5,721 research outputs found

    On the sensitivity reach of LQ production with preferential couplings to third generation fermions at the LHC

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    Leptoquarks (LQs) are hypothetical particles that appear in various extensions of the Standard Model (SM) that can explain observed differences between SM theory predictions and experimental results. The production of these particles has been widely studied at various experiments, most recently at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and stringent bounds have been placed on their masses and couplings, assuming the simplest beyond-SM (BSM) hypotheses. However, the limits are significantly weaker for LQ models with family non-universal couplings containing enhanced couplings to third-generation fermions. We present a new study on the production of a LQ at the LHC, with preferential couplings to third-generation fermions, considering proton-proton collisions at s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV\mathrm{TeV} and s=13.6\sqrt{s} = 13.6 TeV\mathrm{TeV}. Such a hypothesis is well motivated theoretically and it can explain the recent anomalies in the precision measurements of B\mathrm{B}-meson decay rates, specifically the RD()R_{D^{(*)}} ratios. Under a simplified model where the LQ masses and couplings are free parameters, we focus on cases where the LQ decays to a τ\tau lepton and a b\mathrm{b} quark, and study how the results are affected by different assumptions about chiral currents and interference effects with other BSM processes with the same final states, such as diagrams with a heavy vector boson, Z\mathrm{Z}^{'}. The analysis is performed using machine learning techniques, resulting in an increased discovery reach at the LHC and allowing us to probe the entirety of the new physics phase space which addresses the B\mathrm{B}-meson anomalies, for LQ masses up to 2.25 TeV\mathrm{TeV}.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    InSAR Scientific Computing Environment

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    This computing environment is the next generation of geodetic image processing technology for repeat-pass Interferometric Synthetic Aperture (InSAR) sensors, identified by the community as a needed capability to provide flexibility and extensibility in reducing measurements from radar satellites and aircraft to new geophysical products. This software allows users of interferometric radar data the flexibility to process from Level 0 to Level 4 products using a variety of algorithms and for a range of available sensors. There are many radar satellites in orbit today delivering to the science community data of unprecedented quantity and quality, making possible large-scale studies in climate research, natural hazards, and the Earth's ecosystem. The proposed DESDynI mission, now under consideration by NASA for launch later in this decade, would provide time series and multiimage measurements that permit 4D models of Earth surface processes so that, for example, climate-induced changes over time would become apparent and quantifiable. This advanced data processing technology, applied to a global data set such as from the proposed DESDynI mission, enables a new class of analyses at time and spatial scales unavailable using current approaches. This software implements an accurate, extensible, and modular processing system designed to realize the full potential of InSAR data from future missions such as the proposed DESDynI, existing radar satellite data, as well as data from the NASA UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar), and other airborne platforms. The processing approach has been re-thought in order to enable multi-scene analysis by adding new algorithms and data interfaces, to permit user-reconfigurable operation and extensibility, and to capitalize on codes already developed by NASA and the science community. The framework incorporates modern programming methods based on recent research, including object-oriented scripts controlling legacy and new codes, abstraction and generalization of the data model for efficient manipulation of objects among modules, and well-designed module interfaces suitable for command- line execution or GUI-programming. The framework is designed to allow users contributions to promote maximum utility and sophistication of the code, creating an open-source community that could extend the framework into the indefinite future


