6,059 research outputs found

    Expectations for a new calorimetric neutrino mass experiment

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    A large calorimetric neutrino mass experiment using thermal detectors is expected to play a crucial role in the challenge for directly assessing the neutrino mass. We discuss and compare here two approaches to the estimation of the experimental sensitivity of such an experiment. The first method uses an analytic formulation and allows to readily obtain a sensible estimate over a wide range of experimental configurations. The second method is based on a frequentist Montecarlo technique and is more precise and reliable. The Montecarlo approach is then exploited to study the main sources of systematic uncertainties peculiar to calorimetric experiments. Finally, the tools are applied to investigate the optimal experimental configuration for a calorimetric experiment with Rhenium based thermal detectors.Comment: 25 pagers, 16 figure

    Compact Markov-modulated models for multiclass trace fitting

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    Markov-modulated Poisson processes (MMPPs) are stochastic models for fitting empirical traces for simulation, workload characterization and queueing analysis purposes. In this paper, we develop the first counting process fitting algorithm for the marked MMPP (M3PP), a generalization of the MMPP for modeling traces with events of multiple types. We initially explain how to fit two-state M3PPs to empirical traces of counts. We then propose a novel form of composition, called interposition, which enables the approximate superposition of several two-state M3PPs without incurring into state space explosion. Compared to exact superposition, where the state space grows exponentially in the number of composed processes, in interposition the state space grows linearly in the number of composed M3PPs. Experimental results indicate that the proposed interposition methodology provides accurate results against artificial and real-world traces, with a significantly smaller state space than superposed processes

    A Lagrangian finite element method for the simulation of 3D compressible flows

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    The numerical solution of compressible fluid flows is of paramount importance in many industrial and engineering applications. Compared to the classical fluid dynamics, the introduction of the fluid compressibility changes the formulation of the problem and consequently its computational treatment. Among the possible numerical solutions of compressible flow problems, the finite element method has always been privileged. However, the standard Eulerian approaches with fixed domain are not particularly suited to represent the strong shock waves and the significant movement of the external boundaries. On the contrary, in problems characterized by evolving surfaces, Lagrangian approaches can be very effective. The governing equations of compressible flow problems are mass, momentum and energy conservation. These equations are discretized in the spirit of the Lagrangian Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM). The strong distortions of the mesh, typical of the Lagrangian approaches, are managed with a continuous remeshing of the computational domain. The nodal unknowns are velocities, density and internal energy. To fully exploit the potential of continuous remeshing, only nodal variables are stored and consequently only linear interpolation are used. In addition, an artificial viscosity has been introduced to stabilize the formation and propagation of shock waves. Finally, explicit time integration of the governing equations enables a highly efficient solution of the discretized problem. The proposed approach has been validated against typical benchmarks of gas dynamics in the presence of strong shock waves. A very good agreement has been shown in all the tests proving the excellent accuracy and versatility of the proposed method

    Green's functions for the evaluation of anchor losses in mems

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    The issue of dissipation has a peculiar importance in micro-electro-mechanical-structures (MEMS). Among the sources of damping that affect their performance, the most relevant are [1]: thermoelastic coupling, air damping, intrinsic material losses, electrical loading due to electrode routing, anchor losses. Moreover, recent experimental results indicate the presence of additional temperature dependent dissipation mechanisms which are not yet fully understood (see e.g. [2, 12]). In a resonating structure the quality factor Q is defined as: Q = 2πW/ΔW (1) where ΔW and W are the energy lost per cycle and the maximum value of energy stored in the resonator, respectively. According to eq. (1), the magnitude of Q ultimately depends on the level of energy loss (or damping) in a resonator. The focus of the present contribution is set on anchor losses and the impact they have in the presence of axial loads. Anchor losses are due to the scattering of elastic waves from the resonator into the substrate. Since the latter is typically much larger than the resonator itself, it is assumed that all the elastic energy entering the substrate through the anchors is eventually dissipated. The semi-analytical evaluation of anchor losses has been addressed in several papers with different levels of accuracy [3, 6]. These contributions consider a resonator resting on elastic half-spaces and assume a weak coupling, in the sense that the mechanical mode, as well as the mechanical actions transmitted to the substrate, are those of a rigidly clamped resonator. The displacements and rotations induced in the half-space are provided by suitable Green's functions. Photiadis, Judge et al. [7] studied analytically the case of a 3D cantilever beam attached either to a semi-infinite space or to a semi-infinite plate of finite thickness. Their results are based on the semi-exact Green's functions established in [4]. More recently Wilson-Rae et al. [9, 10] generalized all these approaches using the involved framework of radiation tunnelling in photonics. Unfortunately, these contributions provide estimates of quality factors that differ quantitatively. In this paper we revisit the procedure of [7], which rests on simple mechanical principles, but starting from the exact Green's functions for the half space studied by Pak [14]. Through a careful analysis utilizing the theory of residues and inspired by the work of Achenbach [15], we show that the results obtained coincide exactly with those of [9], but for the case of torsion

