254 research outputs found


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    The experiment was conducted in the plastic-house of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape at the College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul, Iraq during the period of 10/4/2018 and 31/1/2019 on two species of Cassia. Seeds were planted each seed depth twice the length of the seed in a plastic bowl (8 cm height, 6 cm diameter) full with a medium consisting of perlite, peat moss and sand with 1:1:1 (v/v/v) ratio. The developing seedling were then transferred to plastic pots with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 12 cm in the same agricultural medium and transplanted into the plastic house after germination. The experiment was carried out by using two factors in split-plot design within randomized complete block design (RCBD). The first factor was two species of Cassia: Cassia surattenesis and Cassia siamea, while the second factor was soaking seeds in gibberellic acid at three levels of (0, 500 and 1000 mg L-1) for 48 hrs. The results showed that C. surattensis was superior in all seedling traits except for the leaf area, which was higher than C. siamea. Gibberellic acid had an important role in improving seedling properties and when used at (1000 mg L-1) on C. siamea the seedling height and leaf area were increased. There were no significant differences in both species of Cassia in some traits including seedling height. C. surattensis was characterized by its ability to flower in November after the appearance of flower buds at the beginning of the same month. Species differed in their tolerance to environmental conditions C. surattensis survived under cold waves, however, C. siamea was unable to survive under the same conditions in January

    Some Observations on the Text of šayḫ Hāšim’s Fatḥ al-raḥmānī

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    The paper focuses on the text of šayḫ Hāšim’s Fatḥ al-raḥmānī, a famous work of the Arabic literature of Harär, analyzing its so far known manuscript tradition

    Implementasi Maqashid Syariah dan Aktualisasinya dalam Pengembangan Sistem Ekonomi Islam

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    The implementation of maqashid sharia as the basic theory of Islamic justice and welfare is a determining factor in the development of an increasingly growing Islamic economic system. The development of an increasingly complex Islamic economic system opens up opportunities for ijtihad to create new norms for banking products and other sharia transactions. Sharia economists and banking practitioners not only master the science of muamalah fiqh and its applications, but also must understand the maqashid sharia as the goal of establishing Islamic law. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature approach. The results of the study state that the actualization of the maqashid sharia concept in product development and sharia transactions can be applied to modern transactions such as interbank money market instruments, sukuk schemes, repos, syndicated financing between sharia banks or conventionally, restructuring, property indent financing, ijarah maushufah fiz zimmah, hybrid take over and refinancing, forfeiting, overseas financing, KTA scheme, multipurpose financing, credit card design, laws related to fiduciary guarantees, mortgages, and mortgages, maqashid of annuities, Tawarruq, net revenue sharing, installments gold, gold investment, as well as a number of new cases that continue to emerge that require solution and innovative arguments in the formation of new norms in modern life transactions.Keywords: Implementation; Maqashid Shari'ah; Islamic economics Abstrak Implementasi maqashid syariah sebagai teori dasar keadilan dan kesejahteraan Islam merupakan faktor penentu dalam pengembangan sistem ekonomi Islam yang semakin berkembang. Perkembangan sistem ekonomi Islam yang semakin kompleks, membuka peluang ijtihad terhadap penciptaan norma baru terhadap produk perbankan dan transaksi syari’ah lainnya. Para Ekonom syariah dan praktisi perbankan tidak hanya sekedar menguasai ilmu fikih muamalah dan aplikasinya saja, tetapi juga harus memahami maqashid syariah sebagai tujuan ditetapkannya hukum Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa aktualisasi konsep maqashid syariah dalam pengembangan produk dan transaksi syari’ah dapat diterapkan pada transaksi modern seperti instrumen money market inter bank, skim-skim sukuk, repo, pembiayaan sindikasi antar bank syariah atau dengan konvensional, restrukturisasi, pembiayaan property indent, ijarah maushufah fiz zimmah, hybrid take over dan refinancing, forfeiting, overseas financing, skim KTA, pembiayaan multiguna, desain kartu kredit, hukum-hukum terkait jaminan fiducia, hypoteik, dan hak tanggungan, maqashid dari anuitas, tawarruq, net revenue sharing, cicilan emas, investasi emas, serta sejumlah kasus-kasus baru yang terus bermunculan yang membutuhkan argumentasi solutif dan inovatif dalam pembentukan norma baru pada transaksi kehidupan modern.Keyword: Implementasi; Maqashid Syari’ah; Ekonomi Isla

    Donativo de Fernando Valderrama : catálogo

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    As ilhas das Flores e do Corvo na perspectiva de um negociante micaelense de setecentos

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    Ao estudarmos a casa comercial de Nicolau Maria Raposo de Amaral, negociante de grosso trato da Praça de Ponta Delgada, entre os anos de 1769 a 1816, depararam-se-nos, entre numerosa correspondência, relevantes cartas destinadas a figuras que integravam o elenco governativo central. Uma delas, dirigida a D. Rodrigo Sousa Coutinho, Ministro e Secretário de Estado da Marinha e Domínios Ultramarinos, datada de 6 de Março de 1800, mereceu-nos particular atenção, devido a uma interessante descrição das ilhas Flores e Corvo, pois adianta-nos importantes informações sobre a economia florentina e corvina de finais de Setecentos, assim como representa mais um contributo para a compreensão da importância da Casa de Nicolau Maria Raposo, no incremento de inúmeras actividades inerentes à economia açoriana. [...

    Search for identity in modern Arabic prose

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    Bedouins in headscarves, men in jeans and suits, they all speak one Arabic language and search for their place in the world, uncertainly, bravely, with hope. This is a picture that comes up from the modern Arab prose that has been developing since the second half of the 19th century, with its flourishing socio-moral trend.Maciej Klimiu

    Knowledge and Acceptance Towards Mammography as Breast Cancer Screening Tool Among Yogyakarta Women and Health Care Providers (Mammography Screening in Indonesia)

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    Annual mammography remains the gold standard of asymptomatic breast cancer screening for women starting at the age of 40. However, Indonesia has not designated mammography as its national screening program. To help policymakers decide whether mammography should be introduced into a national program, it is important to comprehensively understand the knowledge and acceptance of both consumers and providers. A total of 25 subjects including a range of women and health care professionals (HCPs) in Yogyakarta Province were recruited using purposive, maximum variation sampling and then interviewed in-depth. The interviews were recorded and all data were taken and transcribed from the audio recording, which were subsequently translated to English and analyzed thematically. Almost all of Yogyakarta women had heard about the term of mammography. However, only few of them have let themselves be screened, mainly because of their perceived lack of urgency to screen for asymptomatic breast cancer. Another important reason was the high cost of mammography. Meanwhile, several HCPs believed that breast cancer has not been a priority for the government and hence the government limited mammography screening's access and excluded it from the national insurance coverage. Most women in Yogyakarta have a good understanding about breast cancer screening, but their acceptance of mammography as a breast cancer screening tool is significantly influenced by high cost, limited access, and lack of urgency