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    Objective: To identify the causes for exclusion of living kidney donors at a third-level hospital in northwestern Mexico. Materials and methods: An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study, in which the medicalrecords of candidates for living kidney donation were evaluated from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021. Results: Out of the 30 selected records, only 6.6 % (2) were chosen as donors, i.e., the rejection rate of the potential candidates was 93.3 % (28). The average age was 40.7 years; when divided into age groups, it was observed that 7.44 % were ≤ 39 years, 5.31 % were ≥ 50 years and 4.25 % were in the 40–49 age range. The main pathologies that caused therejection of living donors were chronic diseases such as unknown renal disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension and heart diseases, which accounted for 60.7 %. The desire to donate was more frequent among blood relatives than non-blood relatives. In the case of blood relatives, i.e., siblings, parents, children, uncles, aunts, etc., 64.2 % were rejected, while 34.7 % of non-blood relatives, including spouses and friends, were rejected.Conclusions: Based on the body mass index (BMI), the results showed that overweight and obesity were the main causes of exclusion, a situation that is consistent with the Mexican epidemiological profile. The number of living donors at ourcenter has been reduced because most of the population is not healthy and has obesity, which affects the willingness to be a candidate for living kidney donation.Objetivo: Identificar las causas de exclusión de los donantes renales vivos en un centro hospitalario de tercer nivel en el noroeste de México.Materiales y métodos: Estudio de tipo observacional, transversal, descriptivo, retrospectivo. Se realizó la evaluación de los expedientes clínicos de los candidatos vivos para donación renal, que abarcó el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2019 y el 31 de diciembre de 2021. Resultados: De los 30 expedientes seleccionados, solo se eligieron 2 (6,6 %) donadores, es decir, existió un índice de rechazo de 28 (93,3 %) de los potenciales candidatos. La edad promedio fue de 40,7 años; al dividirlos en grupos de edad, se observó que el 7,44 % fueron ≤39 años; el 5,31 %, ≥50 años; y el 4,25 %, de 40 a 49 años. Dentro de las principales patologías que originaron el rechazo del donador vivo se encuentran las enfermedades crónicas, como afección renal desconocida, obesidad, diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial sistémica y cardiopatías, que representaron el 60,7 %. El deseo de donares más frecuente entre consanguíneos que en no consanguíneos. En el caso de los consanguíneos, es decir, hermanos, padres, hijos, tíos, etc., el 64,2 % fue rechazado; en los no consanguíneos, el 34,7 %, que incluía a esposos y amigos. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos sobre el índice de masa corporal (IMC) mostraron que el sobrepeso y laobesidad fueron las principales causas de exclusión, circunstancia que es particular en nuestro país respecto a su perfil epidemiológico. La cantidad de donantes vivos en nuestro centro se redujo porque la mayor parte de la población no es sana, padece obesidad y ello repercute al momento de presentarse como candidato a donante.Resumo Objetivo: Identificar as causas de exclusão de doadores vivos de rim. Material e métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo, retrospectivo, no qual é realizada a análise dos prontuários de possíveis doadores de rim no período de 1º de janeiro de 2019 a 31 de dezembro de 2021. Identificar diagnósticos que excluam uma pessoa como doador. Resultados: Dos 30 arquivos selecionados, apenas 2 (6,6%) foram escolhidos como doadores, ou seja, houve uma taxa de rejeição de 28 (93,3%). Os principais motivos de rejeição foram doenças crônicas, indicando 60,7% em que se encontraram doença renal desconhecida, obesidade, diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial sistêmica e cardiopatia. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos no índice de massa corporal (IMC) mostraram o sobrepeso e a obesidade como uma das principais causas de exclusão com 21,4%, informação semelhante à de Lapasia et al., que descreve a obesidade como a principal causa de rejeição representando quase 40% dos doadores. Ezzaki et al, também a descrevem como causa de exclusão

    Academic Mentoring of Social Work Faculty: A Group Experience With a Feminist Influence

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    Using theory and principles of group process, and influenced by feminist theory of co-mentoring, a group of social work educators met monthly in a telephone mediated support group. The purpose of the group was to offer support to faculty involved in the tenure process in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. This paper offers an analysis of this experience. Suggestions for improved mentoring of social work faculty will be explored and areas for further research will be identified

    Primer registro de la cojolita (Penelope purpurascens) en el estado de Guanajuato, México

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    -Aquí se informa sobre el registro de la cojolita en la Reserva de Biosfera Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato, el cual es el registro más central para esa latitud y el primero para el estado. Esta especie fue registrada fotográfícamente en un bosque de encino. La presencia de esta especie enfatiza la necesidad de continuar realizando inventarios biológicos en esta Reserva de la Biosfer

    Nivel de actividad física, equilibrio energético y exceso de peso en jóvenes universitarios

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    The association between nutrition, physical activity and excess weight have been studied as determinants of overweight and chronic diseases during adulthood. Little is known about the university population where climatic, nutritional and cultural circumstances are adverse for health. We analyzed the differences between the physical activity level, energy balance and body fat considering excess weight. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the 24-hour multi-step reminder, bioimpedance analysis and anthropometric measurements were applied. Three hundred sixty nine participated of which 44.2% of men and 23.2% of women had excess weight according to BMI (> 25 kg / m2). Differences were found between groups regarding the level of activity and body fat (p <.01). The level of activity was inversely associated with energy balance and body fat.La asociación entre la nutrición, actividad física y exceso de peso han sido estudiadas como determinantes del sobrepeso y enfermedades crónicas durante la adultez. Poco se sabe de la población universitaria en lugares donde convergen circunstancias climáticas, nutricionales y culturales adversas para la salud. Se analizaron las diferencias entre el nivel de actividad física, el equilibrio energético y la grasa corporal considerando la prevalencia de exceso de peso. Se aplicaron el International Physical Activity Questionnaire, el Recordatorio de 24 horas de pasos múltiples, análisis de bioimpedancia y mediciones antropométricas. De los 369 participantes, el 44.2% de los hombres y 23.2% de las mujeres presentó exceso de peso de acuerdo al IMC (>25 kg/m2). Se encontraron diferencias entre grupos al respecto del nivel de actividad y la grasa corporal (p<.01). El nivel de actividad se asoció de forma inversa con el equilibrio energético y la grasa corporal

