35 research outputs found

    Knowledge transfer in on-collocated software architecture development: From the perspective of analysts and software architects

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    Learning within software development involves the transfer of knowledge between different yet interdependent functional teams.In reality however, these teams often create islands of knowledge due mostly to indistinct flow of knowledge transfer (KT), thus fail to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from each other.Taking the non"collocated software architecture development teams as a challenge, the goal of this study is to investigate the nature of KT that occurs between the analyst and software architect teams in non-collocated software architecture development.Data are collected from semi"structured interviews with 30 respondents consisting of industrial experts ranging from analyst, software architects and project managers.We managed to gather sufficient evidence that proves KT occurs, and successfully characterize the areas of knowledge used and exchanged, the interdependency between teams, the utilization of knowledge, the medium used for KT and finally, the external conditions surrounding KT during non" collocated software architecture development.These findings are useful as they rest a good understanding of KT and its vital elements in non-collocated software architecture development for all prospective researchers and practitioners

    The Competitiveness of Soybean Production in Blitar-East Java, Indonesia

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    In East Java Province, the government still provides subsidy to soybean production in the form of soft credit to production inputs. Since the government budget and subsidy have been limited, efficiency in production, marketing and trade become crucial issues. The conducted research will try to achieve some research objectives as follows: Analyzing soybean farmer income in the Blitar District at the different cropping system; Obtaining analysis on comparative advantage and competitive-ness of soybean by different cropping system; analyzing influences of social price changes to farmers income due to public investment; and analyzing government policy impact on farmers income due to market/actual price development. The research uses Policy Analysis Matrix to obtain competitiveness rate, efficiency and impact of government policy on soybean production under multi-cropping system and different ecological zones in the Blitar district

    Role of Participation and Awareness to Cooperative in Common Property Institution Management: a Case Study of Forest in Aceh, Indonesia

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    - This paper reviews some of the central concerns and findings of writings on forests as they related to the theoretical ambitions of commons scholars, and to efforts to govern forests more sustainably and equitably in Aceh. The review is especially important in the context of unfolding efforts to govern forests in new ways over the past three decades cause conflict between Government Republic of Indonesia and Free of Aceh Movement. However, as important as the review is an assessment of the achievements of this literature, existing blind spots, and potential new areas of exciting research and investigation. The review suggests specific areas in relation to methods, data, and theories of common property that will advance the field further. It would be no exaggeration to say that the study of forests as commons has been central to the development of scholarship on common property. Equally certainly, the interest in forests has generated a vast corpus of research outside the field of common property. The magnitude, variety, and depth of this body of research is an accurate reflection of the many different ways in which forests have been and continue to be central to human survival, livelihoods, and prosperity. Keyword : Free of Aceh Movement, Government Republic of Indonesia, common property, conflictPaper Type : Research Pape

    The factors affecting on managing sensitive data in cloud computing

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    Cloud computing represents the most important shift in computing and information technology (IT). However, security and privacy remain the main obstacles to its widespread adoption. In this research we will review the security and privacy challenges that affect critical data in cloud computing and identify solutions that are used to address these challenges. Some questions that need answers are: (a) User access management, (b) Protect privacy of sensitive data, (c) Identity anonymity to protect the Identity of user and data file. To answer these questions, a systematic literature review was conducted and structured interview with several security experts working on cloud computing security to investigate the main objectives of proposed framework, a pilot study by using a structured questionnaire was conducted. Framework using multilevel to enhance management information system on sensitive data in cloud environment

    Critical success factors and their influence in ERP implementation success of organizational performance

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    Effectiveness and efficiency of ERP execution is depending on the organization implementation. Every company that embarks on ERP execution will definitely hope that the execution will be success and effective. The concept of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) early emerged in 1961. Many studies have been conducted in order to analyze on the most CSFs. Few only intended di-rectly to focus on organizational performance. A conceptual model will be developing to show the relationship between all the selected CSFs towards organizational performance in making sure the successful of ERP implementation in the organization. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been done in order to gain the CSFs. Completely target CSFs will be list out and traceability matrix table will be produce due to the priority of organizational performance. Pilot study has been conducting to proof the conceptual model suggest. A questionnaire has been distributed to 30 industry respondents. Results from this questionnaire survey than will demonstrate either the CSFs is really effect the successful execution of ERP in organizational performance or need to do changes based on the outcome. This paper proposes specific CSFs that influence directly to ERP execution success towards organizational performance. These will be very useful to organization in order to check on the organizational performance towards the successful implementation of ERP

