1,767 research outputs found

    Image filtering, mean curvature, Dirichlet problems

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    AbstractNumerical experiments of the model for image filtering proposed in [1] by Crandall, Lions and others show that, given the PDE, the differential problem which is correct to solve is the Dirichlet one, on a domain Ω convex with holes. The aim of this paper is to produce a result of existence and uniqueness of the viscosity solution for this problem. The result is stated for convex domains and for nonconvex ones, we propose an easy example in order to show that an existence theorem has not been expected

    Discontinuous Galerkin approximation of the Maxwell eigenproblem

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    A theoretical framework for the analysis of discontinuous Galerkin approximations of the Maxwell eigenproblem with discontinuous coefficients is presented. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a spurious-free approximation are established, and it is shown that, at least on conformal meshes, basically all the discontinuous Galerkin methods in the literature actually fit into this framework. Relations with the classical theory for conforming approximations are also discussed


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    The Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) is a 64 m diameter antenna, whose primary mirror is equipped with an active surface capable to correct its deformations by means of a thick network of actuators. Close range photogrammetry (CRP) was used to measure the self-load deformations of the SRT primary reflector from its optimal shape, which are requested to be minimized for the radio telescope to operate at full efficiency. In the attempt to achieve such performance, we conceived a near real-time CRP system which requires the cameras to be installed in fixed positions and at the same time to avoid any interference with the antenna operativeness. The design of such system is not a trivial task, and to assist our decision we therefore developed a simulation pipeline to realistically reproduce and evaluate photogrammetric surveys of large structures. The described simulation environment consists of (i) a detailed description of the SRT model, included the measurement points and the camera parameters, (ii) a tool capable of generating realistic images accordingly to the above model, and (iii) a self-calibrating bundle adjustment to evaluate the performance in terms of RMSE of the camera configurations

    On traces for H(curl,Ω) in Lipschitz domains

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    AbstractWe study tangential vector fields on the boundary of a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω in R3. Our attention is focused on the definition of suitable Hilbert spaces corresponding to fractional Sobolev regularities and also on the construction of tangential differential operators on the non-smooth manifold. The theory is applied to the characterization of tangential traces for the space H(curl,Ω). Hodge decompositions are provided for the corresponding trace spaces, and an integration by parts formula is proved

    Cross-habitat usage by crop aphids and their parasitoids in the cropnoncrop interface in an organic vegetable farm.

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    Plant-aphid-parasitoid interactions and parasitism rates were assessed in adjacent cultivated and noncultivated habitats in an organic vegetable farm in a chaco serrano woodland, CĂłrdoba, Argentina. Seven aphid species on eight vegetable species were found in the cultivated habitat. Macrosiphum euphorbiae was present on all vegetable species. Four parasitoid species were recorded, of which Diaretiella rapae was the most common. It provided 21.32% of parasitism on Brevicoryne brassicae. In the non-cultivated habitat, 36 plant species hosted 22 aphid species and five parasitoid species. The aphid Myzus persicae was present on 17 plant species of eight different families. Macrosiphoniella artemisiae was the most abundant aphid species, with the associated Aphidius sp. being the most abundant parasitoid. Aphidius polygonaphis provided 10% of parasitism on Uroleucon aeneus. We report several wild plant species as important reservoirs of parasitoids, which are potential controllers of many pest aphid species

    Cetacean strandings and museum collections: A focus on Sicily island crossroads for mediterranean species

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    The study examined the extent of the cetacean strandings in Italy, with a particular focus on Sicily Island. The paper aimed to contribute to the description of a pattern that contemplates the “regular and rare” cetacean species passage along the Sicilian coast. The estimate of marine cetacean strandings was extrapolated from the National Strandings Data Bank (BDS—Banca Dati Spiaggiamenti) and evaluated according to a subdivision in three coastal subregions: the Tyrrhenian sub-basin (northern Sicilian coast), the Ionian sub-basin (eastern Sicilian coast), and the Channel of Sicily (southern Sicilian coast). Along the Italian coast, more than 4880 stranding events have been counted in the period 1990–2019. Most of these were recorded in five Italian regions: Apulia, Sicily, Sardinia, Tuscany, and Calabria. Approximately 15% of the recorded strandings in Italy occurred on the Sicilian coast. In Sicily Island, 725 stranded cetaceans were recorded in 709 stranding events, resulting in approximately 20 carcasses every year; the total number of specimens identified to species level was 539. The distribution along the Sicilian coast was the following: 312 recorded in the Tyrrhenian sub-basin, 193 in the Ionian sub-basin, and 220 in the Channel of Sicily. Stenella coeruleoalba was the species that can be considered as the stable record along the time-lapse investigated, and some rare species have been recorded as well. The role of Sicily Island as a sentinel territory of the cetacean distribution for the central Mediterranean Sea and as a region receiving a marine resource suitable for the scientific research and cetological museum collections is discussed herein

    Mediterranean developed coasts: what future for the foredune restoration?

