7,445 research outputs found

    Research and applications: Artificial intelligence

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    The program is reported for developing techniques in artificial intelligence and their application to the control of mobile automatons for carrying out tasks autonomously. Visual scene analysis, short-term problem solving, and long-term problem solving are discussed along with the PDP-15 simulator, LISP-FORTRAN-MACRO interface, resolution strategies, and cost effectiveness

    Comparative Economic Analysis of Cassava Mosaic Disease-Resistant Varieties and Non-Resistant Varieties Production in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria

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    Comparative Economic Analysis of Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD)-resistant Varieties and Non-Resistant Varieties (NRV) Production in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria is the research. The CMD, which causes reduction in yield to about 20-30%, or 90-100% is a problem to farmers. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 80 CMD-resistant varieties and 80 NRV farmers, while descriptive statistics, net farm income and production function analysis were used in analyzing the data. The study was to provide useful information to students, policy makers, investors and researchers to aid them in their various fields. The study revealed the socio-economic characteristics, such as farming experience, educational level, number of extension contact and farm size to positively influence the CMD-resistant varieties farmers' income. The R2 of 0.83454 variability in the income of the CMD-resistant farmers was explained by the socio-economic variables in the model. The R2 of 0.6696 variability for the non-CMD-resistant farmers' income was also explained by the socio-economic variables in the model. The CMD varieties production at ₦91,270 Net Farm Income against ₦41,170 of NRV productions, indicated both productions' profitability. Average rate of return indicated every Naira invested by CMD-resistant farmers, earned ₦2.49 profit, while NRV farmers earned ₦1.67 profit. CMD-resistant farming was thus, more profitable than the NRV farming. The Z-test of the mean income (3.5271) at 1% level of significance against tabulated Z-value (1.96) causes the hypothesis' rejection. Production of CMD-resistant varieties was more profitable and farmers are, advised to produce it and form cooperatives for .wider dissemination of research information

    Chinese and British Hotels: Cultural Differences and Management

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    Rapid tourism development in China has led to an influx of hotels invested in and operated by multi-national hotel companies. The authors examine the impact of cultural differences on employee behavior in China and UK hotels and offer recommendations for expatriate hotel managers to effectively develop human resource management styles while operating properties in China

    Radiation osteitis of the clavicle

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    The bone alterations in the region of the clavicle (3 cases) are similar to those we have observed and described elsewhere in the skeleton i.e., the mandible, maxillary and ethmoid bones. Rarefaction is the result of three different types of bone destruction: osteoclasia, a kind of osteocytic osteolysis only observed after irradiation and obviously related with infection, and a pure demineralization of the osseous tissue by contact with pus. Reconstruction processes, although unable to prevent spontaneous fracture, are also present and correspond to islets of chondroid tissue surrounded by lamellar bone. However, these recently deposited calcified tissues are already necrotic since most of their lacunae are empty.Les modifications osseuses dans la région de la clavicule (3 observations) sont semblables à celles observées ailleurs dans le squelette, par exemple la mandibule, le maxillaire et l’os ethmoïde. La raréfaction osseuse est le résultat de trois types différents de destruction: l’ostéoclasie, une espèce d’ostéolyse ostéocytaire observée après irradiation, en rapport certain avec une infection et une déminéralisation pure du tissu osseux en contact avec du pus. Les phénomènes de reconstruction, bien qu’incapables d’éviter une fracture spontanée, sont également présents et ils correspondent à des îlots de tissu chondroïde au sein de travées d’os lamellaire. Cependant ces tissus calcifiés récemment déposés sont déjà nécrosés puisque les ostéoplastes sont vides

    Holographic Domains of Anti-de Sitter Space

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    An AdS_4 brane embedded in AdS_5 exhibits the novel feature that a four-dimensional graviton is localized near the brane, but the majority of the infinite bulk away from the brane where the warp factor diverges does not see four-dimensional gravity. A naive application of the holographic principle from the point of view of the four-dimensional observer would lead to a paradox; a global holographic mapping would require infinite entropy density. In this paper, we show that this paradox is resolved by the proper covariant formulation of the holographic principle. This is the first explicit example of a time-independent metric for which the spacelike formulation of the holographic principle is manifestly inadequate. Further confirmation of the correctness of this approach is that light-rays leaving the brane intersect at the location where we expect four-dimensional gravity to no longer dominate. We also present a simple method of locating CFT excitations dual to a particle in the bulk. We find that the holographic image on the brane moves off to infinity precisely when the particle exits the brane's holographic domain. Our analysis yields an improved understanding of the physics of the AdS_4/AdS_5 model.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Flat space physics from holography

