918 research outputs found

    The runaway black hole GRO J1655-40

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    We have used the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the motion in the sky and compute the galactocentric orbit of the black hole X-ray binary GRO J1655-40. The system moves with a runaway space velocity of 112±18112\pm 18 km s−1^{-1} in a highly eccentric (e=0.34±0.05e = 0.34\pm 0.05) orbit. The black hole was formed in the disk at a distance greater than 3 kpc from the Galactic centre and must have been shot to such an eccentric orbit by the explosion of the progenitor star. The runaway linear momentum and kinetic energy of this black hole binary are comparable to those of solitary neutron stars and millisecond pulsars. GRO J1655-40 is the first black hole for which there is evidence for a runaway motion imparted by a natal kick in a supernova explosion.Comment: Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 5 pages, 2 color figures. Color figure and animation can be found at http://www.iafe.uba.ar/astronomia/mirabel/mirabel.html or ftp://ftp.cea.fr/incoming/y2k01/mirabe

    The LUNA experiment at Gran Sasso laboratory

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    Accurate knowledge of thermonuclear reaction rates is a key issue in nuclear astrophysics since it is important for understanding the energy generation, neutrino production and the synthesis of the elements in stars. Cross-section measurements are mainly hampered by the very low counting rate and cosmic background. An underground location is extremely advantageous for such studies, as demonstrated by the LUNA experiment in the Gran Sasso Laboratory (Italy). This paper reports on the results recently obtained by such an experiment and on the future perspectives in this field

    Nuclear astrophysics and LUNA MV

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    Nuclear astrophysics is an extremely rich field, strongly correlated with many other research fields like observational astronomy, stellar modelling, neutrino physics, cosmology, nuclear physics etc. One of the most ambitious task of nuclear astrophysics is to explain the origin and relative abundances of the elements in the Universe, formed through different nuclear processes in different astrophysical scenarios. Therefore, nuclear fusion reactions are the core of nuclear astrophysics since they determine the formation of the elements in the earliest stages of the Universe (Big Bang nucleosynthesis, BBN) and in all the objects formed thereafter and control the energy generation, neutrino production and evolution of stars. After 25 years of measurements on the cross section of key reactions belonging to BBN or Hydrogen burning, the LUNA collaboration is going to start a new ambitious program devoted to Helium and Carbon burning using the new 3.5 MV \u201cLUNA MV\u201d accelerator which will be installed in the underground laboratory of Gran Sasso next year. After a general introduction on nuclear astrophysics and underground techniques, the scientific goals of the LUNA MV project for the first five years and its present status will be described

    Smart Retailing: a model to assess the economic sustainability of smart shelf-enabled dynamic pricing

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    Smart Retailing, a new approach to retail management that leverages digital technologies, is gaining much attention, as it enables innovation and improvements in consumers’ quality of life. However, the potentialities stemming from the application of such technologies are still not fully explored. Investment analyses addressing specific technologies could be useful to fill the academic gaps and guide retailers in their digital transition. This paper aims thus at evaluating the economic sustainability of investment in smart shelves, which are employed to perform dynamic pricing in presence of perishable goods. A model simulating the pricing variation in different scenarios was built and economic and financial analyses were performed to evaluate the sustainability of the investment. Data to feed the model were collected through semi-structured interviews with a smart shelf technology provider and three grocery retailers. The results show that the employment of smart shelves allows retailers to increase their profits. First, they are always able to assign to the product the price which most accurately reflects the customers’ willingness to pay. Second, the costs related to misplacement issues are reduced. This study contributes to the knowledge in this unexplored field by providing a model that simulates the dynamic pricing policy after the introduction of smart shelf technology and evaluates its economical sustainability. It also provides retailers who want to join the digital transformation of the stores with a useful tool to guide their investments

