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    Nontrivial homeomorphisms of Čech– Stone remainders

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    El indigenado en la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Los primeros conocimientos de los pobladores aborĂ­genes del Sur de la provincia son debidos a Juan de Garay, el fundador de Buenos Aires. Por la descripciĂłn que Ă©l hace, podemos sacar conclusiones de que su origen fuĂ© en las provincias de Cuyo. Una centuria y media despuĂ©s, es sabido, histĂłricamente, que esos elementos han sido sustituidos por los autĂłctonos de RĂ­o Negro y NeuquĂ©n, pero dos dĂ©cadas mĂĄs tarde ellos debieron a su regreso, entregar la tierra a los “araucanos” quienes habĂ­an venido a travĂ©s de los Andes desde principios del siglo XVI. Los descubrimientos antropolĂłgicos en la penĂ­nsula de San Blas con sus calaveras humanas decoradas geomĂ©tricamente en diversos colores, son un documento testimonial impecable de sus orĂ­genes cuyanos y son los descubrimientos de Malacara, Juancho, Los Talas y BanderolĂł por sus señales evidentes de tener un esqueleto de sus cuerpos. El “araucano” de la Ă©poca de la campaña del desierto fuĂ© producto de una hibridizaciĂłn en las Ășltimas tres centurias; de ahĂ­ que no podamos esperar que sus descendientes sean tipos puros. Ya en ese tiempo el cacique principal tenĂ­a rasgos fĂ­sicos del tipo europeo. La experiencia antropolĂłgica señalĂł que la herencia de la altura y la forma craneana (Ă­ndice cefĂĄlico) es completamente falso. La complexiĂłn, el color de los ojos y el color del cabello son los tres rasgos que pueden ayudar mĂĄs exactamente para tener una remembranza fĂ­sica de sus antecesores. Los pocos granjeros de “Los Toldos” fueron los Ășltimos sobrevivientes de la tribu de Coliqueo en su mĂĄs alto grado de constante cruza. Aparte de ello el Ă©xodo es ininterrumpido desde que comenzĂł hace 15 años; Ă©sto ha reducido al mĂ­nimo el nĂșmero de gente que puede ser estudiada. Verdaderamente, los indios no existen mĂĄs en la provincia de Buenos Aires.The first knowledge of the aboriginal population — stationary occupants of the South of the province — is due to Juan de Garay the founder of Buenos Aires. By the description he makes one may conclude that their origin was the Cuyo provinces. A century and a half after, it is known, historically, that those elements had been substituted by the autochtonous of RĂ­o Negro and NeuquĂ©n, but two decades afterwards, these must, on their turn, surrendered the land to the “araucanos” who had come across the Andes from the beginning of the xvi century. The anthropological discoveries in the PenĂ­nsula San Blas with its human skulls geometrically decorated in several colours are an umpeachable testimonial document of their Cuyo origin, and so are the discoveries of Malacara, Juancho. Los Talas and BanderalĂł for their evident signs of having made a skeleton of their bodies. The “araucano” of the time of the desert campaign was product of a hybridization lasting three centuries; therefore one cannot expect his descendants to be purĂ© types. Alredy in that time main caciques had physiognomical features of European type. The anthropological experience has a pointed out that the inheritance of the height and skull form (cephalic Índex) is completely deceitful. ComplexiĂłn, color of eyes and color of hair are the three features which help most exactly to keep the somatomatic remembrance of the ancestors. The few farmers of “Los Toldos” —last survivors of the Coliqueo tribe— show in the highest degree the constant breed Crossing. Apart from it the exodus is uninterrupted ever since it began 15 years ago; this has reduced to the mĂ­nimum the number of people that can be studied. Truly, the Indian exists no more in the province of Buenos Aires.Digitalizado en SEDICI-CIC Digital.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNM

