2,057 research outputs found

    Philip A. Kindler to Mr. Meredith (1 October 1962)

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    Lublin-Vistula Case Study

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    Making optimum use of the water resources is a task which long has engaged human effort and which has, in recent decades, been studied within the framework of the integrated regional development plans. The "integrated development" of a region means the orderly marshalling of all its resources to promote human welfare. It is evident, however, that the influence of development of a given region upon the rest of the national economy is in most of the cases considerable. Moreover, the investment needs of any development scheme are closely linked to the needs of the whole economy. These introductory comments are especially relevant to the water resources development schemes. It is now widely recognized that individual water projects -- whether single or multipurpose -- cannot as a rule be undertaken with optimum benefit for the people affected before there is at least the broad outline of a plan for the entire drainage area. Although this paper concentrates on the Lublin region, some thoughts are also given to the related problems in the upper portion of the Vistula Basin. Information concerning the entire basin is problem-oriented. A description of the basin and its water resources is presented in some of the earlier IIASA documents. The paper ends with the formulation of a proposal for the Water Resources Sub-Project to be implemented within the framework of the Lublin-Vistula Research Program

    Aphoristic manner of writing in a philosophical text

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    The article presents a short comparative overview of philosophical texts by A. Schopenhauer, G.W.F. Hegel, А. Nietzsche, A. Camus, L. Shestov, V.V. Rozanov. It is stated that it was A. Schopenhauer who introduced aesthetic significance to philosophical text. In his works the leading role is given to the whole conception and not to a separate thought. According to А. Nietzsche aphorism is a reflection of a “stream of consciousness”. Nietzsche creates in an aphorism possibility of multivariate understanding, and the leading role is given to metaphors and rhetoric questions. Ideas of А. Nietzsche, his unique and paradox style found followers in Russia, among them are L. Shestov and V.V. Rozanov.Приводится краткое сопоставительное прочтение философских текстов А. Шопенгауэра, Г. В. Ф. Гегеля, Ф. Ницше, А. Камю, Л. Шестова, В. В. Розанова. Отмечается, что А. Шопенгауэр первым в немецкой философии придал философскому произведению эстетическую значимость. В его философии ведущее значение имеет целостная концепция, а не отдельная мысль. У Ф. Ницше афоризмы – это отражение «потока сознания». Ницше задает в афоризме возможность поливариантного понимания, среди выразительных средств главная роль отводится метафоре и риторическому вопросу. Идеи Ф. Ницше, его уникальный и парадоксальный стиль нашли последователей в России, прежде всего в лице русских философов начала XX в. Л. Шестова и В. В. Розанова

    Shone-Anomalie: Fallbericht und Hintergrund

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Shone-Anomalie wurde 1963 erstmals beschrieben und stellt eine seltene kongenitale kardiovaskuläre Missbildung mit verschiedenen linkskardialen stenotischen Läsionen dar. Die klassische Form besteht aus einem fibrösen supravalvulären Mitralring, einer fallschirmartigen Deformation der Mitralklappe mit nur einem Papillarmuskel ("parachute mitral valve"), einer subvalvulären Aortenstenose und einer Aortenisthmusstenose. Es gibt nur vereinzelte perioperative Fallberichte von erwachsenen Patienten mit dieser kardiovaskulären Missbildung. Allerdings können Patienten mit einer undiagnostizierten, inkompletten Form der Shone-Anomalie auch im Erwachsenenalter für nichtherzchirurgische Operationen vorgesehen sein. In dem vorliegenden Fallbericht wird das anästhesiologische Management einer Patientin, die für eine abdominale Hysterektomie vorgesehen war und an einer bisher nichtdiagnostizierten Shone-Anomalie litt, beschriebe

    Probably Safe or Live

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    This paper presents a formal characterisation of safety and liveness properties \`a la Alpern and Schneider for fully probabilistic systems. As for the classical setting, it is established that any (probabilistic tree) property is equivalent to a conjunction of a safety and liveness property. A simple algorithm is provided to obtain such property decomposition for flat probabilistic CTL (PCTL). A safe fragment of PCTL is identified that provides a sound and complete characterisation of safety properties. For liveness properties, we provide two PCTL fragments, a sound and a complete one. We show that safety properties only have finite counterexamples, whereas liveness properties have none. We compare our characterisation for qualitative properties with the one for branching time properties by Manolios and Trefler, and present sound and complete PCTL fragments for characterising the notions of strong safety and absolute liveness coined by Sistla

