4,559 research outputs found

    Long-term operation of a multi-channel cosmic muon system based on scintillation counters with MRS APD light readout

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    A Cosmic Ray Test Facility (CRTF) is the first large-scale implementation of a scintillation triggering system based on a new scintillation technique known as START. In START, the scintillation light is collected and transported by WLS optical fibers, while light detection is performed by pairs of avalanche photodiodes with the Metal-Resistor-Semiconductor structure operated in the Geiger mode (MRS APD). START delivers 100% efficiency of cosmic muon detection, while its intrinsic noise level is less than 10^{-2} Hz. CRTF, consisting of 160 START channels, has been continuously operated by the ALICE TOF collaboration for more than 25 000 hours, and has demonstrated a high level of stability. Fewer than 10% of MRS APDs had to be replaced during this period.Comment: Proceedings of NDIP-2008. 8 pages, 8 figures, 6 reference

    Регенеративный усилитель чирпированных импульсов на кристалле Yb3+:LuAlO3 с усилением отдельных спектральных компонент для применений в терагерцовой области спектра

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    Compact diode-pumped chirped pulse regenerative amplifier systems with pulse repetition rate of hundreds kilohertz based on Yb3+-doped crystals are of practical importance for wide range of applications such as materials processing, medicine, scientific research, etc. The aim of this work was to study the Yb3+:LuAlO3 crystal based dual wavelength chirped pulse regenerative amplifier. Perovskite-like aluminate crystals have unique spectroscopic properties that allowed to use amplifier active element gain spectrum as an amplitude filter for amplified pulse spectrum and even obtained dual wavelength amplification without any additional components. In our work a simple way to obtain dual-wavelength operation of chirped pulse regenerative amplifier by using the active medium gain spectrum as an amplitude filter for the formation of the amplified pulses spectrum demonstrated for the first time to our knowledge. Maximum output power of 5.4 W of chirped pulses (3.8 W after compression) and optical-to-optical efficiency of 22.5 % have been obtained for Yb:LuAP E//b-polarization at 200 kHz repetition rate. Compressed amplified pulse duration was about 708 fs while separate spectral components durations were 643 fs and 536 fs at 1018.3 nm and 1041.1 nm central wavelengths, respectively. Performed investigations show high potential of Yb3+:LuAP crystals as active elements of compact diode pumped chirped pulse regenerative amplifiers

    Высокомощный лазер на кристалле Yb3+:YAlO3, работающий в режиме синхронизации мод на основе полупроводниковых зеркал с насыщающимся поглотителем

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    Yttrium aluminium perovskite YAlO3 (YAP) crystal, doped with rare-earth ions, has been extensively studied as a diode-pumped laser host material. The wide interest to rare-earth ions doped YAP crystals is explained by its good thermal and mechanical properties, high natural birefringence, widely used Czochralski growth method. The aim of this work was to study the Yb3+:YAlO3 crystal as an active medium for high power mode-locked laser. Yb3+-doped perovskite-like aluminate crystals have unique spectroscopic and thermooptical properties that allowed using these crystals as an active medium of high power continuous wave (CW) and modelocked (ML) bulk lasers with diode pumping. In our work spectroscopic properties of Yb:YAP crystal and laser characteristics in CW and ML regimes are investigated. Maximum output power of 4 W with optical-to-optical efficiency of 16.3 % and 140 fs pulse duration have been obtained for Yb:YAP E //c-polarization with 10 % output coupler transmittance. Tunability range as wide as 67 nm confirms high promise of using Yb:YAP crystal for lasers working in wide spectral range

    Lepton Phenomenology of Stueckelberg Portal to Dark Sector

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    We propose an extension of the Standard Model (SM) with a UA(1)U_{A'}(1) gauge invariant Dark Sector connected to the SM via a new portal arising in the framework of dark photon AA' mass generation via Stueckelberg mechanism. This mechanism implies the existence of a scalar field σ\sigma, which is shift-transformed under this group and resembles an axion-like particle (ALP) widely addressed in the literature in different contexts. The effective dim=5 operators constructed of the covariant derivative of the σ\sigma field generate flavor non-diagonal renormalizable couplings of both σ\sigma and AA' to the SM fermions ψ\psi. Contrary to the conventional kinetic mixing portal, in our scenario flavor diagonal AA'-ψ\psi couplings are not proportional to the fermion charges. These features drastically change the phenomenology of dark photon AA' relaxing or avoiding some previously established experimental constraints. We focus on the phenomenology of the described scenario of the Stueckelberg portal in the lepton sector and analyze the contribution of the dark sector fields AA' and σ\sigma to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon (g2)μ(g-2)_{\mu}, Lepton Flavor Violating decays lilkγl_{i}\to l_{k}\gamma and μe\mu-e conversion in nuclei. We obtain limits on the model parameters from the existing experimental data on the corresponding observables.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Integrated chemo- and biostratigraphic calibration of early animal evolution: Neoproterozoic-early Cambrian of southwest Mongolia

