4,142 research outputs found

    Acute complete heart block in dogs

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    A study has been conducted immediately and up to 18 days after the surgical production of complete heart block in dogs. Immediately after surgery cardiac output, coronary flow, and mean arterial pressure were reduced in rough proportion to the degree of bradycardia. In time, these measures began to return toward preoperative levels. Paralleling the diminished left ventricular work was a diminished left ventricular oxygen consumption with little consequent change in myocardial efficiency. Small rises were detected in central venous pressure. At autopsy, the only unequivocal abnormality was myocardial hypertrophy which became measurable between 2 and 18 days after operation

    On the changes in the physical properties of the ionized region around the Weigelt structures in Eta Carinae over the 5.54-yr spectroscopic cycle

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    We present HST/STIS observations and analysis of two prominent nebular structures around the central source of Eta Carinae, the knots C and D. The former is brighter than the latter for emission lines from intermediate or high ionization potential ions. The brightness of lines from intermediate and high ionization potential ions significantly decreases at phases around periastron. We do not see conspicuous changes in the brightness of lines from low ionization potential (<13.6 eV) that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AsubV =2/0. that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AV = 2.0. Weigelt C and D are characterized by an electron density of that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AV = 2.0. Weigelt C and D are characterized by an electron density of 10exp6.9 cm-3 that does not significantly change throughout the orbital cycle. The electron temperature varies from 5500 K (around periastron) to 7200 K (around apastron). The relative changes in the brightness of He I lines are well reproduced by the variations in the electron temperature alone. We found that, at phases around periastron, the electron temperature seems to be higher for Weigelt C than that of D. The Weigelt structures are located close to the Homunculus equatorial plane, at a distance of about 1240 AU from the central source. From the analysis of proper motion and age, the Weigelt complex can be associated with the equatorial structure called the Butterfly Nebula surrounding the central binary system.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    aristotle's demonstrative logic

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    Demonstrative logic, the study of demonstration as opposed to persuasion, is the subject of Aristotle's two-volume Analytics. Many examples are geometrical. Demonstration produces knowledge (of the truth of propositions). Persuasion merely produces opinion. Aristotle presented a general truth-and-consequence conception of demonstration meant to apply to all demonstrations. According to him, a demonstration, which normally proves a conclusion not previously known to be true, is an extended argumentation beginning with premises known to be truths and containing a chain of reasoning showing by deductively evident steps that its conclusion is a consequence of its premises. In particular, a demonstration is a deduction whose premises are known to be true. Aristotle's general theory of demonstration required a prior general theory of deduction presented in the Prior Analytics. His general immediate-deduction-chaining conception of deduction was meant to apply to all deductions. According to him, any deduction that is not immediately evident is an extended argumentation that involves a chaining of intermediate immediately evident steps that shows its final conclusion to follow logically from its premises. To illustrate his general theory of deduction, he presented an ingeniously simple and mathematically precise special case traditionally known as the categorical syllogisti

    First detection of phase-dependent colliding wind X-ray emission outside the Milky Way

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    After having reported the detection of X-rays emitted by the peculiar system HD5980, we assess here the origin of this high-energy emission from additional X-ray observations obtained with XMM-Newton. This research provides the first detection of apparently periodic X-ray emission from hot gas produced by the collision of winds in an evolved massive binary outside the Milky Way. It also provides the first X-ray monitoring of a Luminous Blue Variable only years after its eruption and shows that the dominant source of the X-rays is not associated with the ejecta.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures and 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ (letters

    Discovery of CH and OH in the -513 km s-1 Ejecta of Eta Carinae

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    The very massive star, Eta Carinae, is enshrouded in an unusual complex of stellar ejecta, which is highly depleted in C and O, and enriched in He and N. This circumstellar gas gives rise to distinct absorption components corresponding to at least 20 different velocities along the line-of-sight. The velocity component at -513 kms-1 exhibits very low ionization with predominantly neutral species of iron-peak elements. Our statistical equilibrium/photoionization modeling indicates that the low temperature (T = 760 K) and high density (n_H=10^7 cm^-3) of the -513 kms-1 component is conducive to molecule formation including those with the elements C and O. Examination of echelle spectra obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) aboard the confirms the model's predictions. The molecules, H_2, CH, and most likely OH, have been identified in the -513 kms-1 absorption spectrum. This paper presents the analysis of the HST/STIS spectra with the deduced column densities for CH, OH and C I, and upper limit for CO. It is quite extraordinary to see molecular species in a cool environment at such a high velocity. The sharp molecular and ionic absorptions in this extensively CNO- processed material offers us a unique environment for studying the chemistry, dust formation processes, and nucleosynthesis in the ejected layers of a highly evolved massive star.Comment: tentatively scheduled for the ApJ 1 September 2005, v630, 1 issu

    PD-L1 is not constitutively expressed on tasmanian devil facial tumor cells but is strongly upregulated in response to IFN-gamma and can be expressed in the tumor microenvironment

