339 research outputs found

    Analisa Terhadap Pemahaman Akhlaq Terhadap Diri Sendiri, Serta Bagaimana Implementasinya Dalam Realitas Kehidupan

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    Dewasa ini akhlaq masyarakat dan bangsa ini semakin hancur dan hilang. Hal ini terbuktidengan adanya perilaku-perilaku maksiat yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesiaterutama kaum muda. Perilaku maksiat yang sekarang semakin merajalela di kehidupanmasyarakat, sehingga sudah dianggap biasa dan wajar dalam kehidupan keseharian.Perilaku maksiat tersebut juga diawali dengan semakin banyaknya wanita yang banggamempertontonkan auratnya seakan dirinya adalah miliknya semata. Hal ini tidak terlepasdari kesalahan manusia terutama umat Islam dalam memahami agama mereka yang dijadikanpedoman hidup dalam mengarungi kehidupanya di dunia ini. Salah satu kunci utama dalammembenahi akhlaq masyarakat dan bangsa ini adalah dengan menitik beratkan padalingkungan keluarga. Perlu penyadaran terhadap setiap individu dan keluarga, bahwasanyamemahami dan berperilaku sesuai akhlaq Islam sangat penting. Pada proses penanaman nilaiakhlaq ini yang pertama kali harus ditanamkan adalah nilai-nilai akhlak terhadap dirisendiri, karena semua hal akan dimulai dari diri kita sendiri, setelah diri kita benar-benarberperilaku sesuai dengan akhlaq Islam, maka secara otomatis dapat menjalar dalam aspek-aspekkehidupan yang lain

    Hubungan antara Manajemen Waktu dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Program Studi Diii Komputerisasi Akuntansi Amik Raharja Informatika

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    Manajemen waktu adalah suatu teknik pengembangan kepribadian yang mengajarkan mahasiswa cara yang efektif untuk menggunakan waktu dan memformatnya untuk kebutuhan. Dalam manajemen waktu, mahasiswa dilatih untuk mengelola waktu secara efisien denganmembuat perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengawasan waktu agar tercapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan, yang dimulai dari penyusunan jadwal kegiatan, skala prioritas, perkiraan waktu untuk suatu kegiatan, sampai evaluasi terhadap penerapan jadwal kegiatanyang telah dibuat, sehingga setiap waktu yang dimiliki dapat dimanfaatkan secara produktif. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara manajemen waktu dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa Program Studi D3 Komputerisasi Akuntansi AMIK Raharja Informatika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik yang menggunakan metode survai dengan pendekatancross sectional. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan instrumen penelitian berupa angket dan data sekunder tentang prestasi belajar mahasiswayang dilihat dari nilai indeks prestasi mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dari 37 responden yang diteliti 51,4% responden mempunyai manajemen waktu yang baik dan prestasi belajar terbanyak antara 3,26-3,50 (70,2%), dan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara manajemen waktu dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa

    Intensified chemotherapy and simultaneous treatment with heparin in outpatients with pancreatic cancer - the CONKO 004 pilot trial

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    BACKGROUND: Advanced pancreatic cancer (APC), beside its high mortality, causes the highest rates of venous thromboembolic events (VTE). Enoxaparin, a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), is effective in prevention and treatment of VTE. Some small studies indicated that this benefit might extend to patients with cancer and probably prolong survival due to independent mechanisms. We initiated this safety investigation to get feasibility information on intensified chemotherapy combined with LMWH in outpatients with APC treated in 1st line. METHODS: The trial was a prospective, open-label, single center investigation in outpatients with inoperable pancreatic cancer who were treated with intensified first-line chemotherapy along with concomitant application of subcutaneous LMWH. The combined chemotherapy consisted of gemcitabine 1 g/m2 (30 min), 5-FU 750 mg/m2 (24 h), folinic acid 200 mg/m2 (30 min), and Cisplatin 30 mg/m2 (90 min) on day 1 and 8; q3w for the first 12 weeks (GFFC) followed by gemcitabine alone in patients without cancer progression. The simultaneous application of prophylactic enoxaparin started on day 1 of chemotherapy with a fixed dose of 40 mg daily. Statistical analyses were performed using R 3.01 with software package CMPRSK and SPSS software v19.0. RESULTS: The investigation was stopped after recruitment of 19 patients. At this time 15 patients had completed the required 12 weeks of treatment. Based on 71 cycles of GFFC + enoxaparin (median 4/pt [range: 2-4]) and 108 cycles of single-agent gemcitabine + enoxaparin (median 4/pt [range: 0-18]) the cumulative frequency of NCI-CTC toxicities grade 3/4 was below 10%. One case (5%) of a symptomatic non-lethal thromboembolic event was observed while receiving LMWH treatment. No severe bleeding event as defined in the protocol has been observed. The median overall survival was 10.05 [95%CI: 8.67-18.14] months. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of enoxaparin to GFFC chemotherapy is feasible, safe and does not appear to affect the efficacy or the toxicity profile of the chemotherapy regimen in patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Based on these findings we have initiated the randomized CONKO-004 trial to examine whether enoxaparin reduces the incidence of thromboembolic events or increases overall outcome. Trial registration: Clinical Trials NCT01945879

