e-DoX:DEPED Student Grade Records Management System with Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard and PKI Infrastructure


This study entitled e-DoX: DEPED Student Grade Records Management System with Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard and PKI Infrastructure for the Department of Education in the Province of Cavite is an online based application designed to aid private and public schools in submission of reports on promotions composed of Form 18-A, Form 18-E1 and Form 18-E2 to the Division Office of the Department of Education in the province of Cavite. The system would also be eliminating factors such as transportation and storage to maximize time allotment for the evaluation of the submitted reports. In this study Advanced Encryption Standard and Public and Private Infrastructure was implemented in e-DoX to secure digital data into an undecipherable format that are sent by the schools in Cavite to DEPED application. This data is typically scrambled by using hashing algorithms, which convert data into a secret scrambled encryption format. This is the reason AES and PKI was implemented because it has the highest defined level for data encryption and security that will secure important data such as the student grade records of the schools in Cavite.The study covers all of the underlying plans and designs that were considered and executed in order to accomplish the research project. This includes collective plans and blueprints right from the conceptualization of the research project, data gathering on the existing system, knowledge requirements on different technologies included in the system, design and development of the system, up to the software evaluation. The researcher used Prototyping as the method for development. This type of approach of developing the software is used for people who are usually not good at specifying their requirements, nor can tell properly about what they expect from the software. This type of System Development Method is employed when it is very difficult to obtain exact requirements from the client. While making the model, user keeps giving feedbacks from time to time and based on it, a prototype is made. The findings of this project based on all of the results gathered during the software evaluation phase were carefully tabulated and analyzed by the proponent to come up with the best possible conclusion and recommendations for the betterment of the research project. The research project during the evaluation phase received an overall strongly acceptable remark from the respondents

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