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    The devil facial tumor disease (DFTD) is caused by clonal transmissible cancers that have led to a catastrophic decline in the wild Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) population. The first transmissible tumor, now termed devil facial tumor 1 (DFT1), was first discovered in 1996 and has been continually transmitted to new hosts for at least 20 years. In 2015, a second transmissible cancer [devil facial tumor 2 (DFT2)] was discovered in wild devils, and the DFT2 is genetically distinct and independent from the DFT1. Despite the estimated 136,559 base pair substitutions and 14,647 insertions/deletions in the DFT1 genome as compared to two normal devil reference genomes, the allograft tumors are not rejected by the host immune system. Additionally, genome sequencing of two sub-strains of DFT1 detected greater than 15,000 single-base substitutions that were found in only one of the DFT1 sub-strains, demonstrating the transmissible tumors are evolving and that generation of neoantigens is likely ongoing. Recent evidence in human clinical trials suggests that blocking PD-1:PD-L1 interactions promotes antitumor immune responses and is most effective in cancers with a high number of mutations. We hypothesized that DFTD cells could exploit the PD-1:PD-L1 inhibitory pathway to evade antitumor immune responses. We developed recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to provide the first demonstration that PD-1 binds to both PD-L1 and PD-L2 in a non-placental mammal and show that PD-L1 is upregulated in DFTD cells in response to IFN-γ. Immunohistochemistry showed that PD-L1 is rarely expressed in primary tumor masses, but low numbers of PD-L1+ non-tumor cells were detected in the microenvironment of several metastatic tumors. Importantly, in vitro testing suggests that PD-1 binding to PD-L1 and PD-L2 can be blocked by mAbs, which could be critical to understanding how the DFT allografts evade the immune system.Andrew S. Flies, A. Bruce Lyons, Lynn M. Corcoran, Anthony T. Papenfuss, James M. Murphy, Graeme W. Knowles, Gregory M. Woods and John D. Haybal

    Density of states of a type-II superconductor in a high magnetic field: Impurity effects

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    We have calculated the density of states N(ω)N(\omega) of a dirty but homogeneous superconductor in a high magnetic field. We assume a dilute concentration of scalar impurities and find how N(ω)N(\omega) behaves as one crosses from the weak scattering to the strong scattering limit. At low energies, N(ω)ω2N(\omega)\sim \omega ^2 for small values of the impurity concentration and scattering strength. When the disorder becomes stronger than some critical value, a finite density of states is created at the Fermi surface. These results are a consequence of the gapless nature of the quasiparticle excitation spectrum in a high magnetic field.Comment: 20 pages in RevTeX, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (July 1, 1997

    Detection of Gamma-ray Emission from the Eta-Carinae Region

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    We present the results of extensive observations by the gamma-ray AGILE satellite of the Galactic region hosting the Carina nebula and the remarkable colliding wind binary Eta Carinae (Eta Car) during the period 2007 July to 2009 January. We detect a gamma-ray source (1AGL J1043-5931) consistent with the position of Eta Car. If 1AGL J1043-5931 is associated with the Eta Car system our data provide the long sought first detection above 100 MeV of a colliding wind binary. The average gamma-ray flux above 100 MeV and integrated over the pre-periastron period 2007 July to 2008 October is F = (37 +/- 5) x 10-8 ph cm-2 s-1 corresponding to an average gamma-ray luminosity of L = 3.4 x 10^34 erg s-1 for a distance of 2.3 kpc. We also report a 2-day gamma-ray flaring episode of 1AGL J1043-5931 on 2008 Oct. 11-13 possibly related to a transient acceleration and radiation episode of the strongly variable shock in the system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Coherence in the Quasi-Particle 'Scattering' by the Vortex Lattice in Pure Type-II Superconductors

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    The effect of quasi-particle (QP) 'scattering' by the vortex lattice on the de-Haas van-Alphen oscillations in a pure type-II superconductor is investigated within mean field,asymptotic perturbation theory. Using a 2D electron gas model it is shown that, due to a strict phase coherence in the many-particle correlation functions, the 'scattering' effect in the asymptotic limit (EF/ωc1\sqrt{E_F/\hbar\omega_c}\gg 1) is much weaker than what is predicted by the random vortex lattice model proposed by Maki and Stephen, which destroys this coherence . The coherent many particle configuration is a collinear array of many particle coordinates, localized within a spatial region with size of the order of the magnetic length. The amplitude of the magnetization oscillations is sharply damped just below % H_{c2} because of strong 180180^{\circ} out of phase magnetic oscillations in the superconducting condensation energy ,which tend to cancel the normal electron oscillations. Within the ideal 2D model used it is found, however, that because of the relative smallness of the quartic and higher order terms in the expansion, the oscillations amplitude at lower fields does not really damp to zero, but only reverses sign and remains virtually undamped well below Hc2H_{c2}. This conclusion may be changed if disorder in the vortex lattice, or vortex lines motion will be taken into account. The reduced QP 'scattering' effect may be responsible for the apparent crossover from a strong damping of the dHvA oscillations just below Hc2H_{c2} to a weaker damping at lower fields observed experimentally in several 3D superconductors.Comment: 26 pages, Revtex no Figure