2,192 research outputs found
Inventory Control Indirect Material: Eoq Model, Efektivitas Produksi
Afifi Bachtiar: Purpose of this research to know how Inventory Control Indirect Material in the form of cup size 240 ml in order to increase production effectivity at PT. Curup Aquifers. PT. Curup Aquifers has been using simple methods, while using the company\u27s EOQ method produces cheaper cost when compared with the method that has been applied by the company. The savings generated if the EOQ method if applied to the company in 2013 amounted to Rp 76,754,449
Pasang Surut Otonomi Daerah dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia (Tinjauan Sejarah Hukum Pemerintahan Daerah)
Pembagian daerah Indonesia atas daerah besar dan kecil dengan bentuk susunan pemerintahannya ditetapkan dengan undang-undang dengan dasar permusyawaratan dalam sistem pemerintahan negara dan hak-hak asal usul dalam derah istimewa Untuk mengwujudkan hal ini terjadilah tarik menarik dalam kehidupan bernegara. Tarik menarik ini tidak perlu dihilangkan, ini merupakan sejarah hukum dalam kehidupan bernegara atau pemerintahan. Hukum itu bukan merupakan tujuan, akan tetapi hanya merupakan jembatan yang akan membawa kita kepada ide yang dicita-citakan. Melihat sejarah panjang undang-undang pemerintahan daerah, telah mengalami pasang surut sejalan dengan perkembangan sejarah ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia. Apabila dilihat, ini adalah sebagai konsekuensi yuridis terhadap pasang surut undang-undang pemerintahan daerah. Sedangkan apabila dilihat dari aspek politik hukum, kondisi ini merupakan gejala hukum, artinya situasi dan kondisi terhadap tekanan reformasi atau pembaharuan terhadap pemerintahan di daerah akibat politik Nasakom yang digagas pemerintah orde lama dan memunculkan pemerintahan orde baru dengan Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1974 tentang pemerintahan di daerah. Setelah orde baru tumbang, persoalan pemerintahan di daerah diangkat ke publik, sebab selama pemerintahan orde baru hak-hak daerah telah diambil oleh pusat. Akhirnya kondisi ini tidak bisa dibendung lagi akibat sentalistik pemerintah pusat terhadap hak-hak rakyat di daerah khususnya yang berkaitan dengan sumber daya alam. Untuk itu untuk mengembalikan hak-hak daerah untuk berkembang sesuai dengan kemampuan daerahnya masing-masing perlu dilakukan Perubahan dan/atau diganti undang-undang pemerintahan daerah
Transmembrane ion and water transports in erythrocyte volume homeostasis: an overview of the physiologic processes
Background: The intraerythrocytic concentrations of ions (Na , K , Cl and HCO ) play key roles in maintaining erythrocyte volume homeostasis. Anisosmotic and isosomotic changes of these ion concentrations challenge erythrocyte volume to either shrink or swell, thereby sending signals to activate regulatory volume mechanisms that are mediated by ion transporters. Ion fluxes directed inwardly or outwardly with obliged water movements do restore the erythrocyte volume to its steady state. These physiological phenomena prevent the erythrocyte from becoming overhydrated or dehydrated with the consequence of intravascular haemolysis or senescent changes associated with eryptosis. Objectives: To review the literature on the physiological processes associated with transmembrane ion and water transports during erythrocyte volume homeostasis. Method: Offline and online libraries were searched with indexing tools using keywords derived from the subject area of review. Conclusions: The review has highlighted the physiological concepts involved in erythrocyte volume homeostasis in relation to the engaged transmembrane ion and water transport systems, which can influence experimental designs to study ion and water channel blockers and channelopathies of erythrocytes
Shuttle/spacelab MMAP/electromagnetic environment experiment phase B definition study
Progress made during the first five months of the Phase B definition study for the MMAP/Electromagnetic Environment Experiment (EEE) was described. An antenna/receiver assembly has been defined and sized for stowing in a three pallet bay area in the shuttle. Six scanning modes for the assembly are analyzed and footprints for various antenna sizes are plotted. Mission profiles have been outlined for a 400 km height, 57 deg inclination angle, circular orbit. Viewing time over 7 geographical areas are listed. Shuttle interfaces have been studied to determine what configuration the antenna assembly must have to be shared with other experiments of the Microwave Multi-Applications Payload (MMAP) and to be stowed in the shuttle bay. Other results reported include a frequency plan, a proposed antenna subsystem design, a proposed receiver design, preliminary outlines of the experiment controls and an analysis of on-board and ground data processing schemes
The advantages and constraints of IAS (11) implementation in construction companies in Gaza Strip
This study aims to identify situation of international accounting standard no. 11 implementation by constructing companies working in Gaza strip in their financial statements through distributing 60 questionnaires to construction companies which have first & second grades from Palestine Contractors Union, then making analysis by statistical tests in SPSS program. The study found that most of constructing companies do not implement international accounting standard no. 11; major restrictions are missing in legislations, laws and regulations referred as generally accept. Also, improve the efficiency and professionally of accountants, financial employees and management in construction companies. In addition to the shortage of professional experience of the administrative and financial employees in such companies in regard to the application of the internationally accepted accounting criteria
Public Health Impact of Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields
INTRODUCTION: The association between exposure to extremely low-frequency electric and magnetic fields (ELF) and childhood leukemia has led to the classification of magnetic fields by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a “possible human carcinogen.” This association is regarded as the critical effect in risk assessment. Creating effective policy in light of widespread exposure and the undisputed value of safe, reliable, and economic electricity to society is difficult and requires estimates of the potential public health impact and associated uncertainties. OBJECTIVES: Although a causal relationship between magnetic fields and childhood leukemia has not been established, we present estimates of the possible pubic health impact using attributable fractions to provide a potentially useful input into policy analysis under different scenarios. METHODS: Using ELF exposure distributions from various countries and dose–response functions from two pooled analyses, we calculate country-specific and worldwide estimates of attributable fractions (AFs) and attributable cases. RESULTS: Even given a wide range of assumptions, we find that the AF remains < 10%, with point estimates ranging from < 1% to about 4%. For small countries with low exposure, the number of attributable cases is less than one extra case per year. Worldwide the range is from 100 to 2,400 cases possibly attributable to ELF exposure. CONCLUSION: The fraction of childhood leukemia cases possibly attributable to ELF exposure across the globe appears to be small. There remain, however, a number of uncertainties in these AF estimates, particularly in the exposure distributions
Developing an integrated sustainable sanitation system for urban areas: Gaza strip case study
A vertical flow (reed bed) constructed wetland was used for treating bio-solid and gray water. The results present a positive performance in treating the bio-solids and well-stabilized accumulated organic material in the bed formed fertile soil. Moreover, using vertical flow reed bed of liquid waste treatment showed removal of around 70% of organic matter indicator Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). The Fecal Coliform (FC) removal was around 2 logs (99.9%) with a retention time of less than two days. The effluent can be used in agriculture or groundwater recharge. A semi-dry toilet followed by anaerobic/aerobic units is in planning to be coupled with an existing system. The system mainly depended on separating of the human excreta from the urine and gray water. The two separated fractions will be treated in vertical flow reed bed to produce organic fertilizer and reclaimed water for reuse. Such systems could be a suitable solution for wastewater problems in Gaza strip and similar regions. The designed and planned system integrated environmental and technical sound approaches with socio-economical aspects. In addition, the designed system implemented the idea of a natural and closed circle of water and nutrients “from food to food”
MicroRNA-377 expression level as a marker of nephropathy in Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Background: Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most dangerous complications of diabetes mellitus. To prevent these complications in diabetic patients monitoring of patients is a must. In last decades many authors were trying to investigate molecular biomarker to detect patients who are at risk. MicroRNA-377 is one of the promising biomarkers for prediction of diabetic nephropathy. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the role of miRNA-377 as early predictor of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Patients and methods: Seventy five patients with type 2 diabetes and 25 healthy control participants are enrolled in a case-control study. Clinical evaluation, and laboratory investigations including fasting plasma glucose, serum creatinine, fasting lipid profile, glycosylated hemoglobin, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and albumin creatinine ratio, The expression of serum miRNA-377 was measured via quantitative real-time-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Results: Expression of miR-377 could differentiate diabetic patients from healthy control as the expression of miR-377 was significantly higher in overall T2DM patients than in the healthy control (2.5 fold change, P<0.001), and was progressively increased in the normoalbuminuric group and further increased in the microalbuminuric and macroalbuminuric groups (1.92, 2.76, 3.38 fold change respectively, P<0.001). MiR-377 expression levels were positively correlated with diabetes duration, fasting plasma glucose, HbA1C, total cholesterol, LDL-C, triglycerides, creatinine and ACR, while miR-377 expression levels were significantly negatively correlated with HDL-C and eGFR.Conclusions: MiR-377 might act as a promising biomarker for prediction of development of diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes patients
Migration and global environmental change: methodological lessons from mountain areas of the global South
The relationship between migration and environmental and climatic changes is a crucial yet understudied factor influencing mountain livelihoods in the global South. These livelihoods are often characterized by high prevalence of family farming, widespread dependence on natural resources, and high sensitivity to climatic changes. Except for a limited number of empirical case studies, the literature on migration and global environmental change has not yet moved beyond case study results to address and explain global patterns and specificities of migration in mountain areas of the global South. After an introduction to the topic, the authors present a new synthesis of three field studies combining household surveys, participatory research approach (PRA) tools and key informant interviews in Pakistan, Peru, and Tanzania. This article suggests that the systematic use of transdisciplinary approaches, with a combination of quantitative and qualitative empirical methods, is the key to understanding global migration patterns in rural mountain areas of the global South. The results of our synthesis suggests that survey data should be triangulated with PRA results as well as secondary data in order to build household profiles connecting vulnerability (measured through a multidimensional index) with human mobility patterns. Such profiles can be conducive to better understand the feedback processes between livelihoods and mobility patterns both within each case study and across case studies, helping researchers to draw general lessons
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