    Migraine and cluster headache show impaired neurosteroids patterns

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    Background: Perturbation of neuronal excitability contributes to migraine. Neurosteroids modulate the activity of Îł-aminobutyric acid A and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors, and might be involved in the pathogenesis of migraine. Here, we measured plasma levels of four neurosteroids, i.e., allopregnanolone, epiallopregnanolone, dehydroepiandrosterone and deydroepiandrosterone sulfate, in patients affected by episodic migraine, chronic migraine, or cluster headache. Methods: Nineteen female patients affected by episodic migraine, 51 female patients affected by chronic migraine, and 18 male patients affected by cluster headache were recruited to the study. Sex- and age-matched healthy control subjects (31 females and 16 males) were also recruited. Patients were clinically characterized by using validated questionnaires. Plasma neurosteroid levels were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: We found disease-specific changes in neurosteroid levels in our study groups. For example, allopregnanolone levels were significantly increased in episodic migraine and chronic migraine patients than in control subjects, whereas they were reduced in patients affected by cluster headache. Dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels were reduced in patients affected by chronic migraine, but did not change in patients affected by cluster headache. Conclusion: We have shown for the first time that large and disease-specific changes in circulating neurosteroid levels are associated with chronic headache disorders, raising the interesting possibility that fluctuations of neurosteroids at their site of action might shape the natural course of migraine and cluster headache. Whether the observed changes in neurosteroids are genetically determined or rather result from exposure to environmental or intrinsic stressors is unknown. This might also be matter for further investigation because stress is a known triggering factor for headache attacks in both migraineurs and cluster headache patients

    Cost of chronic and episodic migraine patients in continuous treatment for two years in a tertiary level headache Centre

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    Background: Migraine is one of the most common neurological diseases and an estimated 1.04 billion people worldwide have been diagnosed with migraine. Available data suggest that migraine is world widely associated with a high economic burden, but there is great variability in estimated costs that depends on the geographical, methodological and temporal differences between the studies. The purpose of this study was to quantify the annual direct cost of episodic migraine (EM) and chronic migraine (CM), both for the patient and for the National Health System (NHS), using data from subjects who attended an Italian tertiary headache centre. Furthermore, we evaluated comparatively the impact of gender and age on the economic burden of migraine. Methods: We conducted a retrospective and non-interventional observational analysis of the electronic medical records of subjects with EM and CM who consecutively attended the Regional Referral Headache Centre of Rome and undergoing continuous treatment in the 2 years prior to 31 January 2019. This approach was intended to prevent distorsions due to natural fluctuations in migraine status over time. The collected data included demographic characteristics, number of specialist visits, consumption of medications, diagnostic tests, accesses in the emergency department (ED) and days of hospitalization due to the pathology. Results: Our sample consisted of 548 patients (85.4% women and 14.6% men): 65.5% had CM and 34.5% had EM. The average annual expenditure per patient was 1482. 82.8% of the total cost (1227) was covered by the NHS. The main item of expenditure were medications that represented 86.8% (1286), followed by specialist visits (10.2%), hospitalizations for (1.9%), diagnostic tests for (1%) and ED visits for (0.1%). Costs were significantly higher for women than men (1517 vs. 1274, p = 0.013) and increased with age (p = 0.002). The annual direct cost of CM was 4.8-fold higher than that of EM (2037 vs. 427, p = 0.001). Conclusion: Our results provide a valuable estimate of the annual direct cost of CM and EM patients in the specific setting of a tertiary headache centre and confirm the high economic impact of migraine on both the NHS and patients

    Ketogenic diet for epilepsy and obesity:Is it the same?

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    The term “ketogenic diet” (KD) is used for a wide variety of diets with diverse indications ranging from obesity to neurological diseases, as if it was the same diet. This terminology is confusing for patients and the medical and scientific community. The term “ketogenic” diet implies a dietary regimen characterized by increased levels of circulating ketone bodies that should be measured in blood (beta-hydroxybutyrate), urine (acetoacetate) or breath (acetone) to verify the “ketogenic metabolic condition”. Our viewpoint highlights that KDs used for epilepsy and obesity are not the same; the protocols aimed at weight loss characterized by low-fat, low-CHO and moderate/high protein content are not ketogenic by themselves but may become mildly ketogenic when high calorie restriction is applied. In contrast, there are standardized protocols for neurological diseases treatment for which ketosis has been established to be part of the mechanism of action. Therefore, in our opinion, the term ketogenic dietary therapy (KDT) should be reserved to the protocols considered for epilepsy and other neurological diseases, as suggested by the International Study Group in 2018. We propose to adjust the abbreviations in VLCHKD for Very Low CarboHydrate Ketogenic Diet and VLEKD for Very Low Energy Ketogenic Diet, to clarify the differences in dietary composition. We recommend that investigators describe the researchers describing efficacy or side effects of KDs, to clearly specify the dietary protocol used with its unique acronym and level of ketosis, when ketosis is considered as a component of the diet's mechanism of action.</p