    El indigenado en la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Los primeros conocimientos de los pobladores aborĂ­genes del Sur de la provincia son debidos a Juan de Garay, el fundador de Buenos Aires. Por la descripciĂłn que Ă©l hace, podemos sacar conclusiones de que su origen fuĂ© en las provincias de Cuyo. Una centuria y media despuĂ©s, es sabido, histĂłricamente, que esos elementos han sido sustituidos por los autĂłctonos de RĂ­o Negro y NeuquĂ©n, pero dos dĂ©cadas mĂĄs tarde ellos debieron a su regreso, entregar la tierra a los “araucanos” quienes habĂ­an venido a travĂ©s de los Andes desde principios del siglo XVI. Los descubrimientos antropolĂłgicos en la penĂ­nsula de San Blas con sus calaveras humanas decoradas geomĂ©tricamente en diversos colores, son un documento testimonial impecable de sus orĂ­genes cuyanos y son los descubrimientos de Malacara, Juancho, Los Talas y BanderolĂł por sus señales evidentes de tener un esqueleto de sus cuerpos. El “araucano” de la Ă©poca de la campaña del desierto fuĂ© producto de una hibridizaciĂłn en las Ășltimas tres centurias; de ahĂ­ que no podamos esperar que sus descendientes sean tipos puros. Ya en ese tiempo el cacique principal tenĂ­a rasgos fĂ­sicos del tipo europeo. La experiencia antropolĂłgica señalĂł que la herencia de la altura y la forma craneana (Ă­ndice cefĂĄlico) es completamente falso. La complexiĂłn, el color de los ojos y el color del cabello son los tres rasgos que pueden ayudar mĂĄs exactamente para tener una remembranza fĂ­sica de sus antecesores. Los pocos granjeros de “Los Toldos” fueron los Ășltimos sobrevivientes de la tribu de Coliqueo en su mĂĄs alto grado de constante cruza. Aparte de ello el Ă©xodo es ininterrumpido desde que comenzĂł hace 15 años; Ă©sto ha reducido al mĂ­nimo el nĂșmero de gente que puede ser estudiada. Verdaderamente, los indios no existen mĂĄs en la provincia de Buenos Aires.The first knowledge of the aboriginal population — stationary occupants of the South of the province — is due to Juan de Garay the founder of Buenos Aires. By the description he makes one may conclude that their origin was the Cuyo provinces. A century and a half after, it is known, historically, that those elements had been substituted by the autochtonous of RĂ­o Negro and NeuquĂ©n, but two decades afterwards, these must, on their turn, surrendered the land to the “araucanos” who had come across the Andes from the beginning of the xvi century. The anthropological discoveries in the PenĂ­nsula San Blas with its human skulls geometrically decorated in several colours are an umpeachable testimonial document of their Cuyo origin, and so are the discoveries of Malacara, Juancho. Los Talas and BanderalĂł for their evident signs of having made a skeleton of their bodies. The “araucano” of the time of the desert campaign was product of a hybridization lasting three centuries; therefore one cannot expect his descendants to be purĂ© types. Alredy in that time main caciques had physiognomical features of European type. The anthropological experience has a pointed out that the inheritance of the height and skull form (cephalic Índex) is completely deceitful. ComplexiĂłn, color of eyes and color of hair are the three features which help most exactly to keep the somatomatic remembrance of the ancestors. The few farmers of “Los Toldos” —last survivors of the Coliqueo tribe— show in the highest degree the constant breed Crossing. Apart from it the exodus is uninterrupted ever since it began 15 years ago; this has reduced to the mĂ­nimum the number of people that can be studied. Truly, the Indian exists no more in the province of Buenos Aires.Digitalizado en SEDICI-CIC Digital.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNM

    Trace element contamination in the arms of the Danube Delta (Romania/Ukraine): Current state of knowledge and future needs

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    This paper provides the first critical synopsis of contamination by selected trace elements in the whole Danube Delta (Romania/Ukraine) to: identify general patterns of contamination by trace elements across the Delta, provide recommendations to refine existing monitoring networks and discuss the potential toxicity of trace elements in the whole Delta. Sediment samples were collected between 2004 and 2007 in the three main branches of the Delta (Chilia, Sulina and Sfantu Gheorghe) and in the secondary delta of the Chilia branch. Samples were analyzed for trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) and TiO2, Fe2O3, MnO, CaCO3 and total organic carbon. Cluster analysis (CA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that levels of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were influenced by anthropogenic activities. At the opposite, concentrations of Cr and Ni largely originated from the weathering of rocks located in the Romanian part of the Danube catchment and naturally rich in these elements. Data analysis using Self- Organizing Maps confirmed the conclusions of CA/PCA and further detected that the contamination tended to be higher in the Chilia and Sulina arms than in the Sfantu Gheorghe arm. The potential ecological risks due to trace element contamination in the Danube Delta could be identified as moderate and localized, provided that the presence of the natural sources of Cr and Ni was properly considered. The available results suggest that monitoring sediment quality at the mouths of Sulina and Sfantu Gheorghe arms is probably enough to get a picture of the sediment quality along their entire lengths. However, a larger network of monitoring points is necessary in the Chilia and secondary Chilia delta to account for the presence of local point sources and for the more complex hydrodynamic of this part of the Danube Delta

