223 research outputs found

    Short communication. Collection and characterisation of a population of Triticum boeoticum Boiss., a wild wheat species not previously found in the Mediterranean western region

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    En julio del 2010 se recolectó una población de trigo silvestre en una zona abandonada cerca de Madrid, España. Esta zona posee una biodiversidad botánica elevada y un tipo de suelo muy peculiar denominado “arcillas verdes”. Se recogió una muestra de trigo y se multiplicó y caracterizó para varios caracteres agro-morfológicos y subunidades de gluteninas. El número cromosómico 2n de las semillas demostró que es una especie diploide de trigo y los datos de caracterización indicaron que es Triticum boeoticum Boiss. Esta especie llegó probablemente como mala hierba del cultivo de escaña que se producía en la zona hasta al menos la primera mitad del s. xix. Las características edáficas y climáticas del lugar y el hecho de que no haya referencias hasta ahora de esta especie en la zona oeste de la región Mediterránea aumentan el valor de esta adquisición para la mejora del trigo. La nueva accesión se conserva en el Centro Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos y se ha depositado una hoja de herbario en el Real Jardín Botánico de Madri

    Pharmacogenetics of ugt genes in North African populations

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    Cytochrome P450 (CYP450), sulfotransferase (SULT), and glucuronidase (UGT) enzymes play roles in the phase I and phase II metabolism of most clinically prescribed drugs. As polymorphisms in these genes may alter enzyme activities, most prescribed drugs will differ in their efficacy and side effects. In prior work, we showed that besides polymorphisms in CYP450, those in SULT and UGT also give rise to different serum levels of some drug metabolites than detected in wild-type carriers of the genes [1]. [...

    The Response of Governments and Public Health Agencies to COVID-19 Pandemics on Social Media: A Multi-Country Analysis of Twitter Discourse

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, information is being rapidly shared by public health experts and researchers through social media platforms. Whilst government policies were disseminated and discussed, fake news and misinformation simultaneously created a corresponding wave of "infodemics." This study analyzed the discourse on Twitter in several languages, investigating the reactions to government and public health agency social media accounts that share policy decisions and official messages. The study collected messages from 21 official Twitter accounts of governments and public health authorities in the UK, US, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Spain, and Nigeria, from 15 March to 29 May 2020. Over 2 million tweets in various languages were analyzed using a mixed-methods approach to understand the messages both quantitatively and qualitatively. Using automatic, text-based clustering, five topics were identified for each account and then categorized into 10 emerging themes. Identified themes include political, socio-economic, and population-protection issues, encompassing global, national, and individual levels. A comparison was performed amongst the seven countries analyzed and the United Kingdom (Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England) to find similarities and differences between countries and government agencies. Despite the difference in language, country of origin, epidemiological contexts within the countries, significant similarities emerged. Our results suggest that other than general announcement and reportage messages, the most-discussed topic is evidence-based leadership and policymaking, followed by how to manage socio-economic consequences

    Natación artística en niñas: antropometría, genotipo y rendimiento deportivo.

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    En cada deporte es importante optimizar peso y composición corporal y la genética y los datos antropométricos pueden influir en rendimiento deportivo y salud, sobre todo en deportistas menores. Este estudio analiza 60 nadadoras artísticas entre 9 y 17 años, divididas en tres grupos de edad: ≤12, 13-15 y 16-17 años. Se realizó un análisis de medidas antropométricas, edad de menarquia, genotipo relacionado con rendimiento (gen ACTN3) y resultados deportivos, con objetivo de relacionar estos parámetros entre sí en los grupos de edad. Las nadadoras de mayor edad mostraron tendencia a portar el genotipo heterocigoto RX de ACTN3. En este estudio, la práctica de este deporte podría tener impacto en índice de masa corporal, pliegue tricipital, peso y edad de menarquia. La mayor prevalencia del genotipo heterocigoto ACTN3 R577X podría ofrecer una ventaja, pero el rendimiento en competición de las nadadoras artísticas tuvo poca relación con sus medidas antropométricas.post-print680 K

    Simulaciones gráficas de redes bluetooth utilizando el network animator del ns2 con la librería UCBT