    New Method for Recycling of waste paper in useful products

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    Waste paper recycling is a process by which waste paper or waste cellulose fibers are processed together with some chemical additions to produce another product such as file cover, greeting card paper board and duplicating paper for goods. A new efficient and simple method has been designed then applied in a present work. Different types of waste papers are introduced as (writing paper WT, news paper NT and magazine paper MT) during an experimental design apparatus stages of collecting, separating, cutting, digesting / cooking, bleaching, lifting couching, pressing and drying, finishing for final applications at operation conditions. The finish products go to checking their characteristics properties, physical and mechanical properties such as specific gravity, moisture content, brightness color, porosity, stiffness, tensile strength, tensile breaking, elongation, and tearing resistance. The result for these properties proved that all types give good mechanical properties for application in another utilization use as saving pads for goods with optimum application of newspaper samples

    Postoperative single-sequence (PoSSe) MRI: imaging work-up for CT-guided or endoscopic drainage indication of collections after hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery

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    Purpose: Fluid collections due to anastomotic leakage are a common complication after hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB) surgery and are usually treated with drainage. We conducted a study to evaluate imaging work-up with a postoperative single-sequence (PoSSe) MRI for the detection of collections and indication of drainage. Material and methods: Forty-six patients who developed signs of leakage (fever, pain, laboratory findings) after HPB surgery were prospectively enrolled. Each patient was examined by abdominal sonography and our PoSSe MRI protocol (axial T2-weighted HASTE only). PoSSe MRI examination time (from entering to leaving the MR scanner room) was measured. Sonography and MRI were evaluated regarding the detection and localization of fluid collections. Each examination was classified for diagnostic sufficiency and an imaging-based recommendation if CT-guided or endoscopic drainage is reasonable or not was proposed. Imaging work-up was evaluated in terms of feasibility and the possibility of drainage indication. Results: Sonography, as first-line modality, detected 21 focal fluid collections and allowed to decide about the need for drainage in 41% of patients. The average time in the scanning room for PoSSe MRI was 9:23 min [7:50-13:32 min]. PoSSe MRI detected 46 focal collections and allowed therapeutic decisions in all patients. Drainage was suggested based on PoSSe MRI in 25 patients (54%) and subsequently indicated and performed in 21 patients (100% sensitivity and 84% specificity). No patient needed further imaging to optimize the treatment. Conclusions: The PoSSe MRI approach is feasible in the early and intermediate postoperative setting after HPB surgery and shows a higher detection rate than sonography. Imaging work-up regarding drainage of collections was successful in all patients and our proposed PoSSe MRI algorithm provides an alternative to the standard work-up

    Causal trajectories description of atom diffraction by surfaces

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    9 pages, 7 figures -- PACS numbers: 79.20.Rf, 03.65.Sq, 03.65.BzThe method of quantum trajectories proposed by de Broglie and Bohm is applied to the study of atom diffraction by surfaces. As an example, a realistic model for the scattering of He off corrugated Cu is considered. In this way, the final angular distribution of trajectories is obtained by box-counting, which is in excellent agreement with the results calculated by standard S-matrix methods of scattering theory. More interestingly, the accumulation of quantum trajectories at the different diffraction peaks is explained in terms of the corresponding quantum potential. This non-local potential "guides" the trajectories causing a transition from a distribution near the surface, which reproduces its shape, to the final diffraction pattern observed in the asymptotic region, far from the diffracting object. These two regimes are homologous to the Fresnel and Fraunhofer regions described in undulatory optics. Finally, the turning points of the quantum trajectories provide a better description of the surface electronic density than the corresponding classical ones, usually employed for this task.This work was supported by DGES (Spain) under contracts No PB95-71, PB95-425 and PB96-76. A.S. Sanz also acknowledges the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for a doctoral grant.Peer reviewe

    Cluster headache with ptosis responsive to intranasal lidocaine application: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The application of lidocaine to the nasal mucosal area corresponding to the sphenopalatine fossa has been shown to be effective at extinguishing pain attacks in patients with a cluster headache. In this report, the effectiveness of local administration of lidocaine on cluster headache attacks as a symptomatic treatment of this disorder is discussed.</p> <p>Cases presentation</p> <p>A 22-year-old Turkish man presented with a five-year history of severe, repeated, unilateral periorbital pain and headache, diagnosed as a typical cluster headache. He suffered from rhinorrhea, lacrimation and ptosis during headaches. He had tried several unsuccessful daily medications. We applied a cotton tip with lidocaine hydrochloride into his left nostril for 10 minutes. The ptosis responded to the treatment and the intensity of his headache decreased.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Intranasal lidocaine is a useful treatment for the acute management of a cluster headache. Intranasal lidocaine blocks the neural transmission of the sphenopalatine ganglion, which contributes to the trigeminal nerve as well as containing both parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers.</p

    Synthetic routes, characterization and photophysical properties of luminescent, surface functionalized nanodiamonds

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    The functionalization of small diameter (ca. 50 nm) polycarboxylated nanodiamond particles using amide coupling methodologies in both water and acetonitrile solvent has been investigated. In this manner, the surfaces of nanodiamond particles were adorned with different luminescent moieties, including a green fluorescent 1,8-naphthalimide species (Nap-1), and a red emitting ruthenium(II) tris-bipyridine complex (Ru-1), as well as dual functionalization with both luminophores. Comprehensive characterization of the surface functionalized nanodiamonds has been achieved using a combination of dynamic light scattering, nanoparticle tracking analysis, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, zeta potential measurements, microwave plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and time-resolved photophysics. The tendency of the functionalized nanodiamonds to aggregate reflects the degree of surface substitution, yielding small aggregates with typical particle sizes ca. 150 nm. This is likely to be driven by the reduction of the zeta potential, concomitant with the conversion of surface charged carboxylate groups to neutral amide functions. The results show that luminescent nanodiamond materials can be synthesised with tuneable photophysical properties