44 research outputs found

    The "normal" state of superconducting cuprates might really be normal after all

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    High magnetic field studies of cuprate superconductors revealed a non-BCS temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) determined resistively by several groups. These determinations caused some doubts on the grounds of both the contrasting effect of the magnetic field on the in-plane and out-of-plane resistances reported for large Bi2212 sample and the large Nernst signal \emph{well above} TcT_{c}. Here we present both ρab(B)\rho_{ab}(B) and ρc(B)\rho_{c}(B) of tiny Bi2212 crystals in magnetic fields up to 50 Tesla. None of our measurements revealed a situation when on the field increase ρc\rho_c reaches its maximum while ρab\rho_{ab} remains very small if not zero. The resistive %upper critical fields estimated from the in-plane and out-of-plane Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) estimated from ρab(B)\rho_{ab}(B) and ρc(B)\rho_{c}(B) are approximately the same. Our results support any theory of cuprates that describes the state above the resistive phase transition as perfectly normal with a zero off-diagonal order parameter. In particular, the anomalous Nernst effect above the resistive phase transition in high-TcT_{c} cuprates can be described quantitatively as a normal state phenomenon in a model with itinerant and localised fermions and/or charged bosons

    Nernst effect in poor conductors and the cuprate superconductors

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    We calculate the Nernst signal in disordered conductors with the chemical potential near the mobility edge. The Nernst effect originates from interference of itinerant and localised-carrier contributions to the thermomagnetic transport. It reveals a strong temperature and magnetic field dependence, which describes quantitatively the anomalous Nernst signal in high-Tc cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, thermopower is discussed, Fig.1 change

    How normal is the "normal" state of superconducting cuprates?

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    High magnetic field studies of the cuprate superconductors revealed a non-BCS temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) determined resistively by several groups. These determinations caused some doubts on the grounds of the contrasting effect of the magnetic field on the in-plane, ρab\rho_{ab}, and out-of-plane, ρc\rho_{c} resistances reported for large sample of Bi2212. Here we present careful measurements of both ρab(B)\rho_{ab}(B) and ρc(B)\rho_{c}(B) of tiny Bi2212 crystals in magnetic fields up to 50 Tesla. None of our measurements revealed a situation when on field increase ρc\rho_c reaches its maximum while ρab\rho_{ab} remains very small if not zero. The resistive Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) estimated from ρab(B)\rho_{ab}(B) and ρc(B)\rho_{c}(B) are approximately the same. We also present a simple explanation of the unusual Nernst signal in superconducting cuprates as a normal state phenomenon. Our results support any theory of cuprates, which describes the state above the resistive phase transition as perfectly 'normal' with a zero off-diagonal order parameter

    C-axis negative magnetoresistance and upper critical field of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8

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    The out-of-plane resistance and the resistive upper critical field of BSCCO-2212 single crystals with Tc=91-93 K have been measured in magnetic fields up to 50 T over a wide temperature range. The results are characterised by a positive linear magnetoresistance in the superconducting state and a negative linear magnetoresistance in the normal state. The zero field normal state c-axis resistance, the negative linear normal state magnetoresistance, and the divergent upper critical field Hc2(T)are explained in the framework of the bipolaron theory of superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages (REVTeX), 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters 6 April 1999, rejected in February 2000, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letters on 31 May 200

    Lower critical field H_c1 and barriers for vortex entry in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} crystals

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    The penetration field H_p of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} crystals is determined from magnetization curves for different field sweep rates dH/dt and temperatures. The obtained results are consistent with theoretical reports in the literature about vortex creep over surface and geometrical barriers. The frequently observed low-temperature upturn of H_p is shown to be related to metastable configurations due to barriers for vortex entry. Data of the true lower critical field H_c1 are presented. The low-temperature dependence of H_c1 is consistent with a superconducting state with nodes in the gap function. [PACS numbers: 74.25.Bt, 74.60.Ec, 74.60.Ge, 74.72.Hs

    Hall effect and resistivity in underdoped cuprates

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    The behaviour of the Hall ratio RH(T)R_{H}(T) as a function of temperature is one of the most intriguing normal state properties of cuprate superconductors. One feature of all the data is a maximum of RH(T)R_{H}(T) in the normal state that broadens and shifts to temperatures well above TcT_c with decreasing doping. We show that a model of preformed pairs-bipolarons provides a selfconsistent quantitative description of RH(T)R_{H}(T) together with in-plane resistivity and uniform magnetic susceptibility for a wide range of doping.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, the model and fits were refine

    Isotope effects in high-Tc cuprate superconductors: Ultimate proof for bipolaron theory of superconductivity

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    Developing a theory of high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides is one of the outstanding problems in physics. Twenty-five years after its discovery, no consensus on the microscopic theory has been reached despite tremendous theoretical and experimental efforts. Attempts to understand this problem are hindered by the subtle interplay among a few mechanisms and the presence of several nearly degenerate and competing phases in these systems. Here we provide unified parameter-free explanation of the observed oxygen-isotope effects on the critical temperature, the magnetic-field penetration depth, and on the normal-state pseudogap for underdoped cuprate superconductors within the framework of the bipolaron theory compatible with the strong Coulomb and Froehlich interactions, and with many other independent observations in these highly polarizable doped insulators. Remarkably, we also quantitatively explain measured critical temperatures and magnitudes of the magnetic-field penetration depth. The present work thus represents an ultimate proof of the bipolaron theory of high-temperature superconductivity, which takes into account essential Coulomb and electron-phonon interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Diamagnetism of real-space pairs above Tc in hole doped cuprates

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    The nonlinear normal state diamagnetism reported by Lu Li et al. [Phys. Rev. B 81, 054510 (2010)] is shown to be incompatible with an acclaimed Cooper pairing and vortex liquid above the resistive critical temperature. Instead it is perfectly compatible with the normal state Landau diamagnetism of real-space composed bosons, which describes the nonlinear magnetization curves in less anisotropic cuprates La-Sr-Cu-O (LSCO) and Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) as well as in strongly anisotropic bismuth-based cuprates in the whole range of available magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Andreev bound states in high-TcT_c superconducting junctions

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    The formation of bound states at surfaces of materials with an energy gap in the bulk electron spectrum is a well known physical phenomenon. At superconductor surfaces, quasiparticles with energies inside the superconducting gap Δ\Delta may be trapped in bound states in quantum wells, formed by total reflection against the vacuum and total Andreev reflection against the superconductor. Since an electron reflects as a hole and sends a Cooper pair into the superconductor, the surface states give rise to resonant transport of quasiparticle and Cooper pair currents, and may be observed in tunneling spectra. In superconducting junctions, these surface states may hybridize and form bound Andreev states, trapped between the superconducting electrodes. In d-wave superconductors, the order parameter changes sign under 90o90^o rotation and, as a consequence, Andreev reflection may lead to the formation of zero energy quasiparticle bound states, midgap states (MGS). The formation of MGS is a robust feature of d-wave superconductivity and provides a unified framework for many important effects which will be reviewed: large Josephson current, low-temperature anomaly of the critical Josephson current, π\pi-junction behavior, 0π0\to \pi junction crossover with temperature, zero-bias conductance peaks, paramagnetic currents, time reversal symmetry breaking, spontaneous interface currents, and resonance features in subgap currents. Taken together these effects, when observed in experiments, provide proof for d-wave superconductivity in the cuprates.Comment: 52 pages, 20 figures. Review article under consideration for publication in Superconductor Science and Technolog