20 research outputs found

    Ecological divergence of Chaetopteryx rugulosa species complex (Insecta, Trichoptera) linked to climatic niche diversification

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    Climate is often considered to be an important, but indirect driver of speciation. Indeed, environmental factors may contribute to the formation of biodiversity, but to date this crucial relationship remains largely unexplored. Here we investigate the possible role of climate, geological factors, and biogeographical processes in the formation of a freshwater insect species group, the Chaetopteryx rugulosa species complex (Trichoptera) in the Western Balkans. We used multi-locus DNA sequence data to establish a dated phylogenetic hypothesis for the group. The comparison of the dated phylogeny with the geological history of the Western Balkans shows that lineage formation coincided with major past Earth surface and climatic events in the region. By reconstructing present-day habitat conditions (climate, bedrock geology), we show that the lineages of C. rugulosa species complex have distinct climatic but not bedrock geological niches. Without exception, all splits associated with Pliocene/Pleistocene transition led to independent, parallel split into ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ sister lineages. This indicates a non-random diversification on the C. rugulosa species complex associated with late Pliocene climate in the region. We interpreted the results as the diversification of the species complex were mainly driven by ecological diversification linked to past climate change, along with geographical isolation

    Design Considerations To Improve Cognitive Ergonomic Issues Of Unmanned Vehicle Interfaces Utilizing Video Game Controllers

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    This study was designed to empirically examine the effects of iPod device and text-messaging activities on driver distraction. Sixty participants were asked to perform a driving simulation task while searching for songs using an iPod device or text messaging. Driving errors as measured by lane deviations were recorded and analyzed as a function of the distracters. Physiological measures (EEG) were also recorded during the driving phases in order to measure participant levels of cortical arousal. It was hypothesized that iPod use and text messaging would result in a profound effect on driving ability. The results showed a significant effect of iPod use and text-messaging on driving performance. Increased numbers of driving errors were recorded during the iPod and text-messaging phases than the pre- and post-allocation phases. Higher levels of Theta activity were also observed during the iPod and Text-messaging phase than the pre- and post-allocation phases. Implications for in-vehicle systems design, training, and safety are also discussed. © 2012 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

    Genomic divergence landscape in recurrently hybridizing Chironomus sister taxa suggests stable steady state between mutual gene flow and isolation

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    Abstract Divergence is mostly viewed as a progressive process often initiated by selection targeting individual loci, ultimately resulting in ever increasing genomic isolation due to linkage. However, recent studies show that this process may stall at intermediate stable equilibrium states without achieving complete genomic isolation. We tested the extent of genomic isolation between two recurrently hybridizing nonbiting midge sister taxa, Chironomus riparius and Chironomus piger, by analyzing the divergence landscape. Using a principal component‐based method, we estimated that only about 28.44% of the genomes were mutually isolated, whereas the rest was still exchanged. The divergence landscape was fragmented into isolated regions of on average 30 kb, distributed throughout the genome. Selection and divergence time strongly influenced lengths of isolated regions, whereas local recombination rate only had minor impact. Comparison of divergence time distributions obtained from several coalescence‐simulated divergence scenarios with the observed divergence time estimates in an approximate Bayesian computation framework favored a short and concluded divergence event in the past. Most divergence happened during a short time span about 4.5 million generations ago, followed by a stable equilibrium between mutual gene flow through ongoing hybridization for the larger part of the genome and isolation in some regions due to rapid purifying selection of introgression, supported by high effective population sizes and recombination rates. Impact Summary The process of speciation has fascinated biologists from early on. Prevailing theory suggested that gene flow among populations is the main obstacle for their divergence. Recently, it became clear that speciation with gene flow is possible under certain circumstances. However, it remains unclear how the divergence process proceeds in time, how widespread the phenomenon is, and whether it always and inevitably leads to complete isolation. Comparing the genomes of individuals of two regularly hybridizing sister taxa of nonbiting midges, we could show that they diverged during a short period millions of generations ago. Their divergence process apparently ceased before the entire genome was mutually isolated. The taxa remain distinct since, even though they share most of their genome. Our findings thus extend our view of the nature of species and the temporal dynamics of their divergence and describe novel approaches to analyze both current and past divergence processes

    Data from: Epigenetic alterations and decreasing insecticide sensitivity of the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus

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    A range of environmental factors, including chemicals, can affect epigenetic processes in organisms leading to variations in phenotype. Thus, epigenetics displays an important environmentally responsive element. The transgenerational impact of environmental stressors on DNA methylation and phenotype was the focus of this study. The influence of two known DNA methylation-changing agents, the phytoestrogen genistein and the fungicide vinclozolin, on the overall DNA methylation level in the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus was investigated. The experiment comprised four generations in a full life-cycle design with an exposed parental generation and three consecutive non-exposed offspring generations. Application of the methylation agents to the parental generation of the study led to an alteration of the global DNA methylation level of the exposed individuals and those in two subsequent generations. The phenotypic variability of the offspring generations was assessed by examining their insecticide sensitivity. Here, a significant decrease in sensitivity (p<0.01) towards the model insecticide imidacloprid revealed alterations of the mosquito's phenotype in two subsequent generations. Thus, the evaluation of A. albopictus from an epigenetic perspective can contribute important information to the study of the high adaptability of this invasive disease vector to new environments, and its underlying mechanisms

    Oppold et al. 2015_Figure 2_methylation data

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    Raw data and statistics of global DNA methylation levels in Aedes albopictus

    Data from: Epigenetic alterations and decreasing insecticide sensitivity of the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus

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    A range of environmental factors, including chemicals, can affect epigenetic processes in organisms leading to variations in phenotype. Thus, epigenetics displays an important environmentally responsive element. The transgenerational impact of environmental stressors on DNA methylation and phenotype was the focus of this study. The influence of two known DNA methylation-changing agents, the phytoestrogen genistein and the fungicide vinclozolin, on the overall DNA methylation level in the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus was investigated. The experiment comprised four generations in a full life-cycle design with an exposed parental generation and three consecutive non-exposed offspring generations. Application of the methylation agents to the parental generation of the study led to an alteration of the global DNA methylation level of the exposed individuals and those in two subsequent generations. The phenotypic variability of the offspring generations was assessed by examining their insecticide sensitivity. Here, a significant decrease in sensitivity (p<0.01) towards the model insecticide imidacloprid revealed alterations of the mosquito's phenotype in two subsequent generations. Thus, the evaluation of A. albopictus from an epigenetic perspective can contribute important information to the study of the high adaptability of this invasive disease vector to new environments, and its underlying mechanisms

    Muscle fatigue revisited - Insights from optically pumped magnetometers.

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    So far, surface electromyography (sEMG) has been the method of choice to detect and evaluate muscle fatigue. However, recent advancements in non-cryogenic quantum sensors, such as optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs), enable interesting possibilities to flexibly record biomagnetic signals. Yet, a magnetomyographic investigation of muscular fatigue is still missing. Here, we simultaneously used sEMG (4 surface electrode) and OPM-based magnetomyography (OPM-MMG, 4 sensors) to detect muscle fatigue during a 3 × 1-min isometric contractions of the left rectus femoris muscle in 7 healthy participants. Both signals exhibited the characteristic spectral compression distinctive for muscle fatigue. OPM-MMG and sEMG slope values, used to quantify the spectral compression of the signals, were positively correlated, displaying similarity between the techniques. Additionally, the analysis of the different components of the magnetic field vector enabled speculations regarding the propagation of the muscle action potentials (MAPs). Altogether these results show the feasibility of the magnetomyographic approach with OPMs and propose a potential alternative to sEMG for the study of muscle fatigue