110 research outputs found

    Логистический центр: информационные точки опоры

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT Justifying the terms of interaction of participants in the process of cargo transportation, the author considers measures of national and local character for increasing the efficiency of transport and logistics centers (TLC). Particular emphasis is placed on information systems, the role of which is defined as the main one, and their participation in the work of TLC - as decisive in the implementation of management actions in servicing clients-customers of railway services. Functions of information support of logistic activity are shown. Keywords: transport, logistics, TLC, information technologies, navigation systems, cargo transportation, supply chain management. REFERENCES 1.Shabarova, E. V. Concepts and prerequisites for formation of transport and logistics centers in Western Europe [Koncepcii i predposylki formirovanija transportno-logisticheskih centrov v Zapadnoj Evrope].Visnik Shidnoukraїns’kogo nacional’nogo universitetu imeni Volodimira Dalja, Lugansk, 2010, Iss.2, pp.222-253. 2.Sinitsyna, A.S., Ivlieva, K. V. Performance Optimization of Terminal and Warehouse Complex of JSC Russian Railways in the Use of Information and Automated Systems [Optimizacija dejatel’nosti terminal’no-skladskogo kompleksa OAO «RZhD» v uslovijah ispol’zovanija informacionnyh i avtomatizirovannyh system].Logistics - Eurasian Bridge: Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference.Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Part 1.Krasnoyarsk, 2016.[Electronic resource]: http://sitebs.ru/blogs/28916.html.Last accessed 12.07.2016. 3.Sinitsyna, A.S., Konareva, N. A. Technological processes of terminal-warehouse cargo handling in the conditions of automation [Tehnologicheskie processy terminal’no-skladskoj obrabotki gruzov v uslovijah avtomatizacii].Integrirovannaja logistika, 2016, Iss.3, pp.11-18.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Обосновывая условия взаимодействия участников процесса грузоперевозок, автор рассматривает меры общегосударственного и локального характера для повышения эффективности транспортно- логистических центров (ТЛЦ). Особый акцент делается на информационных системах, роль которых определяется как главенствующая, а их участие в работе ТЛЦ - как решающая в реализации управленческих действий при обслуживании клиентов-заказчиков железнодорожных услуг. Показаны функции информационного обеспечения логистической деятельности

    Hybrid cities and new working spaces – The case of Oslo

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    Recent decades have seen the emergence of hybrid models of living and working associated typologies. These developments have been analysed from the perspective of different disciplines, each with their own interpretation of this phenomenon. Planning and architecture have addressed hybridization as a specific form of interaction between spatio-functional features (such as mixed use, multi-functionality and flexibility) and social features (such as formal and informal interactions and the spontaneous appropriation of spaces) or have sometimes simply focused on the spatio-functional dimension in urban spaces. Studies from other disciplines (e.g. mobility networks, transportation, sociology and information technology) have shown that hybrid spaces cannot exist without access to digitalization technologies. Such technologies are accelerating hybridization processes. This study examines the complex and layered phenomenon of hybridization as a possible combination of (or interaction between) spatio-functional, social and digital features within the planning debate and related fields. Most of the case studies explored by scholars so far have focused on interactions occurring between residential, social and recreational functions, but working functions are playing an increasingly important role. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of new forms of hybridity in cities. As a consequence, the rising use of hybrid (on-site and on-line) working practices, planners, policy makers and stakeholders, as well as scholars, have increasingly discussed the concept of hybridization. In this context, various hybrid typologies of urban spaces have materialized in forms such as new working spaces (NWS) which include co-working spaces, incubators, as well as some cafés and multi-functional public libraries, which have recently provided working spaces. This paper focuses on the evolving concept of hybridity from the planning perspective. Based on five hybrid NWS including their surrounding neighbourhoods in Oslo, it provides empirical evidence for an understanding of the phenomenon that may support the development of hybrid spaces and buildings and develops suggestions for planning strategies. © 2022 The Author

    Periodically modulated geometric and electronic structure of graphene on Ru(0001)

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    We report here on a method to fabricate and characterize highly perfect, periodically rippled graphene monolayers and islands, epitaxially grown on single crystal metallic substrates under controlled UHV conditions. The periodicity of the ripples is dictated by the difference in lattice parameters of graphene and substrate, and, thus, it is adjustable. We characterize its perfection at the atomic scale by means of STM and determine its electronic structure in the real space by local tunnelling spectroscopy. There are periodic variations in the geometric and electronic structure of the graphene monolayer. We observe inhomogeneities in the charge distribution, i.e a larger occupied Density Of States at the higher parts of the ripples. Periodically rippled graphene might represent the physical realization of an ordered array of coupled graphene quantum dots. The data show, however, that for rippled graphene on Ru(0001) both the low and the high parts of the ripples are metallic. The fabrication of periodically rippled graphene layers with controllable characteristic length and different bonding interactions with the substrate will allow a systematic experimental test of this fundamental problem.Comment: 12 pages. Contribution to the topical issue on graphene of Semiconductor Science and Technolog

    Selection of the optimal frequency of the signal exciting winding of u-shaped eddy-current probe with ferromagnetic core

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    The paper presents the results of the investigations of eddy current parameters of the U-shaped probe. Optimalfrequencies of NDTsolderingwere foundfor the two groups of samples –nonferromagnetic busbars and cylindrical conductors with diameter 9 and 5.5 mm.В работе представлены результаты измеренийвихретоковых параметров П-образного вихретокового преобразователя. Экспериментально были установлены оптимальные частоты контроля степени пропаянности для двух групп образцов – неферромагнитных токопроводящих шин и цилиндрических токопроводов диаметром 9 мм и 5,5 мм

    Kaon pair production in proton-nucleus collisions at 2.83 GeV kinetic energy

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    The production of non-phi K+K- pairs by protons of 2.83 GeV kinetic energy on C, Cu, Ag, and Au targets has been investigated using the COSY-ANKE magnetic spectrometer. The K- momentum dependence of the differential cross section has been measured at small angles over the 0.2--0.9 GeV/c range. The comparison of the data with detailed model calculations indicates an attractive K- -nucleus potential of about -60 MeV at normal nuclear matter density at a mean momentum of 0.5 GeV/c. However, this approach has difficulty in reproducing the smallness of the observed cross sections at low K- momenta.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Genetic aspects of potato resistance to phytophthorosis

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    Phytophthora infestans Mont. de Bary is the main oomycete pathogen of cultivated crops in the family Solanaceae, especially potato (Solanum tuberosum). Because potato is the fourth most cultivated crop worldwide, its annual losses from late blight are tremendous. Studies of the basic mechanisms of interaction between potato and the late blight pathogen not only expand the fundamental knowledge in this area, but also open up new possibilities for regulating these interactions in order to increase resistance to the pathogen. The interaction of potato and the late blight pathogen can be considered from a genetic point of view, and it is interesting to consider both the response of the potato to the colonization process by P. infestans and the change in gene activity in late blight during plant infection. We can also investigate this process by changing the profile of secondary metabolites of the host and the pathogen. In addition to fundamental work in this area, applied work in the form of the development of new preparations for protecting potatoes is of no less importance. This review briefly describes the main stages of studies of potato resistance to late blight, starting almost from the first works. Much attention is paid to key works on changing the profile of secondary metabolites phytoalexins. A separate section is devoted to the description of both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of potato resistance to the late blight pathogen: their contribution to overall resistance, gene mapping, and regulation capabilities. Both types of traits are important for potato breeding: quantitative resistance due to R-genes is quickly overcome by the pathogen, while quantitative trait loci make it possible to create varieties with almost absolute resistance due to the pyramid of effective genes. The latest approaches in molecular biology make it possible to study translatomic profiles, which makes it possible to look at the interaction of potatoes and the late blight pathogen at a different angle. It has been shown that the process of potato colonization affects not only the activity of various genes and the profile of secondary metabolites: proteins­markers of the response to infection from potatoes have also been identified: they are pathogen-bound proteins and plastid carbonic anhydrase. On the part of P. infestans, fungal cellulose synthase proteins and haustorium-specific membrane protein were markers of infection. Thus, the review contains information on the most relevant complex studies of the genetic mechanisms of potato resistance to late blight

    Ribosomal profiling as a tool for studying translation in plants: main results, problems and future prospects

