4,041 research outputs found

    Improving the Sensitivity of Advanced LIGO Using Noise Subtraction

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    This paper presents an adaptable, parallelizable method for subtracting linearly coupled noise from Advanced LIGO data. We explain the features developed to ensure that the process is robust enough to handle the variability present in Advanced LIGO data. In this work, we target subtraction of noise due to beam jitter, detector calibration lines, and mains power lines. We demonstrate noise subtraction over the entirety of the second observing run, resulting in increases in sensitivity comparable to those reported in previous targeted efforts. Over the course of the second observing run, we see a 30% increase in Advanced LIGO sensitivity to gravitational waves from a broad range of compact binary systems. We expect the use of this method to result in a higher rate of detected gravitational-wave signals in Advanced LIGO data.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    The Cross-correlation of MgII Absorption and Galaxies in BOSS

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    We present a measurement of the cross-correlation of MgII absorption and massive galaxies, using the DR11 main galaxy sample of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-III (CMASS galaxies), and the DR7 quasar spectra of SDSS-II. The cross-correlation is measured by stacking quasar absorption spectra shifted to the redshift of galaxies that are within a certain impact parameter bin of the quasar, after dividing by a quasar continuum model. This results in an average MgII equivalent width as a function of impact parameter from a galaxy, ranging from 50 kpc to more than 10 Mpc in proper units, which includes all MgII absorbers. We show that special care needs to be taken to use an unbiased quasar continuum estimator, to avoid systematic errors in the measurement of the mean stacked MgII equivalent width. The measured cross-correlation follows the expected shape of the galaxy correlation function, although measurement errors are large. We use the cross-correlation amplitude to derive the bias factor of MgII absorbers, finding bMgII = 2.33 \pm? 0.19, where the error accounts only for the statistical uncertainty in measuring the mean equivalent width. This bias factor is larger than that obtained in previous studies and may be affected by modeling uncertainties that we discuss, but if correct it suggests that MgII absorbers at redshift z \simeq 0:5 are spatially distributed on large scales similarly to the CMASS galaxies in BOSS. Keywords: galaxies: haloes, galaxies: formation, quasars: absorption lines, large-scale structure of universeComment: Accepted for publication to MNRAS. Accepted 2014 December 12. Received 2014 November 29; in original form 2014 February

    Magellan LDSS3 emission confirmation of galaxies hosting metal-rich Lyman-alpha absorption systems

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    Using the Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph 3 at the Magellan II Clay Telescope, we target {candidate absorption host galaxies} detected in deep optical imaging {(reaching limiting apparent magnitudes of 23.0-26.5 in g,r,i,g, r, i, and zz filters) in the fields of three QSOs, each of which shows the presence of high metallicity, high NHIN_{\rm HI} absorption systems in their spectra (Q0826-2230: zabsz_{abs}=0.9110, Q1323-0021: zabs=0.7160z_{abs}=0.7160, Q1436-0051: zabs=0.7377,0.9281z_{abs}=0.7377, 0.9281). We confirm three host galaxies {at redshifts 0.7387, 0.7401, and 0.9286} for two of the Lyman-α\alpha absorption systems (one with two galaxies interacting). For these systems, we are able to determine the star formation rates (SFRs); impact parameters (from previous imaging detections); the velocity shift between the absorption and emission redshifts; and, for one system, also the emission metallicity.} Based on previous photometry, we find these galaxies have L>>L^{\ast}. The [O II] SFRs for these galaxies are in the range 112511-25 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} {(uncorrected for dust)}, while the impact parameters lie in the range 355435-54 kpc. {Despite the fact that we have confirmed galaxies at 50 kpc from the QSO, no gradient in metallicity is indicated between the absorption metallicity along the QSO line of sight and the emission line metallicity in the galaxies.} We confirm the anti-correlation between impact parameter and NHIN_{\rm HI} from the literature. We also report the emission redshift of five other galaxies: three at zem>zQSOz_{em}>z_{QSO}, and two (L<<L^{\ast}) at zem<zQSOz_{em}<z_{QSO} not corresponding to any known absorption systems.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted to MNRA

    Molecular depletion times and the CO-to-H2 conversion factor in metal-poor galaxies

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    Tracing molecular hydrogen content with carbon monoxide in low-metallicity galaxies has been exceedingly difficult. Here we present a new effort, with IRAM 30-m observations of 12CO(1-0) of a sample of 8 dwarf galaxies having oxygen abundances ranging from 12+logO/H=7.7 to 8.4. CO emission is detected in all galaxies, including the most metal-poor galaxy of our sample (0.1 Zsun); to our knowledge this is the largest number of 12CO(1-0) detections ever reported for galaxies with 12+logO/H<=8 (0.2 Zsun) outside the Local Group. We calculate stellar masses (Mstar) and star-formation rates (SFRs), and analyze our results by combining our observations with galaxy samples from the literature. Extending previous results for a correlation of the molecular gas depletion time, tau(dep), with Mstar and specific SFR (sSFR), we find a variation in tau(dep) of a factor of 200 or more (from <50 Myr to 10 Gyr) over a spread of 1000 in sSFR and Mstar. We exploit the variation of tau(dep) to constrain the CO-to-H2 mass conversion factor alpha(CO) at low metallicity, and assuming a power-law variation find alpha(CO) \propto (Z/Zsun)^1.9, similar to results based on dust continuum measurements compared with gas mass. By including HI measurements, we show that the fraction of total gas mass relative to the baryonic mass is higher in galaxies that are metal poor, of low mass, and of high sSFR. Finally, comparisons of the data with star-formation models of the molecular gas phases suggest that, at metallicities Z/Zsun<=0.2, there are some discrepancies with model predictions.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Beating the Spin-Down Limit on Gravitational Wave Emission from the Vela Pulsar

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    We present direct upper limits on continuous gravitational wave emission from the Vela pulsar using data from the Virgo detector\u27s second science run. These upper limits have been obtained using three independent methods that assume the gravitational wave emission follows the radio timing. Two of the methods produce frequentist upper limits for an assumed known orientation of the star\u27s spin axis and value of the wave polarization angle of, respectively, 1.9\ee{-24} and 2.2\ee{-24}, with 95% confidence. The third method, under the same hypothesis, produces a Bayesian upper limit of 2.1\ee{-24}, with 95% degree of belief. These limits are below the indirect {\it spin-down limit} of 3.3\ee{-24} for the Vela pulsar, defined by the energy loss rate inferred from observed decrease in Vela\u27s spin frequency, and correspond to a limit on the star ellipticity of 103\sim 10^{-3}. Slightly less stringent results, but still well below the spin-down limit, are obtained assuming the star\u27s spin axis inclination and the wave polarization angles are unknown

    Scaling Law and Aging Phenomena in the Random Energy Model

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    We study the effect of temperature shift on aging phenomena in the Random Energy Model (REM). From calculation on the correlation function and simulation on the Zero-Field-Cooled magnetization, we find that the REM satisfies a scaling relation even if temperature is shifted. Furthermore, this scaling property naturally leads to results obtained in experiment and the droplet theory.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to be submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Relaxation of the field-cooled magnetization of an Ising spin glass

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    The time and temperature dependence of the field-cooled magnetization of a three dimensional Ising spin glass, Fe_{0.5}Mn_{0.5}TiO_{3}, has been investigated. The temperature and cooling rate dependence is found to exhibit memory phenomena that can be related to the memory behavior of the low frequency ac-susceptibility. The results add some further understanding on how to model the three dimensional Ising spin glass in real space.Comment: 8 pages RevTEX, 5 figure