92 research outputs found

    Pacing profiles of Olympic and IAAF World Championship long distance runners

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the pacing profiles of Olympic and IAAF World Championship long distance finalists, including the relationship with their recent best times. The times for each 1,000-m split were obtained for 394 men and women in 5,000 m and 10,000 m finals at five championships. Athletes’ best times from the previous 32 months were also obtained. Similar pacing profiles were used by athletes grouped by finishing position in 5,000 m races. Women adopted a more even pacing behavior, highlighting a possible sex-based difference over this distance. Pacing behavior over 10,000 m was more similar between men and women compared with over 5,000 m. The main difference between men and women was that in the men's 10,000 m, as in the men’s 5,000 m, more athletes were able to follow the leading group until the final stages. There were large or very large correlations between athletes’ best times from the previous 32 months and their result; the fastest finishers also ran closer to their previous 32 months’ best times. Despite differences in pacing behavior between events, long distance runners should nonetheless stay close to the front from the beginning to win a medal

    Mental fatigue impairs time trial performance in sub-elite under 23 cyclists

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    Purpose This study investigates the effect of a mentally demanding response inhibitory task on time trial performance in sub-elite under 23 cyclists. Methods Ten under 23 road cyclists completed two separate testing sessions during which they performed two different cognitive tasks before completing a 30-min time trial on the cycle ergometer. In the experimental condition, 30 min of a standard cognitive task (Stroop task) was used to elicit mental fatigue; in the control condition, a non-demanding activity was carried out. Subjective workload and mood were measured before and after the treatments, and motivation was recorded before the time-trial. During the time trial, power, cadence, heart rate, and rate of perceived exertion were assessed. Blood lactate concentrations and heart rate variability (using the root mean square of the successive differences) were measured before and after the time trial. Results The Stroop task was rated more mentally (P < 0.001) and temporally (P < 0.001) demanding, effortful (P < 0.001), and frustrating (P = 0.001) than the control task; fatigue (P = 0.002) and vigor (P = 0.018) after the cognitive tasks were respectively higher and lower than in the control task. Mean power output (P = 0.007) and cadence (P = 0.043) were negatively affected by the Stroop task, while heart rate (P = 0.349), rating of perceived exertion (P = 0.710), blood lactate concentration (P = 0.850), and root mean square of the successive differences (P = 0.355) did not differ between the two conditions. Conclusion A mentally demanding activity reduced the subsequent physical performance in sub-elite under 23 cyclists. Thus, avoiding cognitive efforts before training and races could improve performance of high-level athletes


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    Biological and economic  efficiency of the tank mixture herbicide Zenkor Techno and wetting agent Silwet Gold in potato cultivation under the Kaluga region was defined. The absence of significant changes  in the efficiency by varying herbicide application rates (1.0 or 0.8 kg / ha) and the volume of the working solution (3006200 kg / ha) was noted.Определена биологическая и хозяйственная эффективность использования баковых смесей гербицида Зенкор Техно и суперсмачивателя Сильвет Голд в посадках картофеля в условиях Калужской области. Установлено отсутствие значимых изменений эффективности при варьировании норм расхода гербицида (1,0 или 0,8 кг/га) и объемов рабочего раствора (3001200 кг/га).

    The risk of telling : a dyadic perspective on romantic partners' responses to child sexual abuse disclosure and their associations with sexual and relationship satisfaction

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    Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Doctorat en psychologie clinique (D. Psy.)Les survivants d’agression sexuelle à l’enfance (ASE) doivent souvent composer avec les conséquences à long terme de ce trauma. Toutefois, il existe une grande variabilité quant aux impacts individuels de l’ASE. Certains auteurs croient que la réponse obtenue lors du dévoilement de l’ASE aux proches du survivant, pourrait être l’un des déterminants de cette variabilité. Cependant, le dévoilement à l’âge adulte, notamment au partenaire amoureux, a été peu étudié. La présente étude examine les associations entre les réponses des partenaires amoureux au dévoilement, tels que perçues par les survivants, ainsi que la satisfaction sexuelle et conjugale des deux membres du couple, auprès d’un échantillon de 70 couples de la communauté ayant rapporté une ASE et l’ayant dévoilée à leur partenaire. Les participants ont complété des questionnaires auto-rapportés en ligne. Les résultats d’analyses de trajectoire au sein d’un modèle « Actor-Partner Interdependence Model » (APIM) indiquent que les réponses de « soutien émotionnel » de la part des partenaires durant le dévoilement, telles que perçues par les survivants, étaient positivement associées à leur propre satisfaction sexuelle ainsi qu’à celle de leur partenaire. Les réponses de « stigmatisation/se sentir traité différemment » de la part des partenaires, telles que perçues par les survivants, étaient associées à une moins bonne satisfaction conjugale, à la fois pour les survivants et leurs partenaires. Les résultats suggèrent que les réponses des partenaires au dévoilement d’une ASE, tels que perçues par les survivants, peuvent avoir un impact positif autant que négatif sur la satisfaction conjugale et sexuelle des deux partenaires.Survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) often experience adverse trauma-related long term consequences, which vary widely among survivors. Some authors argued that this variability might be explained in part by the response of others to survivors’ disclosure of the CSA. However, disclosure during adulthood has received little empirical attention, in particular, disclosure to a romantic partner. Among 70 community couples who reported CSA and disclosure to their partner, this study examined associations between survivors’ perception of partner responses to their disclosure, and both partners’ sexual and relationship satisfaction. Participants completed self-report questionnaires online. Results of path analyses within an actor-partner interdependence model indicated that survivors’ perceived partner responses of emotional support to disclosure were associated with their own and their partners' higher sexual satisfaction. Survivors’ perceived responses of being stigmatized/treated differently by the partner were associated with their own and their partners’ poorer relationship satisfaction. Findings suggest that survivor-perceived partner responses to the disclosure of CSA can have both a positive and a negative impact on the sexual and relationship satisfaction of both partners

