1,237 research outputs found

    Who\u27s in Charge in the Inner City? The Conflict Between Efficiency and Equity in the Design of a Metropolitan Area

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    A circular metropolitan area consists of an inner city and a suburb. Households sort over the two jurisdictions based on public service levels and their costs of commuting to the metropolitan center. Using numerical simulations, we show (1) there typically exist two equilibria: one in which the poor form the majority in the inner city and the other in which the rich form the majority in the inner city; (2) there is an efficiency vs. equity trade-off as to which equilibrium is preferred; and (3) if the inner city contains only poor households, equity favors expanding the inner city to include rich households

    Enclavijado de Ender en las fracturas del macizo trocantéreo: análisis retrospectivo de la ocupación del canal medular

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    Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 226 pacientes afectos de fracturas del macizo trocantérico, tratadas mediante enclavijado de Ender en un periodo de 9 años en el Hospital del Insalud de Barbastro. La estabilidad de las fracturas se determinó mediante la clasificación de Ramadier. Se valoró el porcentaje de ocupación de la cavidad medular femoral por los clavos de Ender y la posible relación de este parámetro con la migración del material de osteosíntesis. Se evaluó también la utilidad del bloqueo distal de los clavos de Ender con agujas de Kirschner, en la prevención de su migración distal. Se comprobó una relación significativa entre el porcentaje de ocupación del canal medular y la migración distal del material en las fracturas inestables. El bloqueo distal con aguja de Kirschner no se acompañó de una menor incidencia en la migración distal de los clavos.A retrospective study was done on 226 trochanteric fractures managed with Ender nails during a 9 years period at the Insalud Hospital of Barbastro. Stability of these fractures was classified following Ramadier's criteria. Filling of the medular cavity by Ender nails and its relation with osteosyntehsis migration was analysed. Distal locking of Ender nails by Kirschner pins was evaluated to prevent its distal mobilization. A significative relationship was observed between a high filling rate of the medular cavity and lower distal migration rate in unestable trochanteric fractures. Distal locking of Ender nails was not accompanied of lower rate of distal osteosynthesis migratio

    e-DoX:DEPED Student Grade Records Management System with Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard and PKI Infrastructure

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    This study entitled e-DoX: DEPED Student Grade Records Management System with Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard and PKI Infrastructure for the Department of Education in the Province of Cavite is an online based application designed to aid private and public schools in submission of reports on promotions composed of Form 18-A, Form 18-E1 and Form 18-E2 to the Division Office of the Department of Education in the province of Cavite. The system would also be eliminating factors such as transportation and storage to maximize time allotment for the evaluation of the submitted reports. In this study Advanced Encryption Standard and Public and Private Infrastructure was implemented in e-DoX to secure digital data into an undecipherable format that are sent by the schools in Cavite to DEPED application. This data is typically scrambled by using hashing algorithms, which convert data into a secret scrambled encryption format. This is the reason AES and PKI was implemented because it has the highest defined level for data encryption and security that will secure important data such as the student grade records of the schools in Cavite.The study covers all of the underlying plans and designs that were considered and executed in order to accomplish the research project. This includes collective plans and blueprints right from the conceptualization of the research project, data gathering on the existing system, knowledge requirements on different technologies included in the system, design and development of the system, up to the software evaluation. The researcher used Prototyping as the method for development. This type of approach of developing the software is used for people who are usually not good at specifying their requirements, nor can tell properly about what they expect from the software. This type of System Development Method is employed when it is very difficult to obtain exact requirements from the client. While making the model, user keeps giving feedbacks from time to time and based on it, a prototype is made. The findings of this project based on all of the results gathered during the software evaluation phase were carefully tabulated and analyzed by the proponent to come up with the best possible conclusion and recommendations for the betterment of the research project. The research project during the evaluation phase received an overall strongly acceptable remark from the respondents

    The CMS experiment workflows on StoRM based storage at Tier-1 and Tier-2 centers

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    Approaching LHC data taking, the CMS experiment is deploying, commissioning and operating the building tools of its grid-based computing infrastructure. The commissioning program includes testing, deployment and operation of various storage solutions to support the computing workflows of the experiment. Recently, some of the Tier-1 and Tier-2 centers supporting the collaboration have started to deploy StoRM based storage systems. These are POSIX-based disk storage systems on top of which StoRM implements the Storage Resource Manager (SRM) version 2 interface allowing for a standard-based access from the Grid. In this notes we briefly describe the experience so far achieved at the CNAF Tier-1 center and at the IFCA Tier-2 center

