign economic relations, economy, integratio

    Fast forward evolution in heat equation:Tunable heat transport in adiabatic regime

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    We consider the problem of fast forward evolution of the processes described in terms of the heat equation. The matter is considered on an adiabatically expanding time-dependent box. Attention is paid to acceleration of heat transfer processes. So called shortcuts to adiabaticity, implying fast forwarding of the adiabatic states are studied. Heat flux and temperature profiles are analyzed for standard and fast forwarded regimes

    Specifics of Sufi and Islamic terminology use in the poetry of the XIXth century

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    © 2015, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved. This paper studies the specifics of use and function of Sufi vocabulary in Tatar poetry of XIXth century. In the course of research, semantic transformations and stylistic variants of traditional Sufi notions are found. Scientific novelty of this article is in the primary development of the above issue and is determined, first of all, by a new approach to the study of special Sufi vocabulary in poetry of that period. The article also covers the issue of translation of Sufi terms from Arabic to Tatar; Turkic-Tatar variants of some terms are also given. In the analysis of Sufi vocabulary used in Tatar poetry of that period, direct and specific Sufi meanings are detected. In the course of research it was concluded that the use of special Sufi vocabulary constitutes the function of stylistically developed poetic language of Tatar poetry of XIXth century

    Characterising lateral capacitance of MNOSFET with localised trapped charge in nitride layer

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    This paper discusses the limitations of scanning microscope to read localised charge and proposes a viable solution. A 2D simulation and characterisation of the capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the lateral source-base transition of metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MNOSFET) with charge trapped in nitride layer is presented. It is shown that C-V dependence is changed after trapping the localised charge in nitride layer. The change depends on position of the localised trapped charge. An n-channel transistor is considered with acceptor concentration in base of 1016 cm−3. By localising a charge bit with linear size of 80 nm in nitride layer, it is observed that capacitance jump in C-V dependence starts at some bias voltage applied to the source-base transition. This voltage depends on the position of charge bit. This dependence can be used in determining the charge bit position in the nitride layer along channel. To the best of the author’s knowledge, it is one of the most efficient methods in scanning localised charge