941 research outputs found

    Exploring the needs of military children in public schools: What school psychologists need to know

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    Although research has been published documenting the increased risk for negative social, emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes of military-connected students, no research prior to this study has given voice to these students and explored their experiences and needs. Five military-connected high school students participated in a focus group exploring what their lived experiences are in the context of living in a military-connected home and what they wish their schools knew to better support them. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data and six themes emerged from the discussion: the emotional burden these students carry, distance they feel from their parent serving, pressure to succeed, the desire for visibility within their schools, going home to more than homework, and the instability and unknow of military life. These themes can provide a framework for schools to develop a multi-tiered system of support to ensure military-connected students are seen, heard, and supported at every transition. School psychologists can utilize these themes to advocate for military-connected students and support their needs with their unique knowledge of both the psychological and academic demands placed on student

    BPS Quivers of Five-Dimensional SCFTs, Topological Strings and q-Painlevé Equations

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    We study the discrete flows generated by the symmetry group of the BPS quivers for Calabi–Yau geometries describing five-dimensional superconformal quantum field theories on a circle. These flows naturally describe the BPS particle spectrum of such theories and at the same time generate bilinear equations of q-difference type which, in the rank one case, are q-PainlevĂ© equations. The solutions of these equations are shown to be given by grand canonical topological string partition functions which we identify with τ-functions of the cluster algebra associated to the quiver. We exemplify our construction in the case corresponding to five-dimensional SU(2) pure super Yang–Mills and Nf= 2 on a circle

    Harvesting, coupling and control of single exciton coherences in photonic waveguide antennas

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    We perform coherent non-linear spectroscopy of individual excitons strongly confined in single InAs quantum dots (QDs). The retrieval of their intrinsically weak four-wave mixing (FWM) response is enabled by a one-dimensional dielectric waveguide antenna. Compared to a similar QD embedded in bulk media, the FWM detection sensitivity is enhanced by up to four orders of magnitude, over a broad operation bandwidth. Three-beam FWM is employed to investigate coherence and population dynamics within individual QD transitions. We retrieve their homogenous dephasing in a presence of spectral wandering. Two-dimensional FWM reveals off-resonant F\"orster coupling between a pair of distinct QDs embedded in the antenna. We also detect a higher order QD non-linearity (six-wave mixing) and use it to coherently control the FWM transient. Waveguide antennas enable to conceive multi-color coherent manipulation schemes of individual emitters.Comment: 7 pages, 8 Figure

    Antireflective photonic structure for coherent nonlinear spectroscopy of single magnetic quantum dots

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    This work presents epitaxial growth and optical spectroscopy of CdTe quantum dots (QDs) in (Cd,Zn,Mg)Te barriers placed on the top of (Cd,Zn,Mg)Te distributed Bragg reflector. The formed photonic mode in our half-cavity structure permits to enhance the local excitation intensity and extraction efficiency of the QD photoluminescence, while suppressing the reflectance within the spectral range covering the QD transitions. This allows to perform coherent, nonlinear, resonant spectroscopy of individual QDs. The coherence dynamics of a charged exciton is measured via four-wave mixing, with the estimated dephasing time T2=(210 ± 40)T_2=(210\,\pm\,40) ps. The same structure contains QDs doped with single Mn2+^{2+} ions, as detected in photoluminescence spectra. Our work therefore paves the way toward investigating and controlling an exciton coherence coupled, via ss,pp-dd exchange interaction, with an individual spin of a magnetic dopant.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    CHARM facility remotely controlled platform at CERN: A new fault-tolerant redundant architecture

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    Many power electronics applications require high tolerance to faults such as short circuit or open circuit of the control signals. One such application is the CERN High energy AcceleRator Mixed-field (CHARM) facility, where maintenance may be precluded for long periods of time due to radiation and, therefore, high reliability is necessary. A redundant interconnection architecture for the control signals is proposed, where each signal is individually processed by different CPUs and transmitted through separate interconnection lines. During normal operation, the CPUs are synchronized and produce the same signals. The purpose of the proposed hardware and firmware strategy is to allow the actuator to continue operating even in case of fault; regardless of the fault type (open circuit, short circuit to ground or to positive supply), a fault on one of the parallel lines would not inhibit the correct operation of the remaining line. This solution can be used to control the movements of a target system using a remote joystick in a safe environment. The architecture features reliable transmission of PWM signals driving a half-bridge power converter. Moreover, it is possible to extend it to any type of converter such as three-phase bridges, three-level NPC, or buck-boost converters. Simulations and experimental results show a good agreement, proving the effectiveness of the proposed fault tolerant circuitry

    A Logical Form Parser for Correction and Consistency Checking of LF resources

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    In this paper we present ongoing work for the correction of Extended WordNet (XWN), the most extended freely downloadable resource of Logical Forms (LFs) – by the Human Language Technology Research Institute (HLTRI) of University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). In a previous paper we reported on type and number of errors detected in the 140,000 entries of the resource, which amounted to some 30%. This didn’t include problems related to inconsistencies from disconnected variables which were not computable at the time. We now created an LF parser that parses each entry after appropriate transformations. The parser has been created to count the number of disconnected variables, be they object variables or predicate event variables: the result is 56% of LFs containing some disconnected variable. We devised two procedures for correction: one lexical and the other structural which eventually allowed a dramatic reduction: the final count is now 24%. Additional work has been carried out to improve the general consistency by manual intervention on "inconsistent" outputs signaled by the parser and has reduce the number of errors to a reasonable percentage for such a resource, that is less that 15%

    Impact of phonons on dephasing of individual excitons in deterministic quantum dot microlenses

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    Optimized light-matter coupling in semiconductor nanostructures is a key to understand their optical properties and can be enabled by advanced fabrication techniques. Using in-situ electron beam lithography combined with a low-temperature cathodoluminescence imaging, we deterministically fabricate microlenses above selected InAs quantum dots (QDs) achieving their efficient coupling to the external light field. This enables to perform four-wave mixing micro-spectroscopy of single QD excitons, revealing the exciton population and coherence dynamics. We infer the temperature dependence of the dephasing in order to address the impact of phonons on the decoherence of confined excitons. The loss of the coherence over the first picoseconds is associated with the emission of a phonon wave packet, also governing the phonon background in photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Using theory based on the independent boson model, we consistently explain the initial coherence decay, the zero-phonon line fraction, and the lineshape of the phonon-assisted PL using realistic quantum dot geometries

    A computational approach to implicit entities and events in text and discourse

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    In this paper we will focus on the notion of “implicit” or lexically unexpressed linguistic elements that are nonetheless necessary for a complete semantic interpretation of a text. We refer to “entities” and “events” because the recovery of the implicit material may affect all the modules of a system for semantic processing, from the grammatically guided components to the inferential and reasoning ones. Reference to the system GETARUNS offers one possible implementation of the algorithms and procedures needed to cope with the problem and enables us to deal with all the spectrum of phenomena. The paper will address at first the following three types of “implicit” entities and events: – the grammatical ones, as suggested by a linguistic theories like LFG or similar generative theories; – the semantic ones suggested in the FrameNet project, i.e. CNI, DNI, INI; – the pragmatic ones: here we will present a theory and an implementation for the recovery of implicit entities and events of (non-) standard implicatures. In particular we will show how the use of commonsense knowledge may fruitfully contribute to find relevant implied meanings. Last Implicit Entity only touched on, though for lack of space, is the Subject of Point of View, which is computed by Semantic Informational Structure and contributes the intended entity from whose point of view a given subjective statement is expressed
