529 research outputs found

    Is this thing on? Determining Comfort Level with Communication Skills in a Technical Discipline

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    Students with a technology focus often express and demonstrate that they find it difficult to communicate their ideas and designs. Students in the Rochester Institute of Technology’s School of Interactive Games and Media are further challenged in that in order to be successful in their pursuit of a career in game design and development, they need to effectively convey their game ideas and design specifications while expressing the passion for the ideas that will convince others to climb on board and work on their projects. In this paper, we discuss the way we help our students develop these skills within a course structure. Through several course offerings, the faculty and students anecdotally noted that the students communication skills improved and their comfort in communication improved as well. In order to more accurately determine if this observed improvement was measurable, a survey of comfort with communication skills was created. The paper will present the results of an exploratory study using the instrument, which involved administering the survey to the students in the course as well as students in another course without a focus in development of these skills. The results from both sets of students were analyzed to determine if there was an increase in comfort with communication skills and to begin a process of validating this new instrument

    Functional identification of Arabidopsis ATSIP2 (At3g57520) as an alkaline Îą-galactosidase with a substrate specificity for raffinose and an apparent sink-specific expression patter

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    Arabidopsis ATSIP2 has recently been suggested to be a raffinose synthase gene. However, it has high amino acid identity to functionally characterized alkaline ι-galactosidases from Cucumis melo and Zea mays. Using the Sf9 insect cell expression system, we demonstrate that recombinant ATSIP2 is a genuine alkaline ι-galactosidase with a distinct substrate specificity for raffinose, and not a raffinose synthase. A β-glucuronidase reporter construct using the ATSIP2 promoter shows that ATSIP2 is strongly expressed in sink tissues of Arabidopsis, i.e. sink leaves and non-xylem parts of the root stele, suggesting a physiological function in raffinose phloem unloading

    Position- and Time-Dependent Arc Expression Links Neuronal Activity to Synaptic Plasticity During Epileptogenesis

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    In mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) an initial precipitating injury can trigger aberrant wiring of neuronal circuits causing seizure activity. While circuit reorganization is known to be largely activity-dependent, the interactions between neuronal activity and synaptic plasticity during the development of mTLE remain poorly understood. Therefore, the present study aimed at delineating the spatiotemporal relationship between epileptic activity, activity-dependent gene expression and synaptic plasticity during kainic acid-induced epileptogenesis in mice. We show that during epileptogenesis the sclerotic hippocampus differed from non-sclerotic regions by displaying a consistently lower power of paroxysmal discharges. However, the power of these discharges steadily increased during epileptogenesis. This increase was paralleled by the upregulation of the activity-related cytoskeleton protein (Arc) gene expression in dentate granule cells (DGCs) of the sclerotic hippocampus. Importantly, we found that Arc mRNA-upregulating DGCs exhibited increased spine densities and spine sizes, but at the same time decreased AMPA-type glutamate receptor (AMPAR) densities. Finally, we show that in vivo optogenetic stimulation of DGC synapses evoked robust seizure activity in epileptic mice, but failed to induce dendritic translocation of Arc mRNA as under healthy conditions, supporting the theory of a breakdown of the dentate gate in mTLE. We conclude that during epileptogenesis epileptic activity emerges early and persists in the whole hippocampus, however, only the sclerotic part shows modulation of discharge amplitudes accompanied by plasticity of DGCs. In this context, we identified Arc as a putative mediator between seizure activity and synaptic plasticity

    Bitter gourd, Momordica charantia L., breeding lines differ in secondary metabolite content according to market type

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    Bitter gourd, Momordica charantia L., is an important commercial cucurbitaceous vegetable of enormous medicinal value in Asia because of its secondary metabolite content. We report here the characterization and evaluation of open-pollinated (OP) edible South Asian and Southeast Asian types of bitter gourd breeding lines, developed at the World Vegetable Center, for horticultural traits (11 OP) and secondary metabolites (10 OP) and their comparisons with commercial OP and F1 hybrid cultivars. Marketable yields of South Asian and Southeast Asian type breeding lines were comparable to the OP ‘BARI Karella 1’ and the hybrid ‘Benteng’, respectively.The bitter gourd cultivars and breeding lines included in this study exhibited specific patterns for five secondary metabolites (saponins, carotenoids, chlorophyll a and b, and vitamin C): in general the two cultivars and South Asian type breeding lines contained higher levels of secondary metabolites, e.g. carotenoids, than the Southeast Asian bitter gourd breeding lines.Some of these bitter gourd lines will be released to Asian home and school gardeners after conducting multi-location trials across Asia to improve vegetable consumption as a main task of bitter gourd breeding

    Myoglobin regulates fatty acid trafficking and lipid metabolism in mammary epithelial cells

