7 research outputs found

    Analisis Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah Tahun 2007-2011 di Kota Makassar

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    : This writing to determine the level of development of the financial capacity of Makassar in order to support the implementation of regional autonomy and Local Revenue Contribution to the Budget Revenue and Expenditure Makassar fiscal year 2007-2011. The results of the study, the ratio of the regional of financial independence obtained an average yield of 18.30% on the pattern of relationships are instructive. The ratio of the degree of fiscal decentralization and routine capability index ratio shows the ability of local finance is less, amounting to 15.39% and 24.99%. In harmony ratio, routine expenditure is greater than the gap of development expenditure amounted to 25.60%. The ratio of growth, overall experience negative growth, due to an increase in local revenue and total revenue not followed by construction spending growth, but it is followed by the growth of expenditures. Local Revenue Contribution to the Budget Revenue and Expenditure, still less, amounting to 15,39%. By looking at the results of the analysis, development of the financial ability of the city of Makassar in the implementation of regional autonomy were deemed to be lacking

    Esport sebagai Sumber Soft Power Indonesia: Sosialisasi Kepada Anak Muda

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    Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan membahas mengenai proses dan hasil sosialisasi  terhadap anak muda mengenai esports dan soft power Indonesia. Legasi Asian Games 2018 memunculkan esports sebagai sumber baru yang dapat mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi kreatif sekaligus berpotensi sebagai sumber soft power negara Indonesia. Dukungan anak muda sebagai pilar utama dalam hal ini sangat diharapkan. Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan mereka perlu ditingkatkan melalui kegiatan sosialisasi. Sosialisasi dilaksanakan melalui empat tahap terhadap pelajar SMA di Bandung, yang hasilnya dianalisis secara kualitatif dan dengan bantuan data statistik sederhana. Hasil sosialisasi menunjukkan bahwa para pelajar sasaran menyatakan setuju dan paham akan pentingnya esports sebagai sumber soft power Indonesia. Akan tetapi mereka belum bersedia sepenuhnya terjun ke dunia esports, meskipun akan mendukung pembangunan soft power Indonesia melalui esports. Temuan dari  proses  sosialisasi ini adalah masih terdapat gap antara pengetahuan yang didapat dengan sikap kesediaan dan perilaku yang diharapkan dari subjek sasaran

    Perceptions of parenting styles and their associations with mental health and life satisfaction among urban Indonesian adolescents

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    The study aimed at investigating the association between maternal and paternal parenting styles and psychological well-being among Indonesian adolescents. The Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), and the Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale, were administered to 500 adolescents. We were unable to replicate the three-factor solution of the PAQ using confirmatory factor analysis. The permissive subscale demonstrated poor psychometric properties; it was therefore not included in any further analysis. Mothers were perceived to be more authoritative than fathers; on the other hand, fathers were perceived to be more authoritarian than mothers. Both maternal and paternal authoritative parenting styles were positively associated with outcomes. Authoritarian parenting was not associated with any outcome. Scores computed to represent perceived differences between maternal and paternal use of various parenting styles were associated with reported GHQ-12 and life satisfaction scores. Our results confirm Western findings on the positive effects of authoritative parenting, but do not replicate the negative associations of authoritarian parenting. Future studies that examine different parenting styles at the construct level are needed to elucidate the association between parenting styles and adolescent psychological functioning in the Indonesian and other similar contexts

    1994 Annual Selected Bibliography: Asian American Studies and the Crisis of Practice

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