3,179 research outputs found

    X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich scaling relations in galaxy clusters

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    [Abridged] We present an analysis of the scaling relations between X-ray properties and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) parameters for a sample of 24 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters observed with Chandra and with measured SZ effect. These objects are in the redshift range 0.14--0.82 and have X-ray bolometric luminosity L>10^45 erg/s. We perform a spatially resolved spectral analysis and recover the density, temperature and pressure profiles of the ICM, just relying on the spherical symmetry of the cluster and the hydrostatic equilibrium hypothesis. We observe that the correlations among X-ray quantities only are in agreement with previous results obtained for samples of high-z X-ray luminous galaxy clusters. On the relations involving SZ quantities, we obtain that they correlate with the gas temperature with a logarithmic slope significantly larger than the predicted value from the self-similar model. The measured scatter indicates, however, that the central Compton parameter y_0 is a proxy of the gas temperature at the same level of other X-ray quantities like luminosity. Our results on the X-ray and SZ scaling relations show a tension between the quantities more related to the global energy of the system (e.g. gas temperature, gravitating mass) and the indicators of the structure of the ICM (e.g. gas density profile, central Compton parameter y_0), showing the most significant deviations from the values of the slope predicted from the self-similar model in the L-T, L-M_{tot}, M_{gas}-T, y_0-T relations. When the slope is fixed to the self-similar value, these relations consistently show a negative evolution suggesting a scenario in which the ICM at higher redshift has lower both X-ray luminosity and pressure in the central regions than the expectations from self-similar model.Comment: MNRAS in press - Minor revision to match published versio

    Bose-Einstein condensation of positronium: modification of the s-wave scattering length below the critical temperature

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    The production of a Bose-Einstein condensate made of positronium may be feasible in the near future. Below the condensation temperature, the positronium collision process is modified by the presence of the condensate. This makes the theoretical description of the positronium kinetics at low temperature challenging. Based on the quasi-particle Bogoliubov theory, we describe the many-body particle-particle collision in a simple manner. We find that, in a good approximation, the full positronium-positronium interaction can be described by an effective scattering length. Our results are general and apply to different species of bosons. The correction to the bare scattering length is expressed in terms of a single dimensionless parameter that completely characterizes the condensate

    Alternative Structures and Bihamiltonian Systems

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    In the study of bi-Hamiltonian systems (both classical and quantum) one starts with a given dynamics and looks for all alternative Hamiltonian descriptions it admits.In this paper we start with two compatible Hermitian structures (the quantum analog of two compatible classical Poisson brackets) and look for all the dynamical systems which turn out to be bi-Hamiltonian with respect to them.Comment: 18 page

    Alternative linear structures for classical and quantum systems

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    The possibility of deforming the (associative or Lie) product to obtain alternative descriptions for a given classical or quantum system has been considered in many papers. Here we discuss the possibility of obtaining some novel alternative descriptions by changing the linear structure instead. In particular we show how it is possible to construct alternative linear structures on the tangent bundle TQ of some classical configuration space Q that can be considered as "adapted" to the given dynamical system. This fact opens the possibility to use the Weyl scheme to quantize the system in different non equivalent ways, "evading", so to speak, the von Neumann uniqueness theorem.Comment: 32 pages, two figures, to be published in IJMP

    Magnetic Monopole in the Loop Representation

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    We quantize the electromagnetic field in the presence of a static magnetic monopole, within the loop-representation formalism. We find that the loop-dependent wave functional becomes multivalued, in the sense that it acquires a dependence on the surfaces bounded by the loop. This generalizes what occurs in quantum mechanics in multiply connected spaces. When Dirac's quantization condition holds, this surface-dependence disappears, together with the effect of the monopole on the electromagnetic field.Comment: reference and comment adde

    Performance analysis of an interacting quantum dot thermoelectric system

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    We analyze the nanocaloritronic performance of an interacting quantum dot that is subject to an applied bias and an applied temperature gradient. It is now well known that, in the absence of phonon contribution, a weakly coupled non-interacting quantum dot can operate at thermoelectric efficiencies approaching the Carnot limit. However, it has also been recently pointed out that such peak efficiencies can only be achieved when operated in the reversible limit, with a vanishing current and hence a vanishing power output. In this paper, we point out three fundamental results affecting the thermoelectric performance due to the inclusion of Coulomb interactions: a) The reversible operating point carries zero efficiency, b) operation at finite power output is possible even at peak efficiencies approaching the Carnot value, and c) the evaluated trends of the the maximum efficiency deviate considerably from the conventional {\it{figure of merit}} zTzT based result. Finally, we also analyze our system for thermoelectric operation at maximum power output.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Resubmission- to be published in Phys. Rev.
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