154 research outputs found

    Role of coupling delay in oscillatory activity in autonomous networks of excitable neurons with dissipation

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    We study numerically the effects of time delay in networks of delay-coupled excitable FitzHugh Nagumo systems with dissipation. The generation of periodic self-sustained oscillations and its threshold are analyzed depending on the dissipation of a single neuron, the delay time, and random initial conditions. The peculiarities of spatiotemporal dynamics of time-delayed bidirectional ring-structured FitzHugh-Nagumo neuronal systems are investigated in cases of local and nonlocal coupling topology between the nodes, and a first-order nonequilibrium phase transition to synchrony is established. It is shown that the emergence of oscillatory activity in delay-coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons is observed for smaller values of the coupling strength as the dissipation parameter decreases. This can provide the possibility of controlling the spatiotemporal behavior of the considered neuronal networks. The observed effects are quantified by plotting distributions of the maximal Lyapunov exponent and the global order parameter in terms of delay and coupling strength.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figure


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    One of the parameters affects the quality of sunflower harvesting is a combination of varietal characters. If the harvesting equipment do not meet to these trappings it would lead to a yield losses. The aim of this research is a plot combine sunflower header improving to provide stretching of sunflower stem regardless of plant length and harvesting sunflower varieties with branched inflorescence for preventing heads and seeds losses. Different types of plot combine header feeding devices were analyzed. As the result auger (screw type) feeder defined as a more reliable and simplest. The 2-row header prototype was constructed. Main adjustable parameters are collated to a botanical features of a harvesting plants. The stem cutting length is 5-10 cm for an ordinary sunflower varieties and 15-25 cm for a branched varieties. The new header losses do not exceed 0.15 percent for single seeds and 3.3 persent for heads in case of branched sunflower harvesting.Качественная уборка урожая семян подсолнечника зависит от многих факторов, в том числе от сортовых признаков растений. Несоответствие технических средств этим признакам сопряжено с потерями урожая. Целью исследования стало совершенствование жатки для селекционного комбайна, обеспечивающей полную выборку длины стебля подсолнечника независимо от его исходной длины, а также уборку ветвистых многокорзиночных форм, благодаря чему можно снизить потери в виде свободных семян и корзинок. Проанализировали различные конструкции подающих рабочих органов селекционного комбайна. Выявили, что наиболее надежным в работе и простым по устройству является шнековый (винтовой) подаватель. Разработали экспериментальный образец двухрядковой жатки к селекционному комбайну для уборки растений подсолнечника. Представили конструкцию жатки. Привели основные значения регулируемых параметров в зависимости от биометрической характеристики убираемых растений. Величина отрезка стебля у стандартных форм равна 5-10 см, у ветвистых - 15-25 см. Установлено, что разработанная универсальная жатка обеспечивает уборку однокорзиночных и ветвистых многокорзиночных форм с минимальными потерями. Доказали, что при использовании новой жатки потери свободными семенами не превышают 0,15 процента, потери корзинками у многокорзиночных форм - не более 3,3 процента


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    The factors of trichinellosis and sparganosis pathogen circulation as typical zoonotic diseases on the territiry of Kursk region are studied. Trichinella spp. cir- culates in natural biocoenosis among predacious mammals, wild boars and rodents and sometimes infects sinanthropus animals what gives evidence of human infec- tion. Parasitical system of sparganosis in Kursk region includes definitive (wolf, fox), intermediate ( Mesocyclops leuckarti, M. obsoletus ) and supplemental (wild boar, grass snake, marsh frog, moor frog) carriers. There is a risk of sparganosis infection when using water containing cyclops and infected meatИзучены особенности циркуляции возбудителей трихинеллеза и спарганоза на территории Курской области. Трихинеллы циркулируют в естественных биоценозах среди хищных млекопитающих, кабанов и грызунов; встречаются случаи заражения синантропных животных, и существует риск заражения человека. Паразитарная система спарганоза в условиях Кур- ской области включает дефинитивных (волк, лиса), промежуточных ( Mesocyclops leuckarti, M. obsoletus ) и дополнительных хозяев (кабан, уж, озерная и остромордая лягушка). Заражение человека может произойти при употреблении воды с инвазированными цик- лопами и зараженного мяс

    Archaeal communities of frozen Quaternary sediments of marine origin on the coast of Western Spitsbergen,

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    The archaeal composition of permafrost samples taken during drilling of frozen marine sediments in the area of the Barentsburg coal mine on the east coast of Grønfjord Bay of Western Spitsbergen has been studied. The study was based on the analysis of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, carried out using next generation sequencing. This is the second part of the work dedicated to the prokaryotic composition of the Western Spitsbergen, the fi rst part was devoted to the domain of Bacteria. The general phyla of the the Archaea domain were Euryarchaeota, Bathyarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota and Asgardarchaeota. As a result of phylogenetic analysis of the dominant operational taxonomic units, representatives of methanogenic methane- and ammonium-oxidizing archaea, as well as heterotrophic archaea were found. Methanobacteria class of methanogenic archaea was found in the controversial genesis, while methane-oxidizing archaea of the Methanomicrobia class of Methanosarcinales order were found in the marine permafrost of Cape Finneset: ANME-2a, -2b group was found in layers 8.6 and 11.7 m, and a group ANME-2d (Candidatus Methanoperedens) – in a layer of 6.5 m. Ammonium-oxidizing archaea of the phylum Thaumarchaeota was present in all types of permafrost, while Nitrososphaerales was detected in controversial genesis permafrost, and the order-Nitrosopumilales in the marine permafrost or controversial genesis ones. Representatives of phylum Bathyarchaeota were found in the stratigraphicly most ancient samples under this study. Superphylum Asgardarchaeota was met exclusively in the layers of permafrost with marine genesis and was represented by phyla Lokiarchaeota, Thorarchaeota and another group belonging to this superphylum that was not identified by us. The presence in the marine permafrost terrace of Cape Finneset at 11.7 m depth of methane, ethylene and ethane, as well as the composition of the archaeal community gives this layer to assume in it the presence of microbiological processes of the anaerobic oxidation of methane, probably received from Tertiary deposits before freezing. The results obtained are represented the permafrost of Spitsbergen as a rich archive of genetic information of little studied prokaryotic groups

