561 research outputs found

    Earth's oldest mantle fabrics indicate Eoarchaean subduction

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    The extension of subduction processes into the Eoarchaean era (4.0-3.6 Ga) is controversial. The oldest reported terrestrial olivine, from two dunite lenses within the ~3,720 Ma Isua supracrustal belt in Greenland, record a shape-preferred orientation of olivine crystals defining a weak foliation and a well-defined lattice-preferred orientation (LPO). [001] parallel to the maximum finite elongation direction and (010) perpendicular to the foliation plane define a B-type LPO. In the modern Earth such fabrics are associated with deformation of mantle rocks in the hanging wall of subduction systems; an interpretation supported by experiments. Here we show that the presence of B-type fabrics in the studied Isua dunites is consistent with a mantle origin and a supra-subduction mantle wedge setting, the latter supported by compositional data from nearby mafic rocks. Our results provide independent microstructural data consistent with the operation of Eoarchaean subduction and indicate that microstructural analyses of ancient ultramafic rocks provide a valuable record of Archaean geodynamics

    Genetic polymorphisms in molecules of innate immunity and susceptibility to infection with Wuchereria bancrofti in South India

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    A pilot study was conducted to determine if host genetic factors influence susceptibility and outcomes in human filariasis. Using the candidate gene approach, a well-characterized population in South India was studied using common polymorphisms in six genes (CHIT1, MPO, NRAMP, CYBA, NCF2, and MBL2). A total of 216 individuals from South India were genotyped; 67 normal (N), 63 asymptomatic microfilaria positive (MF+), 50 with chronic lymphatic dysfunction/elephantiasis (CP), and 36 tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE). An association was observed between the HH variant CHIT1 genotype, which correlates with decreased activity and levels of chitotriosidase and susceptibility to filarial infection (MF+ and CP; P = 0.013). The heterozygosity of CHIT1 gene was over-represented in the normal individuals (P = 0.034). The XX genotype of the promoter region in MBL2 was associated with susceptibility to filariasis (P = 0.0093). Since analysis for MBL-sufficient vs insufficient haplotypes was not informative, it is possible the MBL2 promoter association results from linkage disequilibrium with neighboring loci. We have identified two polymorphisms, CHIT1 and MBL2 that are associated with susceptibility to human filarial infection, findings that merit further follow-up in a larger study

    New U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for pre-variscan orthogneisses from Portugal and their bearing on the evolution of the Ossa-morena tectonic zone

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    New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages for the Portalegre and Alcáçovas orthogneisses document a complex pre-Variscan history for the Iberian basement in Portugal. The available geochemical and geochronological data for the Alcáçovas orthogneiss (ca. 540 Ma) tend to favor its involvement in a Cadomian orogenic event. This is consistent with the development of an active continental margin setting at the end of the Proterozoic and supports a Gondwanan provenance for the Iberian crust. On the other hand, the Ordovician emplacement age obtained for the magmatic precursors of the Portalegre orthogneisses (497 ± 10 Ma) provides additional evidence for the occurrence of rift-related magmatic activity during the Lower Paleozoic

    Evidence for Life on Earth before 3,800 Million Years Ago

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    It is unknown when life first appeared on Earth. The earliest known microfossils (approx. 3,500 Myr before present) are structurally complex, and if it is assumed that the associated organisms required a long time to develop this degree of complexity, then the existence of life much earlier than this can be argued. But the known examples of crustal rocks older than approx. 3,500 Myr have experienced intense metamorphism, which would have obliterated any fragile microfossils contained therein. It is therefore necessary to search for geochemical evidence of past biotic activity that has been preserved within minerals that are resistant to metamorphism. Here we report ion-microprobe measurements of the carbon-isotope composition of carbonaceous inclusions within grains of apatite (basic calcium phosphate) from the oldest known sediment sequences a approx. 3,800 Myr-old banded iron formation from the Isua supracrustal belt, West Greenland, and a similar formation from the nearby Akilia island that is possibly older than 3,850 Myr. The carbon in the carbonaceous inclusions is isotopically light, indicative of biological activity; no known abiotic process can explain the data. Unless some unknown abiotic process exists which is able both to create such isotopically light carbon and then selectively incorporate it into apatite grains, our results provide evidence for the emergence of life on Earth by at least 3,800 Myr before present

    Sources of variability in the measurement of Ascaris lumbricoides infection intensity by Kato-Katz and qPCR

