1,109 research outputs found

    O uso de unidades de referência como ferramenta para a construção de sistemas agrícolas biodiversos para a agricultura familiar.

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    Resumo: Os sistemas de produção biodiversos são formas inovadoras de agricultura e pecuária que buscam aliar benefícios econômicos e ambientais, apoiados no incremento da biodiversidade. O Programa ?Sistemas agrícolas familiares biodiversos?, desenvolvido pela Equipe de Agroecologia da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, se caracteriza pela gradual formação de redes sócio-técnicas, articuladas em torno de Unidades de Referência (URs). As URs são parcelas ou unidades produtivas onde se desenvolvem todas as atividades técnicas sobre sistemas biodiversos (experimentação, capacitação e irradiação do conhecimento). O objetivo principal das URs é o de se tornarem inspiração para os demais agricultores na forma de exemplos práticos que possam ser adaptados à situação dos agricultores beneficiários finais, servindo como base para a criação de pequenas redes interligando URs em nível de microrregiões. Por meio destas estratégias de gestão reforça-se a replicabilidade dos conhecimentos gerados e o impacto sobre um número maior de beneficiários, podendo servir de base para a formulação de políticas públicas para a diversificação produtiva da agricultura familiar. Abstract: Biodiverse production systems are innovative forms of agriculture and livestock willing to align economic and environmental benefits, supported in increasing biodiversity. The 'family biodiverse agricultural systems' program, developed by Embrapa Environment Team Agroecology, is characterized by the gradual formation of socio-technical networks, articulated around the Reference Units (RUs ). The RUs are plots or production units where they develop all technical activities on biodiverse systems (experimentation, training and knowledge irradiation). The main objective of RUs is to become inspiration for other farmers in the form of practical examples that can be adapted to the situation of the beneficiaries end farmers, serving as a basis for creating small networks interconnecting RUs. Through these management strategies reinforces the replicability of knowledge generated and the impact on a larger number of beneficiaries, could be a basis for the formulation of public policies for productive diversification of family farming

    Cloprostenol administration in the first week postpartum reduces expression of oxytocin receptors in the endometrium in Holstein-Zebu cows.

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    ABSTRACT The present study investigated the hormonal profile and expression of prostaglandin F2? (PGF2?), oxytocin and estrogen receptors in uterine tissues of postpartum cows treated with cloprostenol. Twenty HolsteinZebu crossbred cows were treated with saline solution (treatment CONT) or cloprostenol (treatment CLO), both administered two and five days postpartum. Blood samples were collected on days two, seven, 14, 21 and 28 postpartum for progesterone, PGF2? metabolite (PGFM) and estradiol determination, and endometrial biopsy was performed in order to quantify the expression of oxytocin receptor (OXTR), prostaglandin F receptor (PTGFR) and estrogen receptor 1 (ERS1) genes. In the CLO treatment, expression of OXTR was reduced (P0.05) between treatments was found for PTGFR and ERS1 expression. Estrogen concentrations increased progressively until day 14 (P<0.05) and the highest OXTR expression and lowest PTGFR expression were observed on day 14 (P<0.05) in both treatments. Serum PGFM concentrations were high throughout the experiment. In conclusion, cloprostenol administration at days two and five of postpartum seems to reduce OXTR expression in the endometrium in crossbred cows

    Punção folicular e produção in vitro de embriões em vacas Gir submetidas a estimulação hormonal.

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    Levantamento detalhado de solos da área da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.

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    O trabalho foi realizado em uma área de aproximadamente 2.500 hectares situada na Baixada Fluminense, onde se acha localizado o campus da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, bem como diversas dependências do Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuária do Centro-Sul (IPEACS). Para o estudo pedológico da área foi utilizado levantamento do tipo detalhado, com emprego de fotografias aéreas, sendo que a classificação dos solos foi executada ao nível de série de solo. A delimitação das unidades (séries de solos) foi realizada sobre ampliações, para a escala aproximada de 1:12.000, de fotografias aéreas na escala aproximada de 1:25.000. Foram identificadas e descritas sete series de solos que receberam denominações: Itaguaí, Ecologia, Aprendizado, Agrostologia, Silvicultura, Zootecnia e Rosada. Três variantes das series Silvicultura, Ecologia e Guandú foram, igualmente, identificadas e descritas. Além dessas, foi descrita uma componente de um complexo de solos, no qual se acha também incluída a serie Seropédica descrita anteriormente por Mendes et al. (1954)..