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    Myoglobin (MB) is known to bind and deliver oxygen in striated muscles at high expression levels. MB is also expressed at much reduced levels in mammary epithelial cells, where the protein´s function is unclear. In this study, we aim to determine whether MB impacts fatty acid trafficking and facilitates aerobic fatty acid ß-oxidation in mammary epithelial cells. We utilized MB-wildtype versus MB-knockout mice and human breast cancer cells to examine the impact of MB and its oxygenation status on fatty acid metabolism in mouse milk and mammary epithelia. MB deficient cells were generated through CRISPR/Cas9 and TALEN approaches and exposed to various oxygen tensions. Fatty acid profiling of milk and cell extracts were performed along with cell labelling and immunocytochemistry. Our findings show that MB expression in mammary epithelial cells promoted fatty acid oxidation while reducing stearyl-CoA desaturase activity for lipogenesis. In cells and milk product, presence of oxygenated MB significantly elevated indices of limited fatty acid ß-oxidation, i.e., the organelle-bound removal of a C2 moiety from long-chain saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids, thus shifting the composition toward more saturated and shorter fatty acid species. Presence of the globin also increased cytoplasmic fatty acid solubility under normoxia and fatty acid deposition to lipid droplets under severe hypoxia. We conclude that MB can function in mammary epithelia as intracellular O2_{2}-dependent shuttle of oxidizable fatty acid substrates. MB’s impact on limited oxidation of fatty acids could generate inflammatory mediator lipokines, such as 7-hexadecenoate. Thus, the novel functions of MB in breast epithelia described herein range from controlling fatty acid turnover and homeostasis to influencing inflammatory signalling cascade. Future work is needed to analyse to what extent these novel roles of MB also apply to myocytic cell physiology and malignant cell behaviour, respectively

    The role of biofactors in the prevention and treatment of age‐related diseases

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    The present demographic changes toward an aging society caused a rise in the number of senior citizens and the incidence and burden of age‐related diseases (such as cardiovascular diseases [CVD], cancer, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [NAFLD], diabetes mellitus, and dementia), of which nearly half is attributable to the population ≥60 years of age. Deficiencies in individual nutrients have been associated with increased risks for age‐related diseases and high intakes and/or blood concentrations with risk reduction. Nutrition in general and the dietary intake of essential and nonessential biofactors is a major determinant of human health, the risk to develop age‐related diseases, and ultimately of mortality in the older population. These biofactors can be a cost‐effective strategy to prevent or, in some cases, even treat age‐related diseases. Examples reviewed herein include omega‐3 fatty acids and dietary fiber for the prevention of CVD, α‐tocopherol (vitamin E) for the treatment of biopsy‐proven nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, vitamin D for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, thiamine and α‐lipoic acid for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, and the role of folate in cancer epigenetics. This list of potentially helpful biofactors in the prevention and treatment of age‐related diseases, however, is not exhaustive and many more examples exist. Furthermore, since there is currently no generally accepted definition of the term biofactors , we here propose a definition that, when adopted by scientists, will enable a harmonization and consistent use of the term in the scientific literature

    'The Drug Survey App': a protocol for developing and validating an interactive population survey tool for drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

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    BACKGROUND: Disadvantage and transgenerational trauma contribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) Australians being more likely to experience adverse health consequences from alcohol and other drug use than non-Indigenous peoples. Addressing these health inequities requires local monitoring of alcohol and other drug use. While culturally appropriate methods for measuring drinking patterns among Indigenous Australians have been established, no similar methods are available for measuring other drug use patterns (amount and frequency of consumption). This paper describes a protocol for creating and validating a tablet-based survey for alcohol and other drugs ("The Drug Survey App"). METHODS: The Drug Survey App will be co-designed with stakeholders including Indigenous Australian health professionals, addiction specialists, community leaders, and researchers. The App will allow participants to describe their drug use flexibly with an interactive, visual interface. The validity of estimated consumption patterns, and risk assessments will be tested against those made in clinical interviews conducted by Indigenous Australian health professionals. We will then trial the App as a population survey tool by using the App to determine the prevalence of substance use in two Indigenous communities. DISCUSSION: The App could empower Indigenous Australian communities to conduct independent research that informs local prevention and treatment efforts

    Annexin A6 modulates TBC1D15/Rab7/StARD3 axis to control endosomal cholesterol export in NPC1 cells

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    Cholesterol accumulation in late endosomes is a prevailing phenotype of Niemann-Pick type C1 (NPC1) mutant cells. Likewise, annexin A6 (AnxA6) overexpression induces a phenotype reminiscent of NPC1 mutant cells. Here, we demonstrate that this cellular cholesterol imbalance is due to AnxA6 promoting Rab7 inactivation via TBC1D15, a Rab7-GAP. In NPC1 mutant cells, AnxA6 depletion and eventual Rab7 activation was associated with peripheral distribution and increased mobility of late endosomes. This was accompanied by an enhanced lipid accumulation in lipid droplets in an acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT)-dependent manner. Moreover, in AnxA6-deficient NPC1 mutant cells, Rab7-mediated rescue of late endosome-cholesterol export required the StAR-related lipid transfer domain-3 (StARD3) protein. Electron microscopy revealed a significant increase of membrane contact sites (MCS) between late endosomes and ER in NPC1 mutant cells lacking AnxA6, suggesting late endosome-cholesterol transfer to the ER via Rab7 and StARD3-dependent MCS formation. This study identifies AnxA6 as a novel gatekeeper that controls cellular distribution of late endosome-cholesterol via regulation of a Rab7-GAP and MCS formation
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