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    The expression of eukaryotic genes can be regulated at several stages, including the translation of mRNA. It is known that the structure of mRNA can affect both the efficiency of interaction with the translation apparatus in general and the choice of translation initiation sites. To study the translated fraction of the transcriptome, experimental methods of analysis were developed, the most informative of which is ribosomal profiling (RP, Ribo-seq). Originally developed for use in yeast systems, this method has been adapted for research in translation mechanisms in many plant species. This technology includes the isolation of the polysomal fraction and high-performance sequencing of a pool of mRNA fragments associated with ribosomes. Comparing the results of transcript coverage with reads obtained using the ribosome profiling with the transcriptional efficiency of genes allows the translation efficiency to be evaluated for each transcript. The exact positions of ribosomes determined on mRNA sequences allow determining the translation of open reading frames and switching between the translation of several reading frames – a phenomenon in which two or more overlapping frames are read from one mRNA and different proteins are synthesized. The advantage of this method is that it provides quantitative estimates of ribosome coverage of mRNA and can detect relatively rare translation events. Using this technology, it was possible to identify and classify plant genes by the type of regulation of their expression at the transcription, translation, or both levels. Features of the mRNA structure that affect translation levels have been revealed: the formation of G2 quadruplexes and the presence of specific motifs in the 5’-UTR region, GC content, the presence of alternative translation starts, and the influence of uORFs on the translation of downstream mORFs. In this review, we briefly reviewed the RP methodology and the prospects for its application to study the structural and functional organization and regulation of plant gene expression

    Прейскурант 10-01: механизмы регулирования тарифов

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT In the countries of the European Union and Russia, the owner of the railway infrastructure is the state, and the rolling stock is owned by private companies. With this model of organizing the railway industry, the main source of income for the owner of the public infrastructure is freight transportation. The main advantages of this model are the low level of monopoly power of the rolling stock owners and low probability of discrimination in access to infrastructure, and the disadvantages are low incentives for investing in infrastructure development. Consequently, the main problem for a monopolist is to attract cargo owners to transportation by rail. As it is known, the criterion of attractiveness of a particular mode of transport for a cargo owner is the cost of transportation (low tariff load), which is regulated on the Russian Railways by Price list 10-01 «Tariffs for transportation of goods and infrastructure services performed by Russian railways». Since reorganization of the tariff system in 2003, the car component of the railway freight tariff varies depending on the market conditions of the fleet of freight cars owned by the operator companies, and the infrastructure component is regulated by the infrastructure owner which is the the state. At the same time, the role of state antimonopoly regulation is of great importance, which directly affects the rail freight transportation market, and, as a consequence, the tariff. An alternative is the American model of railway organization (used in the US, Canada, some countries of South America), which has a high level of monopoly power of carriers, rolling stock operators and infrastructure owners, high probability of discrimination in access to infrastructure, high incentives to invest in infrastructure modernization. At the same time, several vertically integrated companies operate on the rail freight transportation market, and competition occurs both between private railway infrastructures and between carriers and rolling stock owners who can compete on each other’s infrastructure. State antimonopoly regulation is absent, which increases the importance of bilateral contracts between market participants. A consequence of this is the dependence of the tariff on rail freight transport exclusively on the market conjuncture. The article shows the sequence of evolution of the current Price list 10-01 «Tariffs for transportation of goods and infrastructure services performed by Russian railways» in market conditions. The foreign experience of state regulation of freight tariffs is considered at the example of two alternative models - American and European. The analysis of influence of demand and supply, formed on the domestic market by owners of cars, has been made. The structure of tariff classes and the principles of their formation are shown. One of the key features of the current system is the so-called «tariff corridor». The most significant problems are identified - cross-subsidization of lowyield cargo traffic and tariff construction by a cost principle in a state-regulated segment. Keywords: railway transport, Price list 10-01, freight transportation, tariffs, system principles.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).В странах Европейского союза и России владельцем железнодорожной инфраструктуры является государство, а подвижным составом владеют частные компании. При такой модели организации железнодорожной отрасли главная проблема для монополиста заключается в привлечении грузовладельцев к перевозкам по железной дороге. Критерием привлекательности того или иного вида транспорта для грузовладельца является стоимость перевозки (низкая тарифная нагрузка), которая на российских железных дорогах регламентируется Прейскурантом № 10-01

