405 research outputs found

    Integrasi realiti terimbuh (AR) dalam aktiviti mewarna

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    Mewarna merupakan salah satu kaedah pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemahiaran psikomotor dan kreativiti kanak-kanak. Namun begitu, kandungan yang disediakan di dalam buku mewarna adalah bersifat statik dan tidak menyediakan elemen-elemen dinamik seperti interaktiviti. Kanak-kanak mudah merasa bosan kerana tiada interaksi dua hala yang berlaku antara mereka dan karakter ketika proses mewarna dilakukan. Sebagai penambahbaikan terhadap permasalahan tersebut, satu aplikasi mewarna yang dinamakan Dr Bubble Coloring AR dibangunkan. Aplikasi ini menggunakan teknik realiti terimbuh (AR) yang diintegrasikan ke dalam aplikasi mewarna. Imej yang diwarnakan menjadi penanda untuk diimbas oleh peranti mudah alih lalu dipaparkan secara maya dalam bentuk tiga dimensi (3D). Aplikasi ini menyediakan bebutang interaksi bagi membolehkan pengguna berinteraksi dengan karakter serta mengesan objek yang diwarnakan di dalam buku mewarna. Secara keseluruhan, 75% responden sangat bersetuju aplikasi ini menarik dan menyeronokkan, manakala 84% responden sangat bersetuju keseluruhan aplikasi ini berfungsi dengan baik dan sempurna

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa pada Materi Sudut dan Garis di Kelas VII MTs Normal Islam Samarinda

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa pada materi sudut dan garis di kelas VII Mts. Normal Islam Samarinda. Jenis penelitian ini adalah ex post facto dan, teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik proporsional random sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 132 siswa. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket kecerdasan emosional, dan tes hasil belajar matematika. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan regresi linier sederhana dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Berdasarkan perhitungan analisis deskriptif, nilai rata-rata dari data kecerdasan emosional siswa sebesar 178,41 hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan emosional siswa kelas VII MTs. Normal Islam Samarinda pada kategori tinggi. Untuk nilai rata-rata dari hasil belajar matematika siswa adalah 65,33 hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar kelas VII Mts. Normal Islam Samarinda pada kategori sedang. Dari hasil analisis inferensial menggunakan regresi linier sederhana, diperoleh persamaan penduga Ŷ = -32,736 + 0,550X. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh thit = 19,631; ttabel= 1,645 dan p = 0,000, diperoleh nilai thit lebih dari ttabel yaitu 19,631> 1,645 dan taraf signifikansi statistik kurang dari taraf signifikansi penguji α = 0,05 maka persamaan regresi penduga yang diperoleh adalah berarti pada taraf signifikan 5%, sehingga terdapat pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap hasil belajar matematika. R2 = 0,748 menunjukkan bahwa 74,8% hasil belajar matematika siswa dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel kecerdasan emosional. Dengan demikian, terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara kecerdasan emosional terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa di kelas VII MTs. Normal Islam Samarinda

    Smartphone-Based Prenatal Education for Parents with Preterm Birth Risk Factors

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    Objective To develop an educational mobile application (app) for expectant parents diagnosed with risk factors for premature birth. Methods Parent and medical advisory panels delineated the vision for the app. The app helps prepare for preterm birth. For pilot testing, obstetricians offered the app between 18–22 weeks gestational age to English speaking parents with risk factors for preterm birth. After 4 weeks of use, each participant completed a questionnaire. The software tracked topics accessed and duration of use. Results For pilot testing, 31 participants were recruited and 28 completed the questionnaire. After app utilization, participants reported heightened awareness of preterm birth (93%), more discussion of pregnancy or prematurity issues with partner (86%), increased questions at clinic visits (43%), and increased anxiety (21%). Participants reported receiving more prematurity information from the app than from their healthcare providers. The 15 participants for whom tracking data was available accessed the app for an average of 8 h. Conclusion Parents with increased risk for preterm birth may benefit from this mobile app educational program. Practice implications If the pregnancy results in preterm birth hospitalization, parents would have built a foundation of knowledge to make informed medical care choices

    Pre-admission Grades And Student Performance: The Malaysian Medical School Experience

