879 research outputs found

    An efficient numerical method for shakedown analysis

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    The algorithm proposed in [9] for incremental elastoplasticity is extended and applied to shakedown analysis. Using the three field mixed finite element proposed in [22] a series of mathematical programming problems or steps, obtained from the application of the proximal point algorithm to the static shakedown theorem, are obtained. Each step is solved by an Equality Constrained Sequential Quadratic Programming (EC-SQP) tech- nique that allows a consistent linearization of the equations improving the computational efficiency

    Uso de processos químicos no controle do risco biológico de dejetos suínos.

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    Manuale per la prevenzione del rischio incendio negli interventi di riqualificazione energetica degli edifici per il lavoro

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    Il volume presenta i principali risultati del progetto RiqualiFire Prevenire il rischio incendio nella riqualificazione energetica degli edifici, co-finanziato dalla Direzione Regionale per la Campania dell’Inail e dall’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

    Manuale per la prevenzione del rischio incendio negli interventi di riqualificazione energetica degli edifici per il lavoro

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    Il volume presenta i principali risultati del progetto RiqualiFire Prevenire il rischio incendio nella riqualificazione energetica degli edifici, co-finanziato dalla Direzione Regionale per la Campania dell’Inail e dall’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

    Reconstructing blockages in a symmetric duct via quasi-isospectral horn operators

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    This paper proposes a new method for the reconstruction of the blockage area function in a symmetric duct by resonant frequencies under a given set of end conditions, i.e., open open or closed-closed ends. The analysis is based on the explicit determination of quasi-isospectral ducts, that is duct profiles which have the same spectrum as a given duct with the exception of a single eigenfrequency which is free to move in a prescribed interval. The analytical reconstruction was numerically implemented and tested for the detection of blockages. Numerical results show that the accuracy of identification increases with the number of eigenfrequencies used and that the reconstruction is rather stable with respect to the shape, the size and the position of the blockages

    A mixed algorithm for incremental elastoplastic analysis

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    A new method for the incremental analysis of elastoplastic associated materials is presented. The method fully retains all the equations and variables of the problems at the same level and uses a sequential quadratic programming with equality constraints to solve in an efficient and robust fashion the elastoplastic step equations derived by means of a suitable mathematical programming formulation of the problem. The new proposal is compared with standard strain driven formulations which use a return mapping by closest point projection schemes. The numerical tests performed show a good performance and a great robustness of the proposed formulation also in the case of multi–surface elastoplasticity


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    The degradation of buildings, or rather the decline of their initial performances following external agents both natural (cold-thaw, earthquake, salt, etc.) and artificial (industrial field, urban setting, etc.), in the years lead to the necessity of developing Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) intended to give useful information for an explanation of a potential deterioration without damaging the state of buildings. An accurate examination of damages, of the repeat of cracks in condition of similar stress, indicate the existence of principles that control the creation of these events. There is no doubt that a precise visual analysis is at the bottom of a correct evaluation of the building. This paper deals with the creation of 3D models based on the capture of digital images, through autopilot flight UAV, for civil buildings situated on the area of Reggio Calabria. The following elaboration is done thanks to the use of commercial software, based on specific algorithms of the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique. SfM represents an important progress in the aerial and terrestrial survey field obtaining results, in terms of time and quality, comparable to those achievable through more traditional data capture methodologies


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    This paper deals with a test lead by Geomatics laboratory (DICEAM, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria), concerning the application of UAV photogrammetry for survey, monitoring and checking. The study case relies with the surroundings of the Department of Agriculture Sciences. In the last years, such area was interested by landslides and survey activities carried out to take the phenomenon under control. For this purpose, a set of digital images were acquired through a UAV equipped with a digital camera and GPS. Successively, the processing for the production of a 3D georeferenced model was performed by using the commercial software Agisoft PhotoScan. Similarly, the use of a terrestrial laser scanning technique allowed to product dense cloud and 3D models of the same area. To assess the accuracy of the UAV-derived 3D models, a comparison between image and range-based methods was performed