1,902 research outputs found

    Microdeformation in Vredefort rocks; evidence for shock metamorphism

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    Planar microdeformations in quartz from basement or collar rocks of the Vredefort Dome have been cited for years as the main microtextural evidence for shock metamorphism in this structure. In addition, Schreyer describes feldspar recrystallization in rocks from the center of the Dome as the result of transformation of diaplectic glass, and Lilly reported the sighting of mosaicism in quartz. These textural observations are widely believed to indicate either an impact or an internally produced shock origin for the Vredefort Dome. Two types of (mostly sub) planar microdeformations are displayed in quartz grains from Vredefort rocks: (1) fluid inclusion trails, and (2) straight optical discontinuities that sometimes resemble lamellae. Both types occur as single features or as single or multiple sets in quartz grains. Besides qualitative descriptions of cleavage and recrystallization in feldspar and kinkbands in mica, no further microtextural evidence for shock metamorphism at Vredefort has been reported to date. Some 150 thin sections of Vredefort basement rocks were re-examined for potential shock and other deformation effects in all rock-forming minerals. This included petrographic study of two drill cores from the immediate vicinity of the center of the Dome. Observations recorded throughout the granitic core are given along with conclusions

    Porphyria cutanea tarda in an HCV-positive liver transplant patient: a case report

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    Introduction. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is the most common type of porphyria. The strong association between PCT and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is well established. Although antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis C may improve PCT in some cases, de novo onset of PCT has been observed in patients undergoing peginterferon/ribavirin treatment. We present a rare case of a genotype 3 HCV-positive liver transplant recipient who developed PCT during antiviral treatment and discuss its probable etiopathogenesis. Case presentation. A genotype 3 HCV-positive liver transplant recipient, a 42-year-old man, was treated with peginterferon alfa-2a (180 µg/week) combined with ribavirin (1,200 mg/day) for recurrence of HCV infection after liver transplantation. He presented with hyperferritinemia but tested negative for genetic hemochromatosis (C282Y and H63D mutations). During antiviral therapy, he developed skin lesions on his hands characterized by vesicles and erosions consistent with PCT. PCT was confirmed by skin biopsy and elevated urinary uroporphyrin levels (1,469 mg/24 h). He was treated with chloroquine (200 mg) twice weekly, resulting in gradual regression of the skin lesions. Antiviral treatment was stopped after 48 weeks, and the patient achieved a sustained virological response. In conclusion, we report an extremely rare case of PCT in a genotype 3 HCV-positive liver transplant patient treated with antiviral therapy. We believe that the combination of HCV genotype 3 infection; hemolysis due to ribavirin treatment; and increased plasma levels of cytokines, such as IL-6 and TNFα, could have altered the patient's iron metabolism and thus caused PCT

    Qualidade da semente e densidade de semeadura no estabelecimento e na produtividade do milho.

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    Uma das principais causas da baixa produtividade de milho é a qualidade da semente, que afeta o estande inicial, o vigor das plantas, e conseqüentemente, a produtividade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito da qualidade da semente e a densidade de semeadura no estabelecimento e na produtividade de milho. Quatro lotes de sementes de milho BRS 201, com germinação de 95%, 90%, 85% e 75%, foram semeados em três densidades de semeadura: 50, 60 e 70 mil sementes/ha, nos anos de 1996/97 e 1997/98. A baixa qualidade da semente provocou reduções acentuadas na emergência de campo, no número de plantas e, conseqüentemente, na produtividade do milho BRS 201.O aumento da densidade de 50 para 70 mil sementes/ha, na semeadura, não compensou a redução da qualidade da semente. Para o acréscimo de 15% na germinação, foi observado, em média, um ganho de produtividade de 30%. Com base nos resultados destes trabalho, recomenda-se aos produtores de milho a utilização de lotes de sementes com germinação superior a 90% e densidade de semeadura entre 50 e 60 mil sementes/ha.bitstream/CNPMS/15812/1/Bol_01.pd

    Antirheumatic drugs and reproduction in women and men with chronic arthritis.

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    The impact of rheumatic disease on fertility and reproduction can be remarkable. Many disease-related factors can influence patients' sexual functioning, perturb fertility and limit family planning. Antirheumatic pharmacological treatment can also have a crucial role in this field. Proper counselling, preferably provided by a multidisciplinary team of rheumatologists, obstetricians, gynaecologists and neonatologists, is recommended for patients taking antirheumatic drugs, not only at the beginning, but also during the course of treatment. Paternal exposure to antirheumatic drugs was not found to be specifically associated with congenital malformation and adverse pregnancy outcome, therefore discontinuation of these drugs while planning for conception should be weighed against the risk of disease flare. Drugs in Food and Drug Administration (FDA) category 'X' should be withdrawn in a timely manner in women who desire a pregnancy. Meanwhile, disease control can be achieved with anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α agents, which are not teratogenic drugs. If maternal disease control is permissive, they can be stopped as soon as the pregnancy test turns positive and be resumed during pregnancy in case of a flare

    Shintaido in the elderly: the new way for physical and psychological health

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    The research aims to investigate the effects of a Shintaido practice in terms of physical and psychological functioning in a group of elderly. Forty seniors, of both gender, with a mean age of (69 ± 6) years, self-sufficient and without highly invalidating diseases participated in the study. The experimental group (EG) attended the Shintaido physical training of 20 weeks (1 hour per session, twice a week), while the control group (CG) maintained his usual routine. The exercise protocol included specific activities of joint mobility, balance and breathing. At the begin and at the end of intervention were administered to both groups the following validated instruments: 1) One-leg Stance test for the measure of monopodalic static balance; 2) 6-Minutes Walking test for the endurance assessment; 3) Self-Efficacy Perception in Physical Activity (APEF) questionnaire for the selfefficacy evaluation. Data were treated with the not-parametric test for paired and unpaired samples, the Spearman correlation and the linear regression. The results show that: 1) the EG improves the endurance in walking and the monopodalic balance as well as his self-efficacy after the Shintaido program; 2) there are strong associations among Shintaido physical activity and physical/psychological variables; 3) there is a mediating effect of walking endurance between the participation to Shintaido training and the self-efficacy. The results suggest that a well structured Shintaido training can help to maintain a good level of physical and psychological functioning in old people

    Oligodendroglioma cells lack glutamine synthetase and are auxotrophic for glutamine, but do not depend on glutamine anaplerosis for growth

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    In cells derived from several types of cancer, a transcriptional program drives high consumption of glutamine (Gln), which is used for anaplerosis, leading to a metabolic addiction for the amino acid. Low or absent expression of Glutamine Synthetase (GS), the only enzyme that catalyzes de novo Gln synthesis, has been considered a marker of Gln-addicted cancers. In this study, two human cell lines derived from brain tumors with oligodendroglioma features, HOG and Hs683, have been shown to be GS-negative. Viability of both lines depends from extracellular Gln with EC of 0.175 ± 0.056 mM (Hs683) and 0.086 ± 0.043 mM (HOG), thus suggesting that small amounts of extracellular Gln are sufficient for OD cell growth. Gln starvation does not significantly affect the cell content of anaplerotic substrates, which, consistently, are not able to rescue cell growth, but causes hindrance of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and protein synthesis attenuation, which is mitigated by transient GS expression. Gln transport inhibitors cause partial depletion of intracellular Gln and cell growth inhibition, but do not lower cell viability. Therefore, GS-negative human oligodendroglioma cells are Gln-auxotrophic but do not use the amino acid for anaplerosis and, hence, are not Gln addicted, exhibiting only limited Gln requirements for survival and growth

    Efeito do tamanho e da forma da semente na produtividade do milho.

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    A comprehensive study of noble gases and nitrogen in Hypatia, a diamond-rich pebble from SW Egypt

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    This is a follow-up study of a work by Kramers et al. (2013) on an unusual diamond-rich rock found in the SW side of the Libyan Desert Glass strewn field. This pebble, called Hypatia, is composed of almost pure carbon. Transmission Electron Microscopy and X-ray diffraction results reveal that Hypatia is made of defect-rich diamond containing lonsdaleite and deformation bands. These characteristics are compatible with an impact origin on Earth and/or in space. We analyzed concentrations and isotopic compositions of all five noble gases and nitrogen in several mg sized Hypatia samples. These data confirm that Hypatia is extra-terrestrial. The sample is rich in trapped noble gases with an isotopic composition close to the meteoritic Q component. 40Ar/36Ar ratios in individual steps are as low as 0.4. Concentrations of cosmic-ray produced 21Ne correspond to a nominal cosmic-ray exposure age of ca. 0.1 Myr if produced in a typical m-sized meteoroid. Such an atypically low nominal exposure age suggests high shielding in a considerably larger body. In addition to the Xe-Q composition, an excess of radiogenic 129Xe (from the decay of extinct 129I) is observed (129Xe/132Xe = 1.18 +/- 0.03). Two N components are present, an isotopically heavy component ({\delta}15N = +20 permil) released at low temp. and a major light component ({\delta}15N = -110 permil) at higher temp. This disequilibrium in N suggests that the diamonds in Hypatia were formed in space. Our data are broadly consistent with concentrations and isotopic compositions of noble gases in at least three different types of carbon-rich meteoritic materials. However, Hypatia does not seem to be related to any of these materials, but may have sampled a similar cosmochemical reservoir. Our study does not confirm the presence of exotic noble gases that led Kramers et al. to propose that Hypatia is a remnant of a comet that impacted the Earth

    Cefepime Neurotoxicity in an Adolescent Cystic Fibrosis Patient with Aminoglycoside-Induced Acute Kidney Injury

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    Objective: To describe a case of cefepime neurotoxicity in an adolescent with cystic fibrosis and aminoglycoside-associated acute kidney injury (AKI). Case Summary: A 15-year-old, 46-kg male with cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic sinusitis was admitted to the hospital for CF exacerbation. The patient was subsequently discharged to complete home antibiotic therapy with intravenous gentamicin and cefepime. Thirteen days after discharge, while still receiving intravenous antibiotics, the patient presented to an outside hospital complaining of vomiting, fatigue, decreased appetite, and decreased urine output. The patient was diagnosed with AKI and was transferred to our institution, where he displayed signs and symptoms consistent with encephalopathy. Encephalopathy was thought to be consistent with cefepime-associated neurotoxicity. After 2 hemodialysis sessions, the encephalopathy resolved. Over the course of admission, the patient\u27s renal function improved. Discussion: This patient experienced neurotoxicity thought to be secondary to cefepime in the setting of AKI. Aminoglycoside therapy most likely led to the AKI. We believe that our patient represents the fourth pediatric patient with cefepime-associated encephalopathy described in the literature and the second without chronic renal dysfunction. Conclusions: Children receiving cefepime should be monitored for AKI. In the presence of AKI, cefepime doses may need to be adjusted and the patient should be monitored for signs and symptoms of neurotoxicity