    Мультимодальные перевозки в коридоре «Север-Юг»

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT The international transport route using transit possibilities of Iran within the framework of the corridor «North-South» is a project, the urgency of which is conditioned by the processes of intensification of trade and economic relations between the countries of the Eurasian continent. ITC provides delivery of cargo from India, the Persian Gulf zone, Iran to the territory of Azerbaijan, Russia and then to Northern and Western Europe. In particular, rail transportation along this route will shorten the transportation time from 45-60 to 20-25 days compared to the way from the Baltic through the Mediterranean, the Suez Canal and the Persian Gulf. Such a change in logistics reduces transportation costs by 10-15 %. The prospective volume of container traffic is estimated at 3,5 million containers in a twenty-foot equivalent. Keywords: multimodal transportation, corridor «North-South», transport infrastructure, transport and logistics system, Caspian logistics cluster.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Международный транспортный маршрут с использованием транзитных возможностей Ирана в рамках коридора «Север-Юг» - проект, актуальность которого обусловлена процессами интенсификации торгово-экономических отношений между странами евразийского континента. МТК обеспечивает доставку грузов из Индии, зоны Персидского залива, Ирана на территорию Азербайджана, России и затем в Северную и Западную Европу. В частности, железнодорожные перевозки по этому маршруту сократят продолжительность транспортировки от 45-60 до 20-25 дней по сравнению с путём из Балтики через Средиземное море, Суэцкий канал и Персидский залив. Подобное изменение логистики уменьшает транспортные расходы на 10-15 %. Перспективный объём контейнерных перевозок оценивается в 3,5 млн контейнеров в двадцатифутовом эквиваленте в год

    Influence of Antioxidant SkQ1 on Accumulation of Mitochondrial DNA Deletions in the Hippocampus of Senescence-Accelerated OXYS Rats

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    Human and animal aging is associated with gradual decline of cognitive functions (especially learning ability and memory) and increased risk of development of neurodegenerative diseases 596 Abbreviations: bp, base pairs; mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA; ∆mtDNA, deletion in mitochondrial DNA; ∆mtDNA 4834 , 4834-bp mitochondrial DNA deletion; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SkQ1, antioxidant 10-(6′-plastoquinonyl)decyltriphenylphosphonium. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Abstract-Reduction of efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation associated with aging and the development of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease is thought to be linked to the accumulation of deletions in mitochondrial DNA (∆mtDNA), which are seen as a marker of oxidative damage. Recently, we have shown that mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 (10-(6′-plastoquinonyl)decyltriphenylphosphonium) can slow the development of signs of Alzheimer's disease in senescence-accelerated OXYS rats. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the development of neurodegenerative changes in the brain of OXYS rats and changes in the amount of mtDNA and the 4834-bp mitochondrial DNA deletion (∆mtDNA 4834 ) as well as the effect of SkQ1. We studied the relative amount of mtDNA and ∆mtDNA 4834 in the hippocampus of OXYS and Wistar (control) rats at ages of 1, 2, 6, 10, and 20 days and 3, 6, and 24 months. During the period crucial for manifestation of the signs of accelerated aging of OXYS rats (from 1.5 to 3 months of age), we evaluated the effects of administration of SkQ1 (250 nmol/kg) and vitamin E (670 mmol/kg, reference treatment) on the amount of mtDNA and ∆mtDNA 4834 and on the formation of the behavioral feature of accelerated senescence in OXYS rats -passive type of behavior in the open field test. In OXYS rats, the level of ∆mtDNA 4834 in the hippocampus is increased compared to the Wistar rats, especially at the stage of completion of brain development in the postnatal period. This level remains elevated not only at the stages preceding the manifestation of the signs of accelerated brain aging and the development of pathological changes linked to Alzheimer's disease, but also during their progression. However, at age of 24 months, there were no detectable differences between the two strains. SkQ1 treatment reduced the level of ∆mtDNA 4834 in the hippocampus of Wistar and OXYS rats and slowed the formation of passive behavior in OXYS rats. These results support the possible use of SkQ1 for prophylaxis of brain aging. Influence of Antioxidant SkQ1 o