3,732 research outputs found

    Glial and axonal body fluid biomarkers are related to infarct volume, severity, and outcome.

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    Body fluid biomarkers of central nervous system damage may help improve the prognostic and diagnostic accuracy in ischemic stroke. We studied 53 patients. Stroke severity and outcome was rated using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and modified Rankin scale. Ferritin, S100B, and NfH were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Infarct volume was calculated from T2W images. CSF S100B (median 1.00 ng/mL) and CSF ferritin (10.0 ng/mL) levels were elevated in patients with stroke compared with control subjects (0.62 ng/mL, P < .0001; 2.34 ng/mL, P < .0001). Serum S100B (0.09 ng/mL) was higher in patients with stroke compared with control subjects (0.01 ng/mL). CSF S100B levels were higher in patients with a cardioembolic stroke (2.88 ng/mL) than in those with small-vessel disease (0.89 ng/mL, P < .05). CSF S100B levels correlated with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score on admission (R = 0.56, P < .01) and the stroke volume (R = 0.44, P = .01). CSF S100B and NfH-SMI35 levels correlated with outcome on the modified Rankin scale. CSF S100B levels were related to stroke severity and infarct volume and highest in cardioembolic stroke

    High intracranial pressure, brain herniation and death in cerebral venous thrombosis

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    Performance of the distributed central analysis in BaBar

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    The total dataset produced by the BaBar experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) currently comprises roughly3times1093times 10^9data events and an equal amount of simulated events, corresponding to 23 Tbytes of real data and 51 Tbytes simulated events. Since individual analyses typically select a very small fraction of all events, it would be extremely inefficient if each analysis had to process the full dataset. A first, centrally managed analysis step is therefore a common pre-selection (‘skimming’) of all data according to very loose, inclusive criteria to facilitate data access for later analysis. Usually, there are common selection criteria for several analysis. However, they may change over time, e.g., when new analyses are developed. Currently,$cal

    The Use of Serum Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Measurements in the Diagnosis of Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Optic Neuritis

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    Background: Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a specific intermediate filament of the cytoskeleton of the astrocyte and may be used as a specific marker for astrocytic damage. It is detectable in the cerebrospinal fluid following a relapse caused by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) spectrum disease. Higher levels are found following an NMO-related relapse. It is not known if GFAP is also detectable in the serum following such relapses. In particular, it is not known if lesions limited to the optic nerve release GFAP in sufficient quantities to be detectable within the serum. The aim of this study was to ascertain the extent to which serum GFAP levels can distinguish between an episode of optic neuritis (ON) related to NMO spectrum disease and ON from other causes.Methodology/Principal Findings: Out of 150 patients consecutively presenting to our eye hospital over the period March 2009 until July 2010, we were able to collect a serum sample from 12 patients who had presented with MS-related ON and from 10 patients who had presented with NMO spectrum disease-related ON. We also identified 8 patients with recurrent isolated ON and 8 patients with a corticosteroid-dependent optic neuropathy in the absence of any identified aetiology. GFAP was detectable in the serum of all but three patients (two patients with MS-related ON and one with recurrent optic neuritis). The median serum GFAP level in the patient group with NMO spectrum disease was 4.63 pg/mL whereas in all other cases combined together, this was 2.14 pg/mL. The difference was statistically significant (P = 0.01). A similar statistically significant difference was found when cases with pathology limited to the optic nerve were compared (P = 0.03).Conclusions: Glial pathology in NMO related optic neuritis is reflected in elevated serum GFAP levels independently of whether or not there is extra-optic nerve disease

    Treatment response in relation to inflammatory and axonal surrogate marker in multiple sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate if treatment response could retrospectively be related to inflammatory or axonal pathology as measured by plasma surrogate markers. METHODS: In this 1-year observational study 30 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with relapsing-remitting disease were treated with intramuscular IFNbeta-1a or subcutaneous IFNbeta-1b. Responders and nonresponders were defined according to clinical and magnetic resonance imaging criteria. The control group consisted of 14 healthy subjects. Plasma levels of surrogate markers for inflammation (nitric oxide metabolites (NOx)), astrocytic activation (S100B) and axonal damage (NfH(SM135)) were measured using standard assays. RESULTS: There were 11 nonresponders and 19 responders to IFNbeta treatment. Median S100B levels were elevated in a higher proportion of treatment responders (63%, 42.9 pg/mL) compared to nonresponders (18%, 11.7 pg/mL, P < 0.05, Fisher's exact test) and controls (0%, 2 pg/mL, P < 0.001). Levels of NOx were found to be more frequently elevated in nonresponders (72%, 39 microM) compared to healthy controls (0%, 37 microM, P < 0.05). Levels of NfH(SM135) were more frequently elevated in responders (58%, 300 pg/mL, P < 0.001) and nonresponders (72%, 500 pg/mL, P < 0.001) compared to controls (0%, 4.5 pg/mL). CONCLUSION: Patients with relapsing-remitting MS who had surrogate marker supported evidence for astrocytic activation responded more frequently to treatment with IFNbeta

    Some exact non-vacuum Bianchi VI0 and VII0 instantons

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    We report some new exact instantons in general relativity. These solutions are K\"ahler and fall into the symmetry classes of Bianchi types VI0 and VII0, with matter content of a stiff fluid. The qualitative behaviour of the solutions is presented, and we compare it to the known results of the corresponding self-dual Bianchi solutions. We also give axisymmetric Bianchi VII0 solutions with an electromagnetic field.Comment: latex, 15 pages with 3 eps figure

