348 research outputs found

    Classification of the N=2, Z2 X Z2-symmetric type II orbifolds and their type II asymmetric duals

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    Using free world-sheet fermions, we construct and classify all the N=2, Z2 X Z2 four-dimensional orbifolds of the type IIA/B strings for which the orbifold projections act symmetrically on the left and right movers. We study the deformations of these models out of the fermionic point, deriving the partition functions at a generic point in the moduli of the internal torus T6=T2 X T2 X T2. We investigate some of their perturbative and non-perturbative dualities and construct new dual pairs of type IIA/type II asymmetric orbifolds, which are related non-perturbatively and allow us to gain insight into some of the non-perturbative properties of the type IIA/B strings in four dimensions. In particular, we consider some of the (non-)perturbative gravitational corrections.Comment: Latex, 47 pages, no figure

    BPS States in N=3 Superstrings

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    The N = 3 string models are special solutions of the type II perturbative string theories. We present explicit expressions for the helicity supertraces,which count the number of the perturbative BPS multiplets. Assuming the non-perturbative duality (S↔T)(S\leftrightarrow T) of the heterotic string on T^6 and type II on K_3 x T^2 valid in N = 4 theories, we derive the N = 3 non-perturbative BPS mass formula by ``switching off" some of the N = 4 charges and ``fixing" to special values some of the N = 4 moduli. This operation corresponds to a well-defined Z_2 projection acting freely on the compactification manifold. The consistency of this projection and the precise connection of the N = 4 and N = 3 BPS spectrum is shown explicitly in several type II string constructions. The heterotic N = 3 and some asymmetric type II constructions turn out to be non-perturbative with the S moduli fixed at the self-dual point S=i. Some of the non-perturbative N = 3 type II are defined in the context of F-theory. The bosonic sector of the N=3 string effective action is also presented. This part can be useful for the study of 4d black holes in connection with the asymptotic density of BPS states in N = 3 string theory

    R^2 Corrections and Non-perturbative Dualities of N=4 String ground states

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    We compute and analyse a variety of four-derivative gravitational terms in the effective action of six- and four-dimensional type II string ground states with N=4 supersymmetry. In six dimensions, we compute the relevant perturbative corrections for the type II string compactified on K3. In four dimensions we do analogous computations for several models with (4,0) and (2,2) supersymmetry. Such ground states are related by heterotic-type II duality or type II-type II U-duality. Perturbative computations in one member of a dual pair give a non-perturbative result in the other member. In particular, the exact CP-even R^2 coupling on the (2,2) side reproduces the tree-level term plus NS 5-brane instanton contributions on the (4,0) side. On the other hand, the exact CP-odd coupling yields the one-loop axionic interaction a.R\wedge R together with a similar instanton sum. In a subset of models, the expected breaking of the SL(2,Z)_S S-duality symmetry to a \Gamma(2)_S subgroup is observed on the non-perturbative thresholds. Moreover, we present a duality chain that provides evidence for the existence of heterotic N=4 models in which N=8 supersymmetry appears at strong coupling.Comment: Latex2e, 51 pages, 1 figur

    Non-Perturbative Gravitational Corrections in a Class of N=2 String Duals

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    We investigate the non-perturbative equivalence of some heterotic/type II dual pairs with N=2 supersymmetry. The perturbative heterotic scalar manifolds are respectively SU(1, 1)/U(1) x SO(2, 2+NV)/ SO(2) x SO(2+NV) and SO(4, 4+NH)/ SO(4) x SO(4+NH) for moduli in the vector multiplets and hypermultiplets. The models under consideration correspond, on the type II side, to self-mirror Calabi-Yau threefolds with Hodge numbers h(1,1)= NV +3= h(2,1)= NH +3, which are K3 fibrations. We consider three classes of dual pairs, with NV=NH=8, 4 and 2. The models with h(1,1)=7 and 5 provide new constructions, while the h(1,1)=11, already studied in the literature, is reconsidered here. Perturbative R2-like corrections are computed on the heterotic side by using a universal operator whose amplitude has no singularities in the (T,U) space, and can therefore be compared with the type II side result. We point out several properties connecting K3 fibrations and spontaneous breaking of the N=4 supersymmetry to N=2. As a consequence of the reduced S- and T- duality symmetries, the instanton numbers in these three classes are restricted to integers, which are multiples of 2, 2 and 4, for NV=8, 4 and 2, respectively

    Soft Masses in Theories with Supersymmetry Breaking by TeV-Compactification

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    We study the sparticle spectroscopy and electroweak breaking of theories where supersymmetry is broken by compactification (Scherk-Schwarz mechanism) at a TeV. The evolution of the soft terms above the compactification scale and the resulting sparticle spectrum are very different from those of the usual MSSM and gauge mediated theories. This is traced to the softness of the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism which leads to scalar sparticle masses that are only logarithmically sensitive to the cutoff starting at two loops. As a result, squarks and sleptons are naturally an order of magnitude lighter than gauginos. In addition, the mechanism is very predictive and the sparticle spectrum depends on just two new parameters. A significant advantage of this mechanism relative to gauge mediation is that a Higgsino mass Ό∌Msusy\mu\sim M_susy is automatically generated when supersymmetry is broken. Our analysis applies equally well to theories where the cutoff is near a TeV or MPlM_{Pl} or some intermediate scale. We also use these observations to show how we may obtain compactification radii which are hierarchically larger than the fundamental cutoff scale.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, Late

    Non-universal soft scalar masses in supersymmetric theories

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    The existence of non--universal soft masses is the most general situation in supersymmetric theories. We study the consecuences that this situation has for the low--energy sparticle spectrum. In particular, we analize in detail the contribution to the scalar mass renormalization group equations of the U(1)YU(1)_Y D--term. We obtain analytic expressions for the evolution of masses of the three generations and these allow us to show that such a contribution can produce important modifications on the spectrum. The necessity to avoid flavour changing neutral currents does not constrain this result. Finally, we discuss a realistic example in the context of string theory where the departure from universality is large.Comment: Latex, 13 pages + 3 figs.(avalaible upon request

    An Effective Supergravity for the Thermal Phases of N=4 Strings

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    A universal effective supergravity Lagrangian describing the thermal phases of heterotic strings on T^4 x S^1, IIA and IIB strings on K^3 x S^1 is constructed. The resulting non-perturbative phase structure is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 6th Hellenic School and Workshop, Corfu, Greece, Sept. 9
