1,175 research outputs found

    GANIL Status report

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    The GANIL-Spiral facility (Caen, France) is dedicated to the acceleration of heavy ion beams for nuclear physics, atomic physics, radiobiology and material irradiation. The production of radioactive ion beams for nuclear physics studies represents the main part of the activity. The facility possesses a versatile combination of equipments, which permits to produce accelerated radioactive ion beams with two complementary methods: Isotope Separation In Line (ISOL) and In-Flight Separation techniques (IFS). Considering the future of GANIL, SPIRAL II projects aims to produce high intensity secondary beams, by fission induced with a 5 mA deuteron beam on an uranium target.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be appear in the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Application

    Improvement in the reconstrution method for VAMOS Spectrometer

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    International audienceThe VAMOS spectrometer operational at GANIL is a large acceptance variable mode spectrometer designed for nuclear reaction studies using radioactive and stable ion beams. The spectrometer coupled with ancillary detectors like EXOGAM has been successfully used in recent experiments on (in)elastic, few nucleon transfer reactions in inverse kinematics and search for nuclei far from stability using deep inelastic transfer reactions In large acceptance spectrometers, the experimental resolution is worsened by aberrations of third and higher orders. Hardware corrections are limited and cannot completely correct the non-linear effects. Thus software reconstruction of trajectories (ray tracing) is essential to obtain the required resolution and identification of the products. A numerical method has been developed for reconstruction of ion trajectories and correction of aberrations in VAMOS. We have devised a procedure to select an optimum subset of closest trajectories for each focal plane event (x, θ, y, ϕ) from the database (generated by an ion-optics calculation). A polynomial fit to the momentum vector of the reaction product in terms of (x, θ, y, ϕ) is made only to this subset. Such an approach is found to give improved resolutions compared to fitting a single polynomial over the entire phase space. Extraction of charge state and angular distributions are rather difficult due to the variation of acceptance over the large phase space. Mass identification of the reaction products and characteristics of the spectrometer acceptance with its variation for different rigidities have been obtained. Applications to 238U+48Ca and 238U+58Ni systems at 5.5 MeV/u will be presented

    A new management method for wireless sensor networks

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    International audienceThe Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) with their constant evolution, need new management methods to be monitored efficiently by taking into account the context and their constraints such as energy consumption, reliability and remote monitoring. WSN has diverse application domains: smart home, smart care, environmental data collection etc. In order to manage a large scale WSN, several Wireless sensor network Management Tools (WMTs) are developed. Some of them use SNMP protocol like because it is impossible to implement the full compliance classical SNMP standard on each wireless sensor node. Therefore, it is important to develop a new WMT with a restricted SNMP standard dedicated to WSN applications. In this paper, we present a new WMT named LiveNCM: LiveNode Non invasive Context-aware, and modular Management tool. LiveNCM is divided into two main parts: one is centralized on the fixed network structure and another one, distributed on each node. Each part introduces the concept of non-invasive context-aware to reduce data exchanges and diagnoses the wireless sensor node state with few messages. Moreover, nodes are based on a configurable modular architecture enables to adapt to an application and to a local node constraints. LiveNCM is implemented on the LiveNode platform to validate the energy consumption and on a UNIX system to validate the adopted SNMP sub-agent. Ultimately, a decreasing data exchange and an improvement in the energy consumption in the entire WSN were observed. An implementation of the proposed management method is presented

    Sending femtosecond pulses in circles: highly non-paraxial accelerating beams

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    We use caustic beam shaping on 100 fs pulses to experimentally generate non-paraxial accelerating beams along a 60 degree circular arc, moving laterally by 14 \mum over a 28 \mum propagation length. This is the highest degree of transverse acceleration reported to our knowledge. Using diffraction integral theory and numerical beam propagation simulations, we show that circular acceleration trajectories represent a unique class of non-paraxial diffraction-free beam profile which also preserves the femtosecond temporal structure in the vicinity of the caustic

    Structure and thermoelectric properties of boron doped nanocrystalline Si0.8Ge0.2 thin film

