217 research outputs found

    On oscillation theorems for differential polynomials

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    In this paper, we investigate the relationship between small functions and differential polynomials gf(z)=d2f+d1f+d0fg_{f}\left( z\right)=d_{2}f^{^{\prime \prime }} + d_{1}f^{^{\prime }}+d_{0}f, where d0(z),d1(z),d2(z)d_{0}\left(z\right), d_{1}\left( z\right), d_{2}\left( z\right) are meromorphic functions that are not all equal to zero with finite order generated by solutions of the second order linear differential equation \begin{equation*} f^{^{\prime \prime }}+Af^{^{\prime }}+Bf=F, \end{equation*} where A,A, B,B, F≢0F\not\equiv 0 are finite order meromorphic functions having only finitely many poles

    New approach for robust multi-objective optimization of turning parameters using probabilistic genetic algorithm

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    In this paper, a contribution to the determination of reliable cutting parameters is presented, which is minimizing the expected machining cost and maximizing the expected production rate, with taking into account the uncertainties of uncontrollable factors. The concept of failure probability of stochastic production limitations is integrated into constrained and unconstrained formulations of multi-objective optimiza- tion problems. New probabilistic version of the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm P-NSGA-II, which incorporates the Monte Carlo simulations for accurate assessment of cumula- tive distribution functions, was developed and applied in two numerical examples based on similar and anterior work. In the first case, it is a question of the search space that is completely ‘ closed ’ by high natural variability related to the multi-pass roughing operation: in this case, the failure risk of technolog- ical limitations are considered as objectives to minimize with economic objectives. The second case is related to deformed search space due to the uncertainties specific to finishing op- eration; therefore, the economic objectives are minimized un- der imposed maximum probabilities of failure. In both situa- tions, the efficiency and robustness of optimal solution

    A Computational Strategy for the Localization and Fracture of Laminated Composites. Part 2. Life Prediction by Mesoscale Modeling for Composite Structures

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    Описанный в сообщении 1 одномерный подход развит на случай двухмерного ламинатного композита Т300/914, подвергнутого статическому двухосному растяжению и сдвигу. Решение данной задачи осуществляется с помощью эволюционных моделей с эффектом задержки повреждений при ограниченной скорости их накопления. Размер зоны локализации повреждения в плоскости слоев ламината зависит от временной характеристики модели, связанной с задержкой повреждения и скоростью нагружения. Показано, что совместное использование мезомодели и эволюционных моделей задержки повреждений позволяет оценить размер зоны локализации повреждения и точно оценить время разрушения.Описаний в повідомленні 1 одновимірний підхід розвинуто на випадок двовимірного ламінатного композита T300/914, що зазнає статичного двовісного розтягання і зсуву. Розв’язок даної задачі виконується за допомогою еволюційних моделей з ефектом затримки пошкоджень за обмеженої швидкості їх накопичення. Розмір зони локалізації пошкодження у площині шарів ламіната залежить від часової характеристики моделі, яка пов’язана із затримкою пошкодження і швидкістю навантаження. Показано, що спільне використання мезомоделі й еволюційних моделей затримки пошкоджень дозволяє оцінити розмір зони локалізації пошкоджень і точно оцінити час руйнування

    A Computational Strategy for the Localization and Fracture of Laminated Composites. Part 1. Development of a Localization Criterion Adapted to Model Damage Evolution Time-Delay

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    Предложен критерий нестабильности и локализации повреждений в балке из однородного ламината T300/914 для моделирования развития повреждений с учетом эффекта задержки. Результаты, полученные для одномерного случая, свидетельствуют об одновременном появлении зоны разрушения по всей конструкции. Предложено решение, которое базируется на мезомоделировании композитов. Полученные с помощью предложенного подхода расчетные результаты позволяют выполнить точный прогноз потери устойчивости образца при ухудшении параметров его жесткости.Запропоновано критерій нестабільності і локалізації пошкоджень у балці з однорідного ламіната Т300/914 для моделювання розвитку пошкоджень з урахуванням ефекту затримки. Результати, що отримані для одновимірного випадку, свідчать про те, що зона руйнування по всій конструкції виникає одночасно. Запропоновано розв’язок, що базується на мезомоделюванні композитів. Отримані за допомогою запропонованого підходу розрахункові дані дозволяють виконати точний прогноз втрати стійкості зразка при погіршанні параметрів його жорсткості

    Electrical Study of an Integrated Biomedical Microsensor

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    ABSTRACT The silicon-based devices are still in prime position, and are constantly evolving especially in the field of microelectronics and have even touched multidisciplinary fields, Such as bioelectronics and medical electronics (environmental, pharmaceuticals, medical diagnosis). The detection of chemical species present in biological fluids or even in the environment is delicate and often expensive. That's why an alternative was found of designing devices with equivalent reliability, simplicity, speed, selectivity and significant replication to minimize the cost. Among them: microsystems and biosensors. Our study focuses on the development of a numerical characterization to optimize a biomedical sensor such as ion sensitive biosensor, DNA and chemicals for its integration into an embedded system (medical probe, smart card). This is done by using the capacitance measurements technique, so a functional analysis. The biosensor used is a MISFET whose gate is suspended bridge

