139 research outputs found

    Poisson cluster measures: Quasi-invariance, integration by parts and equilibrium stochastic dynamics

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    Abstract The distribution µ cl of a Poisson cluster process in X = R d (with i.i.d. clusters) is studied via an auxiliary Poisson measure on the space of configurations in X = n X n , with intensity measure defined as a convolution of the background intensity of cluster centres and the probability distribution of a generic cluster. We show that the measure µ cl is quasiinvariant with respect to the group of compactly supported diffeomorphisms of X and prove an integration-by-parts formula for µ cl . The corresponding equilibrium stochastic dynamics is then constructed using the method of Dirichlet forms

    Nambu-Poisson manifolds and associated n-ary Lie algebroids

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    We introduce an n-ary Lie algebroid canonically associated with a Nambu-Poisson manifold. We also prove that every Nambu-Poisson bracket defined on functions is induced by some differential operator on the exterior algebra, and characterize such operators. Some physical examples are presented

    Approximate Homomorphisms of Ternary Semigroups

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    A mapping f:(G1,[]1)(G2,[]2)f:(G_1,[ ]_1)\to (G_2,[ ]_2) between ternary semigroups will be called a ternary homomorphism if f([xyz]1)=[f(x)f(y)f(z)]2f([xyz]_1)=[f(x)f(y)f(z)]_2. In this paper, we prove the generalized Hyers--Ulam--Rassias stability of mappings of commutative semigroups into Banach spaces. In addition, we establish the superstability of ternary homomorphisms into Banach algebras endowed with multiplicative norms.Comment: 10 page

    Gauge-Invariant Quasi-Free States on the Algebra of the Anyon Commutation Relations

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    Let X=R2X=\mathbb R^2 and let qCq\in\mathbb C, q=1|q|=1. For x=(x1,x2)x=(x^1,x^2) and y=(y1,y2)y=(y^1,y^2) from X2X^2, we define a function Q(x,y)Q(x,y) to be equal to qq if x1y1x^1y^1, and to q\Re q if x1=y1x^1=y^1. Let x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^- (xXx\in X) be operator-valued distributions such that x+\partial_x^+ is the adjoint of x\partial_x^-. We say that x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^- satisfy the anyon commutation relations (ACR) if x+y+=Q(y,x)y+x+\partial^+_x\partial_y^+=Q(y,x)\partial_y^+\partial_x^+ for xyx\ne y and xy+=δ(xy)+Q(x,y)y+x\partial^-_x\partial_y^+=\delta(x-y)+Q(x,y)\partial_y^+\partial^-_x for (x,y)X2(x,y)\in X^2. In particular, for q=1q=1, the ACR become the canonical commutation relations and for q=1q=-1, the ACR become the canonical anticommutation relations. We define the ACR algebra as the algebra generated by operator-valued integrals of x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^-. We construct a class of gauge-invariant quasi-free states on the ACR algebra. Each state from this class is completely determined by a positive self-adjoint operator TT on the real space L2(X,dx)L^2(X,dx) which commutes with any operator of multiplication by a bounded function ψ(x1)\psi(x^1). In the case q0\Re q0), we discuss the corresponding particle density ρ(x):=x+x\rho(x):=\partial_x^+\partial_x^-. For q(0,1]\Re q\in(0,1], using a renormalization, we rigorously define a vacuum state on the commutative algebra generated by operator-valued integrals of ρ(x)\rho(x). This state is given by a negative binomial point process. A scaling limit of these states as κ\kappa\to\infty gives the gamma random measure, depending on parameter q\Re q

    Cluster point processes on manifolds

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    The probability distribution μ_cl of a general cluster point process in a Riemannian manifold X (with independent random clusters attached to points of a configuration with distribution μ) is studied via the projection of an auxiliary measure ˆμ in the space of configurations ˆ Γ = {(x,y)} ⊂ X × X, where x ∈ X indicates a cluster "centre" and y ∈ X represents a corresponding cluster relative to x. We show that the measure μ_cl is quasi-invariant with respect to the group Diff0(X) of compactly supported diffeomorphisms of X, and prove an integration-by-parts formula for μcl. The associated equilibrium stochastic dynamics is then constructed using the method of Dirichlet forms. General constructions are illustrated by examples including Euclidean spaces, Lie groups, homogeneous spaces, Riemannian manifolds of non-positive curvature and metric spaces