575 research outputs found

    Проблематика коллективной идентичности в немецкоязычной прозе, созданной выходцами из СССР

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    В статье рассмотрена проблематика коллективной идентичности в немецко­язычных прозаических текстах, созданных выходцами из СССР. Материалом анализа послужили книги Владимира Вертлиба, Владимира Каминера, Лены Горелик, Ольги Грязновой и Кати Петровской.Im Beitrag wird das Phänomen der kollektiven Identität in deutschspra­chigen Prosatexten behandelt, welche von MigrantInnen aus der UdSSR verfasst wurden. Als Analyse­gegenstand dienen fünf Texte: „Zwischenstationen" (1999) von Vladimir Vertlib, „Russendisko" (2000) von Wladimir Kaminer, „Meine weißen Nächte" (2004) von Lena Gorelik, „Der Russe ist einer, der Bir­ken liebt" (2012) von Olga Grjasnowa und „Vielleicht Esther" (2014) von Katja Petrowskaja. Alle diese Werke haben einen autobiographischen Charakter, sie vermitteln Emigrationserfahrungen, darunter die Übersiedlung in ein deutschsprachiges Land - die BRD bzw. Österreich

    Synthesis of new aminohydrazone and their physical, chemical and biological properties

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    В рамках данной работы осуществлен синтез большой серии амидразонов, аминогруппа которых является частью циклического фрагмента, и проведено исследование реакций с этилхлорформиатом, хлорангидридом циклогексанкарбоновой кислоты и оксалилхлоридом. Получены бис(амидразоны) с циклическими, ароматическими и линейными мостиковыми фрагментами. Изучены реакция бис(амидразонов) с ацетоном. В результате были получены новые пиперазин-1-карбоксилаты, диацилгидразонопиперазин и гексаазоциклододецин. Проведено комплексное исследование структуры полученных соединений с помощью экспериментаьных (масс-спектры, ИК-спектры, спектры ЯМР 1Н и 13С, рентгеноструктурный анализ) и теоретических методов.Amidrazones with cyclic amino group were obtained by reaction of hydrazonoyl chloride with diamines. Interaction of synthesized amidrazones with oxalyl dichloride, ethylchloroformate and cyclohexanecarboxylic chloride were investigated and as a result, it was prepared several new heterocyclic products: hexaazacyclododecine, piperazine-1-carboxylates and diacylhydrazonopiperazines. Also were obtained new bis(amidrazones) with various bridging moieties. Investigation of the reaction of bis(amidrazones) with acetone was carried out. A detailed of the structure of the synthesized compounds were made by spectral methods including mass, IR, 1H and 13C NMR, RSA data, and by theoretical investigation with the quantum chemistry calculation.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.

    Toward the Standardization of the BVL_RU: An Instrument for Speech and Language Assessment of Russian-speaking Children

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    The Battery for the assessment of speech and language development in children from 4 to 12 years (BVL_4-12; [1]) was originally developed for Italian-speaking children and currently is under adaptation into several European languages including Russian. The BVL_4-12 consists of three parts and includes tasks assessing oral production, comprehension and repetition skills in children. This article describes the process of adaptation of the BVL_4-12 into Russia and focuses on the instructions’ translation and standardization. It presents the results of the tasks instructions’ clarity evaluation by an expert panel including Russian-speaking specialists constantly working with children of a target age in Russia and Italy (N = 7) and a cohort of children from 4.06 to10.10 including monolinguals with typical language development, children previously diagnosed with primary language impairment (PLI) and heritage Russian speakers (N = 84). Overall, 10 task instructions were judged as absolutely clear and 5 task instructions were somewhat unclear to some of the participants. Further analysis ofthe age of the participants who rated the instructions as ‘unclear’ was performed. Some of the youngest participants, whose age did not exceed 6.10, found that the instructions for the following tasks were not clear: phonological fluency; sentence completion; grammatical judgments; idiom comprehension, and comprehension of linguistic prosody. However, the minimum inter-rater agreement among the sample was reached. The potential explanation of the results of the study is proposed in the Discussion section. Keywords: language assessment, Russian, children, SLI, task instruction

    Properties and thermo-oxidative stability of the dewaxed residual product of the vacuum gas oil hydrocracking process

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    The article describes the possibilities of using remote monitoring of an intelligent network. The architecture for intelligent monitoring systems in the power industry is considered. The equipment for remote monitoring is described

    Properties and thermo-oxidative stability of the dewaxed residual product of the vacuum gas oil hydrocracking process

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    The article describes the possibilities of using remote monitoring of an intelligent network. The architecture for intelligent monitoring systems in the power industry is considered. The equipment for remote monitoring is described

    Current state and tendencies of development of mass electronic educational resources

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    The report considers the current trends of mass electronic educational resources and technologies. Analysis of existing foreign electronic educational resources, as well as the Russian experience of development in this sphere. Makes a number of conclusions about the prospects of introduction of mass electronic educational technologies on the Russian market.В докладе рассмотрены современные тенденции развития массовых электронных образовательных ресурсов и технологий. Проводится анализ существующих зарубежных электронных образовательных ресурсов, а также российского опыта развития в данной сфере. Делается ряд выводов о перспективности внедрения массовых электронных образовательных технологий на российском рынке

    Aneurysm of internal carotid artery, which simulated paratonsillary abscess (clinical case)

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    This article describes a rare case of paratonsillar abscess imitation among the patients with the aneurysm of ICA. The purpose of the study is to describe the methods of this disease diagnosing using the example of a clinical case, to give a general description of this nosology occurrence frequency, and to recommend a detailed approach to the differential diagnosis among this category of patient

    Сравнительный анализ ИТ-продуктов для страхового сектора российской экономики

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    The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of IT-products for the insurance sector of the Russian economy. Within the research the comparative analysis of the software products focused on the insurance sector of economy is carried out, the main criteria for the comparative analysis of information systems for the insurance sector are developed and proved, the expert assessment of four information systems for the insurance sector of the Russian economy is carried out by the method of the analysis of hierarchies.El artículo está dedicado a un análisis comparativo de productos de TI para el sector de seguros de la economía rusa. En el marco del estudio, se realizó un análisis comparativo de productos de software orientados al sector de seguros de la economía, se desarrollaron y corroboraron los criterios principales para un análisis comparativo de los sistemas de información para el sector de seguros, y se realizó una evaluación experta de cuatro sistemas de información para el sector de seguros de la economía rusa mediante el método de análisis de jerarquía.Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу ИТ-продуктов для страхового сектора российской экономики. В рамках исследования проведен сравнительный анализ программных продуктов, ориентированных на страховой сектор экономики, разработаны и обоснованы основные критерии для сравнительного анализа информационных систем для страхового сектора, проведена экспертная оценка четырех информационных систем для страхового сектора российской экономики методом анализа иерархий