44 research outputs found

    El magmatismo de Atienza (NW de la Cordillera Ibérica): edad, origen y arquitectura del sistema magmático

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    A sill covering an area of more than 15 km2, several dykes up to 5 m thick and a volcanoclastic deposit crop out with similar petrology in the sector of Atienza (NW Iberian Chain, Spain). They consist of calc-alkaline porphyritic andesites with phenocrysts of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, garnet and orthopyroxene. Based on U–Pb zircon analysis, an age of 290 ± 3 Ma (Sakmarian-Artinskian in the Cisuralian) has been calculated for this magmatism. The chemistry and geothermobarometry on amphibole crystals revealed crystallisation at different depths between 31 and 16 km, involving several events of magma recharge and fractional crystallisation. Magma ascent led to destabilisation of the amphibole crystals, their replacement by biotite, and the formation of thick microcrystalline coronas. Whole-rock trace element and isotopic compositions support a strong crustal influence in the origin of the magma. Crustal melting was produced by heating generated after lithospheric thinning, delamination, and asthenospheric rise produced after the uplift of the Variscan Orogen and the oroclinal folding of the Iberian Massif

    Characters of the Stephanian-Permian Bronchales basin and the tourmalinization associated to calc-alkaline rhyolites (Teruel Province)

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    [Resumen] La turmalinización que afecta a riolitas calco-alcalinas presentes en la fosa transtensional de Bronchales, con edad Autuniense, destaca por el elevado contenido en B (0.87 O/o de promedio). Esta mineralización muestra un enriqueciIl\iento de HREE y un empobrecimiento en LREE debido a que el fluido mineralizante (rico en F) pudo ejercer una función acomplejante para estos elementos y, también, con carácter selectivo, para As, Sn, Sb y Bi.[Abstract] Calc-alkaline rhyolites of Bronchales transtensional basin (Autunian age) are affected by a tourmalinization process. Tourmalinized rhyolites with 0.87 O/o ofboron as average value show As, Sb, Sn and Bi increments over nontourmalinized ones, as well as important enrichments of HREE over LREE possibly because tourmalinization fluids were enriched in complexing agents (i.e .F)

    Setting, Petrology and Geochemistry of the Volcanoclastic Complex of Orea (Guadalajara, Iberian Chain)

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    [Abstract] The volcanoclastic outcrop ofOrea (south margin of the Iberian Chain) reflects a pluriepisodic igneous activity, expressed in agglomerates and tuffs ofdacitic composition (with a calc-alkaline affinity) and Autunian-Thuringian age. The tuffs are the results' of a hydromagmatic activity, developed under a thin sheet of water (in a paludal environment). The structure of the magmatic outcrop results of the late-Hercynian extensional tectonics, equivalent to that observed in many other outcrops ofthe southeast border ofthe Iberian Chain. The setting characters and composition of the involved magmatic rock-types, suggest the presence of only one volcanic focus, as in other coetaneous half-grabens of this sector of the Iberian Chain

    Las rocas de falla del cabalgamiento de Daroca (sector central de la Cordillera Ibérica): Interpretación reológica y cinemática

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    Se presenta un análisis detallado, a escala micro- y mesoestructural y un estudio mineralógico de las rocas de falla asociadas al cabalgamiento de Daroca (sector central de la Cordillera Ibérica). La zona de falla asociada al cabalgamiento de Daroca muestra una anchura que varía desde pocos centímetros a varias decenas de metros. Los rasgos de la microfábrica indican un comportamiento frágil-dúctil durante la deformación, si bien la falta de evidencia sobre el carácter autigénico de los minerales impide acotar las condiciones P-T. Se propone un modelo cinemático y reológico caracterizado por una deformación heterogénea de rocas paleozoicas asociada a una rampa en profundidad, y un emplazamiento final de carácter epiglíptico con transporte hacia el ENE y el NNE. We present a detailed meso- and micro-scale structural analysis and a mineralogical study of the fault rocks linked to the Daroca thrust (central sector of the Iberian Chain). The related shear zone exhibits variable width ranging from a few centimeters to tens of meters. The microfabric features indicate a brittle-ductile behaviour of fault rocks during deformation, but the lack of evidence about the authigenic character of minerals avoids to constrain the P-T conditions. We propose a kinematical and rheological model characterized by heterogeneous shear deformation of palaeozoic rocks associated with a thrust ramp at depth, , and a final epiglyptic emplacement with transport diretion towards the ENE and the NNE

