146 research outputs found

    Chemical characteristics of groundwaters at two massive sulphide deposits in an area of previous mining contamination, South Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain

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    A detailed chemical study of groundwater was carried out to elucidate the processes controlling the oxidation and dissolution of sulphide minerals at two massive sulphide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), i.e. the mined La Zarza deposit and the unmined Masa Valverde deposit. It was found that major-element compositions varied according to the hydrological regime, La Zarza being in a relatively high area with groundwater recharge (and disturbance due to the human factor) and Masa Valverde being in a relatively low area with groundwater discharge. The variations mainly concem pH, Eh, S04 and Na concentrations. Metal concentrations were determined (a) by ICP-MS after filtration, and (b) in sorne cases by voltammetric measurement of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Mn using the Voltammetric In situ Profiling (VIP) System, which allows detection of only the mobile fractions of trace elements (i.e., free metal ions and small labile complexes a few nanometers in size). If one compares the results obtained by each of the two methods, it would appear that the groundwater shows significant enhancement of metal solubility through complexing with organic matter andlor adsorption onto colloids andlor small particles. In areas of sulphide oxidation, however, this solubility enhancement decreases according to Cu> Zn>Cd>Pb. Dnder very low redox conditions, the attained metal concentrations can be several orders of magnitude (up to 108-1 09 for Cu and 102-103 for Pb) larger than those expected from equilibrium with respect to sulphide minerals as calculated with the EQ3NR geochemical code; Zn concentrations, however, are close to equilibrium with respect to sphalerite. The implication of these results is discussed with respect both to mineral exploration and to environmental issues

    Hormone therapy for first-line management of menopausal symptoms: Practical recommendations

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    Hormone therapy use has undergone dramatic changes over the past 20 years. Widespread use of hormone therapy in the 1980s and 1990s came to an abrupt halt in the early 2000s after initial findings of the Women’s Health Initiative trial were published and the study was terminated. Since then, much has been learned about the characteristics of women most likely to benefit from hormone therapy. There is general agreement that women younger than 60 years or who initiate hormone therapy within 10 years of menopause onset gain short-term benefit in terms of symptomatic relief and long-term benefit in terms of protection from chronic diseases that affect postmenopausal women. Despite accumulating evidence in support of hormone therapy for symptomatic menopausal women, the slow response by the medical community has led to a ‘large and unnecessary burden of suffering’ by women worldwide. Greater efforts are clearly needed to educate physicians and medical students about the pathophysiology of menopause and the role of hormone therapy in supporting women through the transition. This article provides a brief historical perspective of events that led to the backlash against hormone therapy, explores the current position of guideline groups, and provides practical recommendations to guide first-line management of symptomatic menopausal women

    Satisfaction and compliance in hormonal contraception: the result of a multicentre clinical study on women's experience with the ethinylestradiol/norelgestromin contraceptive patch in Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For many women finding the right contraceptive method can be challenging and consistent and correct use over a lifetime is difficult. Even remembering to take a birth control pill every day can be a challenge. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate women's experience with a weekly ethinylestradiol/norelgestromin contraceptive patch (EE/NGMN patch), given new technologies recently developed in hormonal contraception to increase women's options in avoiding daily dosing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 24 Italian sites, 207 women received the EE/NGMN patch for up to 6 cycles. At study end, overall satisfaction and preference, as well as compliance, efficacy and safety, were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>175 women (84.5%) completed the study. The overall satisfaction rate was 88%; convenience and once-a-week frequency of the patch were especially appreciated. At baseline, 82 women (39.4%) were using a contraceptive method, mainly oral contraceptives and barrier methods, but only 45.1% were very satisfied/satisfied; after 6 months with the patch, 86.3% of this subset was very satisfied/satisfied. Considering the method used in the 3 months before the study entry, 78.1% strongly preferred/preferred the patch, for convenience (53.9%), ease of use/simplicity (28.9%), fewer (9.2%) and less severe (2.6%) side effects. Compliance was very high: 1034/1110 cycles (93.2%) were completed with perfect compliance and the mean subject's compliance score was 90%. One on-therapy pregnancy occurred. The patch was safe and well tolerated: adverse events frequency was low, with predominantly single reports of each event. Most of them started and subsided during cycle 1.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrated that the EE/NGMN patch is associated with high satisfaction levels and excellent compliance. At study end, the majority of women indicated that they would continue using the patch.</p