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    Prior academic achievement is often considered the best predictor and therefore the preadmission criteria for highly competitive medical schools. Most studies that advocate this viewpoint analyzed cohorts based on results of a central examination taken by students who come from various pre-university setups and backgrounds. Far less is known about students who come from a common setup, sit for common assessments, and the effect on their achievement in medical schools. This study sets out to investigate the correlation and association of preadmission grades and various summative results during preclinical year medical program. The association of the whole group is investigated. The association of subgroups (low, intermediate, and high achievers) to preclinical achievement was also investigated to get insight about the consistency. As a group, the pre-university performance (especially in natural sciences) has moderate to high correlations to various results in preclinical phase. As subgroups: low achievers are less consistent and predictable; high achievers are best correlated to various results of preclinical phase; while intermediate achievers are in between. The cumulative grade point and performance in natural sciences in a common pre-university program can serve not only as a predictor of performance, but also as an indicator for consistency of performance in preclinical phase of medical programs. This information may be of use to medical school admission and selection committees

    Residents' Satisfaction Towards the Indoor Environmental Quality of Re-engineered Affordable Housing Scheme in Malaysia

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    Malaysia is currently focusing on providing affordable housing all over the country, as part of the plan to tackle the problem of the rising costs of house ownership due to reasons such as the economic crisis and land limitations. However, a limited number of methodical studies have been conducted on residents’ feedback on the indoor environment of affordable housing. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is an important aspect of occupants’ wellbeing, as it affects their health and productivity. Therefore, evaluating residents’ feedback on IEQ is an important step in gauging building performance and conditions. In addition, the health and productivity of residents needs to be evaluated in order to identify the effect of IEQ on them. A questionnaire survey was used to achieve the study objectives and to gain access to the respondents’ views and feedback. The pilot questionnaire study was conducted at two housing apartments in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and the data collected were evaluated and analyzed using SPSS software. The outcome of this pilot study is significant, as it shows the residents’ dissatisfaction level towards IEQ factors such as noise, glare and privacy, and other aspects of IEQ that are important, such as ventilation. Additionally, it has been found that the IEQ of the residents does affect their health and productivity. It is anticipated that the outcome of this study will serve as an indicator of building performance improvements needed to achieve a better indoor environment quality for affordable housing in Malaysia

    The Growth of Seaweed (Kappaphycus Alvarezii) Cultivated with Long Line and Off Bottom Method on Tita Banda Neira Maluku Coastal Area

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    This research aimed to know the growth rate of seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) cultivated by using off bottom method and long line method in coastal waters Tita Dwiwarna Village Banda Central of Maluku. It is expected that this research will provide basic information in business of seaweed cultivation to be developed. The methods were off bottom method and long line method that consisted of 2 treatments and 3 replications. Material used was mostly a polyethylene rope as long as 10 meters with the diameter size 5 mm for a mine rope and 3 mm for a span rope. Initial weight of sea weeds which is tied to a span rope 100 gram. The growth data collection was taken simultaneously with water quality data every week. Data were analyzed by using Cohran test to see homogeneity. The homogeneity data were then analyzed by using t-test to see the different between two treatments. The result of the research has shown that seaweed growth was highest in off bottom methods which average weight on the seventh week reached 690 gram. While the growth with long line methods reached the average weight on the seventh week reached only 609.4 gram. Therefore, the best growth of the sea weed was represented by off bottom method

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika Mengacu Pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Bagi Siswa Kelas VIII Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Rambang Kuang

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan bahan ajar matematika mengacu pada pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang valid dan praktis untuk mengajarkan konsep matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP; (2) mengetahui efek potensialnya terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep dan aktivitas siswa. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah RPP dan buku siswa. Metode penelitian terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu (1) self evaluation, meliputi tahap analisis dan desain bahan ajar; (2) prototyping, meliputi tahap evaluasi dan revisi; dan (3) field test. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan walk through, observasi dan menganalisis hasil pekerjaan siswa pada buku siswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambang Luang yang berjumlah 25 orang, dengan kesimpulan prototipe buku siswa dikategorikan valid dan praktis. Valid tergambar dari hasil penilaian validator, dimana buku siswa telah direvisi sesuai dengan saran dan komentar validator. Praktis tergambar dari hasil uji coba, dimana semua siswa dapat menggunakan buku siswa dengan baik. Dan berdasarkan hasil analisis buku siswa yang dikembangkan memiliki efek potencial terhadap kemampuan siswa memecahkan masalah. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai kemampuan siswa memecahkan masalah rata-rata mencapai 75,83%, yang dikategorikan baik