243 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the impact of international standards set by “the basle committee on banking supervision” on Jordanian law

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    Formulating international standards on banking supervision is one of the most important topics of international financial law. The recent international financial crisis is another striking example on the significance and relevance of this subject. This thesis attempts to evaluate the impact of international standards of banking supervision aimed at the creation of a "safe and sound" banking system on Jordanian legislation at two levels: to what extent international standards set out by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ("BCBS") have influenced Jordanian law; and how these standards can assist in improving the Jordanian law as well as direct new policy reforms. The first finding of the thesis is that Jordanian law is significantly compliant with international standards. The second main finding is that soft law, as opposed to hard law, is the optimal form of setting international banking supervisory standards. The thesis also finds that the BCBS standards do not provide adequate guidance on the structure of the banking supervisory authority. The thesis concludes with recommendations on how to enhance international banking supervisory standards as well as the structure and substantive law of banking supervision in Jordan in light of international standards and with occasional reference to the UK Law

    Crisis Communication and Ghana's Financial Sector

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    This study explores the place of crisis communication in Ghana's financial sector. It identifies and analyzes the various approaches that practitioners adopted to save the country from the brink of disaster a few years ago. In-depth interviews with eight public relations consultants and evidence from literature show stakeholders’ dissatisfaction with the communication strategies implemented by some financial institutions. The combination of reactive/proactive and leadership communication/provocation approaches to managing the crises produced both positive and negative outcomes. Findings also show that if practitioners have the requisite knowledge and training as well as operate from a department wholly dedicated to public relations, crisis communication can produce the desired effect. The effectiveness can increase if the top management of the financial institutions gives the necessary support to the department. Ghana's crisis is proof that not recognizing public relations officers as central role players during a crisis can escalate the crisis rather than lessen it

    Electrochemical Production of Hydrogen and Sulfur by Low-Temperature Decomposition of Hydrogen Sulfide in an Aqueous Alkaline Solution

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    Electrolysis of hydrogen sulfide to its constituents in a solution containing equimolar concentrations of NaOH and NaHS has been carried out at 80°C. In a double-compartment cell employing Nafion membrane as a separator, both crystalline elemental sulfur and high-purity hydrogen have been produced at high current efficiencies. Only minimal, if any, passivation of the anode by sulfur product was observed. According to solution composition, electrolysis could result in gas evolution at the anode, passivation of the anode by sulfur deposition, or oxidation of sulfide (S2–) or polysulfide (S) to sulfur oxyanions. However, in an optimized solution, electrolysis gave only anodic sulfur via bisulfide (HS–) and sulfide oxidation. Voltammetric and chronopotentiometric studies showed that sulfide, bisulfide, and polysulfide oxidation occurred at about the same potential

    A Modified Electrochemical Process for the Decomposition of Hydrogen Sulfide in an Aqueous Alkaline Solution

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    An electrochemical process for the decomposition of hydrogen sulfide into its constituents in an aqueous alkaline solution is presented. It essentially consists of presaturation of an alkaline scrubber solution with H2S. Thereafter, partial neutralization of the presaturated solution provides not only the necessary mass balance for electrolysis, but also creates the optimum conditions under which passivation of the anode, as well as side chemical and electrochemical reactions, are minimized. Finally, the electrolysis stage of the process leads to precipitation of crystalline sulfur at the anode and evolution of hydrogen at the cathode. Regeneration of the alkaline solution via an osmotic effect developed during electrolysis completes the process

    Analisis Manajemen Risiko Kredit USAha Mikro (Kum) Dalam Meminimalisir Kredit Bermasalah (Studi Pada PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Kcp Mmu Sampang Periode 2013-2015)

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    This study has two purposes, that is to find out the applicationof banking risk management and to minimizing Non Performing Loan (NPL) sector of PT Bank Mandiri (Company) Sampang blanch offices. The methods of research is descriptive methods with qualitative approach. The methods of research is descriptive methods with qualitative approach. From the result of the study, to minimize the non performing loan that has being done by the corporation is deficient. It's can be seen from the non performing loan in every year experienced a significnt increase. Furthermore the decision makes of crediting is only done by a manager so that to minimizing the non performing loan less than optimal. The corporation should increasing the risk management in order to redce the amount of Non Performing Loan (NPL) in the nnext year and the desicion makes must be separated into some function

    Tension band wiring fi xation is associated with good functional outcome after olecranon fractures at a Togo Hospital

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    Background: Tension band wiring (TBW) is a widely accepted technique for olecranon fractures. Various investigators have reported a significant rate of complications especially hardware prominence. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical and radiological outcome after tension band wiring of olecranon fractures.Methods: Sixty three patients (42 men and 21 women) were treated for fractures of the olecranon by TBW technique. Their mean age at the time of operation was 28 years (19 to 48). The mean follow-up period was 74.5 months (35 to 121). The overall outcome was evaluated using functional rating index described by Broberg and Morrey, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) subjective pain score (10 = unbearable pain) and patient satisfaction score (10 = complete satisfaction).Results: Wound infection developed in six patients (09.5%). No nonunions, malunion or ulnar nerve palsies complicated the postoperativeperiod. Hardware removal was recorded in 45 patients (71.4%) due to pin prominence, localized pain or direct complaint. Removal was not  significantly affected by pin position (p = 0.201). Elbow pain persisted in 12 patients. Four patients (06.3%) had significantly reduced flexion arcs affecting the functional outcome. None of the patients had objective evidence of instability of the elbow. The mean range of elbow flexion, pronation and supination was 135°, 70° and 79° respectively. 29 patients (46%) had an excellent functional result while four (6.4%) had poor result. The poor results were signifi cantly associated with fracture type (p = 0.001) and the duration of immobilization (p = 0.003). The average  satisfaction rating was 9.1 out of 10 (range, 5–10).Conclusion: Tension band wiring fixation for isolated olecranon fractures leads to good elbow function and minimal loss of physical capacity

    Can montelukast correct immune dysregulation in preschool children with mild persistent asthma?

