735 research outputs found

    Бромирование высоко-деактивированных ароматических систем с применением тетрафторобромата бария

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    It has been shown that Ba(BrF[4])[2] acted as a highly-active brominating agent. In case of interaction with nitrobenzene, the pure 3-bromo-nitrobenzene is formed. It has been shown that typical electrophilic bromination of the aromatic compound with electron donating and electron-accepting substituents occurred without any catalysts or hard conditions

    Continuous Sweep: an improved, binary quantifier

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    Quantification is a supervised machine learning task, focused on estimating the class prevalence of a dataset rather than labeling its individual observations. We introduce Continuous Sweep, a new parametric binary quantifier inspired by the well-performing Median Sweep. Median Sweep is currently one of the best binary quantifiers, but we have changed this quantifier on three points, namely 1) using parametric class distributions instead of empirical distributions, 2) optimizing decision boundaries instead of applying discrete decision rules, and 3) calculating the mean instead of the median. We derive analytic expressions for the bias and variance of Continuous Sweep under general model assumptions. This is one of the first theoretical contributions in the field of quantification learning. Moreover, these derivations enable us to find the optimal decision boundaries. Finally, our simulation study shows that Continuous Sweep outperforms Median Sweep in a wide range of situations

    Анализ эффективности использования бинарного цикла ПТУ на тепловой электростанции

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 55 с., 8 рис., 7 табл., 32 источника, приложений нет. Ключевые слова: электростанция, паротурбинная установка (ПТУ), бинарный цикл, низкопотенциальное рабочее тело (НРТ), эффективность. Объектом исследования является двухконтурная ПТУ с НРТ. Цель работы – провести анализ эффективности использования бинарного цикла ПТУ на тепловой электростанции (ТЭС). В работе представлен анализ эффективности использования бинарного цикла ПТУ на ТЭС на основе расчета термического коэффициента полезного действия (КПД) двухконтурной ПТУ с НРТ. В результате исследования выявлено, что термический КПД двухконтурной ПТУ с НРТ больше термического КПД одноконтурной ПТУ на 29,5 %.Graduate qualification work 55 p., 8 pic., 7 tab., 32 references, no appendices. Keywords: power plant, steam tubine plant (STP), binary cycle, low-potential working fluid (LWF), efficiency. Object of investigation is two-curcuit STP with LWF. Work purpose - analyze the efficiency of use binary cycle STP on thermal power plant (TPP). The paper presents the analysis of the effeciency of use binary cycle STP on TPP on the basis of calculation thermal coefficient of performance (COP) two-curcuit STP with LWF. The study revealed that thermal COP two-curcuit STP with LWF more than thermal COP of one-curcuit STP at 29,5 %

    Effects of Oxygen Plasma on the Chemical, Light-emitting, and Electrical Transport Properties of Inorganic and Hybrid Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystal Films

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    We show that oxygen plasma affects in different ways the structural, chemical, optical, and electrical properties of methylammonium and cesium lead bromide nanocrystals. Hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystals were severely and quickly degraded by oxygen plasma at 50 W. Their photoluminescence was quenched with almost 100% loss of the initial quantum yield, which is linked to decomposition of the nanocrystals. Inorganic nanocrystals were more resistant to oxygen plasma in the same conditions. Despite a moderate loss of photoluminescence and electrical conductivity, oxygen plasma had a positive impact, removing unbound ligands and resulting in more ohmic behavior of the film. This paves the way for the application of oxygen plasma in the development of perovskite-based optoelectronic devices

    Казахстан на страницах Туркестанского сборника

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    Presently most adolescent anxiety disorder screening instruments make their determination of running a high risk for an anxiety disorder on the basis of a cut-off score measured by a single screening which can lead to false positives. Therefore, the goal of this study is to examine whether a repeated administration of the SCARED screening instrument for DSM-5 anxiety disorder symptoms could help in the detection of true positives while also avoiding false positives. Participants were 923 early adolescents from the general community. The adolescents’ ages at the first annual screening ranged from 10 to 15 with an average of 12.5 years. In a prospective five-year longitudinal design, the adolescents completed the SCARED screening instrument for anxiety disorder symptoms on a yearly basis. To detect true positives and avoid false positives, the data were analyzed with Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) cut-off score analyses. ROC cut-off score analyses revealed that the sensitivity and specificity of high risk were greatly improved for repeated screenings above those of a single screening. The findings of this study demonstrate that a screening instrument (such as the SCARED) should be administered not just once but several times in order to better determine true positives and avoid false positives

    A dose-dependent plasma signature of the safety and immunogenicity of the rVSV-Ebola vaccine in Europe and Africa.

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    The 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic affected several African countries, claiming more than 11,000 lives and leaving thousands with ongoing sequelae. Safe and effective vaccines could prevent or limit future outbreaks. The recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus-vectored Zaire Ebola (rVSV-ZEBOV) vaccine has shown marked immunogenicity and efficacy in humans but is reactogenic at higher doses. To understand its effects, we examined plasma samples from 115 healthy volunteers from Geneva who received low-dose (LD) or high-dose (HD) vaccine or placebo. Fifteen plasma chemokines/cytokines were assessed at baseline and on days 1, 2 to 3, and 7 after injection. Significant increases in monocyte-mediated MCP-1/CCL2, MIP-1β/CCL4, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1Ra, and IL-10 occurred on day 1. A signature explaining 68% of cytokine/chemokine vaccine-response variability was identified. Its score was higher in HD versus LD vaccinees and was associated positively with vaccine viremia and negatively with cytopenia. It was higher in vaccinees with injection-site pain, fever, myalgia, chills, and headache; higher scores reflected increasing severity. In contrast, HD vaccinees who subsequently developed arthritis had lower day 1 scores than other HD vaccinees. Vaccine dose did not influence the signature despite its influence on specific outcomes. The Geneva-derived signature associated strongly (ρ = 0.97) with that of a cohort of 75 vaccinees from a parallel trial in Lambaréné, Gabon. Its score in Geneva HD vaccinees with subsequent arthritis was significantly lower than that in Lambaréné HD vaccinees, none of whom experienced arthritis. This signature, which reveals monocytes' critical role in rVSV-ZEBOV immunogenicity and safety across doses and continents, should prove useful in assessments of other vaccines

    Resistance Training and Quality of Life Among Younger and Older Adults

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    Older adults are at risk for sarcopenia, which can lead to reduced physical function, physical activity, and quality of life (QoL). PURPOSE: To determine the effects of aging and sedentary behavior on risk for sarcopenia, the purpose was to compare resistance trained and nonresistance trained younger and older adults on two sarcopenia-related outcomes: QoL and physical activity level (PA). METHODS: Younger (23.8 ± 0.4) and older (68.5 ± 1.2) healthy adults were categorized into 4 groups: young trained (YT: n = 22), young not trained (YNT: n = 16), old trained (OT: n = 17), and old not trained (ONT: n = 21). Resistance trained participants trained ≥ 2X per week, for the past ≥ 6 months. Participants completed a survey to assess health-related QoL, using the Sarcopenia and Quality of Life Questionnaire (SarQoL), and PA, using the Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire (LTEQ). The SarQoL provides a total QoL score based on 7 dimensions. We were interested in total QoL and the following 3 dimensions: physical and mental health, functionality, and activities of daily living (ADLs). Scores range from 0 (worst health) to 100 (best health). The LTEQ provides a score for PA units, based on vigorous, moderate, and light PA in the past week, with higher scores indicating more PA. ANOVAs were used to determine group differences for each variable, p ≤ 0.05. Data are reported as mean ± SE. RESULTS: Group differences emerged for all variables (p ≤ 0.05). For total QoL, YT (94.5 ± 1.4) was significantly higher than all other groups (YNT: 86.4 ± 1.6, p \u3c 0.001; OT: 87.1 ± 1.6, p = 0.001; ONT: 81.9 ± 1.4, p \u3c 0.001). OT (p = 0.017) and YNT (p = 0.039) were significantly higher than ONT. For physical and mental health, YT (94.2 ± 2.4) was significantly higher than all groups (YNT: 82.2 ± 2.8, p = 0.002; OT: 85.8 ± 2.7, p = 0.022; ONT: 77.9 ± 2.4, p \u3c 0.001). OT was significantly higher than ONT (p = 0.035). For functionality (e.g., balance, climbing stairs), YT (97.5 ± 1.4) again was significantly higher than the other groups (YNT: 92.0 ± 1.6, p = 0.012; OT: 88.9 ± 1.6, p \u3c 0.001; ONT: 85.6 ± 1.4, p \u3c 0.001). YNT was significantly higher than ONT (p= 0.004). For ADLs (e.g., difficulty, fatigue, or pain during physical effort), YT (95.4 ± 1.7) was significantly higher than all groups (YNT: 87.3 ± 1.9, p = 0.002; OT: 87.9 ± 1.9, p = 0.004; ONT: 84.7 ± 1.7, p \u3c 0.001). For all QoL variables, OT did not differ from YNT (p \u3e 0.05). For PA, YT (58.5 ± 6.1 AU) had the same activity level as OT (50.0 ± 6.9 AU, p = 0.356). YT was significantly higher than YNT (31.1 ± 7.3 AU, p = 0.005) and ONT (32.4 ± 6.4 AU, p = 0.004). All other group comparisons were not different (p \u3e 0.05). CONCLUSION: Interestingly, OT was similar to YT on PA and similar to YNT on QoL outcomes. Further, OT was higher than ONT on perceptions of physical and mental health and total QoL. These data suggest that resistance training may be an effective modality to improve or maintain QoL as individuals age

    A Comparison of Haptic and Auditory Feedback as a Warning Signal for Slip in Tele-Operation Scenarios

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    Slip feedback is an important cue in everyday object manipulation, but it is generally missing in tele-operation systems. To test the usefulness of simple, abstract types of feedback that warn the user about slip events, we tested the effect of auditory and haptic vibration feedback in a tele-operation task. Participants were asked to hold an object in a remote robot hand, and the force profiles that they exerted in response to slip events were measured. Haptic feedback did not significantly change the response characteristics, but auditory feedback did significantly improve response latency. A small but significant difference between haptic and auditory reaction times (60 ms) found in our control experiment might explain the difference between the feedback types

    Описание и генерация перестановок, содержащих циклы

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    Запропоновано загальний підхід до генерації перестановок, що містять цикли, на основі введених конструктивних засобів опису комбінаторних множин. Формулюються та розв’язуються різні задачі генерації перестановок заданого класу. Для опису перестановок, представлених у вигляді добутку заданої кількості циклів, вводиться комбінаторна множина. Для введеної множини будуються комбінаторний вид та відповідний твірний ряд. Наводяться приклади.The paper proposes a general approach to generating permutations that contain cycles, based on constructive tools introduced to describe combinatorial sets. Different generation problems for permutations of definite class are formulated and solved. A combinatorial set is introduced to define permutations represented as the multiplication of a definite number of cycles. For this set, combinatorial species and associated generating series are constructed. Examples are given