    Citrus leprosis virus C infection results in hypersensitive-like response, suppression of the JA/ET plant defense pathway and promotion of the colonization of its mite vector

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    Leprosis is a serious disease of citrus caused by Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C, genus Cilevirus) whose transmission is mediated by false spider mites of the genus Brevipalpus. CiLV-C infection does not systemically spread in any of its known host plants, thus remaining restricted to local lesions around the feeding sites of viruliferous mites. To get insight into this unusual pathosystem, we evaluated the expression profiles of genes involved in defense mechanisms of Arabidopsis thaliana and Citrus sinensis upon infestation with non-viruliferous and viruliferous mites by using reverse-transcription qPCR. These results were analyzed together with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the appearance of dead cells as assessed by histochemical assays. After interaction with non-viruliferous mites, plants locally accumulated ROS and triggered the salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonate/ethylene (JA/ET) pathways. ERE branch of the JA/ET pathways was highly activated. In contrast, JA pathway genes were markedly suppressed upon the CiLV-C infection mediated by viruliferous mites. Viral infection also intensified the ROS burst and cell death, and enhanced the expression of genes involved in the RNA silencing mechanism and SA pathway. After 13 days of infestation of two sets of Arabidopsis plants with non-viruliferous and viruliferous mites, the number of mites in the CiLV-C infected Arabidopsis plants was significantly higher than in those infested with the non-viruliferous ones. Oviposition of the viruliferous mites occurred preferentially in the CiLV-C infected leaves. Based on these results, we postulated the first model of plant/Brevipalpus mite/cilevirus interaction in which cells surrounding the feeding sites of viruliferous mites typify the outcome of a hypersensitive-like response, whereas viral infection induces changes in the behavior of its vector7CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP573848/08-4; 375843/2012-42012/18771- 0; 2014/00366-8; 2008/57909-2; 2014/08458-

    Quintais agroflorestais como estratégia de sustentabilidade ecológica e econômica.

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    Resumo: Um estudo preliminar no contexto sócio-histórico do Assentamento Fazenda Pirituba, na região de Itapeva-SP, evidenciou que os quintais agroflorestais (QAs), são alternativas criadas autonomamente pelos agricultores familiares assentados na busca da reprodução social das famílias (alimentação e acesso ao mercado através do PAA). O estudo dos QAs, na medida em que os resgata da invisibilidade, poderá qualificar seu desenho e manejo, além de subsidiar políticas públicas para assentamentos rurais

    Functional Electrical Stimulation Improves Brain Perfusion In Cranial Trauma Patients.

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    Demonstrate brain perfusion changes due to neuronal activation after functional electrical stimulation (FES). It was studied 14 patients with hemiplegia who were submitted to a program with FES during fourteen weeks. Brain perfusion SPECT was performed before and after FES therapy. These patients were further separated into 2 groups according to the hemiplegia cause: cranial trauma and major vascular insults. All SPECT images were analyzed using SPM. There was a significant statistical difference between the two groups related to patient's ages and extent of hypoperfusion in the SPECT. Patients with cranial trauma had a reduction in the hypoperfused area and patients with major vascular insult had an increase in the hypoperfused area after FES therapy. FES therapy can result in brain perfusion improvement in patients with brain lesions due to cranial trauma but probably not in patients with major vascular insults with large infarct area.69682-

    The first observed stellar occultations by the irregular satellite Phoebe (Saturn IX) and improved rotational period

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    peer reviewedWe report six stellar occultations by Phoebe (Saturn IX), an irregular satellite of Saturn, obtained between mid-2017 and mid-2019. The 2017 July 6 event was the first stellar occultation by an irregular satellite ever observed. The occultation chords were compared to a 3D shape model of the satellite obtained from Cassini observations. The rotation period available in the literature led to a sub-observer point at the moment of the observed occultations where the chords could not fit the 3D model. A procedure was developed to identify the correct sub-observer longitude. It allowed us to obtain the rotation period with improved precision compared to the currently known value from literature. We show that the difference between the observed and the predicted sub-observer longitude suggests two possible solutions for the rotation period. By comparing these values with recently observed rotational light curves and single- chord stellar occultations, we can identify the best solution for Phoebe's rotational period as 9.27365 ± 0.00002 h. From the stellar occultations, we also obtained six geocentric astrometric positions in the ICRS as realized by the Gaia DR2 with uncertainties at the 1-mas level

    Dietary Intervention Modulates the Expression of Splicing Machinery in Cardiovascular Patients at High Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Development: From the CORDIOPREV Study

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    Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has become a major health problem worldwide. T2DM risk can be reduced with healthy dietary interventions, but the precise molecular underpinnings behind this association are still incompletely understood. We recently discovered that the expression profile of the splicing machinery is associated with the risk of T2DM development. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of 3-year dietary intervention in the expression pattern of the splicing machinery components in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients within the CORDIOPREV study. Expression of splicing machinery components was determined in PBMCs, at baseline and after 3 years of follow-up, from all patients who developed T2DM (Incident-T2DM, n = 107) and 108 randomly selected non-T2DM subjects, who were randomly enrolled in two healthy dietary patterns (Mediterranean or low-fat diets). Dietary intervention modulated the expression of key splicing machinery components (i.e., up-regulation of SPFQ/RMB45/RNU6, etc., down-regulation of RNU2/SRSF6) after three years, independently of the type of healthy diet. Some of these changes (SPFQ/RMB45/SRSF6) were associated with key clinical features and were differentially induced in Incident-T2DM patients and non-T2DM subjects. This study reveals that splicing machinery can be modulated by long-term dietary intervention, and could become a valuable tool to screen the progression of T2DM