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    Background: Asthma is the most common inflammatory disorder among preschool and school-age children. Regulation of immune cells and their cytokines is essential to control asthma. Montelukast is a leukotriene receptor antagonist that suppresses inflammatory cell proliferation, and reduces cytokines and mediator secretion. Objective: The research team's goal was to study the immunological parameters among mild  asthmatic patients before and after the treatment with Montelukast. Methods: Forty preschool children with mild persistent asthma and twenty healthy, non-allergic children were included in the study. Blood eosinophil count, total IgE, serum IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13 levels were  assessed. T helper (CD3+CD4+) and T regulatory (CD4+CD25+) cell counts were measured using flow cytometry; for mild asthmatics before and after six weeks of treatment with Montelukast and for the control group. Results: Asthmatic children have shown a significant elevation of serum levels of IgE, IL4 and IL13, and also an increase of eosinophils, total lymphocyte T cells and T helper cell count. However; serum levels of IL10 and Treg cell count was lower in asthmatics compared to control. Following six weeks of Montelukast treatment, all immunological parameters improved. There was a significant elevation of serum levels of IL10 and Treg cell count, with a decrease in serum levels of IgE, IL4 and IL13; eosinophil counts, and helper T cells. Conclusion: Montelukast treatment improves the impaired immunological balance of mild asthmatic children through the increase of serum IL-10, T regulatory cell counts that have anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory effects. It also decreases T helper cells and their proinflammatory cytokines

    Synchronization of a renewable energy inverter with the grid

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    The design, mathematical analysis, and testing results of the architecture of a new all-digital phase-locked loop system for synchronizing a voltage source DC-AC single-phase inverter with the low voltage utility grid are presented. The system which is based on the time-delay digital tanlock loop was simulated using MATLAB/ SIMULINK and was tested by subjecting the grid voltage to various perturbations similar to those which can occur in a real power system, such as voltage sags and nonlinear distortion of the grid voltage waveform. Results indicate that even in the presence of such perturbations the system achieved and/or re-gained synchronization within 100 ms. The proposed system is all-digital and can be readily implemented using a field programmable gate array and easily embedded into a power inverter

    Herbal Remedies And Their Adverse Effects In Tem Tribe Traditional Medicine In Togo

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    In Africa, up to 80% of the population relies on herbal concoctions for their primarily health care. In Togo, western Africa, Tem tribe is a population with old knowledge of medicinal plants, however, still very little is known about their medical practices. The present study was conducted to access for the apprehension of adverse effects of traditional remedies by Tem traditional healers (TH). Enquiry was performed by interviews with healers from August to October 2007 in Tchaoudjo prefecture (Togo). The study allowed us to interview 54 TH including 41(75.93%) males and 13(24.07%) females, who cited 102 recipes assumed to have adverse effects. The recipes were used alone to cure several diseases including haemorrhoids (22.55%), female sexual disorders and infertility (21.57%), gastrointestinal disorders (18.63%), and malaria (6.86%). A total of 34 plants belonging to 21 families were cited to be components of the recipes. Euphorbiaceae and Mimosaceae families were the most represented, however, Nauclea latifolia, Khaya senegalensis, Pseudocedrela kotschyi and Xeroderris stuhlmannii were the main components of recipes linked to adverse effects. A total of 20 adverse effects were linked to the administration of theses drugs, and among them; diarrhoea, abdominal pains, polyuria, general weakness and vomiting were the most frequently encountered. These findings were in accordance with several reports of the literature concerning medicinal plants, although they were based on empirical observations. Laboratory screenings are needed to access for the effectiveness as well as the possible toxic effects of the recipes. Keywords: traditional concoctions, medicinal plants, adverse effects, Togo

    Electrochemical Behavior of Graphite and Ni-Cr Electrodes in Sodium Polysulfide in the Absence and Presence of Hydrogen Sulfide

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    The electrochemical behavior of graphite and Ni-Cr electrodes in sodium tetrasulfide melt has been investigated using voltammetric, chronoamperometric, and chronopotentiometric techniques in the presence and absence of hydrogen sulfide. Two continuous phases, namely, Na2S2 and Na2S, are apparently formed at different potentials during the cathodic polarization. The blocking effect by these layers was much less significant on the Ni-Cr electrode than on graphite. The presence of H2S did not appear to influence the electrode reactions, but it significantly reduced the rate of formation of the continuous phases (Na2S2 or Na2S) during cathodic polarization. A small amount of hydrogen gas was formed, possibly by chemical reactions between polysulfides and hydrogen sulfide
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