    Rumen fermentation and diet degradability in sheep fed sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) silage supplemented with Tithonia diversifolia or alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and rice polishing

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate ruminal fermentation (i.e. pH, ammonia, and volatile fatty acid concentrations) and in situ degradability of diets in sheep fed sugarcane silage (SCS) supplemented with Tithonia diversifolia (Td) or alfalfa (Medicago sativa) hay (A), with or without rice (Oriza sativa) polishing (RP) as an energy source. Four Blackbelly sheep (35 kg average body weight) with rumen cannula were used. The experimental diets were (g/kg of dry matter): Diet 1) SCS (686) + Td (294), Diet 2) SCS (460) + Td (226) + RP (294), Diet 3) SCS (637) + A (343), and Diet 4) SCS (441) + A (245) + RP (294). The remainder (20 g/kg of dry matter) was composed by minerals supplement and salt. Samples of diets were incubated into rumen for 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 30, 36, 48, and 72 h to determine in situ degradability. Data were analysed with a linear mixed model. The lamb, period and lamb nested in period*diet were considered as a random variable. The inclusion of RP improved the degradability of diets and ammonia production in the rumen. The acetic, propionic, and butyric acid concentrations (mmol/100 mL) in rumen increased (P<0.03) when diets with alfalfa and RP were provided. The degradability of diets based on sugarcane silage supplemented with either alfalfa or Tithonia diversifolia was improved (P<0.05) with the rice polishing inclusion, with no difference (P>0.05) between these forages. In conclusion, energy supplementation, not necessarily from starch, is important to improve rumen fermentation and degradability of diets based on sugarcane silage

    The Importance of Lactose in the Human Diet:Outcomes of a Mexican Consensus Meeting

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    Lactose is a unique component of breast milk, many infant formulas and dairy products, and is widely used in pharmaceutical products. In spite of that, its role in human nutrition or lactose intolerance is generally not well-understood. For that reason, a 2-day-long lactose consensus meeting with health care professionals was organized in Mexico to come to a set of statements for which consensus could be gathered. Topics ranging from lactase expression to potential health benefits of lactose were introduced by experts, and that was followed by a discussion on concept statements. Interestingly, lactose does not seem to induce a neurological reward response when consumed. Although lactose digestion is optimal, it supplies galactose for liver glycogen synthesis. In infants, it cannot be ignored that lactose-derived galactose is needed for the synthesis of glycosylated macromolecules. At least beyond infancy, the low glycemic index of lactose might be metabolically beneficial. When lactase expression decreases, lactose maldigestion may lead to lactose intolerance symptoms. In infancy, the temporary replacing of lactose by other carbohydrates is only justified in case of severe intolerance symptoms. In those who show an (epi)genetic decrease or absence of lactase expression, a certain amount (for adults mostly up to 12 g per portion) of lactose can still be consumed. In these cases, lactose shows beneficial intestinal-microbiota-shaping effects. Avoiding lactose-containing products may imply a lower intake of other important nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin B-12 from dairy products, as well as an increased intake of less beneficial carbohydrates

    Detección de Ondas QRS del ECG Usando la Transformada Wavelet Analógica

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    En este trabajo se propone una nueva metodología para la detección de ondas QRS del electrocardiograma (ECG), haciendo uso de la Transformada Wavelet Analógica combinado con una variante del método Hard-Thresholding con retardo para eliminar ruido, más un módulo digital para la detección. La metodología presentada en este trabajo está diseñada para aplicaciones de procesamiento de señales ECG en tiempo real. Las señales de ECG usadas para las pruebas fueron obtenidas de la base de datos del MIT-BIH. La metodología propuesta se simuló con diferentes señales de la base de datos mencionada, agregándoles ruido blanco Gaussiano para evaluar su desempeño y funcionamiento, y al compararla con otros trabajos ya publicados resultó en un desempeño similar en cuanto a detecciones se refiere. Las operaciones matemáticas involucradas en el método propuesto son sencillas y pueden ser implementadas en circuitos integrados analógico-digitales de baja complejidad