67 research outputs found

    Generalized Eikonal Knots and New Integrable Dynamical Systems

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    A new class of non-linear O(3) models is introduced. It is shown that these systems lead to integrable submodels if an additional integrability condition (so called the generalized eikonal equation) is imposed. In the case of particular members of the family of the models the exact solutions describing toroidal solitons with a non-trivial value of the Hopf index are obtained. Moreover, the generalized eikonal equation is analyzed in detail. Topological solutions describing torus knots are presented. Multi-knot configurations are found as well.Comment: 13 page

    Knots, Braids and Hedgehogs from the Eikonal Equation

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    The complex eikonal equation in the three space dimensions is considered. We show that apart from the recently found torus knots this equation can also generate other topological configurations with a non-trivial value of the π2(S2)\pi_2(S^2) index: braided open strings as well as hedgehogs. In particular, cylindric strings i.e. string solutions located on a cylinder with a constant radius are found. Moreover, solutions describing strings lying on an arbitrary surface topologically equivalent to cylinder are presented. We discus them in the context of the eikonal knots. The physical importance of the results originates in the fact that the eikonal knots have been recently used to approximate the Faddeev-Niemi hopfions.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Toroidal Solitons in Nicole-type Models

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    A family of modified Nicole models is introduced. We show that for particular members of the family a topological soliton with a non-trivial value of the Hopf index exists. The form of the solitons as well as their energy and topological charge is explicitly found. They appear to be identical as the so-called eikonal knots. The relation between energy and topological charge of the solution is also presented. Quite interesting it seems to differ drastically from the standard Vakulenko-Kapitansky formula.Comment: 9 pages, to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Conservation laws in Skyrme-type models

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    The zero curvature representation of Zakharov and Shabat has been generalized recently to higher dimensions and has been used to construct non-linear field theories which either are integrable or contain integrable submodels. The Skyrme model, for instance, contains an integrable subsector with infinitely many conserved currents, and the simplest Skyrmion with baryon number one belongs to this subsector. Here we use a related method, based on the geometry of target space, to construct a whole class of theories which are either integrable or contain integrable subsectors (where integrability means the existence of infinitely many conservation laws). These models have three-dimensional target space, like the Skyrme model, and their infinitely many conserved currents turn out to be Noether currents of the volume-preserving diffeomorphisms on target space. Specifically for the Skyrme model, we find both a weak and a strong integrability condition, where the conserved currents form a subset of the algebra of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms in both cases, but this subset is a subalgebra only for the weak integrable submodel.Comment: Latex file, 22 pages. Two (insignificant) errors in Eqs. 104-106 correcte

    Investigation of restricted baby Skyrme models

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    A restriction of the baby Skyrme model consisting of the quartic and potential terms only is investigated in detail for a wide range of potentials. Further, its properties are compared with those of the corresponding full baby Skyrme models. We find that topological (charge) as well as geometrical (nucleus/shell shape) features of baby skyrmions are captured already by the soliton solutions of the restricted model. Further, we find a coincidence between the compact or non-compact nature of solitons in the restricted model, on the one hand, and the existence or non-existence of multi-skyrmions in the full baby Skyrme model, on the other hand.Comment: latex, 18 pages, 2 figures; some typos correcte

    Investigation of the Nicole model

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    We study soliton solutions of the Nicole model - a non-linear four-dimensional field theory consisting of the CP^1 Lagrangian density to the non-integer power 3/2 - using an ansatz within toroidal coordinates, which is indicated by the conformal symmetry of the static equations of motion. We calculate the soliton energies numerically and find that they grow linearly with the topological charge (Hopf index). Further we prove this behaviour to hold exactly for the ansatz. On the other hand, for the full three-dimensional system without symmetry reduction we prove a sub-linear upper bound, analogously to the case of the Faddeev-Niemi model. It follows that symmetric solitons cannot be true minimizers of the energy for sufficiently large Hopf index, again in analogy to the Faddeev-Niemi model.Comment: Latex, 35 pages, 1 figur

    A BPS Skyrme model and baryons at large Nc

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    Within the class of field theories with the field contents of the Skyrme model, one submodel can be found which consists of the square of the baryon current and a potential term only. For this submodel, a Bogomolny bound exists and the static soliton solutions saturate this bound. Further, already on the classical level, this BPS Skyrme model reproduces some features of the liquid drop model of nuclei. Here, we investigate the model in more detail and, besides, we perform the rigid rotor quantization of the simplest Skyrmion (the nucleon). In addition, we discuss indications that the viability of the model as a low energy effective field theory for QCD is further improved in the limit of a large number of colors N_c.Comment: latex, 23 pages, 1 figure, a numerical error in section 3.2 corrected; matches published versio

    Compact shell solitons in K field theories

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    Some models providing shell-shaped static solutions with compact support (compactons) in 3+1 and 4+1 dimensions are introduced, and the corresponding exact solutions are calculated analytically. These solutions turn out to be topological solitons, and may be classified as maps S3S3S^3 \to S^3 and suspended Hopf maps, respectively. The Lagrangian of these models is given by a scalar field with a non-standard kinetic term (K field) coupled to a pure Skyrme term restricted to S2S^2, rised to the appropriate power to avoid the Derrick scaling argument. Further, the existence of infinitely many exact shell solitons is explained using the generalized integrability approach. Finally, similar models allowing for non-topological compactons of the ball type in 3+1 dimensions are briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 2 figures, change in title and introduction. Discussion section, 2 figures and references adde

    Integrable subsystem of Yang--Mills dilaton theory

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    With the help of the Cho-Faddeev-Niemi-Shabanov decomposition of the SU(2) Yang-Mills field, we find an integrable subsystem of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory coupled to the dilaton. Here integrability means the existence of infinitely many symmetries and infinitely many conserved currents. Further, we construct infinitely many static solutions of this integrable subsystem. These solutions can be identified with certain limiting solutions of the full system, which have been found previously in the context of numerical investigations of the Yang-Mills dilaton theory. In addition, we derive a Bogomolny bound for the integrable subsystem and show that our static solutions are, in fact, Bogomolny solutions. This explains the linear growth of their energies with the topological charge, which has been observed previously. Finally, we discuss some generalisations.Comment: 25 pages, LaTex. Version 3: appendix added where the equivalence of the field equations for the full model and the submodel is demonstrated; references and some comments adde

    Oscillons in gapless theories

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    We show that large scale oscillons, i.e., quasiperiodic, long-living particlelike solutions, may exist in massless theories, too. Their existence is explained using an effective (smeared) mass threshold which takesinto account nonlinear (finite) perturbations