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    We point out that aspects of quantum mechanics can be derived from the holographic principle, using only a perturbative limit of classical general relativity. In flat space, the covariant entropy bound reduces to the Bekenstein bound. The latter does not contain Newton's constant and cannot operate via gravitational backreaction. Instead, it is protected by - and in this sense, predicts - the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor correction

    Perspectives on next steps in classification of oro-facial pain - part 1: role of ontology

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    The purpose of this study was to review existing principles of oro-facial pain classifications and to specify design recommendations for a new system that would reflect recent insights in biomedical classification systems, terminologies and ontologies. The study was initiated by a symposium organised by the International RDC/TMD Consortium Network in March 2013, to which the present authors contributed. The following areas are addressed: problems with current classification approaches, status of the ontological basis of pain disorders, insufficient diagnostic aids and biomarkers for pain disorders, exploratory nature of current pain terminology and classification systems, and problems with prevailing classification methods from an ontological perspective. Four recommendations for addressing these problems are as follows: (i) develop a hypothesis-driven classification structure built on principles that ensure to our best understanding an accurate description of the relations among all entities involved in oro-facial pain disorders; (ii) take into account the physiology and phenomenology of oro-facial pain disorders to adequately represent both domains including psychosocial entities in a classification system; (iii) plan at the beginning for field-testing at strategic development stages; and (iv) consider how the classification system will be implemented. Implications in relation to the specific domains of psychosocial factors and biomarkers for inclusion into an oro-facial pain classification system are described in two separate papers

    Attrition with spinal cord stimulation

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    The aim of this prospective study was to investigate whether spinal cord stimulation (SCS) significantly reduces pain intensity for up to 18-month follow-up in patients with chronic neuropathic pain. Forty-eight patients were recruited. Patients rated their pain using a Visual analog scale (VAS) and pain-related disability using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) at baseline (1 week prior to SCS surgery) and at 6-, 12-, and 18-month follow-up. Pain intensity significantly decreased from baseline to all 3 time points [F (3,135) = 16.264, p < 0.001]. The greatest difference in the reduction of pain intensity was observed between baseline (M = 7.20, SD = 1.34) and 6-month follow-up (M = 4.60, SD = 2.20), [t(47) = 6.741, p < 0.001]. However, when looking at differences between the 6-month follow-up and subsequent assessments, statistically significant increases in pain intensity from the 6-month to the 12-month follow-up [t(47) = -2.788, p = 0.008], and from the 6-month to the 18-month follow-up [t(47) = -3.339, p = 0.002] could be observed. Statistically significant changes were also observed for clinical changes in pain scores [F (2,94) = 4.972, p = 0.009. There was a significant decrease in the percentage of clinical change obtained from the 6-month (M = 33.19, SD = 35.63) to the 12-month follow-up (M = 23.76, SD = 33.62), [t(47) = 2.347, p = 0.025], and from the 6-month to the 18-month follow-up (M = 18.34, SD = 33.51), [t(47) = 3.072, p = 0.004]. A number of patients also reported higher levels of pain intensity at the 12-and 18-month follow-up than at baseline.Pain-related disability scores significantly decreased from baseline (M = 55.04, SD = 16.43) to the 6-month follow up (M = 46.98, SD = 19.05), [t(47) = 3.464, p = 0.001] and from baseline to the 12-month follow up (M = 48.49, SD = 20.94), [t(47) = 2.918, p = 0.005], but not during the 18-month follow up (M = 51.75, SD = 20.92), [t(47) = 1.330, p =.190]. There was a significant increase in pain-related disability between the 6- and the 18-month follow up [t(47) = -2.188. p = 0.034]. These findings suggest that the beneficial effect of SCS on pain intensity may diminish over time, and that the 6-month follow-up scores may reflect a placebo effect. © 2015 The Neurosurgical Foundation
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