    Impact of smoking status on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in cancer survivors

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    IntroductionThe Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) often declines among cancer survivors due to many factors. Some cancer patients who smoke before the cancer diagnosis continue this harmful habit, potentially contributing to a more significant decline in their HRQoL. Therefore, this study investigates the association between smoking status and HRQoL in cancer survivors.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study utilizing self-reported cancer history from 39,578 participants of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) database, leveraging 2016 and 2020 year questionaries. A multidimensional composite outcome was created to assess HRQoL, integrating four distinct dimensions - general health, mental health, physical health, and activity limitations. After accounting for the complex survey design, logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between smoking status and poor HRQoL, adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related confounders.ResultsOur study found that, after adjusting for potential confounders, current smokers exhibited a significantly poorer HRQoL than never smokers (OR 1.65, 95%CI 1.40-1.93). Furthermore, former smokers showed a poorer HRQoL than never smokers; however, this association was not as strong as current smokers (OR 1.22, 95%CI 1.09-1.38).ConclusionOur findings highlight the adverse association of smoking with poor HRQoL in cancer survivors, underscoring the importance of healthcare professionals prioritizing smoking cessation and providing tailored interventions to support this goal

    Rational dimension of a basis of a regression model for adaptive short-term forecasting the state of a discrete nonstationary dynamic system

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    Relevance. Today, there are many methodologies for predicting power consumption of various objects. However, there is no a general methodology that is suitable for all types of energy systems, including the sectoral characteristics of small northern settlements and other objects with the stochastic nature of electricity consumption schedules. At the same time, during the development of problem-oriented forecasting methods, it is necessary to take into account computational and statistical features of forecasted time series to the maximum and apply them adequately. The mentioned circumstance prompts the creation of criteria-indicators that allow evaluating the quality of the applied model for solving the forecasting problem, correctness of its construction and correctness of applying a priori information about the object and its physical properties.Aim. Develop and apply the criteria-indicators, which allow evaluating the quality of the forecast regression model and the influence of the dimensionality of such model base on a forecasting error. Methods. The choice of rational dimensionality of the regression model basis for the adaptive forecasting problem is based on the known and developed criteria-indicators. The main provisions of such criteria-indicators were formulated, which provide an assessment of the quality of conditioning of an equivalent square matrix, the presence of uninformative elements of the matrix, and linear dependence of the columns. Results. Based on the analysis of criteria-indicators, the authors selected a rational dimension of the regression model basis for the problem of adaptive short-term forecasting of the state of discrete non-stationary dynamic systems. Conclusions. The authors have previously selected the most promising criteria-indicators and developed a normalized difference factor of diagonal predominance. This allows us to evaluate the influence of the basis size change on the regression model quality when building an approach of adaptive short-term forecasting of electricity consumption by autonomous power systems of small northern settlements on the basis of regression analysis methods. Based on the analysis of criteria-indicators the authors obtained information about the influence of the regression model basis dimension on the forecasting problem solution error. The authors stated the further stages of research to reduce this error. The paper introduces and describes one of the ways to improve the forecasting model quality. The dependence of the forecasting error on the size of the regression model basis were revealed; the criteria-indicators considered in the article were successfully applied. It is confirmed that the pre-selected and developed criteria-indicators make it possible, at the stage of compiling an equivalent square matrix and performing preliminary actions on it, to track changes within the matrix. The changes will lead to improvement in the solution of the problem of adaptive short-term forecasting

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    Biological and economic  efficiency of the tank mixture herbicide Zenkor Techno and wetting agent Silwet Gold in potato cultivation under the Kaluga region was defined. The absence of significant changes  in the efficiency by varying herbicide application rates (1.0 or 0.8 kg / ha) and the volume of the working solution (3006200 kg / ha) was noted

    Rio 2016 : Ritratto della regina dei Giochi Olimpici

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    L'atletica leggera \ue8 universalmente considerata la regina delle discipline Olimpiche. Proprio per questo motivo, scopo dell'articolo sar\ue0 quello di fare un riassunto dei principali avvenimenti accaduti durante i Giochi Olimpici di Rio 2016, sia da un punto di vista tecnico atletico sia di programmazione generale. I risultati di questo lavoro potranno, quindi, fornire utili informazioni e spunti sull'evoluzione dell'atletica nello scenario nazionale e internazionale