285 research outputs found

    Primary Care and Behavioral Health Services in a Federally Qualified Health Center

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    Between 2013 and 2016, 8.1% of U.S. adults 20 years and older suffered from depression, but only 29% of them sought help. This project addressed the low depression screening rate in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that supported integrated care. The purpose of the project was to evaluate the integration of behavioral health into primary care in an FQHC through the rate of depression screenings. Two theoretical frameworks, the find-organize-clarify-understand-select/plan-do-study-act model and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention\u27s framework for program evaluation in public health were combined into a list of questions and data validity tests that were used to conduct the evaluation. This quality improvement (QI) project evaluated an existing QI initiative. Findings revealed that 75% of the patients seen, and not the initially reported 53%, received depression screenings, which indicated an improved outcome. Other findings were inadequate use of theoretical frameworks, poor data quality, and suboptimal effectiveness of QI team processes. The strategies and tools recommended in this project could be used by organizational leaders and QI teams to evaluate and improve QI initiatives. The project\u27s contribution to awareness about depression through integrated care could increase patients\u27 access to care, quality of life, and life expectancy, and positively impact social change


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    Investigations were carried out with five old domestic oriental tobaccos of the types: Prilep (P 10–3/2 and P 12–2/1), Djebel (Dj №1) and Yaka (YK 7–4/2 and KY)and five commercial oriental varieties of Prilep tobacco (P–23, P–84, NS–72, P–66–9/7 and P–79–94), to study the number, length, width and area of the middle belt leaves per stalk. The trial was set up inthe Experimental field of Tobacco Institute–Prilep in 2013 and 2014, in randomized block design with three replications, using traditional agricultural practices. The aim of the investigation is to study some autochthonous varieties and new commercial varieties for the stated quantitative traits, and with analysis of variance to estimate the significance of differences by varieties and years, which will improve our knowledge on stability of the traits, genotypical homogeneity and progress in selection of oriental tobacco in the Republic of Macedonia. Differences in leaf the number and size among genotypes in the two-year investigations are highly significant, which is genetic indicator of their mutual differences. The error of the mean value is low, indicating stability and homozygosity of the genotypes. The variety P–66–9/7 is characterized with the highest number of leaves ( x = 60) and it has 33 leaves more than YK 7–4/2 and Dj №1. The largest leaf size was measured in P–79–94 ( x = 23,3cm – length, 12,1 cm –width, 179 cm2–area). It has 4,8 cm longer, 3,2 cm wider and 74,5 cm2 larger leaves then YK 7–4/2, which is characterized by the smallest leaves. These data point out to a successful breeding activity of the Tobacco Institute in the selection of oriental aromatic tobaccos. Through evaluation of stability of varieties, the breeder improves its knowledge ontheir homozygosity and higher security in the choice of parental pairs for implementing selection programs


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    Intensity of rooting on hardwood hazelnut cuttings is evaluated during two consecutive years. The evaluation is conducted on 6 hazelnut varieties (Istarski, Tonda Romana, Extra Yagli, Ludolf, Hall’s Giant, Devianna) in greenhouse conditions at experimental greenhouse of Institute of Agriculture, Skopje. The cuttings are collected during dormancy of the plants, before start of vegetation. Two types of auxins IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) 2%, and NAA (α-naphthalene acetic acid) 0.2% are used. From evaluated varieties, Tonda Romana has the highest percentage of rooting (85.5%) and it is characterized with the highest value of rooted cuttings of first class. At all evaluated varieties, treatment with higher concentration of IBA gives higher percentage of rooted cuttings and higher value of rooted cuttings of first class

    Mogućnost primjene novih rutinskih metoda kod određivanja masti i bjelančevina mlijeka

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    Određivanje količine makro-sastojaka mlijeka nužno je kako u uzgojno-selekcijskom radu, tako i u mljekarskoj industriji. Plaćanje otkupljenog mlijeka na osnovu količine masti dugogodišnja je praksa i posljedica raspoloživih, jednostavnih rutinskih metoda određivanja masti u mlijeku

