15,208 research outputs found

    Social innovation practices: focus on success factors for crowdfunding

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    This article explores what are the success factor for interaction with platforms of crowdfunding in Italy. Through a Principal Component Analysis we outline three variables and through a multiple regression analysis we demonstrate that the interaction on crowdfunding is positive correlated with socio-economic propensity and cultural level. The analysis has been conducted on a sample of 316 of projects funded in the Crowdfunding platform Produzioni dal Basso, the first platform born in Italy. We draw on SD logic and relationship marketing to underscore the importance of networks of actors and integration to create a co-creation of value. This view emphasizes the social and economic factors that influence, and are influenced by, crowdfundin

    Observing Grasping Actions Directed to Emotion-Laden Objects: Effects upon Corticospinal Excitability

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    The motor system is recruited whenever one executes an action as well as when one observes the same action being executed by others. Although it is well established that emotion modulates the motor system, the effect of observing other individuals acting in an emotional context is particularly elusive. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect induced by the observation of grasping directed to emotion-laden objects upon corticospinal excitability (CSE). Participants classified video-clips depicting the right-hand of an actor grasping emotion-laden objects. Twenty video-clips differing in terms of valence but balanced in arousal level were selected. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were then recorded from the first dorsal interosseous using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) while the participants observed the selected emotional video-clips. During the video-clip presentation, TMS pulses were randomly applied at one of two different time points of grasping: (1) maximum grip aperture, and (2) object contact time. CSE was higher during the observation of grasping directed to unpleasant objects compared to pleasant ones. These results indicate that when someone observes an action of grasping directed to emotion-laden objects, the effect of the object valence promotes a specific modulation over the motor system.Fil: Nogueira Campos, Anaelli A.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Saunier, Ghislain. Universidade Federal do Pará; BrasilFil: Della Maggiore, Valeria Monica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay; ArgentinaFil: De Oliveira, Laura A. S.. Centro Universitário Augusto Motta; BrasilFil: Rodrigues, Erika C.. Centro Universitário Augusto Motta; BrasilFil: Vargas, Claudia D.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    Analyzing {\gamma}-rays of the Galactic Center with Deep Learning

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    We present a new method to interpret the γ\gamma-ray data of our inner Galaxy as measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi LAT). We train and test convolutional neural networks with simulated Fermi-LAT images based on models tuned to real data. We use this method to investigate the origin of an excess emission of GeV γ\gamma-rays seen in previous studies. Interpretations of this excess include γ\gamma rays created by the annihilation of dark matter particles and γ\gamma rays originating from a collection of unresolved point sources, such as millisecond pulsars. Our new method allows precise measurements of the contribution and properties of an unresolved population of γ\gamma-ray point sources in the interstellar diffuse emission model.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Characterization of horizontal flows around solar pores from high-resolution time series of images

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    Though there is increasing evidence linking the moat flow and the Evershed flow along the penumbral filaments, there is not a clear consensus regarding the existence of a moat flow around umbral cores and pores, and the debate is still open. Solar pores appear to be a suitable scenario to test the moat-penumbra relation as evidencing the direct interaction between the umbra and the convective plasma in the surrounding photosphere, without any intermediate structure in between. The present work studies solar pores based on high resolution ground-based and satellite observations. Local correlation tracking techniques have been applied to different-duration time series to analyze the horizontal flows around several solar pores. Our results establish that the flows calculated from different solar pore observations are coherent among each other and show the determinant and overall influence of exploding events in the granulation around the pores. We do not find any sign of moat-like flows surrounding solar pores but a clearly defined region of inflows surrounding them. The connection between moat flows and flows associated to penumbral filaments is hereby reinforced by this work.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Generalization of the kappa coeficient for ordinal categorical data, multiple observers and incomplete designs

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    This paper presents a generalization of the kappa coefficient for multiple observers and incomplete designs. This generalization involves ordinal categorical data and includes weights which permit pondering the severity of disagreement. A generalization for incomplete designs of the kappa coefficient based on explicit definitions of agreement is also proposed. Both generalizations are illustrated with data from a medical diagnosis pilot study

    Sentir o “Paraíso” no Pantanal: reflexões sobre percepção e valoração ambientais

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    This paper analises the construction of the mith around the environment and the landscape of Pantanal. The mith is perceived as paradise’s model to be enjoyed for tourism activities. In this perspective, it unveils the mith of “Pantanal-Paradise” like the contradiction that emerges through expansion of tourism’s activities oriented for the market’s logical

    Protegiendo al personal de la salud en la pandemia Covid-19: Protecting health personnel in the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The epidemic and pandemic of COVID-19 constitute an unprecedented public health emergency, it arrived in Latin America, first in Brazil, then in Ecuador; The first cases in Peru were registered as of March 6, 2020. The correct response of the Government of Peru decreed a state of national emergency and mandatory social isolation, initially for 14 days, with the aim of reducing the exposure and transmission of the Coronavirus. It assigned economic funds for 3 million poor families in Peru, during social isolation.The repercussions of COVID-19 are huge, at a social, economic, cultural, and educational level, of course, on the country's health system and your staff. Borders, universities, shops, restaurants are closed. The Pension Fund Administrators (AFP for its acronym in Spanish) announced to be affected quickly, generating significant losses to users. All of this is unpredictable and, just the tip of the iceberg.La Epidemia y Pandemia del COVID-19 constituyen una urgencia de salud publica sin precedentes, llego a Latinoamérica, primero a Brasil, luego a Ecuador, los primeros casos en Perú fueron registrado a partir del 06 de marzo de 2020.  La respuesta acertada del Gobierno del Perú decretó estado de emergencia nacional y aislamiento social obligatorio, inicialmente por 14 días, con el objetivo de reducir la exposición y trasmisión del Coronavirus. Asignó fondos económicos para 3 millones de familias pobres en el Perú, durante el aislamiento social.  Las repercusiones de COVID-19 son enormes, a nivel social, económico, cultural, educativo y por supuesto en el sistema de salud del país y su personal. Universidades cerradas, fronteras cerradas, restaurantes cerrados, comercios cerrados. Las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) anunciaron verse afectadas rápidamente, trasladando importantes perdidas a los usuarios. Todo esto es impredecible y solo es la punta del iceberg

    2020: Un año de grandes retos y oportunidades: 2020: A year of great challenges and opportunities

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    Starting the year 2020 with the publication of the first issue of the Journal of the Faculty of Human Medicine, is refreshing and inspiring. The year 2019 was behind, it meant a year of great achievements and indexes for our Magazine. This new year opens up the possibility of deepening and advancing the quality of publications, as well as diversifying and internationalizing collaborations. Our main thanks to the Rector of the Ricardo Palma University, Dr. Elio Iván Rodríguez Chávez, for all his support and vision to guide the Magazine.Iniciar el año 2020 con la publicación del primer numero de la Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana, es refrescante e inspirador. El año 2019 quedó atrás, significó un año de grandes logros e indizaciones para nuestra Revista. Este nuevo año nos abre la posibilidad de profundizar y avanzar en la calidad de las publicaciones, así como en diversificar e internacionalizar las colaboraciones. Nuestro principal agradecimiento al Rector de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, el Dr. Elio Iván Rodríguez Chávez, por todo su apoyo y visión para guiar la Revista