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    Five overlapping sections from the thick Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian sediments of western Mongolia were analysed to yield a remarkable carbon-isotope, strontium-isotope and small shellyfossil (SSF) record. Chemostratigraphy suggests that barren limestones of sequences 3 and 4, which lie above the two Maikhan Uul diamictites, are post-Sturtian but pre-Varangerian in age. Limestones and dolomites of sequence 5, with Boxonia grumulosa, have geochemical signatures consistent with a post-Varangerian (Ediacarian) age. A major negative δ13C anomaly (feature ‘W') in sequence 6 lies a shortdistance above an Anabarites trisulcatus Zone SSF asemblage with hexactinellid sponges, of probable late Ediacarian age. Anomaly ‘W' provides an anchor point for cross-correlation charts of carbon isotopes and small shelly fossils. Trace fossil assemblages with a distinctly Cambrian character first appear in sequence 8(Purella Zone), at the level of carbon isotopic feature ‘B', provisionally correlated with the upper part of cycle Z in Siberia. A paradox is found from sequence 10 to 12 in Mongolia: Tommotian-type SSFs continue to appear, accompanied by Nemakit-Daldynian/Tommotian-type 87Sr/86Sr ratios but by increasingly heavyδ13C values that cannot be matched in the Tommotian of eastern Siberia. The steady rate of generic diversification in Mongolia also contrasts markedly with the Tommotian ‘diversity explosion' in eastern Siberia, which occurs just above a major karstic emergence surface. One explanation is that sequences 10 to 12 in Mongolia preserve a pre-Tommotian portion of the fossil record that was missing or removed in easternSiberia. The Mongolian sections certainly deserve an important place in tracing the true course and timing of the ‘Cambrian radiation

    Passive mode locking of a Tm,Ho:KY(WO4)(2) laser around 2 μm

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    We report the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of passive mode locking in a Tm3+, Ho3+-codoped KYWO42 laser operating in the 2000-2060 nm spectral region. An InGaAsSb-based quantum well semiconductor saturable absorber mirror is used for the initiation and stabilization of the ultrashort pulse generation. Pulses as short as 3.3 ps were generated at 2057 nm with average output powers up to 315 mW at a pulse repetition frequency of 132 MHz for 1.15 W of absorbed pump power at 802 nm from a Ti:sapphire laser

    Second virial coefficients of light nuclear clusters and their chemical freeze-out in nuclear collisions

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    Here we develop a new strategy to analyze the chemical freeze-out of light (anti)nuclei produced in high energy collisions of heavy atomic nuclei within an advanced version of the hadron resonance gas model. It is based on two different, but complementary approaches to model the hard-core repulsion between the light nuclei and hadrons. The first approach is based on an approximate treatment of the equivalent hard-core radius of a roomy nuclear cluster and pions, while the second approach is rigorously derived here using a self-consistent treatment of classical excluded volumes of light (anti)nuclei and hadrons. By construction, in a hadronic medium dominated by pions, both approaches should give the same results. Employing this strategy to the analysis of hadronic and light (anti)nuclei multiplicities measured by ALICE at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{NN}} =2.76 TeV and by STAR at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}} =200 GeV, we got rid of the existing ambiguity in the description of light (anti)nuclei data and determined the chemical freeze-out parameters of nuclei with high accuracy and confidence. At ALICE energy the nuclei are frozen prior to the hadrons at the temperature T=175.13.9+2.3T = 175.1^{+2.3}_{-3.9} MeV, while at STAR energy there is a single freeze-out of hadrons and nuclei at the temperature T=167.2±3.9T = 167.2 \pm 3.9 MeV. We argue that the found chemical freeze-out volumes of nuclei can be considered as the volumes of quark-gluon bags that produce the nuclei at the moment of hadronization.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Measurement of Exclusive pi(0) Electroproduction Structure Functions and their Relationship to Transverse Generalized Parton Distributions

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    Exclusive pi(0) electroproduction at a beam energy of 5.75 GeV has been measured with the Jefferson Lab CLAS spectrometer. Differential cross sections were measured at more than 1800 kinematic values in Q(2), x(B), t, and phi(pi), in the Q(2) range from 1.0 to 4.6 GeV2, -t up to 2 GeV2, and x(B) from 0.1 to 0.58. Structure functions sigma(T) + epsilon sigma(L), sigma(TT), and sigma(LT) were extracted as functions of t for each of 17 combinations of Q(2) and x(B). The data were compared directly with two handbag-based calculations including both longitudinal and transversity generalized parton distributions (GPDs). Inclusion of only longitudinal GPDs very strongly underestimates sigma(T) + epsilon sigma(L) and fails to account for sigma(TT) and sigma(LT), while inclusion of transversity GPDs brings the calculations into substantially better agreement with the data. There is very strong sensitivity to the relative contributions of nucleon helicity-flip and helicity nonflip processes. The results confirm that exclusive pi(0) electroproduction offers direct experimental access to the transversity GPDs