    Whole egg consumption and cortical bone in healthy children

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    Eggs contain bioactive compounds thought to benefit pediatric bone. This cross-sectional study shows a positive link between childhood egg intake and radius cortical bone. If randomized trials confirm our findings, incorporating eggs into children's diets could have a significant impact in preventing childhood fractures and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. INTRODUCTION: This study examined the relationships between egg consumption and cortical bone in children. METHODS: The cross-sectional study design included 294 9-13-year-old black and white males and females. Three-day diet records determined daily egg consumption. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography measured radius and tibia cortical bone. Body composition and biomarkers of bone turnover were assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and ELISA, respectively. RESULTS: Egg intake was positively correlated with radius and tibia cortical bone mineral content (Ct.BMC), total bone area, cortical area, cortical thickness, periosteal circumference, and polar strength strain index in unadjusted models (r = 0.144-0.224, all P < 0.050). After adjusting for differences in race, sex, maturation, fat-free soft tissue mass (FFST), and protein intakes, tibia relationships were nullified; however, egg intake remained positively correlated with radius Ct.BMC (r = 0.138, P = 0.031). Egg intake positively correlated with total body bone mineral density, BMC, and bone area in the unadjusted models only (r = 0.119-0.224; all P < 0.050). After adjusting for covariates, egg intake was a positive predictor of radius FFST (β = 0.113, P < 0.050) and FFST was a positive predictor of Ct.BMC (β = 0.556, P < 0.050) in path analyses. There was a direct influence of egg on radius Ct.BMC (β = 0.099, P = 0.035), even after adjusting for the mediator, FFST (β = 0.137, P = 0.020). Egg intake was positively correlated with osteocalcin in both the unadjusted (P = 0.005) and adjusted (P = 0.049) models. CONCLUSION: If the positive influence of eggs on Ct.BMC observed in this study is confirmed through future randomized controlled trials, whole eggs may represent a viable strategy to promote pediatric bone development and prevent fractures

    ¿Dioses o Cristo? Momentos claves del enfrentamiento pagano al cristianismo

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    Constantino y el arrianismo

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    El presente trabajo muestra que la postura del primer emperador cristiano ante la herejía arriana fue clara a favor de la ortodoxia a nivel doctrinal, pero en la práctica estuvo determinada sustancialmente en razón de la política. En el plano teórico entendió la controversia trinitaria como un litigio intrascendente sobre palabras, mientras pasaba a ser un peligro cuando con ella se menoscababa o se ponía en peligro la unidad del tejido social que, gracias a sus medidas de gobierno, había dejado de ser pagano. Durante el período inicial de su reinado, en que creyó que el problema era de carácter teológico, tomó en propia mano su solución, y logró que en el concilio de Nicea se impusiera la fórmula del omoúsios para definir la igualdad de esencia entre el Padre y el Hijo, pero cuando fue consciente de que detrás de toda la polémica arriana había una lucha de poder entre los obispos, limitó su intervención a las situaciones que ponían en peligro el orden público. Así se explica que el defensor de la ortodoxia, Atanasio, fuera condenado al destierro, mientras sus adversarios, con Eusebio de Cesarea a la cabeza, gozaran del favor del soberano.---------This study shows that the first Christian emperor’s attitude towards the Arian heresy was clearly in favour of orthodoxy in doctrinal terms, but that in practice it was influenced heavily by political factors. On a theoretical level he interpreted the Trinitarian controversy as an unimportant argument about words which only became dangerous when it threatened the social fabric which had, thanks to his governance, ceased to be pagan. During the early period of his reign, in which he believed that the problem was theological in nature, he took the solution into his own hands and got the Council of Nicea to impose the formula of omoúsios to define the tenet that the Father and the Son are of the same essence, but when he became aware that there was a power struggle among the bishops underlying the whole Arian controversy, he confined his intervention to situations that posed a threat to public order. This is why Athanasius, the champion of orthodoxy, was condemned to exile, while his adversaries, led by Eusebius of Caesarea, enjoyed the sovereign’s favour

    50^{50}Ti for a High-Intensity Heavy-Ion Beam

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