1,013 research outputs found

    Issues of criminal protection of entrepreneurial (business) activity

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    The article deals with issues of power squeeze on business in the context of criminal, political, criminological grounds both in the legal framework and legislative practices. Authors analyze the number of laws and regulations as well as the the drafts of Modernization concept of the criminal legislative in economy and the federal law "On amendments to legal acts of the Russian Federation due to the introduction of legal entities’ criminal and legal squeeze doctrine”. Authors illustrate the statistical data on the revealed crimes, criminal investigations filed and referred to court, data on gulty verdicts confirming the absence of such phenomenon as squeeze on business communities. Authors give the grounded conclusion on the liberalization of criminal legislation related to business activity in Russia using certain cases. Thus, the criminal policy pursued in Russia in the field of entrepreneurial activity bears no relation with excessive squeezing of business. And excessive publicity of redundancy of countermeasures to crimes in this field has no sufficient grounds.peer-reviewe

    Constructive solution of highly effective photoenergy module: development and experimental testing

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    Based on experimental study and computermodeling of working temperature influence on the efficiency of Chinese production silicon solar cells identified temperature dependence of efficiency shows the feasibility of using Chinese production Si-SC in the construction of photovoltaic thermal system, which together with the heat pump is part of a combined system for hot water supply, heating and air conditioning. Based on a detailed analysis of the working temperature influence on the efficiency of photovoltaic processes that determine the solar cells work, it has been developed the optimal construction and technological solution of hybrid solar generated module, the main feature ofwhich is the heat exchange block, designed to reduce the solar cells working temperature. The experimental testing of hybrid modules samples equipped with developed cooling system, high-voltage part of power take-off system demonstrates their reliability and high efficiency which allow to achieve the such module efficiency up to 18.5 %.На основе экспериментального исследования в комплексе с компьютерным моделированием влияния рабочей температуры на эффективность кремниевых солнечных элементов китайского производства выявлена температурная зависимость их эффективности. Температурная зависимость показывает целесообразность использования солнечных элементов китайского производства в составе фотоэлектрической тепловой системы, которая вместе с тепловым насосом является частью комбинированной системы горячего водоснабжения, отопления и кондиционирования воздуха. На основе детального анализа влияния рабочей температуры на эффективность фотоэлектрических процессов, определяющих работу солнечных элементов, было разработано оптимальное конструктивно-технологическое решение гибридного солнечного генерирующего модуля, основной особенностью которого является теплообменный блок, предназначен для снижения рабочей температуры солнечных элементов. Экспериментальные испытания образцов таких модулей, оснащенных разработанной системой охлаждения и высоковольтной системой отбора мощности, демонстрируют их надежность и высокую эффективность, позволяющие достичь КПД гибридного модуля до 18,5 %

    Ergatic dynamic control systems

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    Synthesis and analysis of systems containing a man in their control circuits are considered. The concepts of ergonomics and ergatic systems are defined, and tasks and problems of ergonomics are outlined. The synthesis of the structure of an astronautic ergatic organism is presented, as well as the synthesis of nonstationary ergatic systems. Problems of selecting the criteria for complex systems are considered, and the results are presented from a study of ergatic control systems with any degree of human participation

    The problem of cognitive-semantic grounds for verbs polysemy in English

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    The given article considers the problem of the cognitive and semantic basis for polysemanticism of verbs in English as one of the main mental processes that promotes changes and development of the meaning of words, the verbs in particula

    Current Issues of International Legal Regulation of the Use of Unmanned Technologies in Railway Transport within the EAEU

