104 research outputs found

    Generating Levels That Teach Mechanics

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    The automatic generation of game tutorials is a challenging AI problem. While it is possible to generate annotations and instructions that explain to the player how the game is played, this paper focuses on generating a gameplay experience that introduces the player to a game mechanic. It evolves small levels for the Mario AI Framework that can only be beaten by an agent that knows how to perform specific actions in the game. It uses variations of a perfect A* agent that are limited in various ways, such as not being able to jump high or see enemies, to test how failing to do certain actions can stop the player from beating the level.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, PCG Workshop at FDG 2018, 9th International Workshop on Procedural Content Generation (PCG2018

    Parallelized Incomplete Poisson Preconditioner in Cloth Simulation

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    Efficient cloth simulation is an important problem for interactive applications that involve virtual humans, such as computer games. A common aspect of many methods that have been developed to simulate cloth is a linear system of equations, which is commonly solved using conjugate gradient or multi-grid approaches. In this paper, we introduce to the computer gaming community a recently proposed preconditioner, the incomplete Poisson preconditioner, for conjugate gradient solvers. We show that the parallelized incomplete Poisson preconditioner (PIPP) performs as well as the current state-of-the-art preconditioners, while being much more amenable to standard thread-level parallelism. We demonstrate our results on an 8-core Apple* Mac* Pro and a 32-core code name Emerald Ridge system

    Skin Deformation Methods for Interactive Character Animation

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    Character animation is a vital component of contemporary computer games, animated feature films and virtual reality applications. The problem of creating appealing character animation can best be described by the title of the animation bible: “The Illusion of Life”. The focus is not on completing a given motion task, but more importantly on how this motion task is performed by the character. This does not necessarily require realistic behavior, but behavior that is believable. This of course includes the skin deformations when the character is moving. In this paper, we focus on the existing research in the area of skin deformation, ranging from skeleton-based deformation and volume preserving techniques to physically based skinning methods. We also summarize the recent contributions in deformable and soft body simulations for articulated characters, and discuss various geometric and example-based approaches

    Cute Balloons with Thickness

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    Based on the fnite element method, we present a simple volume-preserved thin shell deformation algorithm to simulate the process of inflating a balloon. Diff erent from other thin shells, the material of balloons has special features: large stretch, small bend and shear, and incompressibility. Previous deformation methods often focus on typical three-dimensional models or thin plate models such as cloth model. The rest thin shell methods are complex or ignore the special features of thin shells especially balloons. We modify the triangle element to simple three-prism element, ignore bending and shearing deformation, and use volume preservation algorithm to match the incompressibility of balloons. Simple gas model is used, which interacts with shells to make the balloons inflated. Di different balloon examples have been tested in our experiments and the results are compared with those of other methods. The experiments show that our algorithm is simple and effective

    DejaVu: Intra-operative Simulation for Surgical Gesture Rehearsal

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    International audienceAdvances in surgical simulation and surgical augmented reality have changed the way surgeons prepare for practice and conduct medical procedures. Despite considerable interest from surgeons, the use of simulation is still predominantly confined to pre-operative training of surgical tasks and the lack of robustness of surgical augmented reality means that it is seldom used for surgical guidance. In this paper, we present DejaVu, a novel surgical simulation approach for intra-operative surgical gesture rehearsal. With DejaVu we aim at bridging the gap between pre-operative surgical simulation and crucial but not yet robust intra-operative surgical augmented reality. By exploiting intra-operative images we produce a simulation that faithfully matches the actual procedure without visual discrepancies and with an underlying physical modelling that performs real-time deformation of organs and surrounding tissues, surgeons can interact with the targeted organs through grasping, pulling or cutting to immediately rehearse their next gesture. We present results on different in vivo surgical procedures and demonstrate the feasibility of practical use of our system