    Antropologia de las fronteras en America Latina

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    La noción de frontera es un concepto polisémico al que se recurre con distintas acepciones dentro de las ciencias sociales en general y de la antropología en particular. Con frecuencia se lo utiliza para designar tanto a los límites políticos entre estados, como a las discontinuidades existentes entre grupos humanos diferenciados en razón del género, la posición generacional, la cultura u otros aspectos considerados relevantes para distinguirlos entre sí. También se suele recurrir a la noción de frontera para denotar los límites posibles entre distintas propuestas disciplinarias, así, por ejemplo se suele hablar de las “fronteras de la antropología”. Es decir que el concepto se utiliza tanto para designar a realidades fácticas como a metáforas que aluden a construcciones intelectuales. Sin embargo, algunas realidades, tales como las fronteras estatales y las culturales, son fácticas y metafóricas a la vez, ya que están pobladas por las representaciones y simbolizaciones que ayudan a construirlas. Lo real se comporta así como la conjunción de la realidad y de su representación, de lo fáctico y de lo imaginario que contribuye a definirlo al otorgarle un sentido posible. Y esto es precisamente lo que nos permite intentar una reflexión conjunta referida a contextos aparentemente tan diferenciados como son las fronteras étnicas y las fronteras estatales, las que por lo general no coinciden entre sí y que responden a distintas lógicas políticas, jurídicas y sociales. A pesar de que alguna literatura antropológica tiende a tratarlas de manera conjunta (v.g. H. Donan y T. Wilson, 1999), no creo demasiado factible un análisis comparativo que conjugue realidades tan disímiles, sin recurrir a la identificación de los factores comunes de ambas . Es entonces necesario señalar que tanto en el caso de las fronteras étnicas como en el de las estatales, la noción de discontinuidad, de un “adentro” y un “afuera”, y la consiguiente dinámica de inclusión y exclusión que generan, es el factor que guía la reflexión que me propongo en estas páginas. Así me referiré tanto a la noción de frontera como al discurso sobre la misma, a la vez que expondré algunos contextos tales como las fronteras estatales, las fronteras interiores, la temporalidad adjudicada a las fronteras culturales y las fronteras étnica


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    ABSTRACT: Embrio transfer memerlukan embrio yang bermutu balk. PeneUtian ini merupakan suatu usaha untuk mendapatkan metoda yang balk dalam mengevaluasi embrio. Dalam penelitian ini embrio basil fertilisasi in vitro diklasifikasikan ke dalam freezable dan non-freezable in vitro secara subyelctif. Melalui pengecatan Giemsa embrio tersebut dibanditigkan dengan embrio hasil fertilisasi in vivo yang freezable. Perkembangan dan viabilitas embrio dievaluasi menggunakan cat flourescent (FDA dan Hoechst 33342) kemudian dibandingkan dengan basil setelah pengecatan Giemsa. jumlah sel dalam embrio basil fertilisasi in vitro dan in vivo yang freezable tidak berbeda (P> 0,1), sedangkan pada .embrio hasil fertilisasi in vitro yang freezable dan non-vreezable menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan (P < 0,001) dalam hal jumlah sel. Kesesuaian antara H 33342 dan cat Giesa cukup tinggi (63%) pada embrio yang memiliki jumlah sel kurang dari 20, dan rendah (25 - 34 %)\u27 pada embrio yang memiliki jumlah sel lebih dari 20. Terdapat korelasi yang signifikan (0,82) antara tingkat fluoresensi dari cat FDA dan jumlah sel pada pengecatan Giemsa. Klasifikasi subyektif pada embrio hasil fertilisasi in vitro dapat digunakan secara praktis. Pengecatan FDA merupakan alat yang balk untuk ldasifikasi tersebut sekaligus untuk mengevaluasi perkembangan dan viabilitas embrio pada berbagai tahap yang berbeda. Hoethsf 33342 dapat sebagai metode yang berharga untuk mengevaluasi perkembangan embrio pada fase awal

    Comparison of arterial and venous blood biomarker levels in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Purpose: The development of novel biomarkers is an unmet need in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Arterial blood comes directly from the lung and venous blood drains capillary beds of the organ or tissue supplied. We hypothesized that there would be a difference in levels of the biomarkers metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) in arterial compared with venous blood. Methods: Radial artery and brachial vein blood samples were taken simultaneously in each of 12 patients with COPD and seven controls with normal lung function. Circulating immunoreactive MMP-9, VEGF-A and IL-6 levels in serum were measured using quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Results were compared using a Student’s paired t test. The study was powered to determine whether significant differences in cytokine levels were present between paired arterial and venous blood samples. Results: In the 12 patients with COPD, four were female, and age ranged 53-85 years, mean age 69 years. Three patients in the control group were female, with age range 46-84 years, mean age 64.7 years. In the COPD group, three patients had mild, five moderate and four severe COPD. No significant difference was found between arterial and venous levels of MMP-9, VEGF-A or IL-6. Conclusions: In this pilot study, levels of the measured biomarkers in arterial compared with venous blood in both COPD patients and healthy controls did not differ. This suggests that as we continue to chase the elusive biomarker in COPD as a potential tool to measure disease activity, we should focus on venous blood for this purpose