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    La visualización gráfica de resultados dentro de las operaciones que siguen los dispositivos Bluetooth dentro de su estructura básica y sus procedimientos, tales como el descubrimiento, conexión y transmisión de archivos, nos ayudan a tener en cuenta de manera mas didáctica el funcionamiento de esta tecnología de corto alcance. Utilizando herramientas como el simulador Network Simulator, su extensión gráfica Network Animador y la librería para el uso de Bluetooth de la Universidad de Cincinnati UCBT, hemos logrado adaptarla para la interpretación gráfica de las simulaciones Bluetooth.Eje: Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Determination of bisphenol A and related aromatic compounds released from bis-GMA-based composites and sealants by high performance liquid chromatography

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    'Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives'Most of the composites and sealants used in dentistry are based on bisphenol A diglycidylether methacrylate (Bis-GMA). Reports revealed that in situ polymerization is not complete and that free monomers can be detected by different analytic methods. Concerns about the estrogenicity of bisphenol A (BPA) and other aromatic components leached from commercial products have been expressed. We studied biphenolic components eluted from seven composites and one sealant before and after in vitro polymerization using HPLC and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and we investigated how pH modifications affect the leaching of these components. We found BPA (maximal amount 1.8 microg/mg dental material), its dimethacrylate derivative (Bis-DMA, 1.15 microg/mg), bisphenol A diglycidylether (6. 1 microg/mg), Bis-GMA (2.0 microg/mg), and ethoxylate and propoxylate of bisphenol A in media in which samples of different commercial products were maintained under controlled pH and temperature conditions. Our results confirm the leaching of estrogenic monomers into the environment by Bis-GMA-based composites and sealants in concentrations at which biologic effects have been demonstrated in in vivo experimental models. The main issue with implications for patient care and dentist responsibility is to further determine the clinical relevance of this estrogenic exposure.This research was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS, 95/1959) and Education (CICYT, AMB97-1194-CE) and the Andalusian Regional Government, Department of Health (Consejeria de Salud, JA, 231/97)

    Simulaciones gráficas de redes bluetooth utilizando el network animator del ns2 con la librería UCBT

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    La visualización gráfica de resultados dentro de las operaciones que siguen los dispositivos Bluetooth dentro de su estructura básica y sus procedimientos, tales como el descubrimiento, conexión y transmisión de archivos, nos ayudan a tener en cuenta de manera mas didáctica el funcionamiento de esta tecnología de corto alcance. Utilizando herramientas como el simulador Network Simulator, su extensión gráfica Network Animador y la librería para el uso de Bluetooth de la Universidad de Cincinnati UCBT, hemos logrado adaptarla para la interpretación gráfica de las simulaciones Bluetooth.Eje: Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards optimization-safe systems: analyzing the impact of undefined behavior

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    This paper studies an emerging class of software bugs called optimization-unstable code: code that is unexpectedly discarded by compiler optimizations due to undefined behavior in the program. Unstable code is present in many systems, including the Linux kernel and the Postgres database. The consequences of unstable code range from incorrect functionality to missing security checks. To reason about unstable code, this paper proposes a novel model, which views unstable code in terms of optimizations that leverage undefined behavior. Using this model, we introduce a new static checker called Stack that precisely identifies unstable code. Applying Stack to widely used systems has uncovered 160 new bugs that have been confirmed and fixed by developers.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA Clean-slate design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts (CRASH) program under contract #N66001-10-2-4089)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF award CNS-1053143

    Estrogenicity of resin-based composites and sealants used in dentistry.

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    We tested some resin-based composites used in dentistry for their estrogenic activity. A sealant based on bisphenol-A diglycidylether methacrylate (bis-GMA) increased cell yields, progesterone receptor expression, and pS2 secretion in human estrogen-target, serum-sensitive MCF7 breast cancer cells. Estrogenicity was due to bisphenol-A and bisphenol-A dimethacrylate, monomers found in the base paste of the dental sealant and identified by mass spectrometry. Samples of saliva from 18 subjects treated with 50 mg of a bis-GMA-based sealant applied on their molars were collected 1 hr before and after treatment. Bisphenol-A (range 90-931 micrograms) was identified only in saliva collected during a 1-hr period after treatment. The use of bis-GMA-based resins in dentistry, and particularly the use of sealants in children, appears to contribute to human exposure to xenoestrogens