    Fast character modeling with sketch-based PDE surfaces

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Virtual characters are 3D geometric models of characters. They have a lot of applications in multimedia. In this paper, we propose a new physics-based deformation method and efficient character modelling framework for creation of detailed 3D virtual character models. Our proposed physics-based deformation method uses PDE surfaces. Here PDE is the abbreviation of Partial Differential Equation, and PDE surfaces are defined as sculpting force-driven shape representations of interpolation surfaces. Interpolation surfaces are obtained by interpolating key cross-section profile curves and the sculpting force-driven shape representation uses an analytical solution to a vector-valued partial differential equation involving sculpting forces to quickly obtain deformed shapes. Our proposed character modelling framework consists of global modeling and local modeling. The global modeling is also called model building, which is a process of creating a whole character model quickly with sketch-guided and template-based modeling techniques. The local modeling produces local details efficiently to improve the realism of the created character model with four shape manipulation techniques. The sketch-guided global modeling generates a character model from three different levels of sketched profile curves called primary, secondary and key cross-section curves in three orthographic views. The template-based global modeling obtains a new character model by deforming a template model to match the three different levels of profile curves. Four shape manipulation techniques for local modeling are investigated and integrated into the new modelling framework. They include: partial differential equation-based shape manipulation, generalized elliptic curve-driven shape manipulation, sketch assisted shape manipulation, and template-based shape manipulation. These new local modeling techniques have both global and local shape control functions and are efficient in local shape manipulation. The final character models are represented with a collection of surfaces, which are modeled with two types of geometric entities: generalized elliptic curves (GECs) and partial differential equation-based surfaces. Our experiments indicate that the proposed modeling approach can build detailed and realistic character models easily and quickly

    ODE-Driven Sketch-Based Organic Modelling

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    How to efficiently create 3D models from 2D sketches is an important problem. In this paper we propose a sketch-based and ordinary differential equation (ODE) driven modelling technique to tackle this problem. We first generate 2D silhouette contours of a 3D model. Then, we select proper primitives for each of the corresponding silhouette contours. After that, we develop an ODE-driven and sketch-guided deformation method. It uses ODE-based deformations to deform the primitives to exactly match the generated 2D silhouette contours in one view plane. Our experiment demonstrates that the proposed approach can create 3D models from 2D silhouette contours easily and efficiently

    Transient Receptor Potential Ion Channels Control Thermoregulatory Behaviour in Reptiles

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    Biological functions are governed by thermodynamics, and animals regulate their body temperature to optimise cellular performance and to avoid harmful extremes. The capacity to sense environmental and internal temperatures is a prerequisite for the evolution of thermoregulation. However, the mechanisms that enable ectothermic vertebrates to sense heat remain unknown. The recently discovered thermal characteristics of transient receptor potential ion channels (TRP) render these proteins suitable to act as temperature sensors. Here we test the hypothesis that TRPs are present in reptiles and function to control thermoregulatory behaviour. We show that the hot-sensing TRPV1 is expressed in a crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), an agamid (Amphibolurus muricatus) and a scincid (Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii) lizard, as well as in the quail and zebrafinch (Coturnix chinensis and Poephila guttata). The TRPV1 genes from all reptiles form a unique clade that is delineated from the mammalian and the ancestral Xenopus sequences by an insertion of two amino acids. TRPV1 and the cool-sensing TRPM8 are expressed in liver, muscle (transversospinalis complex), and heart tissues of the crocodile, and have the potential to act as internal thermometer and as external temperatures sensors. Inhibition of TRPV1 and TRPM8 in C. porosus abolishes the typically reptilian shuttling behaviour between cooling and heating environments, and leads to significantly altered body temperature patterns. Our results provide the proximate mechanism of thermal selection in terrestrial ectotherms, which heralds a fundamental change in interpretation, because TRPs provide the mechanism for a tissue-specific input into the animals' thermoregulatory response

    Hybrid texture synthesis

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    Patch-based texture synthesis algorithms produce reasonable results for a wide variety of texture classes. They preserve global structure, but often introduce unwanted visual artifacts along patch boundaries. Pixel-based synthesis algorithms, on the other hand, tend to blur out small objects while maintaining a consistent texture impression, which in return doesn't necessarily resemble the input texture. In this paper, we propose an adaptive and hybrid algorithm. Our algorithm adaptively splits patches so as to use as large as possible patches while staying within a user-defined error tolerance for the mismatch in the overlap region. Using large patches improves the reproduction of global structure. The remaining errors in the overlap regions are eliminated using pixel-based re-synthesis. We introduce an optimized ordering for the re-synthesis of these erroneous pixels using morphological operators, which ensures that every pixel has enough valid (i.e., error-free) neighboring pixels. Examples and comparisons with existing techniques demonstrate that our approach improves over previous texture synthesis algorithms, especially for textures with well-visible, possibly anisotropic structure, such as natural stone wall or scales