    Uterine bleedings and quality of woman's life

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    12 березня 2019 р. у Києві відбулося засідання Експертної ради з питань впливу маткових кровотеч на якість життя жінки, до роботи якої були залучені провідні вітчизняні та європейські фахівці. Згідно з думкою міжнародних експертів (клінічні рекомендації Національного інституту здоров'я і якості медичної допомоги Великобританії та Міжнародної федерації гінекології та акушерства від 2018 р.), вибір тактики ведення пацієнтки визначається не результатом вимірювання крововтрати, а самопочуттям жінки (дистрес, зниження працездатності, сексуальної активності та якості життя). Менструальні симптоми зазвичай є легкими і незначними або взагалі відсутні за умови, якщо менструальне запалення відповідає наступним трьом критеріям: «завершується» (відновлюється нормальна цитоархітектура тканини, перш за все ендометрія); обмежене в часі; адекватне і достатнє за інтенсивністю для завершення відновлення гістологічних та функціональних характеристик залучених тканин. Однак якщо локальне і системне запалення, асоційоване з менструацією, є надмірним за інтенсивністю і тривалістю, воно викликає різні патологічні симптоми. Тяжкі менструальні симптоми клінічно корелюють з місцевим та системним запаленням, яке не завершується (менструація є надмірною за тривалістю та інтенсивністю). Тому пригнічення менструального запалення є важливим для зменшення частоти проявів та інтенсивності менструальних симптомів і покращення якості життя жінок репродуктивного віку. Для оптимізації фізичного та психічного здоров`я жінкам необхідні належні стабільні рівнів естрогенів та прогестерону. При виборі комбінованих оральних контрацептивів для здорових жінок доцільно віддавати перевагу препаратам із коротким безгормональним інтервалом (24+4, 26+2) у порівнянні з традиційним режимом (21+7). Скорочення цього інтервалу забезпечує більш стабільний рівень естрадіолу, знижує ризик випадкової овуляції в разі пропуску таблеток, підвищує резерв контрацептивної надійності в порівнянні з традиційним режимом, а також дозволяє зменшити частоту появи симптомів, асоційованих з відміною гормонів.On March 12, 2019, an Advisory Board on impact of uterine bleedings on the quality of life of a woman was held in Kyiv, with participation of leading Ukrainian and European experts.According to opinion of international experts (guidelines of the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics from 2018), the choice of patient management tactics is notdetermined by measuring blood loss, but by the patient’s well-being (distress, decrease of work ability, sexual activity and quality of life).Menstrual inflammation is phisiological and menstrual symptoms are usually mild/minor or absent when three criteria are fulfilled: resolving (normal cytoarchitecture of the tissue is reconstructed, endometrium first); limited in time; adequateand sufficient by intensity to finalize the reconstruction to the histological and functional characteristics of the different tissues involved. At the same time, if local and systemic inflammation associated with menstruation is On March 12, 2019, an Advisory Board on impact of uterine bleedings on the quality of life of a woman was held in Kyiv, with participation of leading Ukrainian and European experts.According to opinion of international experts (guidelines of the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics from 2018), the choice of patient management tactics is notdetermined by measuring blood loss, but by the patient’s well-being (distress, decrease of work ability, sexual activity and quality of life).Menstrual inflammation is phisiological and menstrual symptoms are usually mild/minor or absent when three criteria are fulfilled: resolving (normal cytoarchitecture of the tissue is reconstructed, endometrium first); limited in time; adequateand sufficient by intensity to finalize the reconstruction to the histological and functional characteristics of the different tissues involved. At the same time, if local and systemic inflammation associated with menstruation is excessive byintensity and duration, it can cause different pathological symptoms. Severe menstrual symptoms are clinically correlated with local and systemic inflammation, which is not resolving (menstruation is excessive in duration and intensity).Therefore, reducing menstrual inflammation is important to reduce the frequency and intensity of menstrual symptoms and improve the quality of life of women of reproductive age.Women need appropriate stable levels of estrogen and progesterone to optimize their physical and mental health. During combined oral contraceptives selection for healthy women it is reasonable to give preference to contraceptives with shorthormonal free interval (24+4, 26+2) compared to the traditional regimen (21+7), since the reduction of this interval provides a more stable level of estradiol, reduces the risk of casual ovulation in case of missed pill, increases contraceptiveefficacy in comparison with the traditional regimen and reduce the incidence of hormone-withdrawal associated symptoms