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    The structure and thermoelectric properties of boron doped nanocrystalline Si0.8Ge0.2 thin films are investigated for potential application in microthermoelectric devices. Nanocrystalline Si0.8Ge0.2 thin films are grown by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition on a sandwich of Si3N4/SiO2/Si3N4 films deposited on a Si (100) substrate. The Si0.8Ge0.2 film is doped with boron by ion implantation. The structure of the thin film is studied by means of atomic force microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. It is found that the film has column-shaped crystal grains ~100 nm in diameter oriented along the thickness of the film. The electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient are measured in the temperature range between 80–300 and 130–300 K, respectively. The thermal conductivity is measured at room temperature by a 3 method. As compared with bulk silicon-germanium and microcrystalline film alloys of nearly the same Si/Ge ratio and doping concentrations, the Si0.8Ge0.2 nanocrystalline film exhibits a twofold reduction in the thermal conductivitity, an enhancement in the Seebeck coefficient, and a reduction in the electrical conductivity. Enhanced heat carrier scattering due to the nanocrystalline structure of the films and a combined effect of boron segregation and carrier trapping at grain boundaries are believed to be responsible for the measured reductions in the thermal and electrical conductivities, respectively

    Mechanical and chemical spinodal instabilities in finite quantum systems

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    Self consistent quantum approaches are used to study the instabilities of finite nuclear systems. The frequencies of multipole density fluctuations are determined as a function of dilution and temperature, for several isotopes. The spinodal region of the phase diagrams is determined and it appears that instabilities are reduced by finite size effects. The role of surface and volume instabilities is discussed. It is indicated that the important chemical effects associated with mechanical disruption may lead to isospin fractionation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Low density instability in a nuclear Fermi liquid drop

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    The instability of a Fermi-liquid drop with respect to bulk density distortions is considered. It is shown that the presence of the surface strongly reduces the growth rate of the bulk instability of the finite Fermi-liquid drop because of the anomalous dispersion term in the dispersion relation. The instability growth rate is reduced due to the Fermi surface distortions and the relaxation processes. The dependence of the bulk instability on the multipolarity of the particle density fluctuations is demonstrated for two nuclei 40Ca^{40}Ca and 208Pb^{208}Pb.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 3 ps-figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    L'amélioration des plantes tropicales

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    L'amélioration des plantes a connu au cours des dix dernières années une évolution rapide. D'une part, elle bénéficie désormais des outils biotechnologiques d'exploitation des ressources génétiques et de création de variétés, qui viennent enrichir les méthodes classiques de sélection. D'autre part, elle doit répondre à de nouvelles attentes : gérer la biodiversité et concourir à une agriculture durable. Cet ouvrage présente les derniers progrès réalisés en amélioration des plantes tropicales. Il se fonde principalement sur les travaux que les équipes françaises du CIRAD et de l'ORSTOM conduisent en collaboration avec leurs homologues des pays tropicaux. Il comprend vingt-quatre chapitres, chacun étant consacré à une culture et rédigé par des spécialistes de la génétique et de la sélection de l'espèce. Pour chaque plante ou groupe de plantes, les auteurs analysent la diversité des formes cultivées et leurs relations avec les espèces sauvages apparentées. Ils décrivent les méthodes d'amélioration et les apports des biotechnologies dans la pratique du sélectionneur. Ils examinent les progrès génétiques réalisés en partant d'exemples tirés des programmes de création variétale. Enfin ils traitent de la diffusion des variétés améliorées. Cet ouvrage de référence s'adresse au chercheur, à l'enseignant, à l'étudiant comme au professionnel de la sélection. (Résumé d'auteur

    Cooperative inter-vehicle communication protocol with low cost differential GPS

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    This paper describes a cooperative MANET protocol dedicated to intelligent transport systems, named CIVIC (Communication Inter Véhicule Intelligente et Coopérative). The CIVIC protocol is an auto-configuration inter-vehicle communication protocol, which supports adhoc and infrastructure networks, contains reactive and proactive routing components, and adapts different wireless standards. It is a context-aware protocol reacting to vehicle status, road traffic, and geographic environment. It supports location-based communication. To improve the accuracy of GPS, it integrates a localization solution called LCD-GPS (Low Cost Differential GPS). It has been implemented and experimented on the LiveNode sensor developed by our lab. At the end of this paper, an application project MobiPlus is introduced
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