    ASCA observations of the galactic bulge hard x-ray source GRS 1758--258

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    GRS 1758-258 is one of the few persistent hard X-ray emitters (E>100 keV) in the Galaxy. Using the ASCA satellite, we have obtained the first detailed data on GRS 1758-258 in the 1-10 keV range, where previous observations were affected by confusion problems caused by the nearby strong source GX5-1. The spectrum is well described by a power law with photon index 1.7 without strong Fe emission lines. A prominent soft excess, as observed with ROSAT when the hard X-ray flux was in a lower intensity state, was not detected. However, the presence of a soft spectral component, accounting for at most 5% of the 0.1-300 keV flux, cannot be excluded. The accurate measurement of interstellar absorption (N_H=(1.5+-0.1) x 10^22 cm -2) corresponds to an optical extinction which definitely excludes the presence of a massive companion.Comment: 7 pages, AAS latex [11pt,aaspptwo,flushrt,tighten], + 1.ps figure Accepted for pubblication in ApJ, 09 02 96 Also available at http://fy.chalmers.se/~haardt/personal/curr.html Figures 1 and 2 available upon request at [email protected]

    Efficacy of Tuohy Needle in Oocytes Collection from Excised Mare Ovaries

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    Two methods have been described to recover oocytes from equine follicles in excised ovaries: aspiration and scraping. Aim of this work was to develop an effective method for collecting equine oocytes using Tuohy needle and comparing this technique to aspiration and scraping, with or without tunica albuginea removal. This hollow hypodermic needle, usually employed for inserting epidural catheters, is designed with a slightly curved tip, shaped similar to a small curette. In unpeeled ovaries, the recovery rates of Tuohy needle group was higher (P < .05) than in the 16 g needle aspiration and in the scraped ovaries (57% versus 36% and 47%) while the rate of cumulus-intact oocytes was higher than aspiration (46.9% versus 39.36%) but lower than scraping (46.97%) (P < .001). In unpeeled ovaries there was significant difference in maturation rate of oocytes recovered by Tuohy needle in respect to peeled ovaries (58.54% versus 50.17%, resp.). Combination of aspiration and scraping by Tuohy needle allows a faster and reliable collection of oocytes suitable for horse IVM

    Platelet Rich Plasma for Regenerative Medicine Treatment of Bovine Ovarian Hypofunction

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    Recent studies on cull cows have shown that ovarian abnormalities, particularly ovarian insufficiency, are the main cause of reproductive failure. The aim of this study was to treat bovine ovarian failure with intraovarian administration of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP), which is rich in growth factors, chemokines, and cytokines that could stimulate follicular growth and steroidogenesis. Twelve cows with ovarian hypofunction were enrolled in the study and they were randomly allocated in control group (CTR) and treated group (six animal for group). In the treated group, only five animals received the PRP treatment because intraovarian administration was hindered in one by a rectovaginal fistula. Animals of control group were treated by intraovarian administration of physiological solution. In the 4 weeks after PRP injection, a mild to strong increase in progesterone (PRG) concentrations was detected in four of the five cows treated. Artificial insemination (AI) resulted in four pregnancies that are still ongoing (7th month). Intraovarian administration of PRP improved ovarian function after 2 months of treatment. This effect may be due to reduction of follicular atresia or to revitalization of dormant oocytes allowing restoration of fertility

    An explicit dynamics GPU structural solver for thin shell finite elements

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    With the availability of user oriented software tools, dedicated architectures, such as the parallel computing platform and programming model CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) released by NVIDIA, one of the main producers of graphics cards, and of improved, highly performing GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) boards, GPGPU (General Purpose programming on GPU) is attracting increasing interest in the engineering community, for the development of analysis tools suitable to be used in validation/ verification and virtual reality applications. For their inherent explicit and decoupled structure, explicit dynamics finite element formulations appear to be particularly attractive for implementations on hybrid CPU/GPU or pure GPU architectures. The issue of an optimized, double-precision finite element GPU implementation of an explicit dynamics finite element solver for elastic shell problems in small strains and large displacements and rotations, using unstructured meshes, is here addressed. The conceptual difference between a GPU implementation directly adapted from a standard CPU approach and a new optimized formulation, specifically conceived for GPUs, is discussed and comparatively assessed. It is shown that a speedup factor of about 5 can be achieved by an optimized algorithm reformulation and careful memory management. A speedup of more than 40 is achieved with respect of state-of-the art commercial codes running on CPU, obtaining real-time simulations in some cases, on commodity hardware. When a last generation GPU board is used, it is shown that a problem with more than 16 millions degrees of freedom can be solved in just few hours of computing time, opening the way to virtualization approaches for real large scale engineering problems

    Application of optimally-shaped phononic crystals to reduce anchor losses of MEMS resonators

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    This work is focused on the application of Phononic Crystals to reduce anchor losses of MEMS contour mode resonators. Anchor losses dominates the losses in these type of released resonators at low frequency and at low temperature. The use of phononic crystals, intended as finite-periodic distribution of holes in the anchor, is fully compatible with fabrication processes and moreover it is easy to implement. The numerical results obtained in this work show how the use of these crystals can significantly reduce the anchor losses: without the use of the crystal the Q-factor related to only anchor losses is 344, with the use of the crystal it can reach up to 105900