    Perkembangan motor kasar murid tahun satu sekolah rendah

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    Pentingnya kanak-kanak mempunyai perkembangan motor yang baik kerana ianya mempengaruhi kanak�kanak lain dalam perkembangan motor secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu. Dengan menilai tahap perkembangan motor murid sekolah rendah, guru boleh melakukan intervensi bagi meningkatkan tahap perkembangan motor serta pada masa yang sama, memastikan murid ini mengalami perkembangan yang holistik. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap perkembangan motor kasar murid-murid tahun satu dan menilai perkembangan murid setelah setahun. Seramai 105 orang murid tahun satu yang terdiri daripada 46 lelaki dan 59 perempuan dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah di Johor adalah responden untuk kajian ini. Tahap perkembangan motor kasar diukur dengan menggunakan Test of Gross Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD – 2). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pada keseluruhan, tahap perkembangan motor kasar adalah bawah sederhana (M=84.11 min, S=9.99) pada awal tahun dan tidak mempunyai perbezaan yang singnifikan pada akhir tahun (M=85.91=6.77). Kemahiran lokomotor didapati meningkat pada akhir tahun, tetapi kemahiran kawalan objek tidak mempunyai perbezaan yang signifikan. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan kanak-kanak di Malaysia kurang didedahkan kepada permainan yang menggunakan objek. Dengan itu guru Pendidikan Jasmani perlu memberikan pendekatan tersebut disekolah

    Adaptive and dynamic characteristics in hybrid agile management model for software development project success

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    The management of traditional software development methodologies and agile software development methodologies over the decades have not worked to its expectation in increasing the success rates of software projects. The Agile Manifesto in 2001 had promised to better manage IT projects with its 4 values and 12 principles but project success still appears to be elusive. The study and application of critical success and failure factors have been done by researchers but these factors are quick remedy solutions and not long-term robust improvements in the management of development methodologies. More research is required into the management of traditional and agile methodologies characteristics instead of success and failure factors. The coexistence of these characteristics as hybrid methods has also provided evidence of an increase in productivity and further research is required to strengthen and close current gaps in the management of hybrid methodologies. An empirical method with a quantitative approach is adopted to collect data with questionnaires from software development focus groups involved in industry projects. The data collected is analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) technique and the Partial Least Squares (PLS) tool. The findings provide a set of significant characteristics of adaptive and dynamic features, which are combined with organizational objectives to prove there is a strong relationship between project success with hybrid methods and hybrid combination patterns

    How analytical hierarchy process prioritizing internet banking influencing factors? a research study

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    Internet banking is a method for conducting financial transactions online that makes use of the internet as a platform. Customers could transact at any time and from any location. Numerous aspects relating to the adoption of internet banking have been analyzed and studied in recent in-depth studies from the literature. This paper will merge these numerous predefined factors into a model by drawing on the various ideas related to the acceptance model. It was decided to adapt the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method for finding the important numerous components for the model. The finest mathematical calculation method is AHP, which enables decision-makers to prioritize their ranking in order to satisfy various criteria. The goal of this research is to rank the elements that influence the use of online banking. Three main factors such as technical information, website and service availability were chosen as the main factors of the model based on the literature review. Sub-factors such as ease of use, responsiveness, privacy, reliability, security, communication and efficiency were also suggested and combined into a single integrated framework. Utilizing the systematic literature review (SLR) methodology, several factors were found. As a result, the article will enhance understanding of the unique elements supporting the adoption of internet banking

    Cloud computing sensitive data protection using multi layered approach

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    Cloud computing is a modern technology and it gives access to the network upon request to required computing resources (network, servers, storage, applications and services). This exciting computing model depends on data traffic and controlled by a third party. Despite the expected savings in infrastructure and the development cost for business flexibility, security is still the biggest challenge for the implementation of computing for many service-based companies. This paper discusses challenges related to data security and privacy implementation in cloud computing environment. A framework is proposed to accommodate the protection of sensitive data in cloud computing environment. This framework consists of three levels authorization, security and privacy and saves and verifies level. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the framework implementation and its architecture verification. It is expected from the research a verified framework to protect private and sensitive data in cloud environment