5,598 research outputs found

    Finite difference approximations for a size-structured population model with distributed states in the recruitment

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    In this paper we consider a size-structured population model where individuals may be recruited into the population at different sizes. First and second order finite difference schemes are developed to approximate the solution of the mathematical model. The convergence of the approximations to a unique weak solution with bounded total variation is proved. We then show that as the distribution of the new recruits become concentrated at the smallest size, the weak solution of the distributed states-at-birth model converges to the weak solution of the classical Gurtin-McCamy-type size-structured model in the weak^* topology. Numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the achievement of the desired accuracy of the two methods for smooth solutions as well as the superior performance of the second-order method in resolving solution-discontinuities. Finally we provide an example where supercritical Hopf-bifurcation occurs in the limiting single state-at-birth model and we apply the second-order numerical scheme to show that such bifurcation occurs in the distributed model as well

    Syzygies of torsion bundles and the geometry of the level l modular variety over M_g

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    We formulate, and in some cases prove, three statements concerning the purity or, more generally the naturality of the resolution of various rings one can attach to a generic curve of genus g and a torsion point of order l in its Jacobian. These statements can be viewed an analogues of Green's Conjecture and we verify them computationally for bounded genus. We then compute the cohomology class of the corresponding non-vanishing locus in the moduli space R_{g,l} of twisted level l curves of genus g and use this to derive results about the birational geometry of R_{g, l}. For instance, we prove that R_{g,3} is a variety of general type when g>11 and the Kodaira dimension of R_{11,3} is greater than or equal to 19. In the last section we explain probabilistically the unexpected failure of the Prym-Green conjecture in genus 8 and level 2.Comment: 35 pages, appeared in Invent Math. We correct an inaccuracy in the statement of Prop 2.

    Production Technology and Competitiveness In the Hungarian Manufacturing Industry

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    Following the big transformations of the 1990s, enterprise structure and technological level seem to have become stabilised in Hungary. Under these circumstances it is especially interesting to identify the elements responsible for competitiveness in general, and the role technology plays in development in particular, according to managers experienced in production and marketing. This empirical study – based on in-depth interviews and field research – summarises characteristics of the technological level in the sectors examined, role of technology and labour in production, effects of foreign direct investment, relations between competition and firm-level factors determining competitiveness, and concludes by summing up those most frequently mentioned proposals that should be incorporated into economic policy according to managers. Main findings indicate that more qualified, more intensive and cheaper labour can be substituted for high technology. The competitiveness of an enterprise is not determined by technology alone, but rather by a combination of technology, the parameters of available labour and the costs of investment increasing productivity. The insufficiency of inter-company relations, together with a shortage of available assets necessary for investment constitute the major threat undermining the competitiveness of enterprises in present-day Hungary

    Incorporating model uncertainty into optimal insurance contract design

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    In stochastic optimization models, the optimal solution heavily depends on the selected probability model for the scenarios. However, the scenario models are typically chosen on the basis of statistical estimates and are therefore subject to model error. We demonstrate here how the model uncertainty can be incorporated into the decision making process. We use a nonparametric approach for quantifying the model uncertainty and a minimax setup to find model-robust solutions. The method is illustrated by a risk management problem involving the optimal design of an insurance contract

    An extremal effective survey about extremal effective cycles in moduli spaces of curves

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    We survey recent developments and open problems about extremal effective divisors and higher codimension cycles in moduli spaces of curves.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2017. Comments are welcom

    Vortices on Hyperbolic Surfaces

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    It is shown that abelian Higgs vortices on a hyperbolic surface MM can be constructed geometrically from holomorphic maps f:MNf:M \to N, where NN is also a hyperbolic surface. The fields depend on ff and on the metrics of MM and NN. The vortex centres are the ramification points, where the derivative of ff vanishes. The magnitude of the Higgs field measures the extent to which ff is locally an isometry. Witten's construction of vortices on the hyperbolic plane is rederived, and new examples of vortices on compact surfaces and on hyperbolic surfaces of revolution are obtained. The interpretation of these solutions as SO(3)-invariant, self-dual SU(2) Yang--Mills fields on R4\R^4 is also given.Comment: Revised version: new section on four-dimensional interpretation of hyperbolic vortices added

    A Change of Variables to the Dual and Factorization of Composite Anomalous Jacobians

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    Changes of variables giving the dual model are constructed explicitly for sigma-models without isotropy. In particular, the jacobian is calculated to give the known results. The global aspects of the abelian case as well as some of those of the cases where the isometry group is simply connected are considered. Considering the anomalous case, we infer by a consistency argument that the `multiplicative anomaly' should be replaceable by adequate rules for factorization of composite jacobians. These rules are then generalized in a simple way for composite jacobians defined in spaces of different types. Implimentation of these rules then gives specific formulas for the anomally for semisimple algebras and also for solvable ones.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, Latex file, A treatment of the global aspects of the abelian and of semisimple duality groups are added. General formulas for the mixed anomaly are derive

    On quasi-local charges and Newman--Penrose type quantities in Yang--Mills theories

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    We generalize the notion of quasi-local charges, introduced by P. Tod for Yang--Mills fields with unitary groups, to non-Abelian gauge theories with arbitrary gauge group, and calculate its small sphere and large sphere limits both at spatial and null infinity. We show that for semisimple gauge groups no reasonable definition yield conserved total charges and Newman--Penrose (NP) type quantities at null infinity in generic, radiative configurations. The conditions of their conservation, both in terms of the field configurations and the structure of the gauge group, are clarified. We also calculate the NP quantities for stationary, asymptotic solutions of the field equations with vanishing magnetic charges, and illustrate these by explicit solutions with various gauge groups.Comment: 22 pages, typos corrected, appearing in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Steady states in a structured epidemic model with Wentzell boundary condition

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    We introduce a nonlinear structured population model with diffusion in the state space. Individuals are structured with respect to a continuous variable which represents a pathogen load. The class of uninfected individuals constitutes a special compartment that carries mass, hence the model is equipped with generalized Wentzell (or dynamic) boundary conditions. Our model is intended to describe the spread of infection of a vertically transmitted disease, for example Wolbachia in a mosquito population. Therefore the (infinite dimensional) nonlinearity arises in the recruitment term. First we establish global existence of solutions and the Principle of Linearised Stability for our model. Then, in our main result, we formulate simple conditions, which guarantee the existence of non-trivial steady states of the model. Our method utilizes an operator theoretic framework combined with a fixed point approach. Finally, in the last section we establish a sufficient condition for the local asymptotic stability of the positive steady state

    Simulation of Plasticity in Nanocrystalline Silicon

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    Molecular dynamics investigation of plasticity in a model nanocrystalline silicon system demonstrates that inelastic deformation localizes in intergranular regions. The carriers of plasticity in these regions are atomic environments that can be described as high-density liquid-like amorphous silicon. During fully developed flow, plasticity is confined to system-spanning intergranular zones of easy flow. As an active flow zone rotates out of the plane of maximum resolved shear stress during deformation to large strain, new zones of easy flow are formed. Compatibility of the microstructure is accommodated by processes such as grain rotation and formation of new grains. Nano-scale voids or cracks may form if there emerge stress concentrations that cannot be relaxed by a mechanism that simultaneously preserves microstructural compatibility