    Comparative Evaluation of Custom-Made Components and Standard Implants for Acetabular Reconstruction in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty

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    Background.The use of custom-made acetabular components is one of the promising methods for reconstruction of the acetabulum in cases of significant defects, including those associated with pelvic bone dissociation. It allows achieving stable fixation and restoring the biomechanics of the hip joint. Aimofthestudy to compare the results of using individually designed components, supportive antiprotrusion rings, augments, and hemispherical components in revision total hip arthroplasty for type IIIB bone defects according to Paprosky classification. Methods.The study analyzed the treatment outcomes of 90 patients with type IIIB bone defects who underwent revision total hip arthroplasty between 2017 and 2022. Patients were divided into three groups: the first group received individually designed acetabular components, the second group received augments with hemispheres, and the third group had antiprotrusion cages implanted. The analysis included the reasons for revision surgery, operation duration, blood loss volume, and type of revision procedure. Pain and functional outcomes were assessed with WOMAC, Harris Hip Score, and VAS scales. Results.3D-printed constructs were more frequently implanted in patients with pelvic bone dissociation. The first group showed a significantly positive dynamic in functional outcomes. Complications were diagnosed in 27 (30%) cases: joint instability (dislocation) in 10 (11.1%) patients, periprosthetic infection in 8 (8.8%), aseptic loosening in 4 (4.4%), and sciatic nerve neuropathy in 5 (5.5%) patients. The number of these complications was higher in the second and third groups of patients. Conclusion.Custom-made implants using 3D technologies are a preferable option for revision total hip arthroplasty in patients with type IIIB defects according to Paprosky classification, especially in cases of pelvic bone dissociation


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    High-quality soil cultivation for potato planting increases its productivity and allows to reduce damageability of tubers when harvesting. At its growing intensive complete or strip soil pulverizationl, formation of ridges or seedbeds for planting and growing are required. For performance of each method machines of different type, including various tillers, tilling ridge or seedbed formers, are used. The authors offered a multipurpose tiller with the horizontal rotor aggregated with tractors of classes 1.4 and 2. At readjustment the tiller operatest the main methods of soil cultivation necessary at potato growing: complete prelanding tilling, ridges or seedbeds formation for planting, cultivation of them at care of seedlings, loosening of an underlying layer in strips of the formed ridges or seedbeds under planting rows. This tiller has some constructional features: the tiller rotor with removable sections of flat L-shaped teeths allowing to operate complete and strip soil cultivation at a depth of 12 cm; the disk furrow shaperы regulated on depth and operating width; removable hoes for loosening of the lower layer of soil at depth of 22 cm under planting rows; a replaceable deflector with a direct back edge and (or) with a removable furrow shapers; basic wheels movable from a forward girder onto sidewalls behind - when seedbeds forming. The authorsreport the main agrotechnical requirements to the methods of complete prelanding tilling, ridges and seedbeds forming which are carried out by a tiller and cultivation of them when planting. The tiller has different complete set options for performance of these methods. Use of the offered tiller provides high-quality performance of methods of soil cultivation and potato growing and by 2-3 times reduces a range of necessary machines and costs of acquisition of them.Качественная обработка почвы под посадку картофеля повышает его урожайность и позволяет снизить повреждаемость клубней при уборке. При его возделывании требуется интенсивное сплошное или полосное крошение почвы, формирование гребней или гряд под посадку и их обработка при уходе за посадками. Для выполнения каждого приема используют машины разного типа, в том числе различные фрезы, фрезерные гребнеобразователи и грядоделатели. Предложили многофункциональную фрезу с горизонтальным фрезерным барабаном, агрегатируемую с тракторами классов 1,4 и 2. При переналадке фреза выполняет основные приемы обработки почвы, необходимые при возделывании картофеля: сплошное предпосадочное фрезерование, формирование гребней или гряд под посадку, их обработку при уходе за всходами, рыхление нижележащего слоя в полосах формируемых гребней или грядах под рядами посадки. Установлено, что конструкционными особенностями такой фрезы служат: фрезерный барабан со съемными секциями плоских Г-образных зубьев, позволяющий выполнять сплошную и полосную обработку почвы на глубину до 12 см; регулируемые по глубине и ширине захвата дисковые бороздорезы; съемные лапы для рыхления нижнего слоя почвы на глубину до 22 см под рядами посадки; нарезать гребни высотой до 28 см с шириной междурядий 75 см, формировать гряды высотой до 25 см и шириной по верху 150 см с бороздами 30 см; фартук сменный с прямой задней кромкой и (или) со съемным средним и с переставными и съемными боковыми бороздоформирующими корпусами; опорные колеса, переставляемые с передней балки на боковины сзади, при формировании гряд. Приведены основные агротехнические требования к выполняемым фрезой приемам сплошного предпосадочного фрезерования, нарезки гребней и гряд и их обработки при уходе за посадками. Использование предложенной фрезы обеспечивает качественное выполнение приемов обработки почвы при возделывании картофеля и в 2-3 раза сокращает типаж необходимых для этого машин и затрат на их приобретение