    In-situ trace metal (Cd, Pb, Cu) speciation along the Po River plume (Northern Adriatic Sea) using submersible systems

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    Highlights • In-situ trace metal speciation in the Adriatic Sea by submersible voltammetric sensors • Metal species distribution mainly affected by Po River outflow. • Metal dynamic concentrations below legal limits • Cu dynamic concentrations toxic to sensitive phytoplankton Abstract Information on the distribution and speciation of trace metals is of critical importance for our ability to interpret the links between the bioavailability and uptake of an element, and its biogeochemical cycle in coastal environments. Within the framework of the European Project “In-situ automated Monitoring of Trace metal speciation in Estuaries and Coastal zones in relation with the biogeochemical processes (IMTEC)”, the chemical speciation of Cd, Pb and Cu was carried out along the Po River plume in the period 27 October – 2 November 2002. During the cruise, five Voltammetric In-situ Profiling systems and one Multi Physical Chemical Profiler, as well as conventional voltammetric instruments, were successfully applied in order to evaluate the distribution of Cd, Pb and Cu between different fractions (free ion, dynamic, colloidal, dissolved and particulate fractions) and to assess the evolution of these fractions during estuarine mixing and in the water column. Dynamic concentrations were 0.05–0.2 nmol L−1 Cd, 0.02–0.2 nmol L−1 Pb, and 0.15–4.0 nmol L−1Cu. Cd was mainly present as dynamic fraction (40–100% of the dissolved Cd). High proportions of Pb (~70%) and Cu (~80%) were present as colloids probably of biogenic origin. Principal components analysis reveals a strong influence of the Po River discharge on the spatial and vertical distributions of metal species. Almost all the metal fractions globally decreased following the salinity gradient. Metal concentrations are far below (at least one order of magnitude lower) the Environmental Quality Standard established by the Italian law. However, the Cu dynamic fraction showed concentrations likely to be toxic to sensitive phytoplankton community and to have negative effects on larva development of coastal macroinvertebrate species (toxicity data extracted from literature)

    Women's motivations for sex: Exploring the diagnostic and statistical manual, fourth edition, text revision criteria for hypoactive sexual desire and female sexual arousal disorders

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    Introduction. There are problems with the existing definition of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in that desire for sex and sexual fantasy are not a universal experience. Aims. To explore: (i) women’s motivations to engage in sexual activity; (ii) frequency and predictors of sexual fantasies; (iii) sexual arousal; (iv) recognition of sexual arousal; and (v) association between relationship duration and these variables. Methods. Three thousand six hundred eighty-seven women completed a web-based survey of previously pilot-tested items. Main Outcome Measures. Investigator-derived self-report questions of sexual desire and arousal, and sexual fantasies. Results. Among women who easily became aroused, 15.5% reported only engaging in sex if they felt sexual desire at the outset whereas 30.7% typically or always accessed desire only once they were aroused. Women in longer-term relationships engaged in sex with no sexual desire more often (42%) than women in short-term relationships (22.4%) (P < 0.001). The percentage of women that reported fantasies only sometimes was 52.5%. A logistic regression revealed that religion (odds ratio [OR] = 1.45; P < 0.001), difficulty getting aroused (OR = 0.511; P < 0.001), responsive desire (OR = 0.919; P < 0.05), and frequency of orgasm (OR = 1.11; P < 0.05) were significantly associated with sexual fantasy. After controlling for age, relationship duration was negatively associated with frequency of initiating sex (r = -0.116, P < 0.001), women’s satisfaction with their own sexuality (r = -0.173, P < 0.001) and sexual satisfaction with the partner (r = -0.162, P < 0.001). Conclusions. Results reflect diversity in women’s motivations for sex, and there is evidence that responsive desire occurs in women with and without arousal difficulties. We strongly recommend relationship duration as well as adequacy of partner sexual stimulation to be recognized in any future diagnostic framework of dysfunction. Clinical implications as well as those for future diagnostic nomenclature are considered