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    This study is aimed to determine current trends in the development of international legal regulation of the use of unmanned technologies in rail transport related to the implementation of digital services and technologies of Industry 4.0 both in the transport and logistics ecosystem of Russia and in the regional international transport systems.Aim. To determine the level of development and effectiveness of the existing set of regulations governing the use of unmanned technologies in rail transport within the EAEC.Tasks. To analyze the existing body of normative legal acts regulating the specified sphere, to identify gaps in the existing regulation of unmanned technologies in the railway transport.Methods. Using the method of comparative legal analysis and the formal-legal method, this paper analyzes the existing legal regulation of unmanned technologies in rail transport within the EAEC, identifies the gaps in legislation and indicates the main directions of its development to create a regulatory framework that allows the effective regulation of the introduction and operation of unmanned technologies on the railroads of the Eurasian Economic Union.Results. The study showed that at present the legal regulation of unmanned technologies in the railway transport is at the initial stage of development. The existing regulatory framework regulates automated and remote control technologies for railroad transport is insufficient, while the level of technology development in the railway sphere allows the introduction of unmanned locomotives to improve the level of competitiveness of the industry. Given the ongoing integration processes and the high level of interconnection between the transport and logistics systems of the EAEU member states, the development of a unified legal regulation of the use of unmanned technologies on the railroad should take place at the international level within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. All the more so because technical regulations defining the requirements for the safe operation of rolling stock and railway infrastructure are currently being developed and implemented at the level of the EAEU. The experience of creating a unified approach to technical requirements in the industry is a positive basis for the formation of regulations for the introduction of innovations that meet the level of the technological mode of Industry 4.0.Conclusion. The main directions for the development of legal regulation of the use of unmanned technologies should be to ensure the safety of the use of unmanned technologies by establishing criteria for their evaluation, testing and certification systems, as well as developing principles of liability for damage caused to life, health and property of third parties in the transportation process due to error, malfunction or imperfection of this kind of technology

    Modern geochemical situation in the area of mining facilities of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (by the example of Mikhailovsky GOK)

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    They provided the results of geochemical situation analysis in the KMA region over the past 10 years on the basis of literature data and the materials of author's studies on the example of the Mikhailovsky ore mining and processing enterprise are presented. The statistical analysis of pollutant distribution dependencies is performed within the ore mining and processing enterprise impact zones, the areas of element dispersion were estimated, the indices of industrial and agro-industrial background have been calculated using the example of a model territor

    The Dichotomy of Public/Private in the New Media Space

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    Received 4 June 2020. Accepted 5 December 2020. Published online 29 December 2020.Today we exist in a situation in which the new media environment has resulted in paradigm shift in our conception of reality, altering public spaces and communities, as well as functional modes and mechanisms of the private sphere, through the creation of new digitally-intermediated methods of communication. In a mediatised culture, the boundaries between public and private have been fundamentally transformed. Multi-screening has created a new mode of visibility for social cultures and subcultures, which, if it does not exactly abolish the boundary between private and public, at least allows us to rethink this dichotomy. Having thus established a new mode of visibility, the advent of new media has led to the sphere of private life being absorbed by the public sphere, in the process not only of facilitating discussion, but also in becoming a means by which control is exerted by the state, the market and advertising. In turn, in coming under the domination of specific private or group interests, the public sphere itself has been transformed. While, in coinciding with the interests of other groups, these interests may achieve temporary commonality, they cannot be truly public in the original universal sense. The use of multiple Internet portals in living reality creates a distinct or alternative level of virtual publicity. No longer requiring the usual physical spaces to regulate his or her inclusion in both virtual and traditional public spheres, a user of contemporary gadgets creates a remote and individually-tailored model of public interaction. This process of virtual individualisation indicates the ambivalent nature of the networked public sphere. While, on the one hand, in engaging in collective interaction and concern for common affairs, politically-active people need the presence of others, on the other, the fact of being rooted in their own experience results in the creation of burgeoning personalised and fragmented hierarchies

    Corruption and legal limits of anti-corruption enforcement

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    Purpose: The article studies the issue of the limits to fight corruption in Russia within the framework of criminal law. The article is mainly devoted to the problems of combating corruption and its criminal law methods. Design/Methodology/Approach: Authors analyzed the state of corruption taking into account public opinion and the general state of the law enforcement system. Authors also illustrated a criminological profile of an exactor. Findings: The features of the specific crimes of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are studied in this article. Auhtors highlighted a number of points: first, the identity between the definitions of corruption as a negative social and legal phenomenon and second as crime itself. Practical Implications: The article provides a detailed analysis and classification of corruption crimes under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and proposes solutions to the identified problems aimed at improving the effectiveness of criminal law counteraction against bribery and other corruption phenomena. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is a detailed analysis of the legal framework of the Russian Federation regarding the anti-corruption enforcement and contains solutions to improve the effectiveness of criminal law counteraction against bribery, other corruption crimes and corruption in general.peer-reviewe