    Paleomagnetism from Deception Island (South Shetlands archipelago, Antarctica), new insights into the interpretation of the volcanic evolution using a geomagnetic model

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    Deception Island shows the most recent exposed active volcanism in the northern boundary of the Bransfield Trough. The succession of the volcanic sequence in the island is broadly divided into pre- and post-caldera collapse units although a well-constrained chronological identification of the well-defined successive volcanic episodes is still needed. A new paleomagnetic investigation was carried out on 157 samples grouped in 20 sites from the volcanic deposits of Deception Island (South Shetlands archipelago, Antarctic Peninsula region) distributed in: (1) volcanic breccia (3 sites) and lavas (2 sites) prior to the caldera collapse; (2) lavas emplaced after the caldera collapse (10 sites); and (3) dikes cutting pre- and the lower- most post-caldera collapse units (5 sites). The information revealed by paleomagnetism provides new data about the evolution of the multi-episodic volcanic edifice of this Quaternary volcano, suggesting that the present-day position of the volcanic materials is close to their original emplace- ment position. The new data have been combined with previous paleomagnetic results in order to tentatively propose an age when comparing the paleomagnetic data with a global geomagnetic model. Despite the uncertainties in the use of averaged paleomagnetic data per volcanic units, the new data in combination with tephra occurrences noted elsewhere in the region suggest that the pre-caldera units (F1 and F2) erupted before 12,000 year BC, the caldera collapse took place at about 8300 year BC, and post-cal- dera units S1 and S2 are younger than 2000 year BC

    Triassic tholeiitic dolerites («ophites») of the El Grado diapir (Pyrenees, Huesca, Spain): emplacement and composition

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    Mesozoic dolerites in the south Pyrenean sector of El Grado (Huesca, Spain) preserve emplacement structures (fluidity structures at the top and load structures at the base) developed during their intrusion into unconsolidated marly-evaporitic Triassic sediments (Keuper facies). By analogy with other dolerites in the south Pyrenean domain, their emplacement age is equivalent to the uppermost Keuper facies terms, but prior to the final Triassic-early Liassic carbonated sediments. Radiometric ages (187-197±7 Ma) show that the emplacement occurred during the lower Liassic. The petralogical differentiation from the chilled margin facies to the central facies, and also to the late pegmatitoids, is consistent with that obtained from major elements, trace elements and REE. Their tholeiitic affinity, as defined by their geochemical composition, is equivalent to that of similar racks in the Pyrenean domain. However, the rocks analyzed here, which are located at the external sector of this domain, display a greater petralogical and geochemical differentiation as compared to similar rocks in the central sectors of the Pyrenean domain.Las doleritas mesozoicas del sector surpirenaico de El Grado (Huesca) conservan estructuras de emplazamiento (con desarrollo del movimiento de lava fluida al techo y de carga en su base) desarrolladas al instruir en los sedimentos margo-evaporíticos en facies Keuper, todavía inconsolidados. Por similitud con otras doleritas del dominio surpirenaico, la edad del emplazamiento es equivalente a la de los términos superiores de la facies Keuper y previa a la sedimentación carbonatada del Trías terminal-Lías inferior. Las determinaciones de edades radiométricas (187-197±7 Ma) indican que el emplazamiento debió tener lugar durante el Lías inferior. La diferenciación petralógica, desde la facies del borde enfriado a la central y, también, al posterior diferenciado pegmatoide concuerda con la obtenida con elementos mayores, trazas y REE. Su afinidad toleítica, definida por su composición geoquímica, coincide con la obtenida en rocas análogas para el dominio pirenaico; no obstante, estas rocas situadas en el borde más externo de dicho dominio representan una mayor diferenciación (petralógica y geoquímica) respecto a la obtenida, hasta el momento, para rocas análogas situadas en sectores más centrales del citado dominio pirenaico

    The triassic alkaline dolerites of the Valacloche-Camarena Area (SE-Iberian Chain, Teruel): Geodynamic implications