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    The feasibility and efficacy of soft engineering foredune restoration approaches still lack insight from research and monitoring activities, especially in areas where dunes are under persisting human disturbance. We evaluated the efficacy of Mediterranean foredune restoration in dune areas freely accessible to tourists. Foredunes were reconstructed using only sand already available at nearby places and consolidated through the plantation of seedlings of native ecosystem engineer species and foredune focal species. We monitored transplanted and spontaneous seedlings for one year to assess their mortality and growth in relation to the distance from the closest beach access, either formal or informal, as proxy of human disturbance.We also tested whether species differing in their ecology (i.e., affinity to a given habitat) and growth form showed different response to human disturbance. The relationship between seedling mortality and growth and the distance from the closest beach access was tested through Generalized Linear Mixed Models. We found a clear spatial pattern of seedling survival and growth, which decreased as the proximity to the closest beach access increased. Only invasive alien plants and erect leafy species showed to better perform at lower distances from beach accesses. In dune areas with a strong tourist vocation, foredune restoration should be coupled with the implementation of integrated management plans aiming at optimising the relationship between protection and use. Management plans should not only rely on passive conservation measures; rather they should include educational activities to stimulate a pro-environmental behaviour, increase the acceptance of behaviour rules and no entry zones, and actively engage stakeholders in long-term conservation

    Growth-survival trade-offs and the restoration of non-forested open ecosystems

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    The growth-survival trade-off has been extensively documented for phanerophyte species, whereas there is little evidence for non-phanerophyte species. However, information on the growth-survival trade-offs in non-phanerophyte species could be of great use in non-forested open ecosystem restoration by providing insights for plant production and transplantation, thus impacting the planning of cost-effective restoration actions. In this study, we explored the relationship between growth and survival of individual plants of non-phanerophyte species used in a coastal dune restoration project, and we investigated whether plant functional traits explained patterns of trade-off between growth and survival. We monitored 355 individual plants of 13 perennial non-phanerophyte species belonging to foredune and transition dune communities every 30 days after planting and calculated relative growth and survival rates. In addition, we regressed the relationship between growth and survival on values of leaf and floral traits. We found that, besides being a widely recognised axis of life history variation in phanerophyte species, the growth-survival trade-off can also be observed in perennial non-phanerophyte species. Species of different coastal dune communities (i.e., foredune vs. transition dune communities) differed with respect to the growth-survival trade-off, with plant species of foredune communities exhibiting higher growth but lower survival rates than plant species of transition dune communities. Leaf dry matter content and mean number of floral displays explained species position on the growth-survival trade-off axis; species with relatively high growth and low survival rates exhibited an acquisitive strategy, with low values of leaf dry matter content, but also a low sexual reproductive effort, as revealed by low number of floral displays. In contrast, plant species with relatively low growth and high survival rates exhibited a conservative strategy but also high sexual reproductive effort, suggesting that trade-offs occur in resource allocation among vegetative and reproductive plant structures. The trade-off we found between growth and survival in perennial non-phanerophyte species provides useful insights for planning cost-effective ecosystem restoration actions of non-forested open ecosystems, especially when the actions are nature-based and involve planting individual plants. The results of this study suggest that individual plant production for coastal dune restoration should disproportionately target plant species of foredune communities because they have low survival rates associated with low sexual reproductive effort. Planning plant production based on ecological knowledge of plant species’ growth and survival after planting in the field could help achieve restoration goals while meeting project cost-effectiveness requirements

    Hybrid prediction-optimization approaches for maximizing parts density in SLM of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy

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    It is well known that the processing parameters of selective laser melting (SLM) highly influence mechanical and physical properties of the manufactured parts. Also, the energy density is insufficient to detect the process window for producing full dense components. In fact, parts produced with the same energy density but different combinations of parameters may present different properties even under the microstructural viewpoint. In this context, the need to assess the influence of the process parameters and to select the best parameters set able to optimize the final properties of SLM parts has been capturing the attention of both academics and practitioners. In this paper different hybrid prediction-optimization approaches for maximizing the relative density of Ti6Al4V SLM manufactured parts are proposed. An extended design of experiments involving six process parameters has been configured for constructing two surrogate models based on response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN), respectively. The optimization phase has been performed by means of evolutionary computations. To this end, three nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms have been integrated with the prediction modelling structures. A series of experimental tests has been carried out to validate the results from the proposed hybrid optimization procedures. Also, a sensitivity analysis based on the results from the analysis of variance was executed to evaluate the influence of the processing parameter and their reciprocal interactions on the part porosity
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