    Pain Distraction During Awake Major Colorectal Surgery: Supporting Patients Beyond the COVID-19 Era. Preliminary Findings

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    Introduction: During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, hospitals rapidly ran out of intensive care beds. Because minimally invasive surgery and general anaesthesia are both aerosol-generating procedures, their use has become controversial. We report a case series of awake undelayable colorectal surgeries which, innovatively, took advantage of intraoperative pain distraction. Moreover, we describe our frugal solution to social distancing in psychological support of inpatients. Methods: Between October 2020 and February 2021, five patients underwent acute-care colorectal surgery under locoregional anaesthesia in our department. A 3D mobile theatre (3DMT) was used during the operation to distract the patients from pain. Vital signs, pain intensity, ergonomic comfort/discomfort, sense of presence and distress were intraoperatively monitored. A postoperative “cuddle delivery” service was instituted: video messages from relatives and close friends were delivered daily to the patient through the 3DMT. Emotional effects were investigated through clinical interviews conducted by a psychologist at our hospital. Results: Both intraoperative and postoperative pain were always well controlled. Conversion to general anaesthesia and postoperative intensive support/monitoring were never necessary. The “cuddle delivery” initiative helped patients fill the emotional gap created by the strict containment measures implemented inside the hospital, distracting them from emotional anxiety and physical pain. Conclusions: During the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and even after the COVID-19 era, awake laparotomy under locoregional anaesthesia may be a crucial option for delivering acute-care surgery to selected patients when intensive care beds are unavailable and postponing surgery is unacceptable. We also introduce a new modality for the provision of emotional support during postoperative inpatient care as a countermeasure to the restrictions imposed by social distancing measures

    Teaching design in emerging countries A train-the-trainer methodology

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    Design disciplines have constantly evolved to keep up with the emerging demands of the 21st Century. Design education is thus called to change its methods, tools and approaches. There is an increasing interest in emerging economies in design education, especially in India, where the role of creativity, communication and technology can support social and economic development. This paper aims to present the educational approach developed in the context of the Erasmus+ KA2 project entitled ‘Design and Innovation Capacity Building in India/DESINNO’. The modernisation and internationalisation of Indian universities with innovative and contemporary design courses have been the main goals of a set of research and training activities. In this paper, the state-of-the-art methodologies in design thinking, sustainability, design research, social innovation and ethical issues in design are presented, leading to a bespoke educational approach that provides a platform for Indian design academics to apply modern educational approaches to their specificities and needs

    New application of superconductors: high sensitivity cryogenic light detectors

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    In this paper we describe the current status of the CALDER project, which is developing ultra-sensitive light detectors based on superconductors for cryogenic applications. When we apply an AC current to a superconductor, the Cooper pairs oscillate and acquire kinetic inductance, that can be measured by inserting the superconductor in a LC circuit with high merit factor. Interactions in the superconductor can break the Cooper pairs, causing sizable variations in the kinetic inductance and, thus, in the response of the LC circuit. The continuous monitoring of the amplitude and frequency modulation allows to reconstruct the incident energy with excellent sensitivity. This concept is at the basis of Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs), that are characterized by natural aptitude to multiplexed read-out (several sensors can be tuned to different resonant frequencies and coupled to the same line), resolution of few eV, stable behavior over a wide temperature range, and ease in fabrication. We present the results obtained by the CALDER collaboration with 2x2 cm2 substrates sampled by 1 or 4 Aluminum KIDs. We show that the performances of the first prototypes are already competitive with those of other commonly used light detectors, and we discuss the strategies for a further improvement