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    The dolerite sills outcropping in the Valacloche-Camarena area (SE Iberian Chain), are the expression of an alkaline magmatism, emplaced in Keuper facies sedimentary rocks. Their pre-Hettangian age is deduced from the development of fluidality structures at the top of the sills together with the very low grade contact metamorphism of the host rocks. A differentiation trend, represented by two rock-types, with variable Ti-augite content, is confirmed by geochemical data (REE). The alkaline composition of this magmatism is close to that of the OIB type. Crust-derived enclaves (metapelites and granitoids) are common in these sills, suggesting that magma ascent took place through a fracture system, related to a distensive tectonic regime, that affected different levels of the crust. This magmatism was one of the expressions of the triassic rifting events that are well represented in the SE border of the Iberian Chain.Un magmatismo alcalino, emplazado en sedimentos triásicos en facies Keuper, está bien representado en los sills doleríticos del área de Valacloche-Camarena (SE de la Cordillera Ibérica). La edad pre-Hettangiense ha sido deducida a partir de la presencia de estructuras de fluidalidad y de un metamorfismo de contacto de grado muy débil. Petrológicamente se identifica una fraccionación según dos litotipos (con contenido variable en Ti-augita) que está corroborada por los datos de composición geoquímica (en tierras raras); la composición alcalina de este magmatismo es próxima a la del tipo OIB. La presencia, frecuente, de enclaves de corteza (metapelitas y granitoides) indica una fracturación que, en condiciones distensivas, afectó a distintos niveles de dicha corteza. Este magmatismo está ligado al rifting triásico que está bien expresado en el borde SE de la Cordillera Ibérica

    Vulcanismo cuaternario de la Isla Decepción (Antártida): Una signatura relacionada con la subducción de la Fosa de las Shetland del Sur en el dominio de tras-arco de la Cuenca de Bransfield

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    Deception Island shows a volcanism related to the Phoenix Plate subduction and roll-back under South Shet- land Block in the present times. The development of the island is related to the evolution and collapse of a volcanic caldera, and this study is focused on the petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the post-caldera rocks. We have made a study of the lava flows, dikes and the youngest historic eruption in 1970. These rocks range from dacite to rhyolite and have a microporphyritic texture with olivine and minor clinopyroxene. A pre-caldera basaltic andesite has also been studied. It has a microporphyritic texture with clinopyroxene.The intermediate and acid compositions alternating in the volcanostratigraphic sequence suggest either mafic recharge events or melt extraction from different levels in the deep magmatic system. All the studied compo- sitions share a subduction-related signature similar to other magmatics from the Bransfield Basin. However, compositional differences between pre-caldera and post-caldera rocks indicate a different magma source and depth of crystallisation. According to the geothermobarometric calculations the pre-caldera magmas started to crystallise at deeper levels (13.5–15 km) than the post-caldera magmas (6.2–7.8 km). Specifically, the post- caldera magmas indicate a smaller influence of the subducting slab in the southwestern part of the Bransfield Basin in respect to the available data from other sectors as well as the involvement of crustal contamination in the genesis of the magmas

    Datación de la evolución volcánica combinando datos paleomagnéticos y modelización geomagnética: Isla Decepción (Islas Shetland del Sur, Antártida).

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    La combinación de 20 nuevas estaciones de paleomagnetismo, con 17 estaciones previas y un modelo geomagnético ha permitido establecer la evolución multiepisódica del edificio volcánico cuaternario de la Isla Decepción (Antártida). Se han analizado tres estaciones en brechas volcánicas y dos estaciones en lavas pertenecientes a los materiales extruidos con anterioridad al colapso de la caldera. Entre los materiales extruidos posteriormente al colapso de la caldera se han analizado 10 estaciones en lavas y cinco estaciones en diques que cortan a los materiales pre- y la base de los post-colapso de caldera. A pesar de la incertidumbre por el uso de promedios de datos paleomagnéticos, la correlación con el modelo geomagnético y la existencia de tefras a escala regional permiten establecer que las unidades pre-colapso de caldera (F1 y F2) son anteriores a 12.000 a AC, mientras que la caldera colapsó en torno a los 8300 a AC y las unidades posteriores al colapso de la caldera (S1 y S2) han extruido con posterioridad a 2000 a AC. The combination of 20 new paleomagnetic sites with 17 previous sites and a geomagnetic model has allowed establishing the multi-episodic evolution of the Quaternary volcanic edifice of Deception Island (Antarctica). Paleomagnetic analyses have been carried out in three sites from volcanic breccia and two sites from lavas of the pre- caldera collapse units. Among the post-caldera collapse units, 10 sites in lavas have been analyzed in addition to 5 sites in dikes that intrude pre- and the lower part of the post-caldera collapse units. Despite the uncertainty of using averages of paleomagnetic data, the correlation with the geomagnetic model and tephra layers occurrences allow establishing that the pre-caldera collapse (F1 and F2) are older than 12,000 yr BC, while the caldera collapse occurred at about 8300 yr BC and the post-caldera collapse units (S1 and S2) deposited after 2000 yr BC

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality