35 research outputs found

    NS4A regulates the ATPase activity of the NS3 helicase: a novel cofactor role of the non-structural protein NS4A from West Nile virus

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    Using constructs that encode the individual West Nile virus (WNV) NS3helicase (NS3hel) and NS3hel linked to the hydrophilic, N-terminal 1–50 sequence of NS4A, we demonstrated that the presence of NS4A allows NS3hel to conserve energy in the course of oligonucleotide substrate unwinding. Using NS4A mutants, we also determined that the C-terminal acidic EELPD/E motif of NS4A, which appears to be functionally similar to the acidic EFDEMEE motif of hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS4A, is essential for regulating the ATPase activity of NS3hel. We concluded that, similar to HCV NS4A, NS4A of WNV acts as a cofactor for NS3hel and allows helicase to sustain the unwinding rate of the viral RNA under conditions of ATP deficiency

    Mutagenesis of the Dengue Virus Type 2 NS3 Protein within and outside Helicase Motifs: Effects on Enzyme Activity and Virus Replication

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    The protein NS3 of Dengue virus type 2 (DEN-2) is the second largest nonstructural protein specified by the virus and is known to possess multiple enzymatic activities, including a serine proteinase located in the N-terminal region and an NTPase-helicase in the remaining 70% of the protein. The latter region has seven conserved helicase motifs found in all members of the family Flaviviridae. DEN-2 NS3 lacking the proteinase region was synthesized as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase in Escherichia coli. The effects of 10 mutations on ATPase and RNA helicase activity were examined. Residues at four sites within enzyme motifs I, II, and VI were substituted, and six sites outside motifs were altered by clustered charged-to-alanine mutagenesis. The mutations were also tested for their effects on virus replication by incorporation into genomic-length cDNA. Two mutations, both in motif I (G198A and K199A) abolished both ATPase and helicase activity. Two further mutations, one in motif VI (R457A,R458A) and the other a clustered charged-to-alanine substitution at R(376)KNGK(380), abolished helicase activity only. No virus was detected for any mutation which prevented helicase activity, demonstrating the requirement of this enzyme for virus replication. The remaining six mutations resulted in various levels of enzyme activities, and four permitted virus replication. For the two nonreplicating viruses encoding clustered changes at R(184)KR(186) and D(436)GEE(439), we propose that the substituted residues are surface located and that the viruses are defective through altered interaction of NS3 with other components of the viral replication complex. Two of the replicating viruses displayed a temperature-sensitive phenotype. One contained a clustered mutation at D(334)EE(336) and grew too poorly for further characterization. However, virus with an M283F substitution in motif II was examined in a temperature shift experiment (33 to 37°C) and showed reduced RNA synthesis at the higher temperature

    Minimum requirements for bluetongue virus primary replication in vivo.

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    The replication mechanism of bluetongue virus (BTV) has been studied by an in vivo reverse genetics (RG) system identifying the importance of certain BTV proteins for primary replication of the virus. However, a unique in vitro cell-free virus assembly system was subsequently developed, showing that it did not require the same set of viral components, which is indicative of differences in these two systems. Here, we studied the in vivo primary replicase complex more in-depth to determine the minimum components of the complex. We showed that while NS2 is an essential component of the primary replication stage during BTV infection, NS1 is not an essential component but may play a role in enhancing BTV protein synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrated that VP7, a major structural protein of the inner core, is not required for primary replication but appears to stabilize the replicase complex. In contrast, VP3, the other major structural core protein, is an essential component of the complex, together with the three minor enzymatic proteins (VP1, VP4, and VP6) of the core. In addition, our data have demonstrated that the smallest minor protein, VP6, which is known to possess an RNA-dependent helicase activity, may also act as an RNA translocator during assembly of the primary replicase complex