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    Background Understanding and quantifying the sources and implications of error in the measurement of helminth egg intensity using Kato-Katz (KK) and the newly emerging “gold standard” quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technique is necessary for the appropriate design of epidemiological studies, including impact assessments for deworming programs. Methods Repeated measurements of Ascaris lumbricoides infection intensity were made from samples collected in western Kenya using the qPCR and KK techniques. These data were combined with data on post-treatment worm expulsions. Random effects regression models were used to quantify the variability associated with different technical and biological factors for qPCR and KK diagnosis. The relative precision of these methods was compared, as was the precision of multiple qPCR replicates. Results For both KK and qPCR, intensity measurements were largely determined by the identity of the stool donor. Stool donor explained 92.4% of variability in qPCR measurements and 54.5% of observed measurement variance for KK. An additional 39.1% of variance in KK measurements was attributable to having expelled adult A. lumbricoides worms following anthelmintic treatment. For qPCR, the remaining 7.6% of variability was explained by the efficiency of the DNA extraction (2.4%), plate-to-plate variability (0.2%) and other residual factors (5%). Differences in replicate measurements by qPCR were comparatively small. In addition to KK variability based on stool donor infection levels, the slide reader was highly statistically significant, although it only explained 1.4% of the total variation. In a comparison of qPCR and KK variance to mean ratios under ideal conditions, the coefficient of variation was on average 3.6 times larger for KK highlighting increased precision of qPCR. Conclusions Person-to-person differences explain the majority of variability in egg intensity measurements by qPCR and KK, with very little additional variability explained by the technical factors associated with the practical implementation of these techniques. qPCR provides approximately 3.6 times more precision in estimating A. lumbricoides egg intensity than KK, and could potentially be made more cost-effective by testing each sample only once without diminishing the power of a study to assess population-level intensity and prevalence

    Acute tropical pulmonary eosinophilia: characterization of the lower respiratory tract inflammation and its response to therapy

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    Although acute tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE) is well recognized as a manifestation of filarial infection, the processes that mediate the abnormalities of the lung in TPE are unknown. To evaluate the hypothesis that the derangements of the lower respiratory tract in this disorder are mediated by inflammatory cells in the local milieu we utilized bronchoalveolar lavage to evaluate affected individuals before and after therapy. Inflaminatory cells recovered from the lower respiratory tract of individuals with acute, untreated TPE (a = 8) revealed a striking eosinophilic alveolitis, with marked elevations in both the proportion of eosinophils (TPE 54±5%; normal 2±5%; P < 0.001) and the concentration of eosinophils in the recovered epithelial lining fluid (ELF) (TPE 63±20 X 103/Al; normal 03±0.1 X 103/jl; P < 0.01). Importantly, when individuals (a = 5) with acute TPE were treated with diethylcarbamazine (DEC), there was a marked decrease of the lung eosinophils and concomitant increase in lung function. These observations are consistent with the concept that at least some of the abnormalities found in the lung in acute TPE are mediated by an eosinophil-dominated inflammatory process in the lower respiratory tract

    Immunization with the recombinant antigen Ss-IR induces protective immunity to infection with Strongyloides stercoralis in mice.

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    Human intestinal infections with the nematode Strongyloides stercoralis remain a significant problem worldwide and a vaccine would be a useful addition to the tools available to prevent and control this infection. The goal of this study was to test single antigens for their efficacy in a vaccine against S. stercoralis larvae in mice. Alum was used as the adjuvant in these studies and antigens selected for analysis were either recognized by protective human IgG (Ss-TMY-1, Ss-EAT-6, and Ss-LEC-5) or were known to be highly immunogenic in humans (Ss-NIE-1 and Ss-IR). Only mice immunized with the Ss-IR antigen demonstrated a significant decrease of approximately 80% in the survival of larval parasites in the challenge infection. Antibodies, recovered from mice with protective immunity to S. stercoralis after immunization with Ss-IR, were used to locate the antigen in the larvae. Confocal microscopy revealed that IgG from mice immunized with Ss-IR bound to the surface of the parasites and observations by electron microscopy indicated that IgG bound to granules in the glandular esophagus. Serum collected from mice immunized with Ss-IR passively transferred immunity to naïve mice. These studies demonstrate that Ss-IR, in combination with alum, induces high levels of protective immunity through an antibody dependent mechanism and may therefore be suitable for further development as a vaccine against human strongyloidiasis

    Macrophage-derived human resistin is induced in multiple helminth infections and promotes inflammatory monocytes and increased parasite burden.

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    Parasitic helminth infections can be associated with lifelong morbidity such as immune-mediated organ failure. A better understanding of the host immune response to helminths could provide new avenues to promote parasite clearance and/or alleviate infection-associated morbidity. Murine resistin-like molecules (RELM) exhibit pleiotropic functions following helminth infection including modulating the host immune response; however, the relevance of human RELM proteins in helminth infection is unknown. To examine the function of human resistin (hResistin), we utilized transgenic mice expressing the human resistin gene (hRetnTg+). Following infection with the helminth Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb), hResistin expression was significantly upregulated in infected tissue. Compared to control hRetnTg- mice, hRetnTg+ mice suffered from exacerbated Nb-induced inflammation characterized by weight loss and increased infiltration of inflammatory monocytes in the lung, along with elevated Nb egg burdens and delayed parasite expulsion. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of the infected tissue revealed that hResistin promoted expression of proinflammatory cytokines and genes downstream of toll-like receptor signaling. Moreover, hResistin preferentially bound lung monocytes, and exogenous treatment of mice with recombinant hResistin promoted monocyte recruitment and proinflammatory cytokine expression. In human studies, increased serum resistin was associated with higher parasite load in individuals infected with soil-transmitted helminths or filarial nematode Wuchereria bancrofti, and was positively correlated with proinflammatory cytokines. Together, these studies identify human resistin as a detrimental factor induced by multiple helminth infections, where it promotes proinflammatory cytokines and impedes parasite clearance. Targeting the resistin/proinflammatory cytokine immune axis may provide new diagnostic or treatment strategies for helminth infection and associated immune-mediated pathology