    Mediated catalytic voltammetry of holo and heme-free human sulfite oxidases

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    Herein, we report the electrocatalytic voltammetry of holo and heme-free human sulfite oxidase (HSO) mediated by the synthetic iron complexes 1,2-bis(1,4,7-triaza-1-cyclononyl)ethane iron(III) bromide, ([Fe(dtne)]Br.3HO), potassium ferricyanide (K[Fe(CN)]), and ferrocene methanol (FM) at a 5-(4′-pyridinyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-thiol (Hpyt) modified gold working electrode. Holo HSO contains two electroactive redox cofactors, comprising a mostly negatively charged cyt b (heme) domain and a Mo cofactor (Moco) domain (the site of sulfite oxidation), where the surface near the active site is positively charged. We anticipated different catalytic voltammetry based on either repulsive or attractive electrostatic interactions between the holo or heme-free enzymes and the positively or negatively charged redox mediators. Both holo and heme-free HSO experimental catalytic voltammetry has been modeled by using electrochemical simulation across a range of sweep rates and concentrations of substrate and both positive and negatively charged electron acceptors ([Fe(dtne)], [Fe(CN)] and FM), which provides new insights into the kinetics of the HSO catalytic mechanism. These mediator complexes have almost the same redox potential (all lying in the range +415 to +430 mV vs. NHE) and, thus, deliver the same driving force for electron transfer with the Mo cofactor. However, differences in the electrostatic affinities between HSO and the mediator have a significant influence on the electrocatalytic response

    Scanned Potential Microscopy of Edge and Bulk Currents in the Quantum Hall Regime

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    Using an atomic force microscope as a local voltmeter, we measure the Hall voltage profile in a 2D electron gas in the quantum Hall (QH) regime. We observe a linear profile in the bulk of the sample in the transition regions between QH plateaus and a distinctly nonlinear profile on the plateaus. In addition, localized voltage drops are observed at the sample edges in the transition regions. We interpret these results in terms of theories of edge and bulk currents in the QH regime.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Selective ferroptosis vulnerability due to familial Alzheimer's disease presenilin mutations

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    Mutations in presenilin 1 and 2 (PS1 and PS2) cause autosomal dominant familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). Ferroptosis has been implicated as a mechanism of neurodegeneration in AD since neocortical iron burden predicts Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression. We found that loss of the presenilins dramatically sensitizes multiple cell types to ferroptosis, but not apoptosis. FAD causal mutations of presenilins similarly sensitizes cells to ferroptosis. The presenilins promote the expression of GPX4, the selenoprotein checkpoint enzyme that blocks ferroptosis by quenching the membrane propagation of lethal hydroperoxyl radicals. Presenilin gamma-secretase activity cleaves Notch-1 to signal LRP8 expression, which then controls GPX4 expression by regulating the supply of selenium into the cell since LRP8 is the uptake receptor for selenoprotein P. Selenium uptake is thus disrupted by presenilin FAD mutations, suppressing GPX4 expression. Therefore, presenilin mutations may promote neurodegeneration by derepressing ferroptosis, which has implications for disease-modifying therapeutics.Peer reviewe

    Nanostructured Al-ZnO/CdSe/Cu2O ETA solar cells on Al-ZnO film/quartz glass templates

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    The quartz/Al-ZnO film/nanostructured Al-ZnO/CdSe/Cu2O extremely thin absorber solar cell has been successfully realized. The Al-doped ZnO one-dimensional nanostructures on quartz templates covered by a sputtering Al-doped ZnO film was used as the n-type electrode. A 19- to 35-nm-thin layer of CdSe absorber was deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering, coating the ZnO nanostructures. The voids between the Al-ZnO/CdSe nanostructures were filled with p-type Cu2O, and therefore, the entire assembly formed a p-i-n junction. The cell shows the energy conversion efficiency as high as 3.16%, which is an interesting option for developing new solar cell devices

    Consequence of aging at Au/HTM/perovskite interface in triple cation 3D and 2D/3D hybrid perovskite solar cells

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    Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) expressed great potentials for offering a feasible alternative to conventional photovoltaic technologies. 2D/3D hybrid PSCs, where a 2D capping layer is used over the 3D film to avoid the instability issues associated with perovskite film, have been reported with improved stabilities and high power conversion efficiencies (PCE). However, the profound analysis of the PSCs with prolonged operational lifetime still needs to be described further. Heading towards efficient and long-life PSCs, in-depth insight into the complicated degradation processes and charge dynamics occurring at PSCs' interfaces is vital. In particular, the Au/HTM/perovskite interface got a substantial consideration due to the quest for better charge transfer; and this interface is debatably the trickiest to explain and analyze. In this study, multiple characterization techniques were put together to understand thoroughly the processes that occur at the Au/HTM/perovskite interface. Inquest analysis using current–voltage (I–V), electric field induced second harmonic generation (EFISHG), and impedance spectroscopy (IS) was performed. These techniques showed that the degradation at the Au/HTM/perovskite interface significantly contribute to the increase of charge accumulation and change in impedance value of the PSCs, hence resulting in efficiency fading. The 3D and 2D/3D hybrid cells, with PCEs of 18.87% and 20.21%, respectively, were used in this study, and the analysis was performed over the aging time of 5000 h. Our findings propose that the Au/HTM/perovskite interface engineering is exclusively essential for attaining a reliable performance of the PSCs and provides a new perspective towards the stability enhancement for the perovskite-based future emerging photovoltaic technology.Scopu