    Blood and CSF Biomarker Dynamics in Multiple Sclerosis: Implications for Data Interpretation

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    Background. Disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) is related to neuroaxonal degeneration. A reliable blood biomarker for neuroaxonal degeneration is needed. Objectives. To explore the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum concentrations of a protein biomarker for neuroaxonal degeneration, the neurofilaments heavy chain (NfH). Methods. An exploratory cross-sectional (n = 51) and longitudinal (n = 34) study on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum NfH phosphoform levels in patients with MS. The expanded disability status scale (EDSS), CSF, and serum levels of NfH-SMI34 and NfH-SMI35 were quantified at baseline. Disability progression was assessed at 3-year followup. Results. At baseline, patients with primary progressive MS (PPMS, EDSS 6) and secondary progressive MS (SPMS, EDSS 6) were more disabled compared to patients with relapsing remitting MS (RRMS, EDSS 2, P < .0001). Serum and CSF NfH phosphoform levels were not correlated. Baseline serum levels of the NfH-SMI34 were significantly (P < .05) higher in patients with PPMS (2.05 ng/mL) compared to SPMS (0.03 ng/mL) and RRMS (1.56 ng/mL). In SPMS higher serum than CSF NfH-SMI34 levels predicted disability progression from baseline (ΔEDSS 2, P < .05). In RRMS higher CSF than serum NfH-SMI35 levels predicted disability progression (ΔEDSS 2, P < .05). Conclusion. Serum and CSF NfH-SMI34 and NfH-SMI35 levels did not correlate with each other in MS. The quantitative relationship of CSF and serum NfH levels suggests that neuroaxonal degeneration of the central nervous system is the likely cause for disability progression in RRMS. In more severely disabled patients with PP/SPMS, subtle pathology of the peripheral nervous system cannot be excluded as an alternative source for blood NfH levels. Therefore, the interpretation of blood protein biomarker data in diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) should consider the possibility that pathology of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) may influence the results

    Active job monitoring in pilots

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    Recent developments in high energy physics (HEP) including multi-core jobs and multi-core pilots require data centres to gain a deep understanding of the system to monitor, design, and upgrade computing clusters. Networking is a critical component. Especially the increased usage of data federations, for example in diskless computing centres or as a fall-back solution, relies on WAN connectivity and availability. The specific demands of different experiments and communities, but also the need for identification of misbehaving batch jobs, requires an active monitoring. Existing monitoring tools are not capable of measuring fine-grained information at batch job level. This complicates network-aware scheduling and optimisations. In addition, pilots add another layer of abstraction. They behave like batch systems themselves by managing and executing payloads of jobs internally. The number of real jobs being executed is unknown, as the original batch system has no access to internal information about the scheduling process inside the pilots. Therefore, the comparability of jobs and pilots for predicting run-time behaviour or network performance cannot be ensured. Hence, identifying the actual payload is important. At the GridKa Tier 1 centre a specific tool is in use that allows the monitoring of network traffc information at batch job level. This contribution presents the current monitoring approach and discusses recent e_orts and importance to identify pilots and their substructures inside the batch system. It will also show how to determine monitoring data of specific jobs from identified pilots. Finally, the approach is evaluated

    zfishbook: connecting you to a world of zebrafish revertible mutants

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    zfishbook is an internet-based openly accessible database of revertible protein trap gene-breaking transposon (GBT) insertional mutants in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. In these lines, a monomeric red fluorescent protein (mRFP) is encoded by an artificial 3′ exon, resulting in a translational fusion to endogenous loci. The natural transparency of the zebrafish embryo and larvae greatly facilitates the expression annotation of tagged loci using new capillary-based SCORE imaging methods. Molecular annotation of each line is facilitated by cloning methods such as 5′-Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE) and inverse polymerase chain reaction (PCR). zfishbook (http://zfishbook.org) represents a central hub for molecular, expression and mutational information about GBT lines from the International Zebrafish Protein Trap Consortium (IZPTC) that includes researchers from around the globe. zfishbook is open to community-wide contributions including expression and functional annotation. zfishbook also represents a central location for information on how to obtain these lines from diverse members of the IZPTC and integration within other zebrafish community databases including Zebrafish Information Network (ZFIN), Ensembl and National Center for Biotechnology Information

    The aerosol-climate model ECHAM5-HAM

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    The aerosol-climate modelling system ECHAM5-HAM is introduced. It is based on a flexible microphysical approach and, as the number of externally imposed parameters is minimised, allows the application in a wide range of climate regimes. ECHAM5-HAM predicts the evolution of an ensemble of microphysically interacting internally- and externally-mixed aerosol populations as well as their size-distribution and composition. The size-distribution is represented by a superposition of log-normal modes. In the current setup, the major global aerosol compounds sulfate (SU), black carbon (BC), particulate organic matter (POM), sea salt (SS), and mineral dust (DU) are included. The simulated global annual mean aerosol burdens (lifetimes) for the year 2000 are for SU: 0.80 Tg(S) (3.9 days), for BC: 0.11 Tg (5.4 days), for POM: 0.99 Tg (5.4 days), for SS: 10.5 Tg (0.8 days), and for DU: 8.28 Tg (4.6 days). An extensive evaluation with in-situ and remote sensing measurements underscores that the model results are generally in good agreement with observations of the global aerosol system. The simulated global annual mean aerosol optical depth (AOD) is with 0.14 in excellent agreement with an estimate derived from AERONET measurements (0.14) and a composite derived from MODIS-MISR satellite retrievals (0.16). Regionally, the deviations are not negligible. However, the main patterns of AOD attributable to anthropogenic activity are reproduced