    Electro-optic time profile monitors for femtosecond electron bunches at the soft x-ray free-electron laser FLASH

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    Precise measurements of the temporal profile of ultrashort electron bunches are of high interest for the optimization and operation of ultraviolet and x-ray free-electron lasers. The electro-optic (EO) technique has been applied for a single-shot direct visualization of the time profile of individual electron bunches at FLASH. This paper presents a thorough description of the experimental setup and the results. An absolute calibration of the EO technique has been performed utilizing simultaneous measurements with a transverse-deflecting radio-frequency structure that transforms the longitudinal bunch charge distribution into a transverse streak. EO signals as short as 60 fs (rms) have been observed using a gallium-phosphide (GaP) crystal, which is a new record in the EO detection of single electron bunches and close to the physical limit imposed by the EO material properties. The data are in quantitative agreement with a numerical simulation of the EO detection process

    Standardizacija kontrolnih laboratorijskih metoda u mljekarstvu - određivanje količine suhe tvari u mlijeku

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    Suha tvar, odnosno suha tvar bez masti mlijeka, potonju dobivamo računskim putem iz analitičkih podataka, značajne su za kvalitetu mlijeka, za randman mliječnih proizvoda, a u mnogim zemljama predstavljaju i osnovu za cijenu mlijeka. Našim Pravilnikom (1970) propisana je donja granica 8,5"/o suhe tvari bez masti za normalno mlijeko, a izračunava se pomoću Fleischmannove formule. Analitičku problematiku u vezi navedenih sastojaka spominju i Đorđevič i Carić (1973). Doprinos traženju odgovarajuće analitičke metode je i predloženi rad

    Određivanje količine masti u slatkom vrhnju

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    Kontrola količine masti u slatkom vrhnju značajna je s tehnološkog stajališta za mljekarska poduzeća, a s kontrolnog, u odnosu mljekara-potrošač-inspekcija. U nastojanjima za primjenom jedinstvenih rutinskih analitičkih metoda u našoj praksi, poduzeli smo istraživanje butirometrijskih metoda određivanja mliječne masti u slatkom vrhnju. Iznijeti podaci mogu poslužiti kao osnova za razmatranje

    Anodic Behavior of Ti in KOH Solutions: Ellipsometric and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Studies

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    Anodic formation of oxide films on titanium surfaces, in various concentrations of aqueous KOH solutions, have been studied using ellipsometry and micro-Raman spectroscopy. By in situ ellipsometric measurements the coefficient of film thickness growth and indexes of refraction of anodic oxide films have been determined. The voltage at which the oxide film breaks down is strongly dependent on the KOH concentration. Further, the solution concentration strongly influences the potential at which the oxide film is transformed from the amorphous state to crystalline form. Using micro-Raman spectroscopy four crystalline forms of titanium oxides, namely, anatase, brookite, corundum, and rutile, have been identified. The crystalline form of the surface oxide is shown to depend on the applied voltage and on the time of anodization. The micro-Raman spectra reveal that brookite and corundum are intermediate forms of the anodic oxide films and the final film formed is primarly composed of an anatase type of TiO2

    Применение уравнений Френеля в статистическом анализе эллипсометрических данных - определение оптических показателей анодно полученных плёнок из TiO2

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    Оптические показатели TI02 плёнок , определены эллилсометрически при стандартных ех-ситовых условиях в видимой спектральной области. Плёнки , изготовленные из Ti02, получены анодным окислением электрополирован:ной титановой поверхности в области потенциала от О до 100 V. Путём вычисления:, с помощью измеренных эллипсометрических параметров L1 и Р и Френеловых уравнений, показано , что численное значение оптических показателей уменьшае11ся: с изменением т олщины плёнки, и что у тол·стых плёнок они получают постоянные значения:. Исползован и ем различных спос обо в выч исления: пок.азано, каким образом можно получить наиболее точные рез у ль таты, т. е. самая: маленькая: погрешность при статистической обработке эллипсометрических д анных