100 research outputs found

    Genomic and transcriptomic comparison between Staphylococcus aureus strains associated with high and low within herd prevalence of intra-mammary infection

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    Background: Staphylococcus aureus (Staph. aureus) is one of the major pathogens causing mastitis in dairy ruminants worldwide. The chronic nature of Staph. aureus infection enhances the contagiousness risk and diffusion in herds. In order to identify the factors involved in intra-mammary infection (IMI) and diffusion in dairy cows, we investigated the molecular characteristics of two groups of Staph. aureus strains belonging to ST8 and ST398, differing in clinical properties, through comparison of whole genome and whole transcriptome sequencing. Results: The two groups of strains, one originated from high IMI prevalence herds and the other from low IMI prevalence herds, present a peculiar set of genes and polymorphisms related to phenotypic features, such as bacterial invasion of mammary epithelial cells and host adaptation. Transcriptomic analysis supports the high propensity of ST8 strain to chronicity of infection and to a higher potential cytotoxicity. Conclusions: Our data are consistent with the invasiveness and host adaptation feature for the strains GTB/ST8 associated to high within-herd prevalence of mastitis. Variation in genes coding for surface exposed proteins and those associated to virulence and defence could constitute good targets for further research

    Hazard evaluation of plastic mixtures from four Italian subalpine great lakes on the basis of laboratory exposures of zebra mussels

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    Studies related to the evaluation of plastics in freshwaters have been increasing in recent years because approximately 80% of plastic items found in the sea are from inland waters. Despite the ecological relevance of these surveys, no information has been available until now about the hazard related to plastic mixtures in freshwaters. To fill this knowledge gap, we carried out a study aimed to assess the environmental risk associated with the \u201ccocktail\u201d of plastics and environmental pollutants adsorbed on their surface in one of the larger European freshwater basins. Plastic debris was collected by a manta trawl along one transect each in four of the Italian subalpine great lakes (Lake Maggiore, Como, Iseo and Garda) and administered to zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), a useful freshwater biological model present in all these lakes. We estimated a plastic density from 4908 MPs/km2 (Lake Iseo) to 272,261 MPs/km2 (Lake Maggiore), while the most common polymers found were polyethylene and polypropylene, with percentages varying between 73% and 100%. A biomarkers suite consisting of 10 different endpoints was performed after 7 days of exposure to investigate the molecular and cellular effects of plastics and related adsorbed pollutants. The main results highlighted a diffuse but different toxicity due to plastics for each lake, and there were significant changes in the antioxidant and detoxifying enzyme activities in Lake Maggiore, Iseo and Garda, an increase in protein carbonylation in L. Como, and a cellular viability decrease of approximately 30% for zebra mussels from L. Iseo and Garda. Despite this variability in the endpoints' responses, the application of the biomarker response index showed a similar environmental hazard due to plastics for all the sampled lakes

    Enly: improving draft genomes through reads recycling

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    The reconstruction of the complete genome sequence of an organism is an important point for comparative, functional and evolutionary genomics. Nevertheless, overcoming the problems encountered while completing the sequence of an entire genome can still be demanding in terms of time and resources. We have developed Enly, a simple tool based on the iterative mapping of sequence reads at contig edges, capable to extend the genomic contigs deriving from high-throughput sequencing, especially those deriving by Newbler-like assemblies. Testing it on a set of de novo draft genomes led to the closure of up to 20% of the gaps originally present. Enly is cross-platform and most of the steps of its pipeline are parallelizable, making easy and fast to improve a draft genome resulting from a de novo assembly

    A compendium of long non-coding RNAs transcriptional fingerprint in multiple myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a clonal proliferation of bone marrow plasma cells characterized by highly heterogeneous genetic background and clinical course, whose pathogenesis remains largely unknown. Long ncRNAs (lncRNAs) are a large class of non-protein-coding RNA, involved in many physiological cellular and genomic processes as well as in carcinogenesis and tumor evolution. Although still in its infancy, the role of lncRNAs in MM is progressively expanding. Besides studies on selected candidates, lncRNAs expression at genome-wide transcriptome level is confined to microarray technologies, thus investigating a limited collection of transcripts. In the present study investigating a cohort of 30 MM patients, a deep RNA-sequencing analysis overwhelmed previous array studies and allowed the most accurate definition of lncRNA transcripts structure and expression, ultimately providing a comprehensive catalogue of lncRNAs specifically associated with the main MM molecular subgroups and genetic alterations. Despite the small number of analyzed samples, the high accuracy of RNA-sequencing approach for complex transcriptome processing led to the identification of 391 deregulated lncRNAs, 67% of which were also detectable and validated by whole-transcript microarrays. In addition, we identified a list of lncRNAs, with potential relevance in MM, co-expressed and in close proximity to genes that might undergo a cis-regulatory relationship

    Gene and protein expression in response to different growth temperatures and oxygen availability in Burkholderia thailandensis.

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    Published onlineJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThis is the final version of the article. Available from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this record.Burkholderia thailandensis, although normally avirulent for mammals, can infect macrophages in vitro and has occasionally been reported to cause pneumonia in humans. It is therefore used as a model organism for the human pathogen B. pseudomallei, to which it is closely related phylogenetically. We characterized the B. thailandensis clinical isolate CDC2721121 (BtCDC272) at the genome level and studied its response to environmental cues associated with human host colonization, namely, temperature and oxygen limitation. Effects of the different growth conditions on BtCDC272 were studied through whole genome transcription studies and analysis of proteins associated with the bacterial cell surface. We found that growth at 37°C, compared to 28°C, negatively affected cell motility and flagella production through a mechanism involving regulation of the flagellin-encoding fliC gene at the mRNA stability level. Growth in oxygen-limiting conditions, in contrast, stimulated various processes linked to virulence, such as lipopolysaccharide production and expression of genes encoding protein secretion systems. Consistent with these observations, BtCDC272 grown in oxygen limitation was more resistant to phagocytosis and strongly induced the production of inflammatory cytokines from murine macrophages. Our results suggest that, while temperature sensing is important for regulation of B. thailandensis cell motility, oxygen limitation has a deeper impact on its physiology and constitutes a crucial environmental signal for the production of virulence factors.This work was supported by Fondazione CARIPLO (Progetto Vaccini, contract number 2009–3577) and by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) (project FIRB RBLA039LSF). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Rare Pathogenic Variants Predispose to Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a rising cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We examined whether inherited pathogenic variants in candidate genes (n = 181) were enriched in patients with NAFLD-HCC. To this end, we resequenced peripheral blood DNA of 142 NAFLD-HCC, 59 NAFLD with advanced fibrosis, and 50 controls, and considered 404 healthy individuals from 1000 G. Pathogenic variants were defined according to ClinVar, likely pathogenic as rare variants predicted to alter protein activity. In NAFLD-HCC patients, we detected an enrichment in pathogenic (p = 0.024), and likely pathogenic variants (p = 1.9*10 126 ), particularly in APOB (p = 0.047). APOB variants were associated with lower circulating triglycerides and higher HDL cholesterol (p < 0.01). A genetic risk score predicted NAFLD-HCC (OR 4.96, 3.29\u20137.55; p = 5.1*10 1216 ), outperforming the diagnostic accuracy of common genetic risk variants, and of clinical risk factors (p < 0.05). In conclusion, rare pathogenic variants in genes involved in liver disease and cancer predisposition are associated with NAFLD-HCC development

    Whole-exome sequencing of primary plasma cell leukemia discloses heterogeneous mutational patterns

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    Primary plasma cell leukemia (pPCL) is a rare and aggressive form of plasma cell dyscrasia and may represent a valid model for high-risk multiple myeloma (MM). To provide novel information concerning the mutational profile of this disease, we performed the whole-exome sequencing of a prospective series of 12 pPCL cases included in a Phase II multicenter clinical trial and previously characterized at clinical and molecular levels. We identified 1, 928 coding somatic non-silent variants on 1, 643 genes, with a mean of 166 variants per sample, and only few variants and genes recurrent in two or more samples. An excess of C > T transitions and the presence of two main mutational signatures (related to APOBEC over-activity and aging) occurring in different translocation groups were observed. We identified 14 candidate cancer driver genes, mainly involved in cell-matrix adhesion, cell cycle, genome stability, RNA metabolism and protein folding. Furthermore, integration of mutation data with copy number alteration profiles evidenced biallelically disrupted genes with potential tumor suppressor functions. Globally, cadherin/Wnt signaling, extracellular matrix and cell cycle checkpoint resulted the most affected functional pathways. Sequencing results were finally combined with gene expression data to better elucidate the biological relevance of mutated genes. This study represents the first whole-exome sequencing screen of pPCL and evidenced a remarkable genetic heterogeneity of mutational patterns. This may provide a contribution to the comprehension of the pathogenetic mechanisms associated with this aggressive form of PC dyscrasia and potentially with high-risk MM

    myVCF: a desktop application for high-throughput mutations data management

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    Next-generation sequencing technologies have become the most powerful tool to discover genetic variants associated with human diseases. Although the dramatic reductions in the costs facilitate the use in the wet-lab and clinics, the huge amount of data generated renders their management by non-expert researchers and physicians extremely difficult. Therefore, there is an urgent need of novel approaches and tools aimed at getting the 'end-users' closer to the sequencing data, facilitating the access by non-bioinformaticians, and to speed-up the functional interpretation of genetic variants. We developed myVCF, a standalone, easy-to-use desktop application, which is based on a browser interface and is suitable for Windows, Mac and UNIX systems. myVCF is an efficient platform that is able to manage multiple sequencing projects created from VCF files within the system; stores genetic variants and samples genotypes from an annotated VCF files into a SQLite database; implements a flexible search engine for data exploration, allowing to query for chromosomal region, gene, single variant or dbSNP ID. Besides, myVCF generates a summary statistics report about mutations distribution across samples and across the genome/exome by aggregating the information within the VCF file. In summary, the myVCF platform allows end-users without strong programming and bioinformatics skills to explore, query, visualize and export mutations data in a simple and straightforward way

    Valutazione del rischio, stili educativi e narrazione di un incidente stradale in un gruppo di adolescenti

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    La ricerca esamina la relazione fra l'esperienza di condotte rischiose e la stima della loro pericolosità, con riferimento allo sress percepito e alle differenze di genere. A 222 insegnanti in formazione sono stati somministrati il Physical Risk Asessment Inventory (Llewellyn 2003) e la Scala di Valutazione Rapida dello Stress di Tarsitani e Biondi (1999). La correlazione negativa fra la frequenza dei comportamenti a rischio e la valutazione della loro pericolosità appare mediata dai livelli di stress (un maggior carico di stress si associa a una minor partecipazione ad attività a rischio, soprattutto sportive e a una valutazione di maggior pericolosità dei comportamenti a rischio per la salute) e dalle differenze di genere (le F riportano più stress percepito e meno comportamenti a rischio, valutando più pericolosi